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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Have not attended one yet

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So ties would be the last person above the cutoff line and the first person below right ?


Here is what I'm def sending in my package this year.   










On the ledge I just completed SAPR VA school and have the cert from the school.  Should I send it or not?  Also there is a nicer Cert you get after they approve your application but I'm not sure it will be here in time.  But whats your thoughts on sending the school Cert.   I had one master chief tell me not a big deal and don't worry about sending it just send the above.  Just curious what some of you think !!!

Guest hayes

For what it's worth, I had the same thing. Finished SAPR VA training but not credentialed yet by D-SAACP (takes a while, it's been 4 weeks since I sent it in). I didn't send mine with my LTB because it's just a cert and I haven't really done any duties as a SAPR VA yet. I don't think it's a game changer, but that's just me.


Thats probably why the master chief told me not to send it , they would rather see it in your eval not just a cert !  Just curious what others thought ! Thanks


For what it's worth, I had the same thing. Finished SAPR VA training but not credentialed yet by D-SAACP (takes a while, it's been 4 weeks since I sent it in). I didn't send mine with my LTB because it's just a cert and I haven't really done any duties as a SAPR VA yet. I don't think it's a game changer, but that's just me.

That is a valid train of thought, that also applies to anything you are all ready sending.  If it is in your EVAL dont send it.

Guest Blondie

Here is my package this year:


Three PIMs from different periods of TAD

Commendation medal citation and cert that wasn't in my OMPF

JPME & PPME certs

Paperwork regarding college courses I've done

Guest osiris0107

Has anyone tried to complete the SEJPME course that they put up this month on JKO? I have been only able to get to the first module then it boots me out. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues?

Guest HawaiiGM

Is the PME cert a game changer when it comes to the CPO packages?


Is the PME cert a game changer when it comes to the CPO packages?



I can only imagine it would be, although your guess would be good as mine...could put you above someone who may not have it


The section the EPME/JPME are in is third in the priority list on the precept.  Leadership is king.  If you don't have leadership you can do all the EPME courses you want, you won't get selected.  EPME is important but it is a supplement to leadership and in particular leadership with sustained superior performance.

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Absolutely correct etfc! I would be cautious though, in a lot of cases board members see quantity (a lot of it), but not all ways quality in relation to individuals packages. Don't get me wrong, quantity is not missguided, but in some cases it can compromise the quality... Just my humble 2 Cents and observation.

Guest Blondie

Is the PME cert a game changer when it comes to the CPO packages?

The PPME and JPME courses are listed by name in the precepts so while we can speculate all we want about how much relative weight they carry the bottom line is they do in fact carry weight. And things that carry weight can affect whether or not different candidates are selected by the board. Not doing them can only lower your chances.

Guest HAZEGREY1775

Has anyone tried to complete the SEJPME course that they put up this month on JKO? I have been only able to get to the first module then it boots me out. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues?

I did it in 3 hrs on May 1st.....LOL

Guest osiris0107

I did it in 3 hrs on May 1st.....LOL

How were you able to complete it so quickly? I have figured out that I can log on to JKO on my phone and just do it through that way.

Guest HAZEGREY1775

How were you able to complete it so quickly? I have figured out that I can log on to JKO on my phone and just do it through that way.

Honestly, I just scrolled through the material.. i already know the material VERY well though.... so that might've been a factor. 

Guest tokeisch

Patiently awaiting the convening order for FTS board and Quotas......... Shouldn't it be out soon? Last years was dated 12 May for a 19 May convening. 


Curious to know, any other FTS sailors out there?

Guest hayes

Patiently awaiting the convening order for FTS board and Quotas......... Shouldn't it be out soon? Last years was dated 12 May for a 19 May convening.

Curious to know, any other FTS sailors out there?

The date is before the convening date because the quotas are already set, it just doesn't get released publicly until after the board convenes. Same with the membership.

Guest osiris0107

This is my first time sending something in for the Chief's Board, just wondering if you folks scanned all your paperwork in as one PDF or if you did a seperate PDF for each piece of paperwork?


One of the first thing the Master Chief asked me today was "Did you have your PPME done?" to which I replied no because I didn't have enough time to finish it. Now as mentioned above he just got back from the SCPO boards, so I am thinking they obviously looked at the PPME, etc. a lot closer because of the new reg that after this last cycle of newly promoted Master Chiefs you must have graduated the SEA to be eligible for MCPO.


Having said that here is my 2 cents. Keep in mind I am not a Chief, which obviously means I didn't sit any boards, however. While I truely see the importance of the PME for continuing education through online courses and increasing my knowledge of leadership, in the end PME is just a course on NKO. It isn't a one time shot like our Chief's exam it is an extremely lengthy course online in which you can wrongfully answer every portion, even stumble through, and arrive at the end where you graduate from the NWC. IF I were a board member I wouldn't give the PME anymore weight than the precepts or grading already provides. Clicking through an NKO, in my opinion, isn't an indication of how well you lead sailors or contribute to the sailorization of a command. If this seems like it's my personal opinion and everyone reading this is a huge fan of NKO courses, I'll refer you to the SECNAV's speech today to midshipmen at Annapolis, declaring an end to GMT on NKO:


"Command triads will determine if and when training is needed, you may hear sea-stories of mundane, arduous, and seemingly pointless GMT, but you won't experience it," This apparently effective June 1.

Sound logic, both on the part of your (assumed) mentors as well as yourself!


One of the first thing the Master Chief asked me today was "Did you have your PPME done?" to which I replied no because I didn't have enough time to finish it. Now as mentioned above he just got back from the SCPO boards, so I am thinking they obviously looked at the PPME, etc. a lot closer because of the new reg that after this last cycle of newly promoted Master Chiefs you must have graduated the SEA to be eligible for MCPO.


Having said that here is my 2 cents. Keep in mind I am not a Chief, which obviously means I didn't sit any boards, however. While I truely see the importance of the PME for continuing education through online courses and increasing my knowledge of leadership, in the end PME is just a course on NKO. It isn't a one time shot like our Chief's exam it is an extremely lengthy course online in which you can wrongfully answer every portion, even stumble through, and arrive at the end where you graduate from the NWC. IF I were a board member I wouldn't give the PME anymore weight than the precepts or grading already provides. Clicking through an NKO, in my opinion, isn't an indication of how well you lead sailors or contribute to the sailorization of a command. If this seems like it's my personal opinion and everyone reading this is a huge fan of NKO courses, I'll refer you to the SECNAV's speech today to midshipmen at Annapolis, declaring an end to GMT on NKO:


"Command triads will determine if and when training is needed, you may hear sea-stories of mundane, arduous, and seemingly pointless GMT, but you won't experience it," This apparently effective June 1.



So, if you haven't done the PPME how can you sit here and give an obviously incorrect ASSumption about it?  It's not your typical NKO training nor is it a GMT.  Oh, thanks for sharing the SECNAV's speech IRT to ending GMT's on NKO, but it's not relevant in this case.  


Are the EPME courses as effective as a school?  Probably not, but not everyone can go on school orders.  It is an effective way to offer standardized training to the entire fleet.  I wish they would make changes to it so it is less easy to click through or skip optional sections.  However, these are not click through courses.  By the time you pass the test by memorizing the answers by getting them wrong, it would take less time to learn the section.  The questions aren't easy and they rotate.


Some of the sections are better than others, but I completed the V2 a few years back and I am currently about halfway through V4.  They are improving the course, both in terms of making the information interesting and relevant, but it's not a finished product.  A lot of it is Naval policy based on Sea Power 21.


But you should finish the course before you say that it is essentially worthless.  Big Navy is saying it's important.  So you are essentially hurting yourself by holding out.  If you don't want to do it, don't, but don't get mad when you aren't selected either.  SSP is far more important, but how many things are listed by name on the precept?  Not many and PPME and JPME are two of them.

Guest HawaiiGM

I have a situation and hopefully somebody can provide some guidance, I submitted my CPO package and I have confirmation that NPC has received it. Today my got my PPME cert in my email. Is there any way that I can send it in to be added to my package or should I just not add anything else?

Guest HawaiiGM

Thank you.

So since my last enclosure was enclosure 11, when I submit more information does my next enclosure have to be enclosure 12 or enclosure 1 since I'm submitting another LTB?

Guest Blondie

Thank you.

So since my last enclosure was enclosure 11, when I submit more information does my next enclosure have to be enclosure 12 or enclosure 1 since I'm submitting another LTB?

The only guidance NAVADMIN 222/14 provides regarding multiple LTBs is this:


"Candidates are authorized to submit more than one LTB, vice waiting until the deadline to submit one all-inclusive LTB. Although multiple LTBs are authorized, candidates should not duplicate previously sent information."


Although my opinion is not authoritative, I would recommend numbering the enclosure as 1 since it is a new letter.

Guest hayes

One more vote for Enclosure (1). Think of it as if this is your only LTB and the enclosures on the previously sent letter is already in your record.


In regards to the SAPR, I would have your command make you a designation letter and send that. Ive heard that you want to keep consistency. As you already have a designation letter for FCPOA, I would recommend sending the SAPR in the form of a desig letter. With regards to the other items in your LTB, is any of this reflected in your evals?

The mts is in my eval, the ppme is listed as well.  But I spoke with a AOCM who has sat about 6 boards and he said to def send the big ticket items like mts, jpme ppme .  Ill take my chances.  As far as having them make me a des letter I'm still waiting for my official cert from the application i sent in .  The command won't designate you until you have that cert.  or i would just send a des letter I agree. 

Guest TridentSeaWarrior0625

I need help and advice.  I recently discovered that I was a break in my eval period.  It was long ago.  Some people say it does not matter, others tell me it is very important to get it fix.  The break in my eval from Mar 01, 2003 to May 31, 2004.  I know it was more than five years ago, but I had a senior chief tell me that is greatly frown upon by the board.  What can I do to get it fixed? Also I have two depulicate evals that are more than 5 years old.  HELP PLEASE

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