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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

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To answer some previous questions. Eval continuity is huge. I submitted a letter last year due to a 2 week gap between evals that was missed. If you cannot manage your own record, how can you lead sailors?


I am going in this year with the following: 15 years in / 8.5 years at sea, JSOY selection for FY09, Capped to E6 in 2010, 1 NCM, 4 NAMS, MOVSM, JPME and BPME done, selected as SSOQ last quarter for my department (about 16 first classes). My PMA is 3.8 over the last 5 years. Last year I got the big "N" and I did not have my MOVSM or the PME's done.

Guest Doc-Bigmac

Just finished getting caught up with the forum. Got my ticket to the dance! Here's to anther SBE season. Good luck to all!!!

Guest itdominance

1466 895 61.1 0 .0 25 1.7 0 .0 56.42

test takers               SBE              Percent                                          Failures     Percent of Failures                                   score avg.   



Here are the ITC candidates numbers.

Guest itdominance

895 eligible. If I go by last years stats which was 23 %  then roughly 207 ITC's will be selected.

Guest itdominance

Hi all.  I am new to the forum...official log-in, but I have been following this forum for some time now.  I hope to have a question answered.  The brief run-down is that I have been taking the exam since 2011, and this is the first time that I have been SBE. With that being said, the trend has been an average of 117 point something FMS and I had been cutting a 113 or 114 for the past few cycles except for the very first time for LDO where I missed it by 15 points.  This cycle, the FMS was 157 point something and I cut 165 point something.  So I guess my question is, what does it mean?  Since it went up by 40 points and I surpassed that by 8 points, what are the chances that there will be more or less available CPO Select slots this year?  Last year for PRC, there were 18 Selectees, I believe the time before that was 19 and so on.  It's been averaging between 16-20...give or take for the last few years. Does raising the FMS that drastically over what the average has been increase or decrease a candidates chances? IMO, I would think that if the FMS was higher than normal, and a test-taker managed to hit that mark, then they should have a pretty good chance if not that many other test-takers scored as high.  I am hoping for a little insight and clarity.  Thanks to all.

the scoring system was changed this cycle.

Guest hayes

Hi all.  I am new to the forum...official log-in, but I have been following this forum for some time now.  I hope to have a question answered.  The brief run-down is that I have been taking the exam since 2011, and this is the first time that I have been SBE. With that being said, the trend has been an average of 117 point something FMS and I had been cutting a 113 or 114 for the past few cycles except for the very first time for LDO where I missed it by 15 points.  This cycle, the FMS was 157 point something and I cut 165 point something.  So I guess my question is, what does it mean?  Since it went up by 40 points and I surpassed that by 8 points, what are the chances that there will be more or less available CPO Select slots this year?  Last year for PRC, there were 18 Selectees, I believe the time before that was 19 and so on.  It's been averaging between 16-20...give or take for the last few years. Does raising the FMS that drastically over what the average has been increase or decrease a candidates chances? IMO, I would think that if the FMS was higher than normal, and a test-taker managed to hit that mark, then they should have a pretty good chance if not that many other test-takers scored as high.  I am hoping for a little insight and clarity.  Thanks to all.

The FMS doesn't really change much. SBEs are still the Top 60% of test takers, regardless of what the minimum FMS has been or is now. Remember that because of the change in the scoring system, everyone across the board (even non-SBEs) saw a pretty good bump in their FMS. As far as CPO selects, the FMS has no bearing on that. The Top 60% got a ticket to the dance, it's all about the record now. And of course, the number of the selectees are just based on the number of available slots.

Congratulations on being SBE!


Does anyone know how much the continuity report weighs in? Is it the past 5 years or the entire career?


There is no exact guidance on weight.  It appears it varies from board to board, perhaps at the discretion on the Board President.  What I have heard from Admirals, Master Chiefs is that if you have a 30 day or greater gap you are automatically disqualified.  It's the less than 30 days where it gets fuzzy.  Overlaps aren't as bad as gaps, but still not good.


To directly answer your question about the length of time continuity is your whole career.  If you have any gap you are hurting or killing your chances.  If you can't get it fixed in time you need to at least mention it in your LTB and say that you are taking corrective action.  The ways to fix gaps are in the 1610.10.  It's not hard to fix them, but it does take 2-3 months for Pers to update your record, if they don't lose it the first 1 or 2 times your submit.


To answer some previous questions. Eval continuity is huge. I submitted a letter last year due to a 2 week gap between evals that was missed. If you cannot manage your own record, how can you lead sailors?


I am going in this year with the following: 15 years in / 8.5 years at sea, JSOY selection for FY09, Capped to E6 in 2010, 1 NCM, 4 NAMS, MOVSM, JPME and BPME done, selected as SSOQ last quarter for my department (about 16 first classes). My PMA is 3.8 over the last 5 years. Last year I got the big "N" and I did not have my MOVSM or the PME's done.


Everyone does this, but generating a list of accomplishments is not how you get selected.  Getting selected is not about who has a list of the most awards, watch quals and correspondence courses.  Look at the Precept, Leadership is always the #1 factor in getting selected.


Hopefully the awards were generated due at least in part to leadership.  That counts much more then personal accomplishments.  Rating expertise is important, but isn't as important as leadership.  So the number of COMs or NAMs is less important than what they were for.  Your eval score is less important than what it reflects.


I'm certainly not saying people shouldn't do the EPME or JPME, and volunteer and earn the MOVSM, but that stuff is extra.  Being an LPO/WCS that showed an impact in advancement, awards and retention for their direct subordinates is much more relevant.

Guest itdominance

Everyone does this, but generating a list of accomplishments is not how you get selected.  Getting selected is not about who has a list of the most awards, watch quals and correspondence courses.  Look at the Precept, Leadership is always the #1 factor in getting selected.


Hopefully the awards were generated due at least in part to leadership.  That counts much more then personal accomplishments.  Rating expertise is important, but isn't as important as leadership.  So the number of COMs or NAMs is less important than what they were for.  Your eval score is less important than what it reflects.


I'm certainly not saying people shouldn't do the EPME or JPME, and volunteer and earn the MOVSM, but that stuff is extra.  Being an LPO/WCS that showed an impact in advancement, awards and retention for their direct subordinates is much more relevant.

Great Advice. That's why I am in my current situation. I am a good technician but have learned the last few years to be a leader and trust my subordinates to troubleshoot gear. That's what makes a Chief.

Guest PSjg78



hahahha agree, let it go :-) Glad to see another Admin type here also... I agree don't add it if its already on the eval ... Welcome

Guest itdominance

hopefully that number increases for you with some Chiefs retiring and some putting on Senior Chief

got my fingers crossed. If not this is my last chance. I retire in November 2016 but will not wait it out next year. On a side note I am researching PH.d programs. WooHoo!

Guest Blondie

got my fingers crossed. If not this is my last chance. I retire in November 2016 but will not wait it out next year. On a side note I am researching PH.d programs. WooHoo!

That's awesome.  Good luck!


Another question, and this one might be more obvious than I can see, haha. When scanning my 6 enclosures and Letter, is it acceptable to be in one single .pdf file, so long as each is labeled with its appropriate Enclosure #, full name, and SSN? Thanks.

Yeah that's fine... The folks there print whatever you send anyways

Guest Blondie

Another question, and this one might be more obvious than I can see, haha. When scanning my 6 enclosures and Letter, is it acceptable to be in one single .pdf file, so long as each is labeled with its appropriate Enclosure #, full name, and SSN? Thanks.

NAVADMIN 222/14 does not specify whether it should be one file or not, however I can tell you that I have sent my LTB as a single PDF for the last two years and not had any problems... other than not getting the "S", I guess!  But seriously though, the board will not know the difference.  You are just creating less work for the admin types by sending everything as a single enclosure.


3 years of lurking, I have finally decided to join! 3 times the charm hopefully! Question, I received the 8 month welcome aboard P...no worries there and was expecting it. My concern is my trait average was extremely low, sga was 3.70 I was 3.14? I'm the ALPO of 25 Sailors which have achieved successes and took on ACFL, DAPA and earned my FMF qual. I,m coming off a #1 of 37 and SOY.


Good luck to all SBE's this year! This is my 3rd time going up for Chief. I'm hopeful that this will be my year. 


3 years of lurking, I have finally decided to join! 3 times the charm hopefully! Question, I received the 8 month welcome aboard P...no worries there and was expecting it. My concern is my trait average was extremely low, sga was 3.70 I was 3.14? I'm the ALPO of 25 Sailors which have achieved successes and took on ACFL, DAPA and earned my FMF qual. I,m coming off a #1 of 37 and SOY.


I wouldn't worry too much about the 3.14.  It isn't great, but you were new to the command.  As long as the 4 evals before that showed SSP it won't kill you.  If the #1 of 37 was a one off than it might.  If you have 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.14 you'll be fine.  If it's 3.2, 3.6, 3.7, 4.0, 3.14 it might look like you are a slow starter and have trouble getting things done right away.  But #1 of 37 and SOY is pretty impressive.  I think they'll see that more than your FNG "P".


I wouldn't worry too much about the 3.14. It isn't great, but you were new to the command. As long as the 4 evals before that showed SSP it won't kill you. If the #1 of 37 was a one off than it might. If you have 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.14 you'll be fine. If it's 3.2, 3.6, 3.7, 4.0, 3.14 it might look like you are a slow starter and have trouble getting things done right away. But #1 of 37 and SOY is pretty impressive. I think they'll see that more than your FNG "P".


Thanks Chief, I'm happy you were able to explain it very well... and my 5 year trait averages are as follows 3.14 P, 4.43 EP, 4.14 EP, 3.57 P first ranked eval as a PO1, 4.00 MP frocked. I know alot more goes into scrubbing packages than simply your trait average. The way it had always been explained is you want to be at or above your peers. Thanks again, and I probably jacked up the correct way to reply...noob status still!


Thanks Chief, I'm happy you were able to explain it very well... and my 5 year trait averages are as follows 3.14 P, 4.43 EP, 4.14 EP, 3.57 P first ranked eval as a PO1, 4.00 MP frocked. I know alot more goes into scrubbing packages than simply your trait average. The way it had always been explained is you want to be at or above your peers. Thanks again, and I probably jacked up the correct way to reply...noob status still!


Not a problem.  The score itself is relative to what the Summary Group Average was.  For example my last two FCPO evals were 4.7 and 4.5.  The Summary Group Average for the 4.7 was around a 3.8 and it was 3.1 for the 4.5.  So in my case the 4.5 was more impressive than the 4.7 because it was much higher than the SGA.


Rule of thumb you always want to be above the SGA and the higher you are over it the better.

Guest IT_wife

Hey all...just popping in to say Hi, congrats and good luck to all the SBE's. My husband made board again this year. 9th time up and really hoping he's not disappointed again this year. He, unfortunately, got railroaded with a series of poorly worded evals when he was assigned to a pre-com back in '06 and they've just been following him around. Looooonng, messy story there. The last ugly eval dropped of his record last cycle...It's heart breaking every year to watch him go through that. He'll be dropping his retirement papers in September if he's passed up again...so fingers crossed that this is his year. We're not quite ready to join the civilian ranks just yet. ;) 


Best of luck to you all!

Guest jeremybauman23

Question about the Board Packages. I have completed the PME courses and they say it takes 10 days for FLTMPS to update from Navy eLearning. Do I need to request a certificate in order to submit with my package or will they see I have completed this some other way? Thanks in advance.


You definitely need to request the certificates and include them as enclosures to your package. It's the best practice to send in what's not in your OMPF, and you're right in saying that FLTMPS will update, but if the board members aren't looking there, then you get zero credit for your hard work and dedication to those courses. Certificates should get sent out every 2-3 weeks.


I would agree that you should request the certificate from the NWC.  The length of time can vary depending on demand, which increases around board time, surprise, surprise.  If you don't get the single cert for completion of all blocks from the NWC, you can include all of the certs from NKO E-Learning.  You have to adjust the font size on your browser to get them to print correctly though.  The best bet is to include it on your Eval Block 44.  Since it looks like you completed it after your last eval I would definately send the certs in with your LTB.

Guest SeatMech1

Long time lurker here.  I was rooting through my PSR and noticed I have a 2 month gap between March and May of 2003.  I know it's a long time ago, but I'm taking actions to correct it..  My question is:  When I submit my LTB, should I include the "statement in lieu of missing report" I am submitting to PERS-32?  Or should I just submit a memo stating I know there is a gap, and I'm taking corrective actions?

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