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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

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So estimated numbers from community manager was 30%, real quota 16%.  Guess the fluctuation from the past few years is slowing down.  It would yo-yo from 30% to 10% for about the past 4 cycles.

Guest hayes

So estimated numbers from community manager was 30%, real quota 16%. Guess the fluctuation from the past few years is slowing down. It would yo-yo from 30% to 10% for about the past 4 cycles.

AME1, I was lurking and looked into your rate's community health when it was being discussed the other day. "Advancement opportunity" on the slide indicates the most recent % of advancement, it is not meant to be an estimate of the advancement quota. Yours seem to have had an error. The 30.69% advancement opportunity was the FY 14 number.

Guest FCC_Thawk

I looked at last year's status and I have two N's on there. Does anyone know why that would happen?


AME1, I was lurking and looked into your rate's community health when it was being discussed the other day. "Advancement opportunity" on the slide indicates the most recent % of advancement, it is not meant to be an estimate of the advancement quota. Yours seem to have had an error. The 30.69% advancement opportunity was the FY 14 number.

That and the slide is dated April 2015........ Just sayin


Thank you everyone. That makes me breathe a little easier. My CO definitely already knows and I am going to stay on top of the situation to make sure it gets taken care of quickly. Luckily I am at a small command. So does the board not look at PRIMS data when making their decision?

The ADMIN members are. The MCPOs no. All the ADMIN guys will do is flag the record that the board see's, once the MCPO's get to the record that was flagged if the EVAL covering that period does not annotate the failure your record will get thrown into a H status (if the rest of your record was selectable).
Guest AWFChief

19.51% That's what i'm talking about.   Good luck everyone!

Guest osiris0107

8% is better than 0!

Guest itdominance

standing by for convening board to be released!


Good Morning everyone, another day closer! I am predicting July 31st for results to be released.

Guest Blondie

Does anyone know when the Convening Order and Members will be released?

That's what I keep checking for too... it's interesting that the quotas were released before those.

Guest Blondie

I just would like to know if the "one" sitting the board is one that I have ticked off.  With a 40% quota, OOD underway and TAO letter I know I have a great shot

That's awesome, good luck brother.

Guest sk32004toLSC

Convening order and membership


I just would like to know if the "one" sitting the board is one that I have ticked off.  With a 40% quota, OOD underway and TAO letter I know I have a great shot


From my understanding if someone on the board knows you they are supposed to flag your package as such and send it back into the pool for someone else to grade so personal feelings good or bad cannot influence if you get selected.

Guest Blondie

Next milestone will be people reporting the board members returning to their commands in a few weeks... here we go!

Guest Blondie

From my understanding if someone on the board knows you they are supposed to flag your package as such and send it back into the pool for someone else to grade so personal feelings good or bad cannot influence if you get selected.

I heard that BUPERS hides your name, social, and "he" and "she" from the documents the board members can see.  Can't confirm though!


For those of you following this forum who were were e not board eligible and unfortunate not enough to be selected in the end, down load a copy of the board members. If you don't know anyone on this list within you respective rating or CMDCM, reach out through you investigative tools (FLTMPS, NKO White Pages, ect.) Your approach should be to establish contact, post CPO Selection board to establish a "mentor/protege" relationship..... Just my humble "8" cents.


I heard that BUPERS hides your name, social, and "he" and "she" from the documents the board members can see. Can't confirm though!

False, directly from a board member I know from this last 8 board that I was selected from....the board member can grade you package (Without bias) or choose to hand it back to be evaluated by another board member. Your package will go through at least two reviews before it is removed from the selection process to prevent a negative bias, and in the same process will be evaluated and presented numerous times to prevent a personal favoritism vote.

True on the removal of names.

Guest osiris0107

Not sure if anyone mentioned this but ensure your CPO 365 PQS is completely filled out with notes and signatures (except Phase 2 of course) before the results come out.


I think this might come across a little ignorant, but what PQS' are you talking about and what are the signatures for?


My old chief when I was an AO2 is now on the board as a CMDCM  crazy glad I didn't burn any bridges with that guy !

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