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FY17 Chief Selection Board

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Guest navyordie123
1 minute ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

Maybe you should share the MCPON's Guidance with them and your CPOs. Phase I and Phase II are mandatory and there is zero excuse for not having it. How can anyone say they are completing Phase II of a program that doesn't have a Phase I? Why doesn't your command have a program? I won't say anymore on this at this time because it will come from emotion and not come off the correct way. Nothing directed at you personally, I just don't understand how any command doesn't have a Phase I program or doesn't ensure it is being conducted.

I really appreciate your feedback and your willingness to hold back so it will not come off of pure emotion. I am not wanting to throw anyone under the bus but I just wanted to get that off of my chest. Before being on this forum, I did not see 365 as that big of a deal because some of the commands that I have been at did not put a big push for it. But this forum has opened my eyes to the importance of 365 and that it can greatly help focus a FCPO and prepare us for the future of possibly entering the world of a Chief. Thank you to all of you especially you @CPO_Pride247 and @Tony and all my fellow FCPOs on here that have made me realize the importance of all the programs that help and guide us to the Chiefs Mess. 

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Guest Sailor#1
38 minutes ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

Most FCPO Messes are cutthroat. Although there are good ones that work together to make things happen, there is the same common denominator of everyone shooting to put on anchors. People sometimes let that distract from doing what's best for their fellow Sailors. It was the same for me when I was a FCPO. A lot of people not working together, and people sometimes stepping on other people to succeed.

We actually have a pretty good FCPOA mess at the new command I just transfered to 6 mo ago, everyone is working together, no one was just going for those anchors... I wasnt either... I was just doing what I felt I needed to do to have a great team of 1st classes and below. I am an FY17 Selectee (FTS) and I kinda feel bad not being part of that FCPOA anymore... we built some strong relationships... and I was the only one selected from that group.... But I am super excited to become part of another mess... Chief's mess... in a couple months... 

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Guest Admin_warrior

Good stuff on the forum today. I just transferred from my command and I must say that CPO 365 was really beneficial. We had it twice a month, one day would be PT and another day would be training. Most times the chiefs taught at training and other times they would let the first classes join in and train. The CPOs taught us the benefit of networking and told us sticking together would help in the end. There were always and will always be FCPOs that look out for themselves but we all want to put on anchors so putting your bother or sister down is not the way to go. 

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Guest navyordie123
1 hour ago, Admin_warrior said:

Good stuff on the forum today. I just transferred from my command and I must say that CPO 365 was really beneficial. We had it twice a month, one day would be PT and another day would be training. Most times the chiefs taught at training and other times they would let the first classes join in and train. The CPOs taught us the benefit of networking and told us sticking together would help in the end. There were always and will always be FCPOs that look out for themselves but we all want to put on anchors so putting your bother or sister down is not the way to go. 

You are absolutely right, we should never put our brothers and sisters down. We are all equals and should treat each other that way. We are as a FCPO mess, a single rank and we don't always treat each other as equals but you look at the Chiefs Mess and they treat each other as equals no matter if they are a brand new pinned Chief or a Master Chief that has been in the Navy for almost 30 years. I know we are trying to make Chief but isn't part of us making Chief, using team work to solve problems? 

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Guest navyordie123
6 minutes ago, CS_UNO said:

I understand where you coming from and agree with most of your post @navyordie123 but I must disagree that all Chiefs mess treat each other as equals even new pinned Chiefs.

Here at my new command I've seen other Chiefs/Seniors talk about other CPOs saying things like "he's a new Chief or only been a Chief a year", when they would refer to another Chief. There is also a really junior Chief at the command and the FCPOs have heard "oh they don't like him in the mess". 

Whereas at my last command I could really see how strong the CPO mess was and can be. Like most things I think it just depends on the command. 


Your absolutely right, it does depend on the command and I know all commands are different but weither it be the FCPO mess or the Chiefs Mess, they should be equal in that aspect. In a perfect Navy they would be but its not and we have to strive to make whatever mess we are in the best it can be

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Guest AWFChief
On 7/22/2016 at 7:30 PM, DeepSea5342 said:

FY-2016, NAVADMIN 184/15 — 08/06/15 — Wednesday** 


Release within the last 4 days of Jul: 25%
Release within the first 6 days of Aug: 62.5%
Release after the 7 days of Aug: 12.5%

Release on a Monday: 0.06%
Release on a Tuesday: 18%
Release on a Wednesday: 31%
Release on a Thursday: 12%
Release on a Friday: 31%

08/06/15 was a Thursday not a Wednesday.  What does the ** mean after your Wednesday?

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Guest AWFChief
8 hours ago, FC1THawk said:

I have a boat load of self doubt. This being my ninth look, I'm so used to seeing the N that thinking that I could actually get the S seems far fetched at best. I know that I have a good shot and my evals and performance has constantly progressed in the last few years, but the feeling of not being good enough no matter how well I've done is hard to shake. 

Try to stay positive and keep leading your Sailors.  I know you hear this a lot but I've been in your shoes. Sometimes it is strictly numbers.  Your quota is 26.6%, is that average over the years?  How many looks do you have left?

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Guest navyordie123
5 hours ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

This video really sums up indirect mentorship. Think of how many people you have made a difference in and will never know. Think of all the people who have done the same for you, and yet they have no idea. As you move into Phase II it is important to really take time and remember everyone who has gotten you to this point. No one gets anywhere in life with someone else's help and guidance. Happy Sunday! If the August 3rd timeline stays on course it is less then two weeks.

That was a great video, I have had a few lollipop moments in my career, both created and acknowledged. The most rewarding moments are those that you don't expect. I try to carry both types of lollipop moments with me and use them as motivation to create better sailors.

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Guest FCC_Thawk
18 hours ago, AWFChief said:

Try to stay positive and keep leading your Sailors.  I know you hear this a lot but I've been in your shoes. Sometimes it is strictly numbers.  Your quota is 26.6%, is that average over the years?  How many looks do you have left?

It's below average from the last few years. Last year it was 43% and the year prior it was 38%. I'm pretty certain that my limited duty tours have hindered my ability to advance. I'm doing my best to stay positive, but it's been pretty tough to be honest. After this year's look, I'll have two more chances before I have to call it a career. 

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Guest navyordie123
6 minutes ago, FC1THawk said:

It's below average from the last few years. Last year it was 43% and the year prior it was 38%. I'm pretty certain that my limited duty tours have hindered my ability to advance. I'm doing my best to stay positive, but it's been pretty tough to be honest. After this year's look, I'll have two more chances before I have to call it a career. 

I know how you feel about the LIMDU issue but from what I have read and my understanding is that the board can't hold that against you because it is out of you control. I am still worried about it as well since I was LIMDU last year. 

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Guest FCC_Thawk
7 minutes ago, navyordie123 said:

I know how you feel about the LIMDU issue but from what I have read and my understanding is that the board can't hold that against you because it is out of you control. I am still worried about it as well since I was LIMDU last year. 

It's true, they cannot hold it against you. But from what I've been told, they can hold the fact that your sea/shore rotation is out of whack because of the LIMDU against you. Sucks, but it makes sense. If you bounce around commands with no real continuity, it's hard to build any kind of SSP. 

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Guest navyordie123
3 minutes ago, FC1THawk said:

It's true, they cannot hold it against you. But from what I've been told, they can hold the fact that your sea/shore rotation is out of whack because of the LIMDU against you. Sucks, but it makes sense. If you bounce around commands with no real continuity, it's hard to build any kind of SSP. 

I understand that but as long as you have had the SSP then it should count for you. I was only at a command for a year and a half and only got one ranked eval before I went LIMDU and got a transfer eval then was there just long enough to get a ranked eval before I transferred again. I know it's hard to get SSP that way but they can go back farther than 5 Evals if hey have too especially I would think after going LIMDU

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Guest FCC_Thawk
14 minutes ago, navyordie123 said:

I understand that but as long as you have had the SSP then it should count for you. I was only at a command for a year and a half and only got one ranked eval before I went LIMDU and got a transfer eval then was there just long enough to get a ranked eval before I transferred again. I know it's hard to get SSP that way but they can go back farther than 5 Evals if hey have too especially I would think after going LIMDU

I've been LIMDU twice since 2011. Prior to my right knee turning into dust, I did pretty well. I guess we'll see if my LIMDU time will continue to haunt me in a couple weeks 

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24 minutes ago, navyordie123 said:

I understand that but as long as you have had the SSP then it should count for you. I was only at a command for a year and a half and only got one ranked eval before I went LIMDU and got a transfer eval then was there just long enough to get a ranked eval before I transferred again. I know it's hard to get SSP that way but they can go back farther than 5 Evals if hey have too especially I would think after going LIMDU

Just a heads up, sustained superior performance is an ongoing evolving thing where you are continuously showing that your performance is superior to your peers not only in the past but presently. If you are currently not showing superior performance, even though you did in the past, then it is not SSP - with the keyword being "sustained". BBb)

Also -> Superior Performance - Well Documented

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Guest navyordie123
8 minutes ago, Tony said:

Just a heads up, sustained superior performance is an ongoing evolving thing where you are continuously showing that your performance is superior to your peers not only in the past but presently. If you are currently not showing superior performance compared to your peers, then it is not SSP - with the keyword being "sustained". BBb)

Also -> Superior Performance - Well Documented

We both understand that, its just that we aren't sure if the board sees LIMDU as a hinderence. The reason I brought up SSP is because most LIMDU cases only last about 6 months and its hard to perform at the highest level possible in such a short time, and sometimes you aren't even ranked against your peers during that time.

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Guest FCC_Thawk
15 minutes ago, Tony said:

Just a heads up, sustained superior performance is an ongoing evolving thing where you are continuously showing that your performance is superior to your peers not only in the past but presently. If you are currently not showing superior performance, even though you did in the past, then it is not SSP - with the keyword being "sustained". BBb)

Also -> Superior Performance - Well Documented

That's what I was getting at. If you take my scenario vs another FC1 with a good sea shore rotation and comparable qualifications, the choice is obvious in my eyes. 

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Guest navyordie123
10 minutes ago, FC1THawk said:

That's what I was getting at. If you take my scenario vs another FC1 with a good sea shore rotation and comparable qualifications, the choice is obvious in my eyes. 

We will find out soon brother, I'm just hoping that LIMDU isn't looked at in a negative light. It would be like saying that we weren't able to move out of the same area and we stayed in that area for most of our careers cause that's not supposed to be looked at negative either.

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Guest FCC_Thawk
13 minutes ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

Make sure to always take time to explain your sea/shore rotation in your LTB. Don't allow others to interpret things for you. Also, make it a point to include in your EVAL write-up how close you are or were to getting a qualification before going LIMDU. One of the EVAL writing guides I was sent states to always include in your EVAL what stopped the QUAL or how close you are to obtaining it. The board doesn't know you were 80% done, they just know you're not done. Use your EVALs and your LTB to your advantage.

I did write an explanation on my LTB regarding my rotation. Qual-wise, I'm not missing anything. I have CSC, CSOOW, MTS, and ECO (Tomahawk qual). During my LIMDU's I was not at work very often due to have my knee reconstructed twice and dealing with the associated physical therapy. My evals still showed that I wasn't useless while there, but it doesn't compare to those out to sea doing the job. 

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Guest navyordie123
1 hour ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

I understand that when on LIMDU there may be some physical limitations but I don't agree with not being able to perform at a high level in 6 months. What about people who go TAD to help a deployment or get picked up as a Requirement for Forces? A lot of times those are only 4 to 6 months long and they still are able to jump in and perform.

This is why it is important to write your EVALs "to" the board. "Although FC1 had this limitation he still led 4 CPO 365 topics and coordinated 5 events of the base". There are always ways to add some value to whatever situation you see yourself in. Yes, not getting ranked with your peers can hurt, but being somewhere for a limited amount of time is not a valid excuse.

I did take advantage and I lead a training program to teach my juniors for the next advancement exam. What I meant by all that was, getting the collateral duties and command things that you can't get due to being there such a short time. Commands limit you to certain things because you are only there for six months so you don't always get the chances that someone who is there for 2 or 3 years does. Should have explained better earlier.

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Guest FCC_Thawk
11 minutes ago, DeepSea5342 said:

Gotta say, I spent the weekend surfing and enjoying the sun here in San Diego, and it was such a beautiful distractor!! 

It's a beautiful place! I'm a little partial to it though since it's my hometown lol

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Guest navyordie123
12 minutes ago, CS_UNO said:

I had a dream last night that I got the "S" and I usually never dream about making rank. When I was up for first I had a dream I didn't make it and ended up making it first time. This is also my first year up.. Not sure how to feel after that..

Anywho, just thinking, THIS FRIDAY(I'm assuming looking at past results)Navy Advancement Center will hopefully post when we can expect results.I can honestly say that time has went by a little fast and we are now nearing results! 

I think they will post when the results will be out but I don't think this will be the week that they come out. I'm pretty sure everyone can agree with me that we wish they would come out so we can get the long awaited results over with but I'm still shooting for August 3rd.

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Guest Admin_warrior
1 hour ago, CS_UNO said:

I had a dream last night that I got the "S" and I usually never dream about making rank. When I was up for first I had a dream I didn't make it and ended up making it first time. This is also my first year up.. Not sure how to feel after that..

Anywho, just thinking, THIS FRIDAY(I'm assuming looking at past results)Navy Advancement Center will hopefully post when we can expect results.I can honestly say that time has went by a little fast and we are now nearing results! 

I agree I think this Friday we should know the exact dates of the releases (triad,bol,Navadmin). Navy Advancement Center is pretty good if anything they will post on their Facebook page.

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Guest AZ4Ever

So with another week ahead of us! What are some of the things we can do to help us for the next level? I've been working on my close out and also wrote my next eval for November... It helps with time and also helps me with my 2nd classes because I give it to them to see what they would change. 

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Guest navyordie123

good morning to all and happy Monday. I hope that everyone is doing well this morning and I how that everyone had a good and relaxing weekend. Last full week of having to wait for the results and I hope that everyone is prepared. Weither it be spending more time with the family, doing those last minute around the house things or whatever cause if we are lucky enough to get that lovely S this year then we aren't gonna have a lot of time for any of that. I wish the best of luck to everyone that is SBE and I hope that we get to see a lot of "I made it!!" or I got the "S" posts on here. Be prepared, stay focused and take care of sailors!

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1 hour ago, Donkey Racer said:

If you have the time, try writing yourself an award. When you get to the next level you will be writing awards a lot (or at least should be). If this is not your strong point, practice makes perfect. Your community should have an Awards Gouge or Go-By that is used frequently to keep the awards consistent and easy to review.

Good luck all!!

This is some real good advise folks. 

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