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Guest FTS(PS)

We haven't had a visit, but I am pretty sure that is why they are saying by the 4th...but as we all know, things can happen to delay that...  

The key word there is "by"...meaning no later than the 4th.....meaning anytime between now and the 4th......So with that being said....I believe him too.....lol...I don't know if they will release them right before a 4 day weekend though....Id think they would want time to meet and discuss things with the selects immediately following their selection.....if the results come out on the 3rd...there will be a good deal of people on leave and not around to get the initial words of wisdom.

Guest ewith1999

The key word there is "by"...meaning no later than the 4th.....meaning anytime between now and the 4th......So with that being said....I believe him too.....lol...I don't know if they will release them right before a 4 day weekend though....Id think they would want time to meet and discuss things with the selects immediately following their selection.....if the results come out on the 3rd...there will be a good deal of people on leave and not around to get the initial words of wisdom.

Exactly.  I was "counseled" by my spouse (who happens to be a Chief) about this exact topic.  We will be on vacation the 27th through the 6th.  If I am selected I will miss those words of wisdom.   

Guest ewith1999

Exactly.  I was "counseled" by my spouse (who happens to be a Chief) about this exact topic.  We will be on vacation the 27th through the 6th.  If I am selected I will miss those words of wisdom.   


And I will hear about it from numerous people I am sure. 

Guest FTS(PS)

Exactly.  I was "counseled" by my spouse (who happens to be a Chief) about this exact topic.  We will be on vacation the 27th through the 6th.  If I am selected I will miss those words of wisdom.   

I will be on leave for a week starting on the 1st....with your leave dates though Im pretty sure that you won't be around for the announcement I'm thinking the results will either be the 26th or the 30th.....I just hope to be in this forum next year given words of wisdom and encouragement....and not hoping to be on the list again...lol

Guest ewith1999

I will be on leave for a week starting on the 1st....with your leave dates though Im pretty sure that you won't be around for the announcement I'm thinking the results will either be the 26th or the 30th.....I just hope to be in this forum next year given words of wisdom and encouragement....and not hoping to be on the list again...lol

I will be in the middle of nowhere and probably won't be online much if at all...so hopefully the results come out next week (LOL). 

Guest FTS(PS)

Another wake up......Another day of waiting.....Tomorrow will make a full month since the board convened....I need this week to fly by....I am sure the weekend will drag though...lol..

Guest PSjg78

On leave til Monday .... Then back on leave again next Wednesday .... I need to relax before these results come out ...

Guest FTS(PS)

I just can't help but to keep thinking what if i don't make it.....Im even more worried now that I found a recently pinned Chief that doesn't have a warfare pin or a clearance.....no telling what they were looking for this time around....I won't know what else Id need to do to make it happen...This wait has me feeling like a pregnant woman...lol.....all up in my emotions  :wacko:


It's a good idea to take leave now to take care of personal or family business. When that list drops any day from now and you are on it, you will have a long two months ahead. That's what I did last year. Good luck to you all.

Guest ewith1999

It's a good idea to take leave now to take care of personal or family business. When that list drops any day from now and you are on it, you will have a long two months ahead. That's what I did last year. Good luck to you all.



Guest ewith1999

I just can't help but to keep thinking what if i don't make it.....Im even more worried now that I found a recently pinned Chief that doesn't have a warfare pin or a clearance.....no telling what they were looking for this time around....I won't know what else Id need to do to make it happen...This wait has me feeling like a pregnant woman...lol.....all up in my emotions  :wacko:


I have said the exact same things - what else could I possibly do?  I have been told to try for a MOVSM (as I don't have one yet - and don't have the requirements met just yet). 


I just can't help but to keep thinking what if i don't make it.....Im even more worried now that I found a recently pinned Chief that doesn't have a warfare pin or a clearance.....no telling what they were looking for this time around....I won't know what else Id need to do to make it happen...This wait has me feeling like a pregnant woman...lol.....all up in my emotions  :wacko:

Security clearance will not affect selection if the rating does not require one in a post board scrub. A CPO without a warfare pin is not uncommon in ratings that seldom have operational billets.


Security clearance will not affect selection if the rating does not require one in a post board scrub. A CPO without a warfare pin is not uncommon in ratings that seldom have operational billets.

The above statement is very true especially when it comes to the FTS community. There are instances where a member could never be detailed to a platform that has a warfare program. Warfare pins can distinguish you from your peers however Sustained Superior Performance is the key to it all. I myself have 4 warfare pins but that doesn't make me a leader, mentor, and all around great sailor.


It's a good idea to take leave now to take care of personal or family business. When that list drops any day from now and you are on it, you will have a long two months ahead. That's what I did last year. Good luck to you all.

I took leave the latter part of next week to clear my mind for the coming results. Fingers are still crossed for the week of the 30th.

Guest Mustang6235

So far this year has been easier for me than last year. I'm still hopeful to make it. Last year I was disappointed for about 2 days. I then realized I have a civilian job to do and a family to care for, and it put not making it into perspective. We all know good firsts that never make it and bad firsts that do. All we can do is be a good chief if we make it, and act like a good chief if we don't!

Guest GaEM1

Well it has been about year 7 I think for being board eligible.  I have 3 more times to reach for that anchor and I will continue to work harder each year.


I have noticed that the first few years I was excited and check  the boards every few hours.  Now I look for my name but don't get depressed when I am not listed.




My short story below:


I am going to an interview at a high end corporation and have on my best $200 suit, my good looking Casio watch, my polished leather shoes, and I drive there in my wife's car instead of my old pickup just in case they see me in the parking lot.  I am proud of how I look and know I have a great resume.


The interview goes well and I believe I have the job.  When I am leaving I see another man entering the same office, in a $2000 suit, a Rolex on his arm, and driving a new BMW.


Even though we may both may be equally qualified, I never would have known my competition was so much more impressive until I actually saw my competition.  That is my opinion of the evaluation system and how it totally depends on how you dress the looks of the eval.  It comes down to what the interviewer (board) sees and who writes the best eval if everything else is equal.


It would be a good thing to scrub the top 5-10 evals of those selected in every rate (or just random selection) , remove the PII and lines that would show command names and publish these for all to see.  This would let everyone see that they are close and what the targeted Sailors look like on paper.


Just my opinion.

Guest FTS(PS)

I have said the exact same things - what else could I possibly do?  I have been told to try for a MOVSM (as I don't have one yet - and don't have the requirements met just yet). 

I got mine back in 2012....So now like I mentioned earlier...im just doing what I have already done all over again...going back for a second degree....working on another MOVSM...and utilizing Navy Cool to the utmost..lol...apparantely that is one of those navy resources that is very rarely used.

Guest amcreed

Well it has been about year 7 I think for being board eligible.  I have 3 more times to reach for that anchor and I will continue to work harder each year.


I have noticed that the first few years I was excited and check  the boards every few hours.  Now I look for my name but don't get depressed when I am not listed.




My short story below:


I am going to an interview at a high end corporation and have on my best $200 suit, my good looking Casio watch, my polished leather shoes, and I drive there in my wife's car instead of my old pickup just in case they see me in the parking lot.  I am proud of how I look and know I have a great resume.


The interview goes well and I believe I have the job.  When I am leaving I see another man entering the same office, in a $2000 suit, a Rolex on his arm, and driving a new BMW.


Even though we may both may be equally qualified, I never would have known my competition was so much more impressive until I actually saw my competition.  That is my opinion of the evaluation system and how it totally depends on how you dress the looks of the eval.  It comes down to what the interviewer (board) sees and who writes the best eval if everything else is equal.


It would be a good thing to scrub the top 5-10 evals of those selected in every rate (or just random selection) , remove the PII and lines that would show command names and publish these for all to see.  This would let everyone see that they are close and what the targeted Sailors look like on paper.


Just my opinion.

That's a fantastic analogy.  Never really thought about it that way.  Presentation is everything though.

Guest Mustang6235

I don't understand why they cant put our score sheets on BOL/NKO and let us see our weak points. You do everything you know to do, follow the mess's advice(which is a crap shoot in its own right) and still may not be rewarded. If I don't make it, fine. But tell me where to improve.

Guest amcreed

I don't understand why they cant put our score sheets on BOL/NKO and let us see our weak points. You do everything you know to do, follow the mess's advice(which is a crap shoot in its own right) and still may not be rewarded. If I don't make it, fine. But tell me where to improve.

The problem with that is, every board is different.  They make up their own grading criteria based on the precept.  So it just depends on the year.  As long as you are hitting the wickets on the precept, specifically sustained superior performance, you have done all you can do.

Guest FTS(PS)

The problem with that is, every board is different.  They make up their own grading criteria based on the precept.  So it just depends on the year.  As long as you are hitting the wickets on the precept, specifically sustained superior performance, you have done all you can do.

Also, I believe that they look at it in way that if they told us exactly what we did wrong then we would have the tendency to just focus on that one aspect and may let all those other things that make a great Chief (that we were doing) fall to the wayside.  The idea is to make us keep working on everything because we don't know what we were lacking....If we have are associates degrees, volunteer "time", and good documented leadership, but are lacking mentorship and sailorization....then its best to just not tell us anything so that next time we will have mentorship and sailorization, but in an effort to compete we would have obtained our bachelors degree, a MOVSM, and even more good leadership traits.  In the long run its good for everyone, because when we look back at it....we won't take so much pride in actually making Chief as we will in what we became in the process.

Guest Mustang6235

Education is one thing that worries me. Ive got a great civilian job that Im about 6 years into. So I have no college courses to take, while there are many at my reserve center still going to college because they aren't yet settled into any career. So they can put down completed "x" amount of college hours, while I can put nothing there.

But, it is what it is. Ive recruited, been a WCS at sea, Recruiter in charge, and LPO in the reserves. If a college education is what is keeping me from making it, Ill be retiring a blue shirt in 7 years.

Guest FTS(PS)

Education is one thing that worries me. Ive got a great civilian job that Im about 6 years into. So I have no college courses to take, while there are many at my reserve center still going to college because they aren't yet settled into any career. So they can put down completed "x" amount of college hours, while I can put nothing there.



I can see how you can feel that with your job not requiring a degree...its not beneficial for you to obtain one....But what you have to realize is that there are two categories: Professional development and Personal Development.  I am almost positive that there is some type of course that you can take to better enhance your current job skills.  The Navy wants to see you doing more for yourself as well as the Navy.  The idea behind obtaining a degree is not to always need it at the moment you get it, but having it if it ever becomes a requirement to be competitive.  Besides, when you really look at it, you have two careers and while your civilan career may say, "Hey.  You dont need it."  The Navy is saying, "We would like to see it."  But even beyond all of that, if you just absolutely don't want to get a degree there are other ways to get a check in that education block.  NKO courses, Correspondence courses are a big one, Navy Cool.   I would say to at least take a couple of classes.  Dont be that seasoned sailor that keeps getting beat out by younger sailors because you failed to adapt to an ever changing Navy.  We need your experience.

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I can see how you can feel that with your job not requiring a degree...its not beneficial for you to obtain one....But what you have to realize is that there are two categories: Professional development and Personal Development.  I am almost positive that there is some type of course that you can take to better enhance your current job skills.  The Navy wants to see you doing more for yourself as well as the Navy.  The idea behind obtaining a degree is not to always need it at the moment you get it, but having it if it ever becomes a requirement to be competitive.  Besides, when you really look at it, you have two careers and while your civilan career may say, "Hey.  You dont need it."  The Navy is saying, "We would like to see it."  But even beyond all of that, if you just absolutely don't want to get a degree there are other ways to get a check in that education block.  NKO courses, Correspondence courses are a big one, Navy Cool.   I would say to at least take a couple of classes.  Dont be that seasoned sailor that keeps getting beat out by younger sailors because you failed to adapt to an ever changing Navy.  We need your experience.


Post of the month...  BBb)



Education is one thing that worries me. Ive got a great civilian job that Im about 6 years into. So I have no college courses to take, while there are many at my reserve center still going to college because they aren't yet settled into any career. So they can put down completed "x" amount of college hours, while I can put nothing there.

But, it is what it is. Ive recruited, been a WCS at sea, Recruiter in charge, and LPO in the reserves. If a college education is what is keeping me from making it, Ill be retiring a blue shirt in 7 years.


Like FTS(PS) said, education in terms of the Navy does not only mean a college degree. Taking NKO courses, JPME, EPMES to improve on your expertise or leadership is highly desired. Encouraging junior sailors to do the same looks even better. A college degree obatained at the cost of midiocre performance is frowned upon. I am absolutely not saying you are mediocre, just an example. The number one criterion for selection is SSP. A lot of folks make Chief without a college degree, but most of them have lots of correspondence courses that enhance their job performance.

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