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Guest mslteck99
On 3/3/2019 at 10:04 PM, SH1(SW/AW/IW) said:

Hello all first time posting this cycle. I have a question, I have been told that being that I recently transferred from sea to shore pretty close to the end of the eval cycle maybe 2 months before nov. It would be looked at in a negative light due to I left before the total ranking so it’s only a soft breakout. What’s your input on that. 

So I was almost in the same situation this past cycle, but I was rotating shore to sea. I spoke with the detailer ON THE PHONE, and was told no one extends on shore unless certain circumstances dictate otherwise (the previous year a couple of our PO1s were offered up to 90 day extensions due to Irma). Extending for eval purposes, although they understand why, are not even considered. I asked my detailer if I could extend to get one more college class under my belt before xferring into a Precom pipeline.

That worked, my PRD was switched from Sep to Dec, I took the class, got an A, xferred with a nice eval.  What I’m telling you is discuss it over the phone with them.



Looking forward to this new eval system ranking everyone against a standard instead of against a group. It is crazy seeing that people are trying to do extra to jump through hoops to align evals. If your evaluations don’t speak for themselves before you transfer, is that ONE eval really going to make a difference. If your performance is where it should be, you should be above the RSCA, which is the most important thing right? Just my humble opinion. 

Guest mslteck99
13 hours ago, PO1(IW/FMF) said:

Looking forward to this new eval system ranking everyone against a standard instead of against a group. It is crazy seeing that people are trying to do extra to jump through hoops to align evals. If your evaluations don’t speak for themselves before you transfer, is that ONE eval really going to make a difference. If your performance is where it should be, you should be above the RSCA, which is the most important thing right? Just my humble opinion. 

In a perfect world we know that if the CO says you’re above his RSCA then that’s where you are. The problem lies in years of xfer evals that have been embellished a bit because the individual was departing. I do not agree with that method at all, And do believe that we should be held against a standard. However, going on years of “this is how it has been”, I wanted that breakout amongst peers to be quantified. 

4 hours ago, mslteck99 said:

In a perfect world we know that if the CO says you’re above his RSCA then that’s where you are. The problem lies in years of xfer evals that have been embellished a bit because the individual was departing. I do not agree with that method at all, And do believe that we should be held against a standard. However, going on years of “this is how it has been”, I wanted that breakout amongst peers to be quantified. 

For the record it wasn’t directed at you, but the situation in general. I’ve heard too many people suggest it. 

Guest Gwarrior

Hi everyone! First time poster. Second time up for Chief, though I've been a First for over 7 years. Keeping my fingers crossed that the Board this year goes my way. A lesson learned from last year: Double and triple check the grammar, spelling, Board #, FY #, etc on your LTB. I have a Senior Chief and a Master Chief look over mine last year, and when I looked at it this year, I banged my head against a wall for a good 5 minutes at the mistakes on it. Either way, good luck to everyone on getting your ticket to the dance.

Guest OJ451

10th times a charm.  Test results coming out Tuesday?  

Guest mslteck99
23 minutes ago, OJ451 said:

10th times a charm.  Test results coming out Tuesday?  

I heard triad gets the results today, public release Tuesday. No matter when really at this point, but good luck to you!

Guest mslteck99
53 minutes ago, Gwarrior said:

Hi everyone! First time poster. Second time up for Chief, though I've been a First for over 7 years. Keeping my fingers crossed that the Board this year goes my way. A lesson learned from last year: Double and triple check the grammar, spelling, Board #, FY #, etc on your LTB. I have a Senior Chief and a Master Chief look over mine last year, and when I looked at it this year, I banged my head against a wall for a good 5 minutes at the mistakes on it. Either way, good luck to everyone on getting your ticket to the dance.

I spoke with two of the three MCs from my rate that sat the board last year, and got some good gouge on where my faults lie and how to correct them. 

Sat down with a CMC (former PS) who sat the reserve board last year as well. He helped me immensely with what should go in my package. I showed him my binder and he basically built my enclosure list right there. “You got all these warfare certs, submit those, they’re quick and easy to brief.” I always thought those were just added pages, but he said if it’s something that a MC can quickly explain then it is good to add so it’s not overlooked. 

Luckily I just PCS’d near one of the OSMCs who sat the board last year, I plan on sitting down with him and working on a final product. Still though, need that ticket!

4 hours ago, OJ451 said:

10th times a charm.  Test results coming out Tuesday?  

In my older age I'm loosing track, but I believe I'm 10th time eligible, waiting to see if it's my 9th (and final) board, off my 8th test.  Brain is a little numb as I'm wrapping up deployment here in the Deid, but I started with my first time up for Chief in 2010.  All I really know is if I don't make, it I hit HYT in June 2020, and it's been a good run.  Good luck to everyone waiting to find out if you get the ticket or not.

10 hours ago, mslteck99 said:

I heard triad gets the results today, public release Tuesday. No matter when really at this point, but good luck to you!

I don’t think the triad gets them like the actual results. I believe only person that can pull the profile sheet besides the individual is the ESO and that’s still at the same time as everyone else. 


The Navy Advancement Center will process all Active Duty E7 advancement exam answer sheets received from the January administration tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12, and publish Cycle 242 selection board eligibility status at 9:00 EDT.  The process requires all Chief Petty Officer candidates in each rating to be rank ordered by Final Multiple Score.  The Sailors that fall out in the top 60% in each rating will be selection board eligible for the FY-20 Chief Petty Officer selection boards.  Selection board eligibility status will be promulgated by individual profile sheet notification from the Navy Enlisted Advancement System Web service.  Access the link below tomorrow from a .mil domain computer after 9:00 a.m. EDT, or contact your command ESO to find out if you made board!



Guest mslteck99
12 hours ago, PO1(IW/FMF) said:

I don’t think the triad gets them like the actual results. I believe only person that can pull the profile sheet besides the individual is the ESO and that’s still at the same time as everyone else. 

After reading the article that was posted yesterday, it look like you’re correct.  Seems like they’re processing and releasing them today (12th)?


Anyone else have the Chiefs mess announcing a count down to the profile sheets?  So far have had a Senior Chief announce in the hangar 2 and a half hours, and just a little bit ago the MMCPO called over the radio 1 hour and 37 minutes.

Guest OJ451

POWER HOUR!  Sitting in a hotel room in Japan waiting for 22:00 to hit!

11 minutes ago, OJ451 said:

POWER HOUR!  Sitting in a hotel room in Japan waiting for 22:00 to hit!

Some of the longest days...waiting in Spain. 

25 minutes ago, Pebz said:

Some of the longest days...waiting in Spain. 

Had noon maintenance meeting out here in Al Udeid so, short wait from the start of my day.

Guest OJ451

Whooo hooo Ticket to the show.  92%.  That’s the 6th time in the +90%. If only they cared about test scores on the board.  

Guest mslteck99
2 hours ago, OJ451 said:

Whooo hooo Ticket to the show.  92%.  That’s the 6th time in the +90%. If only they cared about test scores on the board.  

Awesome! 88 this time, that’s the best since I hit 99 on my last PO1 exam. 

2 hours ago, OJ451 said:

Whooo hooo Ticket to the show.  92%.  That’s the 6th time in the +90%. If only they cared about test scores on the board.  

Same here buddy. Same here. 

Guest FCAguy

Anyone take the new FCAC exam? Since its the first of its kind in wondering what the FMS was.

Im on leave and cant access profile sheet.

3 hours ago, OJ451 said:

 If only they cared about test scores on the board.  

If they cared about test scores I'd have made it last cycle when I had a hiccup and somehow managed to cut a 76 on the test.  This year I'm back to my normal 60's.


So a little (NC) bird once told me that your OMPF/ESR *only* gets updated when you re-enlist. You can submit corrections or additions anytime but they won’t show up? This doesn’t even make sense. Someone shed some light? 

1 hour ago, Pebz said:

So a little (NC) bird once told me that your OMPF/ESR *only* gets updated when you re-enlist. You can submit corrections or additions anytime but they won’t show up? This doesn’t even make sense. Someone shed some light? 

Not true, if you have something missing and you update your OMPF thru admin or PSD (or the new navy help desk) it will reflect on your OMPF.

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