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1 minute ago, Christyl said:


Yes! Also, as an E5 I let others write my eval. It's just interesting to see how different my evals are now compared to then. Looking back I wish I would have put more effort into my evals. 

I also keep over thinking and going through everything that I don't have and how I am probably not going to be selected. 

I'm doing the same exact thing. It's funny because some days I'll feel really really good about getting selected and others I'm beating myself up that I won't. 

Guest Christyl
5 minutes ago, LSHARP said:

I'm doing the same exact thing. It's funny because some days I'll feel really really good about getting selected and others I'm beating myself up that I won't. 

The thing I find the hardest is everyone telling you that you're going to make it... when they really don't have any idea what your record looks like. 



Me: Yes I'm up for Chief

Random Sailor: oh I'm sure you will make it, you were on time today. 


Me: Yes I'm up for Chief

Random Sailor: oh how can they not select you, you always do cleaning stations



7 minutes ago, Christyl said:

The thing I find the hardest is everyone telling you that you're going to make it... when they really don't have any idea what your record looks like. 



Me: Yes I'm up for Chief

Random Sailor: oh I'm sure you will make it, you were on time today. 


Me: Yes I'm up for Chief

Random Sailor: oh how can they not select you, you always do cleaning stations




Oh you def have it this year... cuz reasons

Guest Christyl
1 minute ago, LSHARP said:


Oh you def have it this year... cuz reasons

Oh! Then there's the why didn't you make it,  Sailor Timmy did and he has less things than you... oh good for him. 



July has to be the worst month IMO..

12 minutes ago, JVARGAS said:

July has to be the worst month IMO..


Guest DirtSailorMAC
2 hours ago, navyordie123 said:

Good morning to all!! Hopefully this will be the last Sunday that the FTS/SELRES will have to wait for results. This is hopefully the week that y'all find out. For my AD brothers and sisters, hopefully the results will be out sometime early next week. Good luck to all, keep heads up and keep the press on. Remember family comes first cause no matter if we pick up or not they are gonna be there for us. 

Not sure if the AD results would be out this early in the game, then again I feel for you FTS/SELRES folks (6+ weeks now) I'd be dying!!!  My bet is first week of August, although results out in this week would be great.  I have my final week of college going on, so that would be an interesting [wrench]... How selfish of me right? Fingers Crossed though for all of us!!!

Guest DirtSailorMAC
1 hour ago, LSHARP said:

I'm doing the same exact thing. It's funny because some days I'll feel really really good about getting selected and others I'm beating myself up that I won't. 

So I'm not the only one who does this... that's a relief.

Guest Surf AT

So, is anyone looking up Cadences or trying to come up with new ones?

Guest Surf AT

Here's one for you in the theme of Wonder Pets:

The phone. The phone is ringing. 
The phone. We'll be right there. 
The phone. The phone is ringing. 
There's a sailor in trouble. 
There's a sailor in trouble. 
There's a sailor  in trouble somewhere.

Navy Chiefs! 
Navy Chiefs! 
We're on our way 
To help a sailor 
And save the day 
We're not too big 
And we're not too tough 
But when we work together                                                                                                              We've got the right stuff
Go, Navy Chiefs, ya'ay!

Guest Mestizo68

Just a little humor today. :D


Guest HawkISback
2 hours ago, LSHARP said:

I'm doing the same exact thing. It's funny because some days I'll feel really really good about getting selected and others I'm beating myself up that I won't. 

Yes, this is why I am always glad once the waiting is over. 


Been on here as a guest for about 5 years or so.  This is my first post.  My last 4 years or so have been interesting in the navy.  I started off on the fast track and made first in about 5 1/2 years. I was an early candidate for E7.   Everything was looking up and then it happened. I failed BCA.  My career changed at that moment.  Previous to that I was Junior Sailor of the Year for my command and Naval District Washington I had two COMs 4 nams.  I had received an EP at every pay grade.   I had my movsm and was due to transfer back to sea duty.  At sea duty I hit the deck plates running and received an EP on my very first report on board.  In drops the BCA a failure and for the first time I experienced set back.  I was so mad and I ultimately realized that I had not done my part. I failed to become a complete Sailor.  That eval cycle I went from an EP to #1 MP because of my BCA failure.  The eval was written pretty decent and was above the CO's average with a different reporting Senior.  Also during that time I got my EOOW letter and was FCPO president.  I didn't make Chief last year.  This year I led PT (was not a CFL) but eval shows how I over came my set back by helping other sailors.  I was ranked #1 in the command at an 0-6 command and due to gapped LCPO billet for about 14 months my eval has LCPO at sea on my primary block.  I have also competed JPME and SJPme and have been part of qualifying 9 other EOOWS most E7 and above.  I said all that to say this.  Even though this may not be my year again with advancement at 15% I will never forget about being a complete Sailor.  Take time for yourself work will always be there and being in standards is a huge part of the job.  My day will come I'm sure of that but if I can pass this info on to someone and it helps them I would be happy.  So when the results hit I will be happy for those who get selected.  Good luck to all.

Guest TRON828
31 minutes ago, FROMENTOMM said:

Been on here as a guest for about 5 years or so.  This is my first post.  My last 4 years or so have been interesting in the navy.  I started off on the fast track and made first in about 5 1/2 years. I was an early candidate for E7.   Everything was looking up and then it happened. I failed BCA.  My career changed at that moment.  Previous to that I was Junior Sailor of the Year for my command and Naval District Washington I had two COMs 4 nams.  I had received an EP at every pay grade.   I had my movsm and was due to transfer back to sea duty.  At sea duty I hit the deck plates running and received an EP on my very first report on board.  In drops the BCA a failure and for the first time I experienced set back.  I was so mad and I ultimately realized that I had not done my part. I failed to become a complete Sailor.  That eval cycle I went from an EP to #1 MP because of my BCA failure.  The eval was written pretty decent and was above the CO's average with a different reporting Senior.  Also during that time I got my EOOW letter and was FCPO president.  I didn't make Chief last year.  This year I led PT (was not a CFL) but eval shows how I over came my set back by helping other sailors.  I was ranked #1 in the command at an 0-6 command and due to gapped LCPO billet for about 14 months my eval has LCPO at sea on my primary block.  I have also competed JPME and SJPme and have been part of qualifying 9 other EOOWS most E7 and above.  I said all that to say this.  Even though this may not be my year again with advancement at 15% I will never forget about being a complete Sailor.  Take time for yourself work will always be there and being in standards is a huge part of the job.  My day will come I'm sure of that but if I can pass this info on to someone and it helps them I would be happy.  So when the results hit I will be happy for those who get selected.  Good luck to all.

You picked your self up and dusted off and got back at it. HOOOOOYAAAHHH!

Guest TRON828

Crickets in here tonight ...:ph34r:what did everyone do today? Had DWE this weekend.. so off for 2 days and back FTS'in Wednesday.. :rolleyes:

7 minutes ago, TRON828 said:

Crickets in here tonight ...:ph34r:what did everyone do today? Had DWE this weekend.. so off for 2 days and back FTS'in Wednesday.. :rolleyes:

The only thing I did was  participate in a a retirement ceremony as honor boats for a senior chief this weekend. 28 years of service and alot of guidance. 

Guest SeaBeeDoc
56 minutes ago, TRON828 said:

Crickets in here tonight ...:ph34r:what did everyone do today? Had DWE this weekend.. so off for 2 days and back FTS'in Wednesday.. :rolleyes:

I had to muster the "C" school students Saturday morning and go over the new SOP for the Watchbill other than that it has been a pretty chill weekend 

Guest SeaBeeDoc
8 hours ago, HawkISback said:

Yes, this is why I am always glad once the waiting is over. 

I  think we can all plead guilty to this

Guest Christyl

To Someone Who is Struggling in a Dark Place With Little Hope…

By: Taylorddortitude

“Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to get there, the time will pass anyways.”

To someone who is struggling in a dark place with little hope…..do not give up. Do not loose sight of the vision you see when you close your eyes and your head hits the pillow. Don’t push away the thoughts that first enter your mind when you awake each day. Don’t tell yourself you’re not good enough.  Choose to accept the challenges you are presented with.  Overcome them, learn from them, teach others about them.  See them as obstacles that you will overcome throughout your journey in route to your destination.

You were meant for something great. You are capable of becoming whoever and whatever you want to become. Don’t back down.  Pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on you.  Live each day as if you will not see tomorrow. Love yourself, love others and be the light that others need in a dark world.

Tell others about your dreams, but show them results through your actions.  Surround yourself passionate people, people who remind you how amazing you are.  When someone tells you that you are great, believe them and believe in yourself.  Follow your heart and do things that fulfill you. Don’t let anyone direct your life or tell you which roads to take. Whatever it is that you want in this life, just don’t stop.

Guest calamityjane
17 hours ago, Surf AT said:

"Here's one for you in the theme of Wonder Pets:"

....wth is wonder pets?




Wonder Pets is the leading cause of PTSD in parents of small children.

Guest NavyPride34

This could be the week!  Here's hoping!

Guest Butter Star
On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 0:30 PM, Riverine Rat said:

I see your point and I can agree with you if that is the case. I will use myself because I don't know others situations on here. One dimensional is something that can hold someone back but myself I started my career as an AO advanced to E-5 at my first command and was the go to AO2 in G-1 running the flight deck shop. Even had an AO1 working along side me who never worked the flight deck before to train her up. Evals reflected. went recruiting and advanced to AO1 was ranked #3 out of the command and once again go to recruiter. Went to the Riverines qualified fully within the command and was LPO and transitioned the command during the merge with MSRON before they because Coastal Riverines, Ran multiple combat missions where I planned the missions from start to finish, conducting briefings, ect. Letter of Designation as a Boat Captain with weapons release and detain authority. Went back in rate to a Carrier and was production LPO G-3 in charge of 126 sailors. converted to NC and now a full time recruiter. I have W/SW/EXW/IDW and my Small Craft pin. PPME/JPME/USMAP. Almost completed with my BS degree. was command DAPA, Air Warfare Coordinator, EXW Coordinator, I have Ranked Evals, always progressing evals showing Im not stagnate within the commands. Currently training Chiefs and Officers on how to be recruiters which is stated in my eval.

Now I have been told due to just converting to NC that could have been a reason I was not selected last year because they want to see how I performed once I became an NC when I have MCPO who have sat the board review my record and say I have checked the blocks, I have stepped out of Rate and excelled, I have Sailorization and SSP, Leadership, ect. And they don't know why I am not a Chief, and "They" want me as a Chief. It makes it frustrating. Im not saying those who have been selected where not better but when I see sailors I know for a fact don't have what I have or done what I have done get selected because they don't measure up, its hard to say its because they where better then me or I have not done enough or they did more. I have seen young FCPO who have never been in leadership get selected and fail because they where never LPO and know that struggle. They never had any collateral duties, college, volunteer, Quals, Awards, or anything that can justify them being better then myself. Not saying they didn't deserve it. Just saying I out performed them across all spectrums and still didn't get selected.

But that is why I like coming on here and see and learn from peers and seniors alike and see what I can do to break out more. Maybe I am not doing something right but I would like to be told "You need to do this" or "Work on that" so I have something I can do to improve myself.

One other thing to keep in mind is that the top 10% is highly competitive.  So quotas are obviously a big factor.  If the rate never swings wide open someone can always find themselves on the wrong side of the "bubble".  They might be a hot shot at their command and get EPs and SOYs, but there is that guy at all commands.  When ranking the top 10% from various commands I was surprised by how thin the difference was between #1 & #10.  Sometimes it's just a matter of how much can you cram into the eval.  Sometimes people get ranked higher because they fell into a situation that the other people never had a chance to do.  Example they were the LCPO because there wasn't a chief to fill the role.  They will look better than someone who was an LPO.

Without reviewing someone's record I can't say why they didn't make it for their particular case.  But as a general rule if your rate is at 10% or less advancement it'll be extremely competitive.  One thing can make the difference like the other person has more sea time or more warfare devices or volunteered for an IA/mob or got their MOVSM or whatever.  If you get passed over just try and find something that you haven't done, no matter how minor, and do it.  Unfortunately they don't release the rankings to let you know where you fell on the cut, but assume you were on the wrong side of the bubble and one or two more things will get you on the other side of the line.

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