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You know what I miss the most about this year's waiting? Not being able to drive myself mad hitting F5 in BOL to see if I got the golden ticket. Lol

Guest Cotechs

I'm at the mercy of message traffic since my CAC works for everything BUT BOL and NKO...go figure.Time to enjoy the weekend at sea and wait for the next two weeks to roll on by.


I'm at the mercy of message traffic since my CAC works for everything BUT BOL and NKO...go figure. Time to enjoy the weekend at sea and wait for the next two weeks to roll on by.

Results will be posted here too.

So if I was a betting man, I would say that there will be ~450 posts in this thread before the results are released.

Guest sourdough

I don't think I'll be able to check the list. I'll just wait to see if anyone informs me after the list is out.




I don't think I'll be able to check the list. I'll just wait to see if anyone informs me after the list is out.

Well, you know the list will be posted here as soon as it is available.  Hopefully someone calls you with some good news before then.

Guest NvyG8tr

Hello all, Finally got back on the site, thanks sorry about he hacker problems... Second and last time applying for 7421... Not to sure if I'm nervous more then anxious... Just my two cents but I think we will hear something late this week early next... Good luck all...


Hello all, Finally got back on the site, thanks sorry about he hacker problems... 


Welcome back NvyG8tr,  BBb)
yeah the Navy has to deal with opsec with their websites and I have to deal with flat out crooks...  :o

When old timers start checking in, we know results are close. Welcome back Redtab78 and NvyG8tr.

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Thank you for the add I look forward to interacting with all of you...


well...I think we MIGHT see a change to the norm, and perhaps see the NAVADMIN hit this week....I have nothing to base this off of other than the board adjorned eary, and I am hearing that while this was one of the quickest selection boards in a long time alot of that was attributed to both a lack of candidates as well as the amount of time the board members spent each day actually doing the selections (in other words that worked longer hours).  I also heard that this was one of the fairest boards one member has ever witnessed....of course I do not have any proof of this, just passing along the rumor mill.   I do think though that if this decline in applicants continue to happen and the boards continue the way this past one went, we may move into the 1 month turn around cycle and see alot more FEB releases.  this again, is just an uneducated guess :)

So, why do you think there is such a reduction applications? TIS requirements? Comfort zone?

Well...I dont know...I could take a stab at it, but it would ONLY be a guess...and I would have to say it could be a few different factors:


Oone being maybe the LDO's and CWO's out in the fleet are being more cautious as to who they endorse instead of just allowing any and everyone to apply (which is what I like to think it the main reason here) thus reducing the total applicants each year.


One could be that some think that the way the Navy has been heading in the past few years with policy change has taken away the appeal of staying in past 20  (and this could encompass everything from the Dont ask Dont tell repeal, to the extended 9 month deployments...everyone has their own likes and dislikes about new policies, Im not putting anything on official record here!!)


And another could be that with the smaller window of opportunity to apply (such as the time in service requirements) the applications have naturally slendered down some....especially if you looked at the waiver request list shown through NPC this past year, there was an AWFUL lot of "NE" for waiver request...



The bottom line here (in my opinion) is that there are many different factors that make up the decision to apply just as there are many different factors that go into your command allowing the application to go on to the board, as well as the different factors for the selection.....I dont for a second, think that a single "reason" can be given...as anyone of my 76 Sailors say "It is what it is, Senior Chief..."


(which I am still trying to figure out exactly what that statement means...)


I wholeheartedly agree with the LDO force becoming more cautious of endorsing canidates, I had to run all over Hawaii meeting with types in my designator just to ba able to start communication. Then having to arrange time in order to have them view my package, was even more of a nightmare but I think it showed my dedication and drive t want to join the community.


The TIS constraints are going to eliminate a large sum of applicants due to sheer numbers, however with the obligatory time lowered I think the are looking to have good solid leaders for the time the can provide.


All in all I'm happy that its less it may put me one step closer to my career dream! ;)



It's good to be back!  Thanks Tony for keeping this site alive all these years, I'm sure many out there are extremely grateful for all the good info that is passed through these pages.  Here's to all of you out there wanting to better yourself, your Sailors, and the Navy!  Good luck... and here's to this week :)  Fingers crossed!


thanks much and welcome back. BBb)


Thank you for letting me back in after my hiatus. Looking forward to sharing my knowledge and experience. I'm a prior PSC in case any 641X applicants were wondering.


Welcome back, unfortunately everyone who had an account in the past needs to make a new one if they want to post; the forum got hack.  :o
Glad you are back to offer words of wisdom so thank you for joining...   BBb)

Tony, Just to echo what so many have already said, thank you for keeping the site alive. It has helped so many of us and hopefully will help many more. I was on here for a few years joining in with passing knowledge and clicking F5; not sure what I would have been doing to pass the time if not for this place.


well, I thank you for that and can say this has always been a fun project, thanks again...  BBb)


Tony, Just to echo what so many have already said, thank you for keeping the site alive. It has helped so many of us and hopefully will help many more. I was on here for a few years joining in with passing knowledge and clicking F5; not sure what I would have been doing to pass the time if not for this place.


is this the 'old' Post?


It is


cool, see, because of all the activity especially backend stuff/ security, I lose track of names and whatnot. glad to see you back...  BBb)


A little upset I lost my rank as "presidential advisor" but I'll work my way up through the ranks again ;-)


yeah 'newbie' just doesn't look right  :D

Guest YNC(SS)

As said by others, I am glad to have my account back!  The board ended a month ago...I'm thinking any day now.

Guest guy2001

As said by others, I am glad to have my account back!  The board ended a month ago...I'm thinking any day now.


I hope so! I know with each day my index finger is starting to get a callous with all the "F5ing" I am doing....

Guest YNC(SS)

I hope so! I know with each day my index finger is starting to get a callous with all the "F5ing" I am doing....

Trust me, I know how you feel brother.

Guest snipe44

They just need to release them. The more the days go by I think of reasons why I might of not been selected.

Guest YNC(SS)

They just need to release them. The more the days go by I think of reasons why I might of not been selected.

Oh man, I do the same thing!  I was so confident when I submitted and now its fading....


just checking and hoping is really all that we can do, even though speculation makes us all more ansy, i am happy this forum lets us all stay anxious.


Hello all!  Newbie to the group but have been following for awhile now.  Applying for 639x...10 yrs 9 mths of service...last 6 evals p(first as E-6), mp, mp, ep(transfer), p(New Command), ep.  Selected as SOY...Bachelor's Degree in Rating Field...Command CMEO...Master Training Specialist...All 10s and awesome write-ups on appraisals.  Praying for the best and I feel everyone's pain on hitting refresh...gonna need a new F5 key soon!!  My money is on Thursday(no particular reason other than it would be an awesome birthday present!!).  Best of luck to all!!!

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