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Thanks Tony for accepting me back and Happy New Year to all members. Well, I know lots of LDO/ CWO applicants hang out here, so I figure I could invigorate this thread. This is my third time applying so it will be fun here especially since the board is already in session. Good luck to all applicants. V/r, Dogg PSC


Thanks Tony for accepting me back and Happy New Year to all members. Well, I know lots of LDO/ CWO applicants hang out here, so I figure I could invigorate this thread. This is my third time applying so it will be fun here especially since the board is already in session. Good luck to all applicants. V/r, Dogg PSC



No problem, thank you for joining Dogg.  BBb)


I had to redo the forum people, all accounts were lost so you will have to create a new account if you want to join in the mix  :lol:

Guest 6440hopefulCTT

Thanks for adding me Tony. I only watched and read last year and decided to join in the fun this year. This is my second time applying for 644X.


With the board convening yesterday, has anyone seen a precept or quotas posted yet? I've been scouring NPC and haven't seen anything. Good luck to everybody applying this year.






Thanks for adding me Tony. I only watched and read last year and decided to join in the fun this year. This is my second time applying for 644X.


With the board convening yesterday, has anyone seen a precept or quotas posted yet? I've been scouring NPC and haven't seen anything. Good luck to everybody applying this year.






thanks for joining  BBb)


Does anyone have the Selection Board listed on their eval report in BOL?  Maybe it hasn't caught up with the systems that the board convened yesterday.


NPC and BOL are pretty slow these days. Don't expect anything to update on time. Looks like we are struggling to catch up with technology.


I am a 641 3 time applicant too. Ten years in. Can't wait to see quotas.


Are you Subs or Surface?  Rumor has it our numbers will be good this year.

Nope. I will be surprised if our number are good because over the couple of years, they have been shifting LDO 641 billets to CWO. I don't think we will see quotas as high as 30-35 as it used to be. We will be lucky to have 18-20 quotas this FY.

23 will be great. We haven't seen it that high for the last couple of years.


YNC, you nailed it. Looks like those with extensive sea duty will prevail. As an FTS, I do not have that leadership at sea eval, so I am not sure on how to access my chances. I believe I can compete in all other areas. This will be an interesting March. Anyone seen the membership?

Guest 6440hopefulCTT

12 quotas for 644X. Decent number so hopefully I have a pretty good shot. I have my ESWS and EIDWS and out of my last 5 years worth of evals, all have been EP's except for 1 MP (2 eval cycles ago) as my first eval on my current ship. We shall see here in about 2 months. Best of luck to everyone.


Well when it comes to the other areas, do you have the "EPs", do you have some college, what did your appraisals look like this go around, where were you ranked within the command?

If they go back 5 years on eval, mine will look like this: E5-2MPs and 1 EP. Made E6 first time up E6-MP, 2/3(frocking) MP 6/30(number 2 mp), EP, 1/39(SOY). Made CPO first time up last Sep. CPO-EP 1/3(frocking), EP, transfer. Education: 2 Masters. All appraisal (4) look great. One 641 member on the current board did one of my appraisals (I hope he gets my package lol).I was ranked 1/3 at my command for LDO. I do not have enough TIS for CWO. All 641/741s that reviewed my package after I wasn't selected told me that they are pretty sure sea time killed me. They liked my eval write ups, diversity of commands and jobs, and appraisals. I am nervous because I finally had an opportunity to go to a a Seal Team command, but my orders got cancelled after I made Chief and now I am on my way to a NOSC. Even if I didn't make it this year, I would have liked to have an opportunity to go to an operational command, and I wouldn't be mad because I finally got the command I wanted.
Guest 7421_7431_Canidate

Does anyone know if the precepts message was released aswell? Quotas are good but precepts  usually are included with them.

Guest 7421_7431_Canidate

Belay my last i see them on NPC!


Guess on when results are coming out this year?  My money is on 28 Feb.  Your thoughts.

That's an aggressive estimate lol. March seems to be the norm now. Can you believe the results were released on 31 Jan in 2003?

Your applications sounds great!  The sea time may hurt you, but with everything else you have it may not matter.  My evals were kind of the opposite of yours.  Going back 5 years I had all EPs, (Junior Sailor of the Year, and SOQ) until I made CPO in 2012.  After I made Chief, my closeout E6 was a "P". Got a Xfer "EP". Went to my first command as a Chief and got a "P" because I had only been there 3 months (but my eval says "EP" performer, "P" due to time onboard".) My appraisals were fantastic, I had 3 6410's on my board (1 O5 and 2 O4s).  I was ranked 1 of 6 for LDO at my command.  I have no degree but a lot of college.  I am pretty sure I know who sat your appraisal board. Again, I hope the sea time thing doesn't hurt you.  Good luck to you brother.

I was told by a 641 CDR that they like SS YNs because you guys are pretty much all rounded in admin and pers stuff. That should be in your favor. With evals, the same CDR said write up is what they care about. An EP with a weak write up is fatal. As long as you are at or above the RS average, you have met the sustained performance test. They also like to see LDO/CWO recommendations on evals. The bottom line is LPO/LCPO at sea pays big time.

Your applications sounds great!  The sea time may hurt you, but with everything else you have it may not matter.  My evals were kind of the opposite of yours.  Going back 5 years I had all EPs, (Junior Sailor of the Year, and SOQ) until I made CPO in 2012.  After I made Chief, my closeout E6 was a "P". Got a Xfer "EP". Went to my first command as a Chief and got a "P" because I had only been there 3 months (but my eval says "EP" performer, "P" due to time onboard".) My appraisals were fantastic, I had 3 6410's on my board (1 O5 and 2 O4s).  I was ranked 1 of 6 for LDO at my command.  I have no degree but a lot of college.  I am pretty sure I know who sat your appraisal board. Again, I hope the sea time thing doesn't hurt you.  Good luck to you brother.

One interesting thing I noticed on the quotas is that for the first time, they actually have amplifying information for 641/741. Very good resource to use on your CO recommendation for the next board if you get the N.

I noticed that.  You're somewhat right about the Sub YNs being looked at differently, but last year out of the 18 selected only about 4 of them were Sub YNs.  I've got the LPO and LCPO at sea thing covered.  I worry about my closeout E6 eval being a "P" and my first eval after I made Chief being a "P".  All "EPs" before that.  I also dont have that many years in, so that concernes me as well.  I have had two evals NOT recommended for LDO/CWO.  My most recent one does, but right after I made Chied in 2012 none of those had it.  Lets just say it was frowned upon.

Most selectees usually have 12-14 years TIS but every year they try to select a few 8-11 years applicants whom they hope can get a few shots for Captain. A "P" first eval is always understandable unless the write-up vividly justifies the P. A lot of folks have been selected with first P CPO eval. Most FY-14 selectees were new CPOs. Only one E6 made it. Again, education is only a tie breaker. I even think JPMEs and NRTC carry more weight than a degree. You will never be selected just because you have a degree. Education and awards can help you make it in the tank, but it will take a good briefer to convince other member to select you. I am pretty sure they will be briefing records in the tank this week. Being that we have 23 quotas, about 80 to 100 will make in the tank for the dog fight. It is heart breaking to imagine that your record might not have even made it in the tank, and yet you are awaiting results. Just thinking of that makes me sick.

I was told by a 641 CDR that they like SS YNs because you guys are pretty much all rounded in admin and pers stuff. That should be in your favor. With evals, the same CDR said write up is what they care about. An EP with a weak write up is fatal. As long as you are at or above the RS average, you have met the sustained performance test. They also like to see LDO/CWO recommendations on evals. The bottom line is LPO/LCPO at sea pays big time.


If they go back 5 years on eval, mine will look like this: E5-2MPs and 1 EP. Made E6 first time up E6-MP, 2/3(frocking) MP 6/30(number 2 mp), EP, 1/39(SOY). Made CPO first time up last Sep. CPO-EP 1/3(frocking), EP, transfer. Education: 2 Masters. All appraisal (4) look great. One 641 member on the current board did one of my appraisals (I hope he gets my package lol).I was ranked 1/3 at my command for LDO. I do not have enough TIS for CWO. All 641/741s that reviewed my package after I wasn't selected told me that they are pretty sure sea time killed me. They liked my eval write ups, diversity of commands and jobs, and appraisals. I am nervous because I finally had an opportunity to go to a a Seal Team command, but my orders got cancelled after I made Chief and now I am on my way to a NOSC. Even if I didn't make it this year, I would have liked to have an opportunity to go to an operational command, and I wouldn't be mad because I finally got the command I wanted.

I beleived they look more than 5 years. 713X and 649X here.


Second application:


Recent  Eval MP 5 of 12 after four months onboard. 1 of 15 applied for LDO/CWO.


All Eval's Ranked EP's and MP's.


Education: Associate Degree and couple Certifications from Navy Cool


2 NCM, 4 NAM, 1 MOVSM,


3MC billet, LCPO, Instructor, LPO


 SOQ X 2 and back to back SOY.


3MC, DCTT Coordinator, ATTT Coordinator, Fire Marshal, ATTWO, Command Zone Inspection Coordinator, 3MTT, CSTT, ESWS Coordinator, CDO qualified in-port in large command. AT-TRASUP, IATP Coordinator, Command Range safety Officer, SAMI, ESWS, MTS ( All documented in my last 5 years of EVAL's)


Passed 2 ATFP certifcations, 2 3M certifications, Tomahawk certification, Explosive Safety Inspection. 12 Years in service 4 SEA tour and 1 ATG all FORWARD DEPLOYED


Good luck to all of us! hope to see a positive results! 713X/649X here!



I beleived they look more than 5 years. 713X and 649X here.

Yea, they can look at every eval in your OMPF I'd they wanted to. I was told by a previous board member that they normally make up their minds after the last 3. Digging that far back is not a good sign. Your last full eval is the most important excluding frocking, transfer and first eval at a command.

I heard your breakouts within your CO's recommendation and your appraisals carry a lot of weight.  I hope that’s the case.

Did you have all 10s with those 641s?. If you did, that is huge. The board members will probably know them and it's hard to believe they can overrule their recommendations. I know one guy who had three 641s appraisals and he got selected first time up as E6 with 10 years in. He gave me his package and when I read his appraisals especially the one from a respected 05 641, I told him there is no doubt in my mine those three appraisals got him selected.

I got all 10s from all three 6410s. The O5 said I was the best applicant he had seen all year out of the 10 he had seen. All three said amazing things.

You got a shot brother. I will be surprised if you don't get selected. The current board member that did mine is here for the second time, so I hope he used code phrases to communicate with other members in his write-up. My board consisted of 2 Mustangs and 05 pilots and they gave me all 10s too including my CO.
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