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CPO (E7) Selection Board | Selectees | Enlisted to Officer | Navy Advancement Exam

This category covers forums about enlisted to officer programs, the Chief’s selection board and Navy advancement. While many come here waiting for the results, the more determined enlisted Sailor will come here to gain knowledge and gather information that is hard to get. When advancing your career, remember to start early and be consistent.

For additional information, enlisted Sailors can also go to the following NavyAdvancement.com web page: 
Navy Advancement Career Guide & NPC News | Advancement Exam & Chief Board Results
Chief's Selection Board Preparation | Bibliography for Advancement in Rate (Bibs)
Professional Military Knowledge | Occupational Standards Rating Exam
Navy Enlisted to Officer Programs | Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program (MECP)
Medical Service Corps (MSC) - In-service Procurement Program (IPP)


  1. Navy Advancement Results, Exam, Bibs Forum

    The Navy advancement forum covers results, exam, study material and NAVADMINS related to advancement for E-4 through E-6. E-1 and E-2 are encouraged to join as well. This is a good place to ask questions about bibliography for advancement in rate, professional military knowledge (PMK-EE) and occupational standards.

    For additional information, enlisted Sailors can also go to the following NavyAdvancement.com web page: Navy Advancement Career Guide & NPC News | Advancement Exam & Chief's Board | Bibliography | Professional Military Knowledge | Occupational Standards Rating Exam

  2. Chief Selection Board Forum | Results, Preparation, Records

    This forum is for  First Class Petty Officers, Active & Reserve, who are preparing for advancement to Chief. Information includes the selection board process, precepts, quotas, board results and more. Information on Senior and Master Chief are posted here as well.

    For additional information, enlisted Sailors can also go to the following NavyAdvancement.com web page: 
    Navy Advancement Career Guide & NPC News | Advancement Exam & Chief Board Results | Chiefs Selection Board Preparation

  3. Navy Enlisted to Officer Forum | LDO, CWO, Commissioning

    The Enlisted to Officer Forum covers topics related to applying to the various officer programs including  STA-21, LDO/ CWO, Medical Service Corps in Service Procurement Program (MSC-IPP), Nuclear LDO, Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program (MECP), Seaman to Admiral, Enlisted Commissioning Programs and Naval Academy admissions for enlisted active & reserve.

    For additional information, enlisted Sailors can also go to the following NavyAdvancement.com web page: Navy Enlisted to Officer Programs | Medical Service Corps (MSC) - In-service Procurement Program (IPP) | Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program - Navy MECP | Navy Enlisted Military and Electronic Service Records

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