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FY16 SELRES CPO Board Thread.

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Guest PSjg78

Matthew 6:27, 34 (ASV) And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto the measure of his life?

Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Great verse

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Guest PSjg78

Triad release announcement on next Tuesday, Triad release on Thursday, public Friday.

OMG I would freak out lol ..... ugh this wait is a mess... :o

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Guest SeaBeeDoc

Triad release announcement on next Tuesday, Triad release on Thursday, public Friday.

Where is this information coming from?

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Guest CMC in waiting

Just my guess, and pretty close to last year's timeline.

probably a pretty good guess too... tuesday, thursday, friday....next week or the following, although the following is 4th of july weekend week...

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Guest CMC in waiting

So, in an effort to learn all I can about the selection board process, I have read many different articles, briefs, PPTs, etc.    I read that to be board eligible, a candidates security clearance must be favorably adjudicated, not merely "interim".    Then I see this...http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/12/politics/security-clearance-chinese-hackers/    This is surely going to delay pending investigations


My clearance is an open investigation (not new, just renewal) as of yesterday. If I'm selected, is this going to be an issue?

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Guest CMC in waiting

Any issues like that just put you in a hold status and gives command/you time to fix any issues.

understood, although if this investigation takes as long as my last, I'll be ready for retirement....oh well...all I can do at this point is ride it out, and see what happens on game day

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So, in an effort to learn all I can about the selection board process, I have read many different articles, briefs, PPTs, etc.    I read that to be board eligible, a candidates security clearance must be favorably adjudicated, not merely "interim".    Then I see this...http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/12/politics/security-clearance-chinese-hackers/    This is surely going to delay pending investigations


My clearance is an open investigation (not new, just renewal) as of yesterday. If I'm selected, is this going to be an issue?


You are in equal standing with others who have applications for security clearances submitted to the Office of Personnel Management. Any of your shipmates who was required to submit a clearance is in the same boat - even if they are no longer serving, their information was compromised. 
This breach is humongous. With that said, if there is an issue with your clearance, everyone else with a clearance would be affected the same way regardless if it is a re-issue or not. Also, this is not something at the command level to fix, it's way higher.
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Guest hayes

The admin change request I sent to Pers-32 back in March just now showed up in my OMPF. I had no idea it takes them that long to process those requests.

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Guest CajunMA

Reserveordie. Awesome verse. Applies very well to this thread and many threads in our lives.

Thank you shipmate

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Guest SWSeabee

So, in an effort to learn all I can about the selection board process, I have read many different articles, briefs, PPTs, etc.    I read that to be board eligible, a candidates security clearance must be favorably adjudicated, not merely "interim".    Then I see this...http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/12/politics/security-clearance-chinese-hackers/    This is surely going to delay pending investigations


My clearance is an open investigation (not new, just renewal) as of yesterday. If I'm selected, is this going to be an issue?

If I'm reading the NAVADMIN right, since you're a CM you should be okay... http://www.npc.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/messages/Documents/NAVADMINS/NAV2014/NAV14238.txtSee item 2-F. 

With that said, I'm in the same boat and hope there aren't any major issues. Third time up, first time there's been a quota besides 0.

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Guest CMC in waiting

If I'm reading the NAVADMIN right, since you're a CM you should be okay... http://www.npc.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/messages/Documents/NAVADMINS/NAV2014/NAV14238.txtSee item 2-F. 

With that said, I'm in the same boat and hope there aren't any major issues. Third time up, first time there's been a quota besides 0.

Thanks bro, 

yeah, I did read that NAVADMIN, but my interpretation was that they were describing selection board eligibility requirements. I read another selection board brief, from like 2012, that said "security clearance" it didn't say much more, other than it couldn't be interim. I guess our clearance as Seabees is technically only command/deployment required, rather than big Navy required.    keep your fingers crossed, and best of luck to you

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Guest SeaBeeDoc

Just spoke with one of the Master Chiefs that was on the board today, he wished me luck,and shook my hand hope that was a good sign, LOL Results around the corner!


:)  SeabeeDoc

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Guest PSjg78

Omg I had a talk to today same thing ! Said good luck and smiled !!!! I was like thanks ?? anticipating good news ????

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Guest SeaBeeDoc

Omg I had a talk to today same thing ! Said good luck and smiled !!!! I was like thanks anticipating good news

Here is wishing everyone an "S" , May ask for a few days off next week, the waiting is beginning to take a toll, not sure I want to be at work when the results come out last year was so depressing!

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Guest PSjg78

Yeah I just got off 3 weeks of leave so I'm stuck at work waiting it out ... I wasn't at work last year so I was able to cope with it better so here is to a huge S to us ALL !!!!

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Guest BearsCubsBullsBlackhawks

I have been longing for it myself.  I haven't received an "S" since the first grade ;)

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Guest hayes

That window of opportunity sounds reasonable. I think I'll go with the week of 29th as well, but hoping for the week after so we could at least get the 4th of July weekend to ourselves.

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Guest PSjg78

Well I was told today, since I am the only FTS member here, if my name is on the list they will not officially start the season until Active Results come out, so that is kind of a sigh of relief lol... I still think they will have fun with me (in hopes I get the S) before hand :D

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