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Guest Doc Danny
2 hours ago, GSE1(SW) Lukeskywalker said:

I guess they want people to get over not making it and give them time to whine down before going on a rampage to see who sat the board lol

That’s probably it lol. Last year it was out before the results. 

On 8/1/2019 at 5:42 AM, Tony said:

One idea is to start a log of what you've achieved weekly or monthly. When it comes time for evals and submitting a package, you might have something more substantial.

So a brag sheet?

12 minutes ago, Doc Danny said:

That’s probably it lol. Last year it was out before the results. 

My assumption for not releasing the results until after results are released is an attempt to ensure the integrity of the board isn’t compromised 

Guest AO1(AW/SW)

I have a question..

If my 1070/880, 881 are not up to date how do I update them current? I am not close to an reenlistment or transfer?

Is it impossible?


1 hour ago, PO1(IW/FMF) said:

So a brag sheet?

Yes, a supercharged brag sheet. You will have so much material you can pick & choose the cream of the crop when it comes time! And you can annotate what needs updating or fixing way before the last minute. :)

2 hours ago, AO1(AW/SW) said:

I have a question..

If my 1070/880, 881 are not up to date how do I update them current? I am not close to an reenlistment or transfer?

Is it impossible?


When you say “not up to date”, do you mean on OMPF or your NSIPS is incorrect as well?   If you are just talking about OMPF,  I think (I’m not 100% on this) it only updates when you re-enlist or transfer. For board package you can send up to date version from NSIPS. 

Guest AO1(AW/SW)
29 minutes ago, PO1(IW/FMF) said:

When you say “not up to date”, do you mean on OMPF or your NSIPS is incorrect as well?   If you are just talking about OMPF,  I think (I’m not 100% on this) it only updates when you re-enlist or transfer. For board package you can send up to date version from NSIPS. 

Like for my quals. When I was an instructor at my last command and I reenlisted everything was up to date. Since I have been back to sea in the Squadron ( since January) my 1070/880 is not up to date with my numerous quals I have got since I have checked in up until now.

Guest AO1(AW/SW)
31 minutes ago, PO1(IW/FMF) said:

When you say “not up to date”, do you mean on OMPF or your NSIPS is incorrect as well?   If you are just talking about OMPF,  I think (I’m not 100% on this) it only updates when you re-enlist or transfer. For board package you can send up to date version from NSIPS. 

My NAMs are still messed up in order on OMPF too. My MOVSM is not in my PSR/ESR as well

3 hours ago, AO1(AW/SW) said:

My NAMs are still messed up in order on OMPF too. My MOVSM is not in my PSR/ESR as well

Hope you get all of that fixed!

Guest AO1(AW/SW)
21 hours ago, Tony said:

Hope you get all of that fixed!

Thanks Tony! I am trying as we speak. Being on deployment is a tad bit harder than usual lol

Guest PO1Oz
On 8/2/2019 at 11:15 PM, AO1(AW/SW) said:

My NAMs are still messed up in order on OMPF too. My MOVSM is not in my PSR/ESR as well

AO1 I posted on first page how to take care of that. Your 880/881 are updated in-house (admin) when you re-up or transfer. If you have a PS that has the NSIPS God access, that can be taken care of easily. I would advise you wait until closer to the end of the year unless you KNOW you will not get any additional quals/awards. Once your admin updates those, they print the 880/881 reports and send them to npc for OMPF updates. To update your PSR/ESR, check my first post. You scan those awards and e-mail them. In a matter of days your record will be updated. Then you call NPC and put in a trouble ticket saying your PSR was updated but not OMPF. If they quote some milpers instructions, kindly remind them of the 016/13 (I believe is the number) which specifies svc members can update their own records now and no longer need psd to do so. 

I did all this this year and it worked so it only benefits that I pass this info. If you have more questions let me know. 


@PO1Oz, you're putting out some good info, thank you very much. This is the stuff the early birds will reap their reward in that they don't have to rush and can concentrate on other stuff. Folks, don't forget SSP!

Thanks again  

Guest Doc Danny
On 8/4/2019 at 11:02 AM, PO1Oz said:

AO1 I posted on first page how to take care of that. Your 880/881 are updated in-house (admin) when you re-up or transfer. If you have a PS that has the NSIPS God access, that can be taken care of easily. I would advise you wait until closer to the end of the year unless you KNOW you will not get any additional quals/awards. Once your admin updates those, they print the 880/881 reports and send them to npc for OMPF updates. To update your PSR/ESR, check my first post. You scan those awards and e-mail them. In a matter of days your record will be updated. Then you call NPC and put in a trouble ticket saying your PSR was updated but not OMPF. If they quote some milpers instructions, kindly remind them of the 016/13 (I believe is the number) which specifies svc members can update their own records now and no longer need psd to do so. 

I did all this this year and it worked so it only benefits that I pass this info. If you have more questions let me know. 

So I was looking through to see if someoe already answered this question but didn't see it the answer to this question in particular. Does your MOVSMs reflect on your ESR/PSR? I have been asking this question and haven't been able to get a straight answer. I was able to get my 880/881 updated but when I pull mye ESR/PSR only my NAMs and COMs show. 

Guest PO1Oz
5 hours ago, Doc Danny said:

So I was looking through to see if someoe already answered this question but didn't see it the answer to this question in particular. Does your MOVSMs reflect on your ESR/PSR? I have been asking this question and haven't been able to get a straight answer. I was able to get my 880/881 updated but when I pull mye ESR/PSR only my NAMs and COMs show. 

Only nam and above on there. I sent my movsm and they told me exactly what I just said. I would submit that in your LTB just to ensure it doesn’t get overlooked


Finally got the S this year after 5th tries. I submitted an LTB with 12 enclosures this year. 

Guest Doc Danny
10 hours ago, PO1Oz said:

Only nam and above on there. I sent my movsm and they told me exactly what I just said. I would submit that in your LTB just to ensure it doesn’t get overlooked

Ok thanks. Wanted to make sure because I was getting conflicting information. An AZCS told me it should be on there after a record review. A YNC gave me the same guidance and even told me how to update which did help with my other awards. I did submit my second MOVSM this last go round. I honestly think it may be timing. It sucks that I will be transferring in October and there is no  way I can extend to get a ranked eval because of my class date being October 19th. Was the number 1 EP for the past two peroidic cycles. Hoping they will see that so it won't look like I'm dodging getting rank with my peers.

Guest PO1Oz
3 hours ago, Doc Danny said:

Ok thanks. Wanted to make sure because I was getting conflicting information. An AZCS told me it should be on there after a record review. A YNC gave me the same guidance and even told me how to update which did help with my other awards. I did submit my second MOVSM this last go round. I honestly think it may be timing. It sucks that I will be transferring in October and there is no  way I can extend to get a ranked eval because of my class date being October 19th. Was the number 1 EP for the past two peroidic cycles. Hoping they will see that so it won't look like I'm dodging getting rank with my peers.

You’ll be fine. The transfer eval will denote you would have been ranked #1 again. There are two bright sides. 1 you open up the spot for someone else to progress. 2, your next command will see your last evals and won’t screw you (one would hope). The board next year will see that. As my MC told me, the MC’s that sit board have written evals for a very long tile and know the in and outs well enough to get a clear picture of who you are. 

Guest NavyNC1

Membership was released this afternoon. Pretty solid list. Not sure if I want to send my emails this evening or wait a couple days. Don’t want come across as too desperate 😂😂😂

Guest subguy10524

Finally have a chance to post. As I said, I got the N again this year. Out of all, this one did sting the most. But I had work to do, spent an hour getting my head back into a good place and got back to it. 

My chief had a conversation with me a couple of days after that meant a lot to me, he told me he thinks I would be successful as a chief. I respect him a and that meant a lot to me. 

And looking at my record, I can see why I didn’t get picked up. Looking at apples to apples, my first sea tour was crap. I had straight P’s below RSCA. 

My first shore tour started a good trend, 3 of 4 evals above RSCA. Left with a ranked EP just outside top 10 of 172. 

First eval at second sea tour was above RSCA MP. Currently heading toward a high EP this year as one of 4 E6 qualified supervisor watch stations and got SOQ for this most recent quarter. As well as the example I am setting after these results, just taking it in stride with maturity (my Chief’s words).

This year I felt was 50/50 at best. Next year should be my best shot yet with a great trend of SSP at sea. 

Just pushing my Sailors to be better. To work on becoming better at their job. And pushing the other first classes to give a Get underway! In the offing knoweth ye that hand over fist I will fight hard & fast! So batten down the hatches because between the devil and the deep blue sea I will deliver more than a shot across the bow! (You big dummy). Work in making the command better at our level and take things from the CPO quarters so we can have power. 

So here’s to another year of helping each other be better leaders and sailors and working to improve ourselves and the Navy. 

15 hours ago, subguy10524 said:

Finally have a chance to post. As I said, I got the N again this year. Out of all, this one did sting the most. But I had work to do, spent an hour getting my head back into a good place and got back to it. 

My chief had a conversation with me a couple of days after that meant a lot to me, he told me he thinks I would be successful as a chief. I respect him a and that meant a lot to me. 

And looking at my record, I can see why I didn’t get picked up. Looking at apples to apples, my first sea tour was crap. I had straight P’s below RSCA. 

My first shore tour started a good trend, 3 of 4 evals above RSCA. Left with a ranked EP just outside top 10 of 172. 

First eval at second sea tour was above RSCA MP. Currently heading toward a high EP this year as one of 4 E6 qualified supervisor watch stations and got SOQ for this most recent quarter. As well as the example I am setting after these results, just taking it in stride with maturity (my Chief’s words).

This year I felt was 50/50 at best. Next year should be my best shot yet with a great trend of SSP at sea. 

Just pushing my Sailors to be better. To work on becoming better at their job. And pushing the other first classes to give a Get underway! In the offing knoweth ye that hand over fist I will fight hard & fast! So batten down the hatches because between the devil and the deep blue sea I will deliver more than a shot across the bow! (You big dummy). Work in making the command better at our level and take things from the CPO quarters so we can have power. 

So here’s to another year of helping each other be better leaders and sailors and working to improve ourselves and the Navy. 

Awesome post. 😎

Guest DocEddy8404
On 8/1/2019 at 1:50 PM, STGC(SW) said:

AO1 (AW/SW),

While NJP's will always be a part of your service record, that doesn't mean it's an absolute negative. I had 2 NJP'S early on in my career and resigned myself to retiring as an STG1. But with a little help and advice, I changed the format of the package I was submitting. Low and behold, I was selected. Positive attitude. And talk to recent selectees, see what they did different. Best of luck


What do you mean when you “changed the format” of you package? 


Ok yall, piece of advice for some that have not done this in the past (my first time as well) scrub that membership list and e-mail board members. I e-mailed all the MC’s on one panel to ask for guidance. I asked first, if they had the time to help review my record and give me some info on how I can make myself more competitive. I already received responses (within hours) and I know why I didn’t get selected. (If you are good at putting puzzle pieces together, it should be easy for you to grasp the general reason after a few of them respond. 

So, my case. I have 99% of my ladr. My last eval was a 5.0 EP SOY. Bachelors, MTS, collaterals, you name it. I sent them my last 10 evals (all PO1’s) ESR/PSR, and the LTB I submitted. I have a hiccup eval from 2013-2014 that mentions EMI (no NJP) and a drop from 3.86 MP to 3.0 P. I always said, if I don’t make it, that is why. Wrong. Although few said that eval is a big detractor, same number of MC’s said that I have no hard breakouts on the following evals except my last. Basically, I have to work my behind off still for another hard breakout eval this year. In their words “the hard breakout evals “should” get you over the hump”. So like everyone else said, SSP is number one factor. The other stuff is tie breaker stuff. So get that membership list out if you have questions, and ask what else you can do. It is eye opening! And I am AMAZED at how willing they are to help out. See if you can get some guidance from this year’s board on what you were lacking. Don’t expect anything other than general answers, but like I said, piece that stuff together from all the responses and see if there is any correlation. Here’s to FY 21 and my 9th try! 

Guest Doc Danny
On 8/14/2019 at 5:09 PM, PO1Oz said:

Ok yall, piece of advice for some that have not done this in the past (my first time as well) scrub that membership list and e-mail board members. I e-mailed all the MC’s on one panel to ask for guidance. I asked first, if they had the time to help review my record and give me some info on how I can make myself more competitive. I already received responses (within hours) and I know why I didn’t get selected. (If you are good at putting puzzle pieces together, it should be easy for you to grasp the general reason after a few of them respond. 

So, my case. I have 99% of my ladr. My last eval was a 5.0 EP SOY. Bachelors, MTS, collaterals, you name it. I sent them my last 10 evals (all PO1’s) ESR/PSR, and the LTB I submitted. I have a hiccup eval from 2013-2014 that mentions EMI (no NJP) and a drop from 3.86 MP to 3.0 P. I always said, if I don’t make it, that is why. Wrong. Although few said that eval is a big detractor, same number of MC’s said that I have no hard breakouts on the following evals except my last. Basically, I have to work my behind off still for another hard breakout eval this year. In their words “the hard breakout evals “should” get you over the hump”. So like everyone else said, SSP is number one factor. The other stuff is tie breaker stuff. So get that membership list out if you have questions, and ask what else you can do. It is eye opening! And I am AMAZED at how willing they are to help out. See if you can get some guidance from this year’s board on what you were lacking. Don’t expect anything other than general answers, but like I said, piece that stuff together from all the responses and see if there is any correlation. Here’s to FY 21 and my 9th try! 

I did the same and like you said they are willing to help. I have sat down with a few from my community along with a few outside of my community that sat the board this year. I also sat with a few from last year's board just to see if there is a difference in prospective from one board to another. Trying to take advantage of being in the Norfolk area since it seems like everyone is here. For me it seems like I'm stuck in traffic. Haven't received any guidance on what could be holding me back. When it's my time it will be my time. Staying the course and SSP.

  • 2 weeks later...

So make sure you have a PDF of your PMK-EE certificate saved. Especially if you do it through the mobile app. A friend of mine had a Sailor who didn’t save it and it needed to be uploaded for the new electronic worksheet. FYI

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