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Guest BoatsJ

Brothers and sisters! New to this forum stuff but my anxiety enjoys new avenues to explore haha. Waiting for the Active results as patiently as a bosn mate can. Congrats to those FTS and SELRES folks moving up. It’s just a matter of time for those still keeping on keeping on within that group.  

Does anyone know what the possible outcomes are for those that pick up prior to transferring? My transfer date is the second week of August but haven’t heard any info from my detailer. Thanks in advance! 

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Guest Doc (FMF) E

DocU I am waiting for NMCI to reinstate my navy.mil account then I will email you. I’m just coming back from the greenside. 

I just found out they gave back 3 quotas too. Sigh. I thought I was ready. This obviously tells me i wasn’t. 

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Guest Stazz

Congratulations to all those with the "S"! Now to wait for Active Duty results. Hoping this year's the year. Be nice to hit the 12 year mark and go gold at the same time as getting the CPO uniform allowance. 4th time's the charm?

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Guest CursedSwabbie

Hope everyone is well today... I am working a bit late getting my eval ready to submit to the chain 😲

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9 hours ago, BoatsJ said:

Does anyone know what the possible outcomes are for those that pick up prior to transferring? My transfer date is the second week of August but haven’t heard any info from my detailer. Thanks in advance! 

My understanding is if you haven't transferred yet, you go through the season with your current command then transfer after pinning.  If already on leave you report directly to the new command.  Not 100% sure, but have heard if on leave you have the option of going back to your old command for the season.

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Guest BoatsJ
7 hours ago, AME1 said:

My understanding is if you haven't transferred yet, you go through the season with your current command then transfer after pinning.  If already on leave you report directly to the new command.  Not 100% sure, but have heard if on leave you have the option of going back to your old command for the season.

Okay cool. I greatly appreciate the info! 

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Guest PO14Life

I say August 3rd. I feel like I’m dying waiting. I thought it would be better to take leave while waiting... it’s not.

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Guest Butter Star
On 7/10/2018 at 7:23 PM, OS1(SW/EXW) said:

I am stumped.

I was NOSC SOY, Det SEL for the last 2 years, back to back EP's, 2 NAM's this last FY, went to ICO school, and am CCC and CFL and not chosen, apparently.

I hate to be bitter, but what more could there be?

Just off of the information you've provided.  I don't know what the percentages are , but with 20 billets and an inventory of 217 OS1s, the percentage had to be decent.  Here are my thoughts on why you may have been passed over:

-You have a problem with your record.  Eval gaps would cause this.

-Poorly written evals.

-Weakly worded CO recommendation.

-Lack evidence of developing subordinates in your evals.

Without reviewing your record I can only guess.  You've checked a lot of boxes so I'd doubt that 20 other OS1's checked more boxes than you.  There is something in your record that is holding you back.  You need to look it over and have some Master Chiefs that have sat a board or two review it as well.  If you don't find the problem and fix it you will be back here next year asking the same question.

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Guest Submarinecook1stclass
4 hours ago, PO14Life said:

I say August 3rd. I feel like I’m dying waiting. I thought it would be better to take leave while waiting... it’s not.

Yeah I’m at school in San Diego right now I was hoping it would pass the time, I was wrong to. It’s still just creeping by 

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Guest Mustang6235
On 7/10/2018 at 1:23 PM, OS1(SW/EXW) said:

I am stumped.

I was NOSC SOY, Det SEL for the last 2 years, back to back EP's, 2 NAM's this last FY, went to ICO school, and am CCC and CFL and not chosen, apparently.

I hate to be bitter, but what more could there be?


I was in a similar deal three years ago. I looked up the names on FLTMPS and found of the 24 or so selects for MM, all had either mobilized in last two years or were fresh off active duty, and I was neither, but selected for LDO 7 months later. 

Its all in what the particular board wants to see. If you haven’t mobilized in last 5 years, that could be something worth looking at, especially if your competition is. 

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Guest PO14Life

I agree subguy, sometimes we look too much into how we are developing and not our juniors. I have tried to implement several different development plans, but they didn’t work out. Anyone have any successful stories?

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5 hours ago, Montrell1891 said:

So I hit 19 years tomorrow. I've already accepted that I either make it or I don't. My retirement package is already filled out in NSIPS, I'm just waiting to see if I need to click submit or not. I guess I've been at this for too long to let it frustrate me.

I hit 20 in June, and this is my 8th board.  So I'm with you on either I do or don't.  I have no control over the board so don't get worked up about it either.

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I am active but I am in the same boat as some of you guys. I had a good shot last year and missed. this year is the same, but now I am starting to think it is something in my record that I am missing. I went through every single page in my OMPF and I didnt see any mistakes. the only thing I could see is that my Eval extension is not very legible and I did have an eval back in 2012/2013 when I first made 1st with some iffy dates. Sent a correction letter to get it fixed and that is in my record now.

Also I had a eval get rejected in 2012 because the reporting senior messed up the summary group average, but a lot of my friends have made it since then, so I dont think that is what is holding me back. If they only go back 5 years then that eval is gone anyway.

This year I have the eval that says I was ranked 8 out of 287 on CVN 69.  Hopefully this is my year. I am buying a new house right now and selling at the same time. So on top of the stress of that, I am dealing with the stress that If I do not make chief off my last eval, with a 20 percent chance, then I just wont ever make it. 


I can copy and paste my eval here, and maybe some of the salts can tell me what they think? Its time to kick up the chatter of this forum !!

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