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Guest ¡Viva!

So one weird thing happened in my OMPF (mine).  When I logged in to check my record, it looks like someone uploaded updated versions of my member data summary, award record, history of assignments, and training and qual history.  Would just like to verify if this is routine as it is new to me.  My PSD definitely did not upload it.  

The reason I said it was weird was those four parts of my record are the ones I sent to the board last time, and they all have a (-) tac on their document ID number.  Is this normal?  Thanks a bunch!

Guest navyordie123

im thinking around the 15th of March for the profile sheets. it was around that day last year. and if they hold to tradition then itll be 1100 EST for release.

On 2/11/2017 at 10:31 AM, OSCinthemaking said:

Good Morning,

I am trying to figure out the steps to take for a missing letter of extensions from my last ship. I left there in March of 2013. Checked into my shore duty command April of 2013. My original copy of my LOE was lost during my next eval submission. Can I make another LOE and submit or does it have to be from the original command?

You may be able to reach out to them and see if they still have it on record by any chance. If they don't, you may be able to reach out to whoever the senior rater was and ask him to sign the LOE for you. Last case scenario (and I did this, although it was just a one day gap 5 years prior), was to have my current command submit the correction. Whatever you do, try to get it done prior to submitting your package. Your ultimate goal is to submit no corrections to your record and only additions. 

Fyi, I was selected two years ago, I just haven't changed my screen name. I have to post a few more times before they let me lol. 

On 9/1/2016 at 10:50 PM, Admin_warrior said:

I recently checked into my command and i got debriefed by the CO who sat on my board. He told me i had everything I needed, MOVSM, degree, good evals, just a good record. He said what hurt me was my conversion from OS to PS. He said the board felt like i needed to be a PS1 longer cuz i only been one for 4 years (3 PS evals) but if i was a YN i would have made it. He said just sustain (sustained superior performance) and mentioned that quotas were low and it was hard to take records out and he remembered mine because i was a PG.  He told me tko eep it up, go for UPC and other collaterals and be active in CPO 365 and document involvement on the eval. I put in a request chit already for UPC, got that info from this forum, thanks everyone. Keep charging and making sailors and yourself better!

I personally know a PS who was selected last cycle that was in his rate less than 4 years, He was a GM prior.  So although you were handicapped, it's not impossible. Keep stroking and hopefully this is your year. 

Guest Admin_warrior
6 hours ago, H60AMC said:

I personally know a PS who was selected last cycle that was in his rate less than 4 years, He was a GM prior.  So although you were handicapped, it's not impossible. Keep stroking and hopefully this is your year. 

I know one too, i really thought i had it last year it was very humbling, especially after everyone tells you you are going to make it. This year i am much more even keeled, taking care of my sailors amd taking care of myself as well, hopefully i will get the call this year!

Guest OSCinthemaking
10 hours ago, H60AMC said:

You may be able to reach out to them and see if they still have it on record by any chance. If they don't, you may be able to reach out to whoever the senior rater was and ask him to sign the LOE for you. Last case scenario (and I did this, although it was just a one day gap 5 years prior), was to have my current command submit the correction. Whatever you do, try to get it done prior to submitting your package. Your ultimate goal is to submit no corrections to your record and only additions. 

Fyi, I was selected two years ago, I just haven't changed my screen name. I have to post a few more times before they let me lol. 


Thanks for the information, I reached out waiting to get a reply back. 

Guest OSCinthemaking

What are some great examples of SSP? My idea of SSP is if you have the opportunity to be in a leadership position take it and run with it. You can be the greatest leader in the world but if it is not documented the board will not see that. I must say I have held WCS, and ALPO. Being in the LPO position onboard a Carrier is a true test of your leadership. I learn something new everyday, and feel that I am already acting in the capacity of the Chief. My current chief is very junior and still trying to come into his own. That goes to show you that not holding leadership positions prior to making chief can make it difficult to lead. I ensure that I am there to support him by stepping in where needed. 

One thing that I do not like is both Chiefs and Officers come to me about where my chief lacks. That should be discussed with him to guide him, not the LPO. My Dept Head went as far as to say he wants me to be the Chief, I was a little taken back. However, I did not engage in dragging him in the dirt, I listened and stated that it takes time but he will find his way.

 I made First class on shore duty in Sep 2014, my first ranked eval was a P. I had a transfer EP in May 2016. Checked on board in June 2016 my first ranked eval covered a 5 month span, it was a really good write up. I am hoping that this will be time to put on those anchors. 


On 2/19/2017 at 9:59 AM, NavySAR said:

Yes, they did away with the list - I meant final multiples..

Ok, thought I missed something with them going back to publishing a list.  Just got back home from "Deployment", and the last couple months in South Korea and Guam internet access wasn't that great.

Guest navyordie123
5 hours ago, AME1 said:

Ok, thought I missed something with them going back to publishing a list.  Just got back home from "Deployment", and the last couple months in South Korea and Guam internet access wasn't that great.

Good Luck to you Brother, hope that this is the year for you


Some members are not receiving the validation email which means the email is most likely being blocked. You need to get that validation email to finish the registration process. 

16 hours ago, navyordie123 said:

Good Luck to you Brother, hope that this is the year for you

Thanks, I'm applying for college this spring just in case I don't pick it up.  If I wait till the fall for results the program I'm applying for might be full for next year.  Trying to balance planning for retirement, and the possibility of being selected (if I made board).

Guest TRON828

Been awhile since I been in here...couple weeks and we will see if we get our "ticket" to the dance :D

Guest OSCinthemaking
On 2/26/2017 at 8:25 PM, GMFCC said:

SSP is subjective. Everyone on this forum will give you a slightly different answer.

As for acting in the capacity of the Chief, I would recommend you withhold that opinion until you put on anchors. However inept you believe your Chief to be, I have no doubts that he is there in the mess making things happen. Your eyes will open to the responsibility you don't have that you think you do after you are pinned.

Have you told your CoC that you feel that way? Have you pulled your Chief aside and thrown him the bone that people view him negatively? Not engaging in dragging him in the dirt isn't admirable if you're in the crowd watching others do it. I'm sure the people saying they want you as a Chief are right, you're probably a good dude and a great OS, but if you're going to be in this mess, I'd learn to help a shipmate out.

I hope you make it, but the biggest thing I've learned in this mess, is that if you aren't humble, you will be humiliated. If one Chief looks bad, we all look bad.

GMFCC I sit him down all the time, and help him and support him every chance I can. He is just not ready and it shows. But I know if I were in his shoes I would want help. I think I am doing a good job at doing that. I dont like that others drag him in the dirt, it hurts his confidence which is why I continue to encourage him. 

Guest HooYahDeepSea
On 3/2/2017 at 7:43 AM, KillJoy said:

Does anyone have an example of a career summary or history that they have included in a previous package that they could share?

Pm me your email.

Guest ¡Viva!
On 2/21/2017 at 4:57 PM, GMFCC said:

Have you reenlisted or transferred since last year? Have you asked admin if they did it?

Yes, that was it.  I forgot that PS told me awhile ago that everything updates after your re-enlistment.  

Guest CWO2 RRP 782X
On 3/2/2017 at 5:43 AM, KillJoy said:

Does anyone have an example of a career summary or history that they have included in a previous package that they could share?

This is another item that you will get multiple opinions on. I did not submit one when I made it, but as my mentors told me,if you feel it is important that the board sees, then by all means, send one up.

I can give you a template I received when I get back to my main computer...

Guest NavySAR

Thank you Tony, I think that was spam..

Guest navyordie123


On ‎3‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 6:07 PM, SUBLANT said:

Is anyone else hoping to get some results this week??

I hope so but I don't think that it is going to be this week, I am thinking more towards the end of next week.

Guest CryptoSquid

good morning all! well, it seems to be that time of year again, people are starting to get excited for the board results and impending wait. Good luck to all as always, remember to go over your packages and record thoroughly! this is my 7th year up, and every year I scrutinize my record and make sure everything is good, and every year I get feedback from leadership on things I can do to improve.

Seems like a never ending battle, but keep on keeping on!

Guest navyordie123
21 hours ago, CryptoSquid said:

good morning all! well, it seems to be that time of year again, people are starting to get excited for the board results and impending wait. Good luck to all as always, remember to go over your packages and record thoroughly! this is my 7th year up, and every year I scrutinize my record and make sure everything is good, and every year I get feedback from leadership on things I can do to improve.

Seems like a never ending battle, but keep on keeping on!

It seems like the days are dragging by to when the Board eligible results will come out but the wait after you find out you make board is even longer. good luck to you and I hope that you make board. this is my fifth time up. did some good things this past year so I am hoping that this year will be the year. Good luck to all! Especially to all my Ordie Brothers and Sisters! IYAOYAS!!!


Just found out I got my ticket punched. Now on to the board. Congrats to everyone who gets the good news lets ensure our records are on point. 

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Guest TRON828

Got that Willy Wonka "golden ticket" today...hopefully 4th time the charm:D.. Congrats to all my FTS and reg nav PO1's...

Guest Riverine Rat

Well here we are again great news I got my ticket. Great news seeing how I converted to a new rate last year and I was nervous after taking this exam. Has anyone else been having trouble viewing your profile sheet? I was notified by my CoC about the results but just want to check the profile sheet to see how I did.

Guest navyordie123

Got my ticket!! lets get it done! Here's to the fifth time and hopefully the last! everything out of my hands now! Good Luck to everyone. IYAOYAS

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