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Guest HawkISback

Thanks @CPO_Pride247  I appreciate that. Hopefully my holding item is my evals and nothing else that I cannot control or change. 


Since I failed to make the board, I started early to get ready for next board, but when I was talking to my chiefs here in Korea, one big reason that I didn't make the board was my evaluation write up. I was able to fix this issues on my last evaluation and for my transfer evaluation, but if you could give me an advice on my evaluation is greatly appreciated.

E6 Frocking Evaluation 16MAR11 to 15NOV11 (3.14 MP)

Block 44 Community Involvement: Teen Challenge

Transfer Evaluation 16NOV11-02JUL12 (3.71 MP)

Block 44 Awarded USMAP certification, Navy Achievement Medal, GWOTEM. VOL: Thanksgiving Bingo and Orphanage in Djibouti

First Evaluation 03JUL12-15NOV-12 (3.57 MP)

Block 44: Awarded Security + Certification, NEC 2791 and Korean Service Medal

16NOV12-15NOV13 (3.86 EP)

Block 44 USMAP Certification for Computer Operator, VOL Haesimwon Orphanage monthly birthday party

16NOV13-15NOV14 (4.14 EP)

Block 44: Completed seven college courses from UMUC while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Courses included WRTG 101S, HIST 157, ECON 201, BIOL 211, BIOL 212, IFSM 201, and CMIS 102.

16NOV14-15NOV15 (4.43 EP)

Block 44: Advanced Writing Courses 394 and  391 while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Retained COMPTIA Security + and attained COMPTIA A+ Certification. Completed IPME, BPME, and PPME Courses.

Transfer Evaluation 15NOV16-16AUG31 (4.57 EP)

Block 44: Awarded: Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Selected as 3rd QTR SSOQ and completed BIOL 101 and SEJPME I course.

First of all sorry for the long thread, and thank you for your understanding. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Other than first 2 evaluation I was in Joint/Flag duty and I was only one evaluated by Army O6 and other than soft break out I was one of one. For Frocking Evaluation I was 2 of 2. Again thank you very much for your help and any advice will be greatly appreciated. Evaluation.docx



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Guest OldSalt

Just as a reminder. Now is a great time to work on stuff to put on your eval. and think about what to include in your letter to the board. However, don't let studying slip into the background. You can be the greatest sailor in the world. But, it does nothing to help you if you don't make board to begin with. Studying benefits you not only with the exam, but day to day operations now and after you make it.

49 minutes ago, OneLastDance said:

Just as a reminder. Now is a great time to work on stuff to put on your eval. and think about what to include in your letter to the board. However, don't let studying slip into the background. You can be the greatest sailor in the world. But, it does nothing to help you if you don't make board to begin with. Studying benefits you not only with the exam, but day to day operations now and after you make it.

Post of the month. BBb)

Guest AWFChief
On 8/25/2016 at 8:19 AM, OneLastDance said:

Just as a reminder. Now is a great time to work on stuff to put on your eval. and think about what to include in your letter to the board. However, don't let studying slip into the background. You can be the greatest sailor in the world. But, it does nothing to help you if you don't make board to begin with. Studying benefits you not only with the exam, but day to day operations now and after you make it.

Make sure you download your rating subtopics on NKO too.  They are right next to your BIBs.  They provide the Topics/enabling objectives of your rating exam.

Guest DirtSailorMAC

Going into the FY18 Board with a Welcome Aboard "P" (5 months). How does the Board view that? Previous 5 years a variation of MP/EP and LPO on all, from shift to Dept. any insight will be great. Trying to make the "3rd times a charm." 



Guest HawkISback

Most of the senior personnel have said previously that the board will acknowledge it as a normal progression. 

Guest DirtSailorMAC
35 minutes ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

You will be fine. I got the same "P" you speak of the year I was selected coming to a new command. The important thing is how the EVAL was written. How do you know you got a P already? Aren't EVALs for FCPO in November? Did someone tell you how the rankings went? Don't sweat a P only being at a new command for only 5 months. The board sees it and knows how commands are with EVALs and newly reported Sailors.

I put in for MP, we'll see how rankings go but just wanted a perspective from the khakis on that "p" possibility.


Guest iamevilradio

Didn't feel like making a new thread for this, but I just got resolution on my Hold status today and I made it. Thank you to the people who reached out with advice on this. Much thanks. 

5 hours ago, iamevilradio said:

Didn't feel like making a new thread for this, but I just got resolution on my Hold status today and I made it. Thank you to the people who reached out with advice on this. Much thanks. 


Guest NavyChic

So I haven't been on the site in awhile just focusing on my Sailors and work. Working on my MTS  and collateral. But I wanted to ask did any one else have their CDB yet for not making Chief? I know we didn't have it where I'm at, I would've thought we would have had them by now, not sure as this was my first time. Also, I'm at a fairly mid size command where we have between 80-100 or more FCPO's. We had to have our evaluations in to the COC by middle of August. I don't like that we turn our evals in so early because if we do pick up a collateral duty or do more volunteer work, or whatever it is not on our eval. I know for certain collaterals you receive a designation or for volunteer service LOA/MOVSM but not other things. I know this is done because of ranking boards and having to go through, senior and master chiefs, and our CO leaving soon as well.

Guest NavyChic

Oh I also, if any one has an example of designation letters used for the CPO365 Program, if you could attach or PM me that would be great. When I do have my CDB, I want to bring up having a CPO and a FCPO as CPO365 Training and PT Coordinator. Currently, we just have CPO's and also the designation letter will help for the board. As well as if they do decide to implement having a FCPO, it may not be on someone's evaluation in time. 


Guest HawkISback

We did the CDB the same day results came out, but we are a small command. 

Guest Admin_warrior

I recently checked into my command and i got debriefed by the CO who sat on my board. He told me i had everything I needed, MOVSM, degree, good evals, just a good record. He said what hurt me was my conversion from OS to PS. He said the board felt like i needed to be a PS1 longer cuz i only been one for 4 years (3 PS evals) but if i was a YN i would have made it. He said just sustain (sustained superior performance) and mentioned that quotas were low and it was hard to take records out and he remembered mine because i was a PG.  He told me tko eep it up, go for UPC and other collaterals and be active in CPO 365 and document involvement on the eval. I put in a request chit already for UPC, got that info from this forum, thanks everyone. Keep charging and making sailors and yourself better!

Guest Eric Davis
On 8/27/2016 at 10:19 PM, DirtSailorMA1 said:

Going into the FY18 Board with a Welcome Aboard "P" (5 months). How does the Board view that? Previous 5 years a variation of MP/EP and LPO on all, from shift to Dept. any insight will be great. Trying to make the "3rd times a charm." 



I had a welcome aboard P with 110 days on-board and was selected this year. As others have stated what was written in your previous evals along with your most recent. You're leadership resulted in x contributing to x for the command. Everything we do needs to have a cause and effect otherwise it means nothing but words on a piece of paper. Get out and get command collateral's or assistant to them if your command requires you to be a Chief to hold those positions. Also I've read in other posts and was discussed in training's I've had. If you didn't get a qual or certifications when you had the opportunity explain that in your LTB. It's your method to communicate to the board, express the reasons or circumstances as to why you were unable to achieve those milestones. And last keep your heads up if you don't get selected. Keep pushing to better your sailors, as their success will make writing your eval with more MEAT vice FLUFF that board members see right through easier.  

On September 1, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Admin_warrior said:

I recently checked into my command and i got debriefed by the CO who sat on my board. He told me i had everything I needed, MOVSM, degree, good evals, just a good record. He said what hurt me was my conversion from OS to PS. He said the board felt like i needed to be a PS1 longer cuz i only been one for 4 years (3 PS evals) but if i was a YN i would have made it. He said just sustain (sustained superior performance) and mentioned that quotas were low and it was hard to take records out and he remembered mine because i was a PG.  He told me tko eep it up, go for UPC and other collaterals and be active in CPO 365 and document involvement on the eval. I put in a request chit already for UPC, got that info from this forum, thanks everyone. Keep charging and making sailors and yourself better!

That's hard to take if I were you 4 years in your rate is not enough to get promoted. They promote fully and best qualified so being in a rate over a period of time is factored in. Did you ask your CO the required time in rate you needed to be selected.

Guest Admin_warrior
10 minutes ago, Iam32 said:

That's hard to take if I were you 4 years in your rate is not enough to get promoted. They promote fully and best qualified so being in a rate over a period of time is factored in. Did you ask your CO the required time in rate you needed to be selected.

He told me to keep doing what I am doing as a PS and factor Sustained Superior Performance. It definitely is hard to take but he said PS's that have been a PS 12 years and performed hurt me because I had so little time in rate. So doing the job longer and having so little quotas pushed me to the non-select pile.

2 hours ago, NavyChic said:


Could you repost this in the CPO365 thread? There may be benefits in getting an active CPO365 thread going permanently and this post fits it perfectly. 

Guest NavyChic
3 minutes ago, Tony said:

Could you repost this in the CPO365 thread? There may be benefits in getting an active CPO365 thread going permanently and this post fits it perfectly. 

Will do, 


First time user, long time follower.

                                                     I have a good one for the panel and welcome all replies. I recently found out that I didn't have any selection board information (no N,S,or H). I am a reservist so really it didn't peak my interest until later in my drill i brought it to my skippers attention. long story short i was the only reservist 1st Class in the entire reserve Navy who didn't get a look from the board. Couple emails to PERS and it was confirmed. I had nothing to send the board because my record was clean, and NEAS didn't send the board my results until 20Jun16, after the board had concluded. So i put in a Special Board request, which is currently at the CMDCM PERS-802 desk awaiting approval.  My concern at this point is not getting the board but really what is the push to select someone and create a billet after selection. Worse than that from what i can see in the precepts and info about how selections were made, i fit the criteria. MS, sustained superior performance, collateral duties, officer in my mess.  sorry for the rant but any advice is appreciated.

Guest NavyChic

I know I brought up CDBs a couple of weeks ago and now I am looking for clarification on the CDB and I will also look it up or ask my CCC but I had a discussion with a fellow first class and she stated that the command where I'm at only hold CDB's if you don't make board, not when you don't get selected. I've only been on onboard 6 months and I just found that to be poor leadership. I feel like having a CDB after not getting selected to review your record or go over things you can do or things you can get that you don't have and ways to lead for Sailorization is effective versus a CDB to point out you need to take the time to study to make board. Doesn't make sense to me:mellow:


  • 2 weeks later...

well heres an update. PERS-803 accepted my board request and has given me a 30-45 day window for results. sooooo heres hoping. Not really feeling the love from the command or CPO's at the moment especially those who just finished transition. I get that i wasn't apart of what they did but through no fault of my own. Not the greatest welcoming to the news but we will see how it all shakes out.


I did indeed look at my profile sheet and was selection board eligible. The push back from NEAOS was that somehow my test results were never sent to the board making my results known until after the board concluded it was the only reason I was allowed the special board. Again it's a shot but only that as I have 18 years in and know there is no real push to create another CPO bullet when they could deny easily. Didn't get the warmest feeling from the command on doing this special board to begin with and now comments float about. Again that's neither here nor there but first time in my career where doing the right thing for a sailor feels like career suicide. 

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