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Hey everyone just found the site. I have a question about what would be my best course of action.  This is my first time up, and while I feel pretty strong going in because I've knocked out a bit over my last few years (MOVSM, PPME, SEJPME, EIDWS, 4 USMAPS, CPO 365 leader, Associates, EP's and SOQ/SOY going all the way back to LS3) and I am still worried about my eval situation.  My last two evals are transfer evals (#1 EP soft breakouts) because I was on HUMS from Oct15 to Oct16.  Now I am back at sea, and I know LPO at Sea is vital, but I won't have an eval to show that.  Is there anything I should write to the board if I make it regarding both my current and previous HUMS situation.  Even though I was on HUMS a year, I still worked my way up to #1 EP upon leaving and got a spot NAM there.  I just want to make sure I answer any questions they may have. Any advice is appreciated.


Thank you I will likely take you up on your offer.  I feel I did a great job while I was there of putting my sailors first.  I helped an E-3 and E-5 get their MOVSM and that shows on my eval, and many other accomplishments they achieved like USMAP, college, SOQ, etc.  My last transfer eval I was one of one but the write up clearly states "if ranked he would be my #1 of 42 highly competitive first classes" and many other good things that show I didn't just waste my time for a year.  I just wanted to know if things like that on the cover letter would come off as me trying to win sympathy or something, and if it was better to just let it go unsaid.

Guest NavyChic

At my command we signed our evals early because our CO is leaving. I'm not worried about my average it was over the SGA, my individual trait average went down, but I understand because this is my first eval at a new command. I'm concerned that the recommendation in block 41 states "LPO AT SEA", but in my write up it states "A must select for Chief" and "Promote Now". 

My Chief noticed that what he put in block 41was not his recommendation, we also both agree that putting "LPO AT SEA", contradicts the "A must select for Chief" & "Promote Now". He said he was going out to try to question it and bring it up to the MasterChief to see if it can be changed. 

In my mind, I'm thinking they will not change it. My question is, should I really be concerned about the recommendation? It is just a recommendation and I haven't been LPO afloat. 

My real concern is how will the board perceive this? 

I also have another concern which is that my eval also states led "staff members", my concern with this is that shouldn't it say military or civilian members. My last eval I led both military and civilians, which was stated on my eval. 

If my eval, doesn't state who those "staff members" are how will the board perceive "staff members"? Will they automatically think military members? 

Any advice or suggestions, would be great! TIA

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest OldSalt
On ‎11‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 4:52 PM, NavyChic said:

At my command we signed our evals early because our CO is leaving. I'm not worried about my average it was over the SGA, my individual trait average went down, but I understand because this is my first eval at a new command. I'm concerned that the recommendation in block 41 states "LPO AT SEA", but in my write up it states "A must select for Chief" and "Promote Now". 

I have seen this before. I believe this issue stems from the wording in the instruction on how to fill this block out. In short it says fill in great and wonderful things that you could go and do. However, it also says not to put in anything that you are not eligible to go do. If memory serves (:blink: and some times it actually does) the example it gives is not putting in "Command at Sea" for an Ensign. Some take this to mean that while you may be able to go fill that function if need be; since you are not a Chief you are not eligible. Therefore you can not have "LCPO" of any kind in that block. In fact it could (emphasis on could) be a distractor since it would be contrary to the instruction to have it.  It also means that having "LPO AT SEA" in that block is not a contradiction to what is in the write up. Look at it this way. This block is only saying what kind of assignments you are recommended for as you are at this moment based on eligibility. Not what could you do if something was different (rank) or if need be. I think the only thing the board will perceive this as is that while you have not been an LPO at Sea you have the commands confidence to go do it and be successful at it.

As for the staff members thing. It may just come down to how much room remained in the write up section. If there was room to put it; they may wonder why it was not. If, not they may just think it was cut to save room for other important stuff. They will just assume that the composition of the members did not change from last year.

Hope this helps. If not let me know and I will try again.

Guest EM1Norfolk

Advice for E7 exam: Anyone has recommendations on how to study for the navy heritage, professional conduct, and administration. Tired of always score poor on these topics.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest AWFChief
On 12/16/2016 at 8:25 AM, EM1Norfolk said:

Advice for E7 exam: Anyone has recommendations on how to study for the navy heritage, professional conduct, and administration. Tired of always score poor on these topics.

For Naval heritage, I always studied chapter 5 of the BMR.  Copy the questions in the chapter onto flash cards and at the end of the BMR, the answers are provided to those question.  Also, the questions on the exam seem to be either about dates/wars or quotes.  Hope this helps.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Yamzi-USN

Can anybody help me with these questions...

I finished PPME, IPME, JPME, SEJPME all of the courses last year and it was written on my Evals. I knocked it out even though I am not eligible to take the Chief's Test yet.

But now, there is a newer version of all PMEs in NKO.  

1) Do I have to do the newer version again since I am taking the exam and preping myself if I get board eligibility?

2) Since all PMEs are written on my evals, do I need to enclose a copy of all the certificates if I submitted my LTB?

Guest CWO2 RRP 782X
On 1/14/2017 at 9:10 AM, Yamzi-USN said:

Can anybody help me with these questions...

I finished PPME, IPME, JPME, SEJPME all of the courses last year and it was written on my Evals. I knocked it out even though I am not eligible to take the Chief's Test yet.

But now, there is a newer version of all PMEs in NKO.  

1) Do I have to do the newer version again since I am taking the exam and preping myself if I get board eligibility?

2) Since all PMEs are written on my evals, do I need to enclose a copy of all the certificates if I submitted my LTB?

1. I will tell you that when the new SEJPME came out, I went ahead and completed it and sent in certificate with my package. Can't hurt if you have the time to knock them out.

2. If it's already documented, no need to send certificates. Ideally, you should only send in items that are missing from your record or designation letters, qual etc. you have earned since your last evaluation or anything you feel is substantial and the board should take into consideration.

My two cents! Best of luck to you and all on the upcoming exam!

Guest osiris0107

I hope that this forum starts to pick up soon since everyone took the test! This forum brings me such great joy to see people sharing ideas and scoops as to what they think might make you chief. The fact of the matter is that I have spoken with numerous master chiefs that have sat the board and they said it changes every year. The one thing that they all say consistently is that the order of the precepts, is the order of importance to the board. So if CDBs, Warfare involvement and 365 are in the paragraph "1.)" then you better have some type of involvement in those on your eval documented.  The bad thing is that it could change every year, but know if you have those items, it will ensure that you make a difference. I'm not an expert by any means, but I always call those in my field after results and ask them what could I do to stand out and what are you even looking for? I'm about to go overseas and enjoy shore duty, so whatever happens this year is ok with me.

Guest CWO2 RRP 782X

Good luck to all!! Hopefully you all move on to the next phase: Selection board!!

If you haven't started reviewing your OMPF and preparing a package for the board, I recommend getting ahead of the curve. Of course, if your record is on point, odds are you won't need to submit a package.

When I went through, I had several Chiefs scrub my record with a fine tooth comb to ensure there was no errors in my PSR/ESR, OMPF, etc. 

Just some food for thought!!

Guest AWFChief
On 1/24/2017 at 1:47 AM, ITC_RRP said:

If you haven't started reviewing your OMPF and preparing a package for the board, I recommend getting ahead of the curve. Of course, if your record is on point, odds are you won't need to submit a package.

Here's what I used to review my record : http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/toolbox/Documents/PlainTalk_Personnel_Record_Review_MAY2012.pdf

It comes straight from Navy Personnel Command.  I hope it helps, I recommend starting early.

Guest navyordie123

back in the saddle, first post of the year. hope that everyone did well on the exam. Good Luck to all

Guest Yamzi-USN

Just a thought...

Does the board look on FLTMPS as well to check your record?

Guest osiris0107
43 minutes ago, Yamzi-USN said:

Just a thought...

Does the board look on FLTMPS as well to check your record?

No, let only look at your OMPF and PSR. They can look at your PRIMS, but after the board to ensure you don't have failures that would put you in a hold status.


I was talking to a master chief who went to the board, and he was telling me how the board process can be very routine. Looking though each package 1 by 1 and finding many similarities in every other sailors package. There is alot of packages with documented SSP then most can assume. And then all of the sudden out of no where  you hear, "hey I got one"!. Does anyone here know what they look for to be that, "I got one" candidate? From what is posted on here seems like most FCPOs got the major checks in the block from PPME to major command collaterals and all in between. What makes it stand out?

Guest navyordie123
3 hours ago, SK2006 said:

I was talking to a master chief who went to the board, and he was telling me how the board process can be very routine. Looking though each package 1 by 1 and finding many similarities in every other sailors package. There is alot of packages with documented SSP then most can assume. And then all of the sudden out of no where  you hear, "hey I got one"!. Does anyone here know what they look for to be that, "I got one" candidate? From what is posted on here seems like most FCPOs got the major checks in the block from PPME to major command collaterals and all in between. What makes it stand out?

how you break out amongst your peers, your average compared to your Reporting Seniors, if it is above or equal to it on a good basis. your write ups and how your command sells you to the board and if you are producing the numbers with you collateral duties and most important, being a leader to your sailors. remember that this is not the Navy of old and that you have to do things out side of the Navy as well.

5 hours ago, SK2006 said:

I was talking to a master chief who went to the board, and he was telling me how the board process can be very routine. Looking though each package 1 by 1 and finding many similarities in every other sailors package. There is alot of packages with documented SSP then most can assume. And then all of the sudden out of no where  you hear, "hey I got one"!. Does anyone here know what they look for to be that, "I got one" candidate? From what is posted on here seems like most FCPOs got the major checks in the block from PPME to major command collaterals and all in between. What makes it stand out?

I kinda' heard different.

There can't be a lot of packages with SSP, otherwise there wouldn't be anything superior to choose. From what I've heard more than once, it's more of a vetting process of selecting only the best packages. 

And I'm not 100% sure of the selection process but I'm sure that many people have a misconception of what Sustained Superior Performance is. The key still is SSP (above others) so when someones says "I have SSP nail", I say, only the board with those packages currently in the room will be able to determine that.

My 2 cents worth... :) 

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Thanks for the info guys! I'm pretty junior to this. But I have been reading up on this forum and learning a lot from others.  It's complicating yet rewarding when trying to figure out my package. Good luck to all! 1st time up here. 

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Guest navyordie123
6 hours ago, SK2006 said:

Thanks for the info guys! I'm pretty junior to this. But I have been reading up on this forum and learning a lot from others.  It's complicating yet rewarding when trying to figure out my package. Good luck to all! 1st time up here. 

it will get easier when submitting your package the more info that you get but just remember that if it is in your record and the board can see it already then don't send it in. start now looking at your record cause you have more than enough time to get it fixed before the board convenes. good luck to you


Question to the Chiefs who view this page...I am an IT1 in the Reserves serving with a unit filling a BM1 billet. The only time I work in my rate in the Reserves has been while I was mobilized in 2010 and 2013. Will this have a negative effect at the board?

Guest OSCinthemaking

Good Morning,

I am trying to figure out the steps to take for a missing letter of extensions from my last ship. I left there in March of 2013. Checked into my shore duty command April of 2013. My original copy of my LOE was lost during my next eval submission. Can I make another LOE and submit or does it have to be from the original command?

14 hours ago, NavySAR said:

So what are we thinking for board eligible list? I'm saying 10 March..

Unless something changed this year I thought they did away with the list.  You have to check your profile sheet to know.

Guest OSCinthemaking
On 2/12/2017 at 8:56 AM, SUBLANT said:

I completed the Statement in Lieu of Missing Report from BUPERINST 1610.10 exhibit 17-4 and submitted it to PERS-32 and it is in my OMPF now. My continuity report does not and will not ever update the gap but the board can see it in my record and the actions I took to correct it. Hope that helps.

@SUBLANT thanks for the reply I will submit the statement.

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