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Guest SouthernSailor
3 minutes ago, DirtSailor said:

Still no news good or bad. Time to worry? Nah time to go drink beer.

I like your mentality lol Too bad I'm still at work...

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Guest SouthernSailor
Just now, HM8432 said:

HMC (SEL). Thanks to everyone who has provided insight and guidance here, it definitely helped. 

Congrats!! Good to know at least some people are still getting good news...

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Guest Proud Navy Wife

After 7 times... My husband made it!! Last go around for him!  So very proud of him. Congrats to all who made it and for those who didn't.. don't give up!  We almost did and that's when it happened!  

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Guest SeaBeeDoc
7 minutes ago, SouthernSailor said:

Congrats!! Good to know at least some people are still getting good news...

Congratulations, are you FTS or Reserve?

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Guest SouthernSailor
9 minutes ago, Proud Navy Wife said:

After 7 times... My husband made it!! Last go around for him!  So very proud of him. Congrats to all who made it and for those who didn't.. don't give up!  We almost did and that's when it happened!  

Congrats to him!!!

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Guest SeaBeeDoc

So eight times and still no "S" but seven very deserving individuals from my Command pick up I am so excited for them! Definitely no bad taste left here. Going to sit back and evaluate what is next for me,  technically I have one more look but not sure if I need to put all my focus in life after Navy. Regardless, I have enjoyed this ride and am proud of all of my accomplishments and being part of this Big Navy Family!!!

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Guest SouthernSailor
21 minutes ago, SeaBeeDoc said:

Congratulations, are you FTS or Reserve?

Oh, I still don't know yet lol I was saying congrats to HM8432... I'm a Reservist BM but still no official word as of yet..


-facepalm- My bad.... you didn't mean this for me... lol

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Guest OS1(SW/EXW)

Got a text from an OSC that I know who said "sorry Bro, you didn't make it this time", but still no official word...

oh well, time to start preparing for next year, I guess...or hope he is wrong.

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Guest SouthernSailor

Sorry to hear, man.... apparently no one at my unit has access to command triad BOL lol so my chief from another state is calling the NOSC to see what he can find out

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Guest laurar06
10 minutes ago, OS1(SW/EXW) said:

Got a text from an OSC that I know who said "sorry Bro, you didn't make it this time", but still no official word...

oh well, time to start preparing for next year, I guess...or hope he is wrong.

Hopefully wrong! :-/

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Guest ChiefDevilDoc

I know I asked this a few hours ago but I'll ask again since time has passed and new people are on here. Are there any FTS/SELRES greenside Sailors on this forum that has been contacted by Marine Forces Reserve today? Everyone I talked to a couple hours ago has heard nothing. Any insight would help......


.............my anxiety :)

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Guest SouthernSailor
Just now, TrustYourKeel said:

Called my BMC at 1000, 1030, 1100 and 1143. 12 years to the day I started my journey in the United States Navy. Proud to have made the cut. To those who received the N, keep fordging ahead!




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Guest ChiefDevilDoc

OK FTS/SELRES greensiders. I was just told by leadership that MFR is meeting in a few minutes. They had not gotten our results yet. Here we go.

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Guest SouthernSailor
2 minutes ago, DocU said:

OK FTS/SELRES greensiders. I was just told by leadership that MFR is meeting in a few minutes. They had not gotten our results yet. Here we go.

Good luck!!!

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Guest Navywife
11 minutes ago, DocU said:

I know I asked this a few hours ago but I'll ask again since time has passed and new people are on here. Are there any FTS/SELRES greenside Sailors on this forum that has been contacted by Marine Forces Reserve today? Everyone I talked to a couple hours ago has heard nothing. Any insight would help......


.............my anxiety :)

My husband is a HM1 AD at a MEPS and hasn't been told anything either.

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6 minutes ago, Navywife said:

My husband is a HM1 AD at a MEPS and hasn't been told anything either.

This is the part I don't like - those who get left in the dark. Happens every year. Take care of your Sailor? I don't think so :unsure:

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Guest Navywife
4 minutes ago, Tony said:

This is the part I don't like - those who get left in the dark. Happens every year. Take care of your Sailor? I don't think so :unsure:

Definitely. I certainly can not post my reactions to husband. lol But if not today, I will wake up at 0500 and check for him. 

**Thanks for the reminder, didn't realize that was included** :(

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