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Blondie, I personally dont think that your ITA plays a major factor. As long as you perform and your eval writeup displays that, you should not have to worry about anything. Other things to consider that YOU have control over are your PFA scores, Warfare Qualifications, Watch Qualifications, Off Duty Education. Did you put your 110% into everything you have accomplished or did you do the bare minimum to get by. Selection Boards can easily see whether or not you took the effort to make yourself a well rounded Sailor/Leader. Being selected for Chief is not about checking off career boxes. Its about whether or not you have the abilities to take care of the Sailors that will be put under your charge and to lead them through adversity. If you dont have the abilities to lead/mentor as an FCPO, you surely will not have them if you put on Anchors.

Guest Blondie

Blondie, you're correct about the individual trait average vs. summary group average showing sustained superior performance....being above the summary group indicates how you stack against your peers, particularly if the evaluation falls into the MP category and doesn't include a "rank statement" at the top.


I wouldn't worry about the reporting senior's cumulative average....they're supposed to manage that and not let it get too inflated (over-use of the 5.0 or even 4.0).  They need to make sure they keep some wiggle room to properly document above or below average performance.


You being above the summary group average is what matters!

Thank you for your input!  That puts my mind at ease, especially considering the one or two times when my ITA was above the SGA but below the R/S average.  Thank you as well ITC!

Guest TridentSeaWarrior0625

Hello fellow SBE!!  I wondering if someone can please email me an example of a summary letter.  Also how early should I submit my Package?  Good luck my friends


I recognize some of the old timers checking in over the last few days, welcome back along with everyone else and don't forget your profile pic 



Tony thank you for allowing me to be apart of this awesome forum. First time SBE fellow leaders. I wish everyone the best of luck this year.


Tony thank you for allowing me to be apart of this awesome forum. First time SBE fellow leaders. I wish everyone the best of luck this year.


Thank you and welcome aboard


Guest Blondie

Your trait average absolutely plays a BIG part at the selection board. Blondie was correct in assuming that the board uses your trait average verses the Seniors reporting average to establish sustained superior performance. Matter of fact, FLT Master Chief April Beldo just released a paper explaining this last week. Here is that part of the article: 




And I'll tell you what, as a board member Block 40 meant a lot to me. Because I would compare Block 40 to the reporting senior's summary group average, and whether that Sailor was a "P," "MP" or an "EP," if they were well above that reporting senior's average I took that into account. That meant a lot to me.

Now I'm confused again.  When FLT Master Chief Beldo is using the terms "reporting senior/s summary group average" and "reporting senior's average", is she talking about the SGA for that eval or the actual R/S' overall average?  I don't think it's fair to grade people against the R/S' average, especially if they are trying to lower it and intentionally giving lower marks across the board (which we all know can and will happen).


Either way, thanks for posting this High Voltage, it was a great article!

Guest Msduval2u

So, I completed my JPME in October and it never got submitted in my record so, I am going to have to submit that to the board as well as my security manager's cert. Do you guys think I should submit my cert for advanced YN/PS training cert as well?


It's not mandatory for every command to issue a NAM for SOY's.  I am a proud recipient of SOY FY13 and received an LOC (from our CO-Captain) for the citation along with every other previous SOY at my command.  It's a very prestigious, stand-out-ish title and accomplishment and is viewed as such.  My understanding is, that unless you received an Award of Valor, Purple Heart, Combat Action, or awards of that nature, NAMS do not carry as much weight as we think.  Sure, the board does review them, but, how many of us are recipients of the good ol' EOT NAM? It all boils down to those evals and write ups!

Good luck!

Jenkballs I would like to first congratulate on on you selection as SOY however I must disagree with your assertion that NAM's do not carry weight. If you read the 1650.1H it states the MAJOR difference between an EOT NAM and an IMPACT NAM. IMPACT NAMs speak volumes for superior performance of a sailors duties for a short period of time (less than 12 months). If the board has a chance to view an IMPACT NAM I believe it will carry a significant amount of weight.

Guest Blondie

Sure, the board does review them, but, how many of us are recipients of the good ol' EOT NAM?

Bah, I'm in my ninth year of service and I've yet to receive a NAM... or any Navy personal award, for that matter.  Maybe one day :)

Guest Yokosuka

Does anyone know where I can have a pre-frontal lobotomy?


Does anyone know where I can have a pre-frontal lobotomy?


I will say that it is pretty sad that you would want to do something unethical and be so public about it. Do not worry, your identity is safe with me but you are not welcome here.


Hey guys! Anyone here who completed their BPMEs? If so i can ise some help.... Thanks

AquaNaut what exactly do you need help with IRT the BPME. I have completed the Enlisted BPME, PPME, as well as the Officer PPME from NKO.


Good morning all!  I have been stalking this forum for about two years and have finally decided to create myself an account since this is my first year I have been up for CPO!


I find that I am a very unique candidate here due to my position in my last command.  So first I will explain my situation a little bit.  I was attached to a sea duty command (HM-14), but was sent TAD (I was selected for an I-level billet to this command I did not volunteer or get voluntold to go TAD it's how this process works believe it or not) to a shore command (FRCMA Norfolk) to assist the squadron in the event they ever deployed aboard ship (I would be their I-Level SEAOPDET support for those of you familiar with the aviation side of the Navy).  Long story short, I never deployed and I pretty much received a four-year shore duty tour.  This was a back-to-back sea duty assignment with my first command being VFA-105.   Being that I did a back to back sea tour my detailer refused to let me do a third consecutive sea tour even though I explained I was on shore duty for four years so I am now attached to CNATTU Lemoore as an instructor. 


So, now that you all have my background I will explain my predicament here.  Since I was TAD to a separate command the entire time I was only ranked with fellow Sailors that were also TAD to FRCMA Norfolk with me from HM-14.  I received concurrent evaluations (which were all done horribly wrong I came to find out and I have five letters or correction in my record now because of it) and because of this I was always in a relatively small summary group.  I received four E-5 evals (P, MP, MP, EP) with a summary group of six and one E-6 eval (EP) with a summary group of two.  So I definitely don’t have the large summary group that the chief’s board is looking for.


Furthermore, I did, however, make the best of a bad situation.  While TAD to FRCMA Norfolk I made E-6 my last year there and became the LPO of the largest work center in the command.  I led 49 Sailors and was considered a branch LPO.  Additionally, I was a departmental career counselor for both HM-14 for all the Sailors TAD to FRCMA Norfolk and my division at FRCMA Norfolk, as well as the sponsorship coordinator for gains to FRCMA Norfolk from HM-14.  I was also an assistant command security manager for FRCMA Norfolk and I completed my Bachelor’s degree with a 3.88 GPA.  All this resulted in me being selected for SOY for both FRCMA Site Norfolk and the next level up, which was for FRCMA (a command consisting of seven sites).  So basically, I was awarded SOY for a command I was not even technically attached to, but only TAD to.  This enabled me to receive a rock solid eval of a 4.86 and a EP for my first E-6 eval, which allowed me to take the CPO test a year early and here I am today.


Some additional information that may help my chances for selection include: received a NAM for my SOY award from a one star admiral (Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers), completed both my Basic PME and Senior enlisted PME (currently in work on officer, which will be completed soon), lots of documented FCPOA involvement (I did not hold a leadership position in the mess though), recently enrolled and am pursing my Master’s degree, completed several NRTCs (including Military Requirements for CPO).


So my questions are as follows:


My EP E-6 evaluation was 1 of 2 and it stated I was FRCMA SOY and I would easily be ranked the top FCPO if ranked with FRCMA Norfolk.  Will them including this statement play any impact on how the board views my small summary group?


Will me being on sea duty, but serving in a shore command be viewed negatively?  I was on sea, but never had the opportunity to deploy due to the squadron never requiring to be attached to ship during my tenure there.


Will only having one E-6 eval be an instant toss out as far as my chances for selection goes?


I thank you all in advance for spending the time to read my long and drawn out post here.


I made Chief on shore duty (actual shore duty)...so, yes....you can still promote even without being at sea.


Those 49 Sailors you led and others you "career counseled"...what did you do for them?  What was the result?  Did THEY get promoted?  Did THEY receive awards?  Did THEY get selected for special programs?  (as a result of your leadership?)





Thank you for your response.  In my eval, my EOT NAM, and my SOY NAM I have all the pertinent details about what my Sailors accomplished under my leadership so I believe I am good there.


Here's to hoping for that "S" first time up this year!


Again, thank you for your response; it puts my mind at ease a little bit when you hear of people getting selected on shore.


Good to see so many faces new and old!  I've been on and off on here for a couple years now.  Gotten lots of good info!  Hoping 5th time is a charm for me.  Good luck to all SBE's!

Guest NavySquid79

can anyone tell me where to go to complete the JPME courses?  Thanks in advance everyone and good luck!


can anyone tell me where to go to complete the JPME courses?  Thanks in advance everyone and good luck!

The JPME course can be found on NKO once you are on the Navy E-Learning page. Just go to course search and plug in "JPME". I personally have done the JPME on NKO as well as the SEJPME from the Joint Forces Staff College. However as of 1MAR14 they discontinued allowing E-6's enroll and complete the course. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Guest Blondie

The JPME course can be found on NKO once you are on the Navy E-Learning page. Just go to course search and plug in "JPME". I personally have done the JPME on NKO as well as the SEJPME from the Joint Forces Staff College. However as of 1MAR14 they discontinued allowing E-6's enroll and complete the course. Hope this helps. Good luck!

I enrolled in NKO's JPME around the middle of March, and I've been working through the sections since then... do you mean they won't give me a cert after I do all the sections?  I also enrolled in the senior enlisted PPME but haven't completed it yet... will I still be able to do that?

Guest ordie230

Does anyone recommend submitting a PPME Cert to your OMPF?  I'm not even sure if you can do that.

Does anyone have a FCPOA designation letter for P and VP that I can use?


Thanks !

Guest NavySquid79

Thanks for the info!  Is the only cert for this course the NKO cert? 

Guest JWJONES711

Does anyone here have a good format that I could use for a career summary letter? Thanks.

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