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Everything posted by Tony

  1. WASHINGTON — Two veterans advocacy groups have filed a lawsuit against the Defense Department to obtain records on criminal prosecutions that they say have been illegally withheld from the public and which they expect could show disparities in how some serious crimes, particularly sexual assault, are punished in the military.
  2. Navy Household Goods Webinar Dates: 08 Nov - Moving Entitlements 09 Nov - Personally Procured Move 10 Nov - Retiree/ Separation Time: 1500 CST/ 1600 EST
  3. The Navy raised its maximum enlistment age to 41 on Friday for sailors joining the fleet, a nod to the current recruiting struggles plaguing the entire U.S. military. Before last week’s policy change, the age cutoff for enlisted sailors was 39, with recruits needing to report to boot camp by their 40th birthday.
  4. FALLS CHURCH, Va. – Starting Oct. 24, about 15,000 independent pharmacies will no longer be in the TRICARE retail pharmacy network. Even with the departure of these community pharmacies, the network will still offer access to more than 40,000 pharmacies. Express Scripts, the TRICARE pharmacy contractor, manages the TRICARE pharmacy retail network under a contract with the Department of Defense. This network change will be implemented in preparation of the next TRICARE pharmacy contract.
  5. Here’s a list of some of the restaurants and other businesses across the country offering free eats or discounts to veterans and active-duty service members on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. Double-check with your local outlets to make sure they are participating in the offer and what proof of service they require. Some offer discounts to veterans but not their family members. If your favorite place isn’t on the list, check with it anyway just to make sure it isn’t offering Veterans Day discounts or free food. Many do.
  6. ARLINGTON, Va. – The trio of Zumwalt-class guided-missile destroyers could each field up to a dozen hypersonic missiles, with the first ship ready for testing in 2025, USNI News has learned. The service has determined that the hull can accommodate four 87-inch missile tubes that can each hold multiple missiles, Vice Adm. Johnny Wolfe the head of the Navy’s strategic systems programs, told reporters on Tuesday at the Naval Submarine League’s annual symposium.
  7. ROUTINE R 032100Z NOV 22 MID200012864292T FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO ZEN/CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 250/22 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/NOV// SUBJ/ENAVFIT IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/241616ZNOV21// REF/B/DOC/BUPERSINST 1610.10F/01DEC21// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/141834ZJAN22// NARR/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1610.10F, NAVY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. REF B IS NAVADMIN 267/21, TALENT MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE AND ENAVFIT. SYSTEM. REF C IS NAVADMIN 004/22, ENAVFIT AVAILABILITY FOR ACTIVE COMPONENT AS ALTERNATIVE TO NAVFIT98A.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides a status update on eNavFit latency issues at the Fleet level and the sunset date for NAVFIT98A. a. Navy Personnel Command (NPC) deployed eNavFit to the Reserve Component in December 2021 as described in reference (a) and to the Active Component in February 2022 as described in reference (b). Reference (c) includes the policy for eNavFit. To date over 37,000 summary groups have been created and over 27,500 appraisals have been received and entered into Sailors official military personnel file by NPC via eNavFit. b. NPC has authorized the continued use of NAVFIT98A until 31 December 2023 as an alternative while NPC resolves eNavFit challenges common with new software product implementation. Numerous fixes and enhancements to eNavFit have been implemented since the initial release and NPC continues to receive Fleet feedback which enables updates on a continuous bases. c. NAVFIT98A will sunset on 31 December 2023. NAVFIT98A reports postmarked prior to 1 January 2024 will be accepted. After 1 January 2024 NPC will only accept reports generated from eNavFit to include printed reports. 2. All Sailors can access eNavFit through BUPERS Online (BOL) for online evaluation and fitness report drafting, routing, signature, review, and submission. While in BOL, click the *eNavFit Program* link. Users must access eNavFit via Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari web browsers. Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer web browsers are not compatible and will cause system errors. 3. Commands are reminded eNavFit has been designed to support environments with regular internet connectivity, intermittent internet connectivity, or no internet connectivity. Commands entirely offline may use eNavFit forms to print, wet sign, and mail completed reports and summary letters to NPC. 4. Performance evaluation training materials, including the eNavFit user guide, video tutorials, best practices, and frequently asked questions are available on the NPC website at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Performance- Evaluation/eNavFit. The PET/eNavFit team will continue providing live training sessions via Microsoft Teams on a bi-monthly basis through fiscal year 2023. 5. For questions concerning eNavFit, contact the MyNavy Career Center at (833) 330-6622 or via e-mail at askmncc(at)navy.mil. 6. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 7. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #7978 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  8. ROUTINE R 032056Z NOV 22 MID200012864273T FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO ZEN/CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 249/22 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/NOV// SUBJ/FY-23 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OFFICER SPECIAL PAYS FOR ACTIVE DUTY// REF/A/DOC/USC/28JAN08// REF/B/DOC/DOD/30DEC15// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/28DEC05// NARR/REF A IS SECTION 335, TITLE 37, U.S. CODE, SPECIAL BONUS AND INCENTIVEPAY AUTHORITIES FOR OFFICERS IN HEALTH PROFESSIONS. REF B IS DODI 6000.13, ACCESSION AND RETENTION POLICIES, PROGRAMS AND INCENTIVES FOR MILITARY HEALTH PROFESSIONS OFFICERS (HPO). REF C IS OPNAVINST 7220.17, SPECIAL PAY FOR MEDICAL CORPS, DENTAL CORPS, MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS AND NURSE CORPS OFFICERS. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the continuation of authority granted in references (a) through (c). 2. Submission of requests for fiscal year (FY) 2023 special and incentive pays may begin upon release of this NAVADMIN in line with reference (c) and specific FY-23 medical department special pay guidance. 3. Specific special pays implementation guidance, administrative procedures, and Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery special pays point of contact information is available at https://www.med.navy.mil/Special-Pays/. If not a member of Navy Medicine, common access card (CAC) users will need to register their CAC upon first access to the site. All personnel eligible for medical department officer special pays are strongly encouraged to review their corps-specific guidance located at the aforementioned link. 4. This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 5. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #7956 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  9. ARLINGTON, Va. – In the near future, the U.S. nuclear attack submarine fleet will be able to launch and recover an underwater robot from a torpedo tube, Navy officials said this week. The torpedo-sized Razorback — designed to extend the awareness of a submarine— has been in testing on the Navy’s attack boats for more than a year but requires a dry deck shelter and divers to recover the 600-pound UUV. The current procedure has blunted the utility of the system, Submarine Force commander Vice Adm. Bill Houston said on Tuesday at the Naval Submarine League’s annual symposium
  10. ARLINGTON, Va. — The U.S. Navy submarine force is nearly done implementing reforms following an October 2021 undersea collision of attack submarine Connecticut, according to the commander of submarine forces. Vice Adm. William Houston said 27 of 28 major actions recommended in the command investigation have been completed, with the last one set for completion in the spring.
  11. Date: 03 Nov 2022 Time: 1000 PST/ 1300 EST Topic: Overview of the ENAVFIT Interface With a Q&A Session ENAVFIT Training Or call in (audio only) +1 410-874-6751,,889949481# Phone Conference ID: 889 949 481# * E-6 Eval Closeout on 15 Nov 22
  12. OIX GATEWAY NORFOLK VA SUCCESSFUL PROCESSING REPORT: NOMINATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE NATIONAL NAVY RESERVE POLICY GOES MSG_ID: 200080384938 RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0046 2941721-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 211721Z OCT 22 MID200080384938U FM COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA TO NAVRESFOR INFO ASSTSECNAV MRA WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA COMNAVRESFORCOM NORFOLK VA COMNAVIFORES FORT WORTH TX COMNAVAIRFORES SAN DIEGO CA COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN BT UNCLAS ALNAVRESFOR 035/22 // MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA/N5// SUBJ/NOMINATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE NATIONAL NAVY RESERVE POLICY BOARD (NNRPB)// REF/A/INST/SECNAVINST 5420.170M/29JAN19// REF/B/INST/SECNAVINST 5210.8F/26MAR19// NARR/ REF A IS THE NATIONAL NAVY AND MARINE CORPS RESERVE POLICY BOARD. REF B IS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM.// POC/OLSEN/CAPT/SECNAV NNRPB/WASHINGTON DC/CML: TEL: (757) 615-3538/EMAIL: SARA.H.OLSEN.MIL(AT)US.NAVY.MIL// POC/LARAWAY/CDR/COMNAVRESFOR/NORFOLK VA/CML: TEL: (757) 322-2077/DSN: 262-2077/EMAIL: CNRFC_N5(AT)US.NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This is a solicitation for Training and Administration of the Reserves (TAR) and Selected Reserve (SELRES) nominees in the grades of E-8 to E-9 and O-5 to O-6 to fill board member vacancies on the NNRPB for a three-year commitment starting in January 2023. Applicants must have a minimum of three years of eligible service remaining. 2. Per reference (a), the NNRPB is established to "consider, recommend, and report to the SECNAV on reserve policy matters." The NNRPB works at the strategic level and prospective members should possess a wide range of experience, with records of success in their military and civilian careers, as applicable. 2.a. NNRPB members will dedicate considerable time to policy issues throughout the year and must be able to attend at least two NNRPB meetings per year (typically March and September) in Washington, D.C. The committees on the board meet virtually monthly and as required year-round between the two in-person meetings. 2.b. During this selection cycle, the NNRPB expects to select TAR as well as SELRES officers and senior enlisted to fill Principal Member positions and Alternate Member positions. The representation of TAR personnel on the NNRPB as Principal Members is new for this year's selection process. 3. Applicants for the NNRPB may begin applying immediately. 3.a. Applicant packages shall be submitted electronically at https://private.navyreserve.navy.mil/cnrfc/N-Codes/N5A/nnrpbapply/ by 4 November 2022 in one PDF. 3.b. Application packages shall consist of a single PDF (i.e., the single PDF shall include all components of the application). The file shall include a letter no longer than two pages providing the following information for the applicant: rank, name, navy email address, best phone number for contact, current Navy position, a description of last five Navy assignments, and a statement about why the applicant wants to be on the NNRPB. Applicants may also include a detailed description of service, if any, on civilian boards of directors/advisory boards (including corporate directorships), in elected or appointed office, or as staff to a corporate director or elected/appointed official. One letter of recommendation (which does not count in the two-page personal statement limitation) may also be submitted and included in the single PDF file. 4. Selectees will be notified personally by the Chair of the NNRPB no later than 15 December 2022. 5. Reports. Policy board application packages are exempt from reports control per reference (b). 6. Released by CAPT J.J. Molinari, Chief of Staff, COMNAVRESFOR.// BT #0046 NNNN <DmdsSecurity>UNCLASSIFIED//</DmdsSecurity> <DmdsReleaser>BIERLEY.JOHN.FITZGERALD.JR.1276268542</DmdsReleaser>
  13. On October 17, an EA-18G Growler assigned to Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129 successfully performed a functional check flight at Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, according to a statement from the US Navy. The service said that the successful flight of the fighter jet marks the completion of a complex transformation process for an aircraft that was declared beyond repair by the US Navy. On September 14, 2017, the plane, which was then flown by the “Wizards” of VAQ-133, collided with another aircraft belonging to Carrier Air Wing 2 while taking part in a training exercise at NAS Fallon.
  14. ROUTINE R 311303Z OCT 22 MID200080405691U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 247/22 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/OCT// SUBJ/ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/24 ENLISTED CYBER MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE OPPORTUNITY AT NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL// REF/A/INST/OPNAV/30JAN07// REF/B/INST/OPNAV/07JAN15// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1160.8A, SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS PROGRAM. REF B IS OPNAVINST 1520.23C, GRADUATE EDUCATION.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN solicits enlisted Sailor applications for enrollment in the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) 15-month Master of Science in Applied Cyber Operations (MACO) program. This opportunity is one of many efforts to increase Cyber capabilities for the Navy, while building a professional Cyber workforce. 2. This program is available to E-6 and above Active Duty and Full-Time Support members in the Information Systems Technician and Cryptologic Technician-Networks ratings. Eligibility criteria and nomination process are located at the Navy Information Warfare Outreach Page on milSuite at https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-526186 (common access card e-mail certificate login required). NPS applications must be submitted to NPS no later than 31 December 2022. 3. Selectees will be assigned to Navy-funded education as full-time students under permanent change of station orders to Monterey, CA, with either a September 2023 or March 2024 start. As full-time students, Sailors will be required to carry a full academic load year-round. Degree requirements shall be completed in 15 months. 4. Applications must be sent via encrypted e-mail or DOD SAFE (https://safe.apps.mil/) to NAVIFOR_MACO(at)us.navy.mil within two weeks of notification of conditional acceptance by NPS. 5. Selection results will be disseminated via official e-mail from a Naval Information Force MACO Program Officer. Due to the highly-competitive nature of this program, notification of selection via official e-mail is a binding commitment which selectees must accept or decline within five working days of receipt. 6. The point of contact for this program can be contacted via e-mail at NAVIFOR_MACO(at)us.navy.mil. 7. This message will remain in effect until superseded, or 1 September 2023, whichever occurs first. 8. Released by VADM Jeffrey E. Trussler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  15. ROUTINE R 311453Z OCT 22 MID200080405895U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 248/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/OCT// SUBJ/FY-23 ACTIVE DUTY OFFICER LATERAL TRANSFER AND REDESIGNATION BOARDS// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/17JAN19// REF/B/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/21JUN22// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/04MAY19// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/06JAN13// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/13APR10/ REF/F/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/02AUG18/ REF/G/DOC/SECNAVINST/24JAN20// REF/H/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/02JUN10// REF/I/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/22AUG02// REF/J/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/22FEB20// REF/K/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/251736ZJAN18// REF/L/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/101548ZJUN19// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1210.5B, LATERAL TRANSFER AND REDESIGNATION OF ACTIVE COMPONENT OFFICERS IN THE NAVY. REF B IS MILPERSMAN 1212-010, LATERAL TRANSFER AND CHANGE OF DESIGNATOR CODES OF REGULAR AND RESERVE OFFICERS. REF C IS MILPERSMAN 1212-030, REDESIGNATION OF REGULAR PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY LIMITED DUTY OFFICERS. REF D IS MILPERSMAN 1220-410, SEAL/EOD/SWCC/DIVER/AIRR PHYSICAL SCREENING TESTING STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. REF E IS MILPERSMAN 1210-230, EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL (EOD) OFFICER. REF F IS MILPERSMAN 1220-100, NAVY DIVER (ND) RATING. REF G IS SECNAVINST 5510.30C, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY PERSONNEL SECURITY PROGRAM. REF H IS MILPERSMAN 1610-020, DISQUALIFICATION OF OFFICERS FOR DUTY INVOLVING FLYING. REF I IS MILPERSMAN 1210-110, ENGINEERING DUTY OFFICER DESIGNATION: QUALIFIED IN SUBMARINES. REF J IS MILPERSMAN 1212-040, ENGINEERING DUTY (ED) OPTION PROGRAM. REF K IS NAVADMIN 014/18, UPDATED OFF-RAMP GUIDANCE FOR ACTIVE AND RESERVE COMPONENT INFORMATION WARFARE AND SUPPLY CORPS LIMITED DUTY OFFICERS. REF L IS NAVADMIN 128/19, OFF-RAMP GUIDANCE FOR ACTIVE COMPONENT SUBMARINE COMMUNICATIONS DESIGNATOR 6290 LIMITED DUTY OFFICERS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the notice of convening of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Active Duty Officer Lateral Transfer and Redesignation Boards. Applications from qualified unrestricted line, restricted line, staff corps and non-off-ramp limited duty officers (LDO) will be accepted in line with the schedule below. Officers in LDO off-ramp communities requesting to redesignate within their parent community, along with training and administration of the reserve and selected reserve officers, are not eligible to apply for these boards. 2. The FY-23 Active Duty Officer Lateral Transfer and Redesignation Board schedules are as follows: 16 Dec 22 - Packages are due for the February 2023 Board. 11 Feb 23 - All addendums (FITREPs and Warfare Qualifications) are due. 22 Feb 23 - February 2023 Board Convenes. 30 Jun 23 - Packages are due for the August 2023 Board. 13 Aug 23 - All addendums (FITREPs and Warfare Qualifications) are due. 29 Aug 23 - August 2023 Board Convenes. 3. All officers considering applying for lateral transfer or redesignation through this board are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with references (a) through (l). Applicants must meet eligibility requirements detailed in references (a) through (c) and are required to review and comply with any additional community requirements found in the lateral transfer letter of instruction (LOI), which can be viewed on the MyNavy HR website at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career- Management/Boards/Administrative/Transfer-Redesignation/. a. Officers desiring to apply who do not meet eligibility requirements in line with references (a) through (c) such as time- in-grade, years-of-commissioned service, or time-in-service, must submit a waiver request in addition to, or in conjunction with, their lateral transfer and redesignation application. b. All application packages must include a letter from the current commanding officer, acknowledging their review of the application. It should include their positive or negative endorsement of the officers application and specifically address any waiver requests by the officer. These letters must be dated within 60 days of the application deadline. c. Active Component LDOs in the supply corps (651X), information warfare (68XX) and submarine communication (629X) communities are designated for off-ramp as listed in references (k) and (l) vice this board. Those who desire to redesignate within their parent community should submit their requests in line with references (k) and (l) vice this board. 4. Submit applications and waiver requests (as required), in line with the lateral transfer LOI, which can be viewed on the MyNavy HR website. 5. The lateral transfer LOI provides officers with an indication of existing lateral transfer and resignation opportunities, as well as year group (YG) limitations. Designators indicated are authorizing a limited number of active duty officers to transfer from their current community. Each YG is subject to change prior to the board convening. 6. Officers are required to list their lateral transfer and redesignation choice(s) by priority in their application. Additionally, officers are required to include the following statement in their application: *I (am/am not) either the subject of an ongoing criminal or military investigation of any kind, or pending charges for any improper behavior or misconduct.* 7. Interested officers are strongly encouraged to contact the applicable officer community manager listed below: AEDO (301) 757-8480/DSN 757 AMDO (301) 757-8481/DSN 757 AVIATION (901) 874-3353/DSN 882 CEC (901) 874-4034/DSN 882 EDO (901) 874-3473/DSN 882 EOD (901) 874-4991/DSN 882 FAO (901) 874-3694/DSN 882 HR (901) 874-4049/DSN 882 INTEL (901) 874-3426/DSN 882 IP (901) 874-2846/DSN 882 CW (901) 874-3123/DSN 882 CWE (901) 874-3123/DSN 882 MSO (901) 874-2846/DSN 882 LDO (901) 874-3044/DSN 882 MSC (901) 874-2370/DSN 882 OCEANO (901) 874-2461/DSN 882 PAO (901) 874-3098/DSN 882 NSW (703) 604-5005/DSN 664 SUB (703) 604-5488/DSN 664 JAGC (901) 874-3521/DSN 882 SUPPLY (901) 874-3189/DSN 882 SWO (901) 874-3173/DSN 882 SWO(N) (703) 604-5490/DSN 664 8. Board results will be posted on the MyNavy HR Active Duty Lateral Transfer and Redesignation Board website at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career- Management/Boards/Administrative/Transfer-Redesignation/. 9. Points of contact: a. For community-specific application questions, contact the appropriate officer community manager. b. For application format or submission questions, visit the MyNavy HR website at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career- Management/Boards/Administrative/Transfer-Redesignation/. 10. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled. 11. Released by RADM J. P. Waters, Acting N1B.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  16. Afghan commandos that were trained by the US are being recruited to fight for Russia in Ukraine, according to a report from Foreign Policy. Members of Afghanistan's elite National Army Commando Corps were left behind by the United States when the Taliban took control of the country in August 2021. Now, commandos say they are being contacted on WhatsApp and Signal with offers to fight for Russia, according to the outlet.
  17. A former Navy chief petty officer pleaded guilty to his role in an insurance fraud scheme, the U.S. attorney’s office for the southern district of California announced Thursday. Christopher Toups, 43, a former chief petty officer construction mechanic assigned to the explosive ordnance disposal expeditionary support unit in San Diego, Calif., pleaded guilty Thursday to conspiracy to commit wire fraud, according to a news release from the U.S. attorney’s office. When Toups was indicted in January 2019, he was charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud and making a false and fraudulent claim, according to the indictment.
  18. ROUTINE R 272043Z OCT 22 MID200080399034U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 245/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/OCT// SUBJ/REMOVAL OF REQUIREMENT TO QUALIFY SENIOR IN RATE PRIOR TO ASSIGNMENT OF THE N71Z NEC FOR NUCLEAR TRAINED SAILORS// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/6OCT21// MPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1220.1F, CHANGING OR REMOVING NAVY ENLISTED CLASSIFICATIONS CODES FOR NUCLEAR PROPULSION PLANT PERSONNEL.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces a change to the requirements to be assigned the aircraft carrier (nuclear propulsion) Propulsion Plant Local Area Network (PPLAN) administrator Navy enlisted classification (NEC) (N71Z). 2. Effective immediately, this NAVADMIN removes the requirement for a nuclear trained Sailor to be qualified in their senior-in-rate watch station in line with reference (a) prior to being assigned the NEC N71Z. 3. The requirements to be assigned the NEC N71Z PPLAN administrator are as follows: a. Sailor holds primary or secondary nuclear NEC (N1XO, N2XO, N1XS, or N2XS). b. Complete Network Plus or CompTIA A+ certification. c. Attend approved naval reactors hands-on training developed by the naval nuclear laboratory. 4. In line with reference (a), the requirement to submit a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Change Request, NAVPERS 1221/6, to Nuclear Enlisted Community Manager (OPNAV N133D) prior to NEC assignment remains in effect. 5. Point of contact: Nuclear Enlisted Programs and Community Manager (OPNAV N133D2A) at (703)604-5492 or e-mail at bullnuke(at)navy.mil. 6. This message will remain in effect until superseded or cancelled. 7. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSSIFIED//
  19. ROUTINE R 271941Z OCT 22 MID200080398841U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 244/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/OCT// SUBJ/SELECTION OF APPLICANTS FOR THE FY-23 SEAMAN TO ADMIRAL-21 COMMISSIONING PROGRAM// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/14DEC09// REF/B/DOC/BUMED/11JUN15// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1420.1B, ENLISTED TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS APPLICATION ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL. REF B IS THE MANMED, NAVMED P-117, CHAPTER 15, PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS AND STANDARDS FOR ENLISTMENT, COMMISSION, AND SPECIAL DUTY.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces selections for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Seaman to Admiral-21 (STA-21) program. STA-21 is the premier commissioning source providing the highest levels of education and leadership training for our Sailors. These highly motivated Sailors will be among the leaders of our Navy well into the 21st Century. The selection board received 265 highly competitive selection packages from well-qualified Sailors and 79 outstanding Sailors were selected, making the selection this year a challenging task. Those who applied should be very proud of their accomplishments and continue their outstanding performance to ensure professional growth and increase their chance of selection in a future board. Congratulations to all of the selectees! 2. Selectees are (read name, rate, and option assigned): ANOP, SIDNEY COLE IT2 SWO AQUINO, ALEX MCKENZIE EMN3 NUCLEAR BELL, ALEX KRISTOPHER EMN3 NUCLEAR BELLIN, ZACHARY ADAM MMN3 NUCLEAR BERNALPADILLA, ERICK GILBERTO EMN3 NUCLEAR BERRY, AARON MICHAEL EMN3 NUCLEAR BRAMBILA, JUAN PABLO AZ1 PILOT BRANDT, JENNIFER H EMN3 NUCLEAR BROADBEAR, SHAWN THOMAS MMN3 NUCLEAR BUNKER, GAVIN P ETN2 NUCLEAR CALUCAG, REGIENALD ALEJO CS2 CORE CARD, DANIEL DEAN ND1 EOD CARTER, ELIZABETH BRONWYN ETN3 NUCLEAR CHERRY, ANDREW KYLE ETN3 NUCLEAR CLARKE, DANA NIELLE ETN3 NUCLEAR COSICO, ABRAHAM M EMN1 NUCLEAR CRACOVIA, JUSTIN STANISLAUS ETN2 NUCLEAR DELRIOLANE, DANIEL JOEL IT1 IP DICRISTINA, SHARON LAUREL DC1 SWO DOUGLAS, AISHA MAGRET HM2 NURSE DUFFIELD, NATHAN MICHAEL STS1 SWO DURK, DANIEL STEVEN AT1 PILOT ELLIOTT, DAVID MATTHEW MMN2 NUCLEAR FRIEDMAN, GABRIELLE LEAH ETN3 NUCLEAR GIBSON, JIREH J ETN2 NUCLEAR GOODWIN, SAWYER ROBERTSON ETN2 NUCLEAR GUBLER, MAXWELL LARSEN MMN3 NUCLEAR GUTIERREZ, KADEN COLE ETN3 NUCLEAR HAMM, HOLDEN KINDRED MMN3 NUCLEAR HAMP, QUENTIN TYLER ETN2 NUCLEAR HENDRICKS, TAYLA DEONDRA IT1 SWO HILDEBRAND, MICHAEL LAWRENCE MMN3 NUCLEAR HORNKOHL, JOSHUA RICHARD AM2 PILOT HUMUD-ARBOLEDA, BRYANT ETN1 NUCLEAR HURLEY, VANCE STEVEN MMN1 NUCLEAR JIMENEZ, ROLANDO EMN1 NUCLEAR JOHNSON, EVAN S ETN2 NUCLEAR JONES, BRANDON CHARLES MMN3 NUCLEAR KAUTZMAN, JOSHUA PETER AWR2 NFO KEANAAINA, ASHTON ELIJAHKAH MMN2 NUCLEAR KESSLER, JACOB NICHOLAS ETNC NUCLEAR KIM, PAUL YONG ET1 SWO/ED KING, DAVID JOSHUA EMN3 NUCLEAR KOESTLER, NICHOLAS ANDREW EMN2 NUCLEAR KOTO, ANDREA MMN2 NUCLEAR KRISCHE, PAUL ERICH EMN1 NUCLEAR LAWRENCE, AUSTIN MICHAEL SO1 SPECWAR LEE, DANIEL H ETN3 NUCLEAR MARES, SEBASTIAN KRISTOPHER ETN3 NUCLEAR MAYER, JORDAN D AWO1 NFO MCCRACKEN, KYLE LAUREN EMN3 NUCLEAR MILLER, JOHNATHAN MATTHEWAU EMN1 NUCLEAR MORIN, ALEXANDER DEVAN EMN2 NUCLEAR MORRISON, JACK KELLER ETN2 NUCLEAR MYRIN, MANUEL WILLIAM MMN2 NUCLEAR NEWBY, KELLEN ALEXANDER MMN3 NUCLEAR OCONNOR, PATRICK WILLIAM MMN1 NUCLEAR PERRY, NATHANIEL AVERY ETN2 NUCLEAR PRIVETTE, JACQUELINE L EMN2 NUCLEAR RAMIREZPLASCENCIA, LUIS A CM1 CEC RANDALL, PAUL CRAIG EMN3 NUCLEAR RECIO, JASMINE A MMN2 NUCLEAR REYNOLDS, SAMANTHA JEAN ETN3 NUCLEAR ROSA, LANDON CHRISTOPHER EMN2 NUCLEAR SAGY, YARDEN MMN3 NUCLEAR SALISBURY, SHAYNE CLAYTON MMN2 NUCLEAR SCHACHER, SAMANTHA J GM2 SWO SHAFFER, NATHAN DANIEL MMN3 NUCLEAR STEVENS, BRIAN S EMN3 NUCLEAR STOKER, JASON BRUCE MMN3 NUCLEAR STURGIS, JOSEPH RAYMOND ETN1 NUCLEAR SWEAT, BRANDON JACOB MMN2 NUCLEAR THAI, JONATHAN BA ETN3 NUCLEAR THOMAS, KAYLIN LEANNA ETN2 NUCLEAR THOMPSON, ISAAC TAYLOR EMN2 NUCLEAR TUCKER, LOCKE NATHANIEL MMN2 NUCLEAR WHITNEY, TRAVIS BEXAR EMN1 NUCLEAR WILLIAMS, CORY ALAN BM1 CORE WORTHEN, JESSE ADAM AM1 PILOT 3. The following personnel were designated as alternates (read name, rate, and option assigned): BETTS, JUSTUS A AG1 CORE BOUFFARD, ALEXANDER J ET2 SWO CRANE, WILLIAM DAVID ND1 EOD CRISTI, ROBRAINIER MACASINAG AT1 NFO JOHNSON, JAMARIA TRASHUN BU2 CEC LE, BINH XUAN CE2 SWO/ED OJUADE, OYINDAMOLA GRACE CS2 NURSE PETERSON, KENDALL LYNN AC1 PILOT RAMOS, VERNON SANTIAGO IT1 IP RICHMOND, SCOTT ALEXANDER SO1 SPECWAR 4. Selections are conditional upon the selectee remaining fully eligible in all respects, meeting physical qualifications for commissioning as determined by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED), and assignment by Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) to an approved Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) affiliated university based upon an official degree plan and acceptance letter from the university. Upon completion of an NSTC approved baccalaureate degree program, selectees will receive appointments as Ensigns, USN. 5. Commanding officers should take the following actions: Notify selectees and alternates of their selection and ensure they receive a copy of this message. Also, notify NSTC N92 Selection and Placement (N92/STA-21) via e-mail at GRLK_STA21(at)navy.mil no later than 2 December 2022 of any selectee or alternate who does not desire to participate in the program. Immediately report to NSTC (N92/STA-21) all conditions or circumstances that may disqualify a selectee or alternate from participating in the STA-21 program via e-mail at GRLK_STA21(at)navy.mil. 6. Selectees and alternates should take the following actions: Complete a physical examination for a training program leading to a commission in the unrestricted line, nurse corps, or civil engineering corps, as applicable, in line with references (a) and (b) at a military treatment facility. Note that many commissioning standards exceed the enlisted standards required to remain on active duty. Ensure copies of completed physicals, Report of Medical History (DD2807-1), and Report of Medical Examination (DD2808), including Human Immunodeficiency Virus results from a test taken after 1 January 2022, are submitted no later than 1 December 2022 to: Commander Naval Service Training Command Attn: N92/STA-21 320A DEWEY AVENUE BLDG 3 Great Lakes, IL 60088-2845 or via DoD SAFE (https//safe.apps.mil). Aviation option selectees/alternates must have flight physicals uploaded directly into Aeromedical Electronic Resource Office by a flight surgeon, and submitted to Naval Aerospace Medical Institute. The selectees/alternates must be certified as qualified or have a waiver recommended by Naval Medicine Operation Training Center. All required physical forms can be downloaded from the STA-21 homepage at https://www.netc.navy.mil/Commands/Naval-Service-Training- Command/STA21/. Commands should not forward physical forms directly to BUMED. Send acceptance letters from no more than three NROTC host or NROTC cross-town affiliated universities to the NSTC address listed above or via DoD SAFE. Application to more than one university is advisable. Selectees will begin the STA-21 program with attendance at the Naval Science Institute (NSI) in 1 of 2 classes starting on approximately 13 February 2023 or 3 April 2023 for a 6 week period. Send an official degree plan from an NROTC host or NROTC cross-town affiliated university where they have been accepted. Degree plans must cover the time actually attending college. Degree plans of selectees should begin with the summer term 2023. All STA-21 selectees will be required to attend the NSI en-route to their assigned university. Alternates: Each alternate must complete the same actions outlined in paragraph 6 of this message. If a primary selectee declines participation in the program, is determined to be not physically qualified, or otherwise becomes ineligible for continuation in the program prior to executing orders, a qualified alternate will be selected. This notification often comes at the last minute, therefore, alternates who desire participation in the STA-21 program need to be complete with the actions listed above when notified. 7. The deadline for required degree plans and college admission documentation is 1 December 2022. It is in the best interest of each selectee and alternate to submit verification of eligibility criteria as soon as possible to expedite university assignment and release of permanent change of station orders. Selectees will not be ordered to NSI en-route to their assigned NROTC University until all conditions outlined in paragraph 6 have been met. 8. The preferred method of delivery of all documents is through DoD SAFE utilizing email GRLK_STA21(at)navy.mil (ensure an email with the encrypted passphrase is also sent to GRLK_STA21(at)navy.mil). Documents can also be mailed to the address above. 9. Points of contact are: a. Ms. Rebecca Ludowise, rebecca.a.ludowise.civ(at)us.navy.mil. b. Mr. Jim Branch, james.r.branch8.civ(at)us.navy.mil. c. Mr. David Burmeister, david.a.burmeister.civ(at)us.navy.mil. 10. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 11. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  20. ROUTINE R 281339Z OCT 22 MID200080400682U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 246/22 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC//N4//OCT// SUBJ//NAVY PHYSICAL SECURITY TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT// REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/14JUN19// REF/B/DOC/DOD/09APR07// REF/C/DOC/SECNAV/18SEP20// NARR/REF A IS SECNAVINST 5500.36A, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SECURITY ENTERPRISE. REF B IS DOD 5200.08-R, PHYSICAL SECURITY PROGRAM. REF C IS SECNAVINST 5500.38, SECURITY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM.// POC/MR. JAMES JOHNSON/OPNAV N4I3/CNO WASHINGTON DC/TEL: (703) 695- 5516/DSN: 260-5516/EMAIL: JAMES.A.JOHNSON13.CIV@US.NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Purpose. This NAVADMIN provides interim guidance to update requirement, and define responsibilities associated with the development and sustainment of Navy physical security training and professional development as directed by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations in response to the Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola shooting investigation. 2. Background a. Per reference (a), Physical Security is part of that security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel; to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material, and documents; and to defend against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft. Commanding officers have the inherent responsibility to safeguard Navy property inside contiguous and non-contiguous fence lines and other disparately located Navy owned property. This is accomplished through the employment of a variety of coordination and planning events, site-specific protective measures, and security-in-depth. The proficiency and skillset of the Navy physical security community is critical to ensuring the corresponding physical security plans and equipment are documented, coordinated, and maintained. b. In accordance with reference (a), security is the responsibility of all DON personnel (military, civilian, and contractor) and its proper implementation will be directed by commanders and other leaders at each level of the DON. It shall be fostered through awareness, education, training, and leadership. Further, reference (b) directs Services to develop training, qualification, and suitability requirements for dedicated security forces (including contract security forces where employed, security technicians, and physical security specialists). OPNAV N4, in coordination with the commands listed in paragraph 4 will develop and implement a standardized physical security training and professional development roadmap to ensure commanding officers have the greatest confidence in their staff and personnel are empowered with necessary skills to execute their task. 3. Policy a. All physical security personnel (military, civilian, and contractor) shall complete entry-level physical security training. This applies to physical security billets by name and billets considered collateral duties performing physical security functions (installation and tenant level). b. Navy physical security training will include the fundamental knowledge for conducting surveys, security-in-depth, protection measures, employment of electronic security systems, security planning and cross- functional area coordination. c. Training will be scalable and made available across various platforms to negate the barriers of travel restrictions or lack of travel funds. d. Developed curriculum will be reviewed and updated as needed to remain relevant and aligned with references (a) through (c), applicable higher headquarters directives and guidance, and trending threats. 4. Responsibilities a. Director, Installations Division (N4I) will: (1) Serve as the Resource Sponsor and Office of Primary esponsibility to provide oversight, resourcing, and develop requirements, for Navy physical security training and professional development. (2) Review and validate programming requirements for Navy physical security training and professional development submitted during the Program Objective Memorandum (POM) cycle. b. Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) will: (1) In the role as shore integrator, establish a professional development program for the Navy physical security community. (2) Develop a professional development roadmap (Entry, Intermediate, and Expert level) and associated training requirements, with guidelines for all military, civilian and contractor personnel occupying a physical security billet. (3) Incorporate the Navy physical security courses developed by the Navy Education and Training Command (NETC)/Center for Security Forces (CENSECFOR) into the training requirements for personnel assigned physical security responsibilities. (4) Coordinate with NETC/CENSECFOR and other Service counterparts for the analysis of training and professional development metrics and procedures for continual process improvement. c. Commander, Navy Education and Training Command will: Direct the CENSECFOR to execute the following: (1) Initiate a requirements review of references (a) through (c) and other applicable higher headquarters guidance and directives to include all available physical security course curricula (DoD, federal government, and private industry best practices, etc.) to acquire a comprehensive understanding of current training methods and innovations. (b) Develop a continuum of physical security courses that are scalable across multiple training delivery platforms. (c) Develop training materials and a process for delivering synchronous (certified via proctoring) and asynchronous virtual instruction to meet professional development requirements for Entry, Intermediate, and Expert level physical security specialists. (d) Review and update training periodically, to remain consistent with higher headquarters guidance and directives. d. Commanders, Navy Component Commands and Echelon Two Commands will: (1) Support development and implementation of the physical security training and professional development roadmap, as required. (2) Ensure all personnel assigned physical security duties, per subparagraph 3a, adhere to the requirements of this policy. 5. Applicability. This message applies to all Navy personnel assigned to the duties of physical security specialists (including physical security officers and/or managers) and charged with protecting Navy installation/activity assets (including afloat, expeditionary, tenant, off-installation and leased property/assets). 6. Released by VADM R. L. Williamson, CNO N4.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  21. ROUTINE R 281421Z OCT 22 MID200080400799U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 071/22 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/OCT// SUBJ/REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES AND SUPPORT// REF/A/SECDEF MEMORANDUM/20OCT22// AMPN/REF A IS NEWLY RELEASED GUIDANCE FROM THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ENTITLED, "ENSURING ACCESS TO REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE"// RMKS/1. It is critical our Sailors and Marines maintain health, fitness, and wellness to optimize mission readiness. Therefore, the Department of the Navy (DON) is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of those who serve our country, and their families in an environment of safety, privacy, and respect. The recent Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization has generated concern for some Sailors, Marines, and family members about how their reproductive health care may be affected. The decision has necessitated that the Department of Defense (DoD) closely examine and evaluate policies to ensure seamless access to health care, consistent with federal law. 2. Reference (a) is newly released guidance from the Secretary of Defense entitled, "Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Care." Reference (a) outlines reproductive health policy and directs the DoD to promulgate implementing actions no later than the end of this calendar year, to the maximum extent possible. Nothing is more important to me than the health and well-being of our people. The DON will be fully engaged in this policy work. 3. Future policy will: a. Establish additional privacy protections for reproductive health care information, including standardizing and extending the time Service Members have to fulfill their obligation to notify commanders of a pregnancy to no later than 20 weeks unless specific requirements to report sooner, such as those necessitated by occupational health hazards, are set forth in policy. b. Allow for appropriate administrative absence consistent with applicable federal law for non-covered reproductive health care. c. Establish travel and transportation allowances for Sailors, Marines, and their dependents, as appropriate and consistent with applicable federal law and operational requirements, and as necessary, amend any applicable travel regulations, to facilitate official travel to access non-covered reproductive health care that is unavailable within the local area of a Sailor or Marine's permanent duty station. d. Direct commanders to maintain objectivity and discretion when addressing reproductive health care matters and underscore their duty to enforce existing policies against discrimination and retaliation in the context of reproductive health care choices. e. Develop a program to reimburse applicable fees, as appropriate and consistent with applicable federal law, for health care providers who wish to become licensed in a different state than that in which they are currently licensed in order to support the performance of official duties f. Develop a program to support health care providers who are subject to adverse action, including civil or criminal penalties or loss of license or reprimand, for appropriately performing their official duties, to include the indemnification of any verdict, judgment, or other monetary award consistent with applicable law. 4. While this policy work is underway, and pending issuance of the implementing actions, I want to assure you that I am fully committed to ensuring the DON continues to provide contraceptive and reproductive health care services and support to our Sailors, Marines, family members, and retirees. 5. Securing Easy Access to Contraceptive Care: active duty Sailors and Marines are entitled to comprehensive counseling by a health care provider and access to the full range of contraceptive methods for pregnancy prevention or menstrual suppression. Further, active duty Sailors and Marines may receive an adequate supply of short-acting reversible contraceptives for the entire length of deployment (up to 12 months). If menstrual suppression is desired, extra supply of the chosen method will be ordered and dispensed as necessary to ensure the member has enough active medication for the entire duration of deployment. Additionally, Walk-In Contraceptive Clinics (WICC) (primarily in Fleet Concentration and Fleet Marine Force areas) offer same-day contraceptive services to Sailors and Marines. Currently, 32 WICCs are open (22 Navy and Marine Corps, 4 Army, 4 Air Force, and 2 National Capital Region locations), offering easy access to same-day contraceptive services resulting in reduced wait time for accessing long acting reversible contraception. Finally, emergency contraception Plan B (or generic equivalent) is available at all military pharmacies free of charge. 6. Ensuring Service Members and Beneficiaries Can Access Covered Abortions: consistent with long-standing federal law, 'covered abortions' - those cases that involve rape, incest, or where the life of the mother would be endangered - will continue to be performed within the military health system. Please know that there is no interruption to this care. Existing DoD policy authorizes travel for covered abortion care, if necessary. 7. Ensuring Service Members Can Exercise Their Reproductive Health Rights: DoD health care providers may recommend non-chargeable convalescent leave to allow time for the Sailor or Marine to recover after receiving an abortion. Pre-and post-care is available to Sailors and Marines within the military health system, regardless of whether the abortion service was a covered or non-covered procedure. 8. I encourage you to visit the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center's, "Women's Health Toolbox," at https://www.med.navy.mil/Navy-Marine- Corps-Public-Health-Center/Womens-Health/ for additional information and resources on a myriad of important women's health issues, to include abortion care. 9. Rest assured that the DON's work to implement the DoD's new policy is a priority and it will be released expeditiously. I expect promulgation in short order, with cooperation from leaders across the Navy and Marine Corps to ensure appropriate input and efficient implementation of the new policy. 10. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  22. The Navy separated 180 active-duty sailors in the past month for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19, according to the sea service’s monthly update. The Navy has separated a total of 1,544 active-duty sailors and 327 reservists for refusing to get the mandatory two-shot vaccine for COVID-19. Another 22 sailors were also released in their first 180 days of service, bringing the Navy’s total of separated sailors to 1,893.
  23. Veterans Newsletter - 10-26-2022 Free Entrepreneurship Training | Save $$ on Medical Supplies, Equipment | 10% Off Outdoor Gear and Apparel and more
  24. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION IWAKUNI, Japan – Many Marines and sailors living in the barracks at this base south of Hiroshima are having difficulty getting access to a working washer and dryer to clean their uniforms. About 16% of the barracks washers and dryers, or 183 machines, are out of service at MCAS Iwakuni, a base spokesman told Stars and Stripes on Tuesday. In one barrack hallway hangs a complaint printed on a sheet of paper: “Fix our washers and dryers!!!”
  25. Service members stateside will soon be able to avail themselves of discounts on major appliances through Home Depot as well as delivery and installation provided by the retail giant. Home Depot is partnering with the Army and Air Force Exchange Service and the Navy Exchange on the purchase program, which is expected to start by next spring, said AAFES spokesman Chris Ward.
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