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Guest Riverine Rat

I think most people this year are unsure how everything will play out this year since the board setup has changed after last years disaster.

For everyone going back and forth with the AD, FTS, SelRes who is better or works harder should stop. Just shows how we still have a problem in the Navy, my thoughts and if I offend well truth hurts sometime and political correctness has never been a strong suit for me. AD yes we work our tail off when deployed but don’t be fooled thinking you have it harder that your FTS (full time support) brother/sister doing the same thing we do in AD With same pay and benefits just as a resevest on full time duty. Or that SelRes has it easy because they only work a weekend a month. If you have never worked with them or been stationed around you don’t know and should keep your mouth shut because you show everyone how smart your not!

To my FTS and SelRes brothers and sister who think AD had no choice but to join because we couldn’t go to school or what have you, STOP! Yes many joined out of Highschool because many could not pay for college or maybe where smart enough not to get a mountain of student loan debt and let Uncle Sam pay for it with a G.I. Bill. TA, and OJT. Your not special just because you have a degree, BS, Master, PHD whatever I have seen plenty who are uneducated yet hold a piece of paper from some overpriced place saying they are suppose to be smart. All the way around we have our top performers as well as bottom feeders. If youR a hard charger keep it up but don’t tell me your actions will speak loud enough, if your not don’t tell me just get you rear in gear and pull your weight. Nothing magic about it just do your job. 

If we want to fix this issue the Navy needs to address a few things and our culture needs to change. First the Navy is too segregated, Officer Vs Enlisted ( I understand why but some take it too far) senior Officer vs JO (once again I understand why but some take it too far) and Enlisted: Chief vs Future Chief Petty Officers (FCPO AKA First Class, think about it just saying) and then the rest of our enlisted member E5-E4 and below (love the Below) somehow once you get selected for Chief and above, PFM happens and you are mature and did everything right, never mess up, and have all the answers. Sadly we all know this is not true but wish it where. Never forget where you came from and the #1 thing we all are trying to do or should be. TAKING CARE OF OUR SAILORS! Below and Above us.

Stop all this infighting, this is addressed at all of us not anyone, group, paygrade specific. Stop trying to tell everyone what they are when you don’t know them, stop trying to make yourself sound better than everyone else (not a quality of a LEADER) Fact no one cares what YOU did, But instead What have you done for your Sailors, Command, Navy, Country. JFK said it best “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” Fact if You separate, retire, get in trouble, or die, THE NAVY WILL KEEP OPERATING! You are not the one piece holding it all together no matter if you are an E1 or O10 (O11 time of war) we are a TEAM. Stepping off my soap box now.

I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the United States Navy.”

-John F. Kennedy


I hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!!

Guest Riverine Rat
3 hours ago, subguy10524 said:

Well said Riverine. I feel much the same way and will add another quote from Teddy Roosevelt:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

This quote is very much why infighting is useless. Stop criticizing others until you have done their job. 

Could not agree more!

Guest AyDeeOne

I started out in the Navy as Active Duty aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72 as an undesignated Airman working in AIMD IM3 Ordie shop. Loved every minute of those four years and all the guys I worked with. When it came time to reenlist I was told I would have to go TAR and become a mech. I asked what it was and was told you get to tell reservists what to do lol. I said ok whatever, where do I sign? So now I am a TAR Sailor and I went to VP-65 in Mugu and we worked getting those P-3's up so they could det to EL SAL. VP-65 decommed after a year of my being there and from there I got orders to HC-85 working on the mighty SH-3 Sea King assisting SCORE and Spec Ops training in San Dog. HC-85 re-designated itself to HSC-85 and took on the MH-60S still assisting SCORE and SPEC Ops and even took part in the Navy's first MEDEVAC operations in Kuwait with the 2515th NAAD.

After my tour there I went North to VR-61 working on the C-9B Skytrain. With the Skytrain I went all over the world, Atsugi, Sigonella, Rota, Libya, Wake Island, Israel, Hawaii, Bahrain, Iwo Jima, and a thousand other places. During my tour at 61, I did an IA aboard the USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG 58 working on the UAV Firescout with all active duty ships company Sailors. I finished that IA up and returned to 61 to finish my tour there and when I got there they had retired the C-9B and transitioned to the C-40 Clipper which is doing the same missions the C-9B was. All in all through this whole career, I have worked side by side with all branches of military and all different Sailors from the Navy be it reserve, active duty, and those such as myself, FTS. At the end of the day it's never a question of what are you, Selres, Fts, or Active Duty?



So does anyone have any info on how the board process has changed this year? Someone told me that the entire process has changed now and they put everyone into the tank. So there is no more grading packages, then establishing a cutoff, then going into the tank? Any info would be appreciated!!!!


I also see a lot of guests in here, register and stop lurking!! It will help pass the time until results come out.

14 minutes ago, AS1(AW/SW/IW) said:

I also see a lot of guests in here, register and stop lurking!! It will help pass the time until results come out.

Yeah, what @AS1(AW/SW/IW) said!


20 minutes ago, AS1(AW/SW/IW) said:

So does anyone have any info on how the board process has changed this year? Someone told me that the entire process has changed now and they put everyone into the tank. So there is no more grading packages, then establishing a cutoff, then going into the tank? Any info would be appreciated!!!!

Yes, if someone could explain, I got busy and only got bits and pieces... I'm behind the power curve on that.

Guest PO Theo
2 hours ago, AS1(AW/SW/IW) said:

So does anyone have any info on how the board process has changed this year? Someone told me that the entire process has changed now and they put everyone into the tank. So there is no more grading packages, then establishing a cutoff, then going into the tank? Any info would be appreciated!!!!

I have heard this too, but cannot imagine it to be true. I feel like this would make the selection process take way longer. 

Guest CarlHill
1 hour ago, PO Theo said:

I have heard this too, but cannot imagine it to be true. I feel like this would make the selection process take way longer. 

The RC board adjourned on June 8th so this is looking more and more like last year's combined results in late July/early August. 

Guest ChiefDevilDoc
2 minutes ago, CarlHill said:

The RC board adjourned on June 8th so this is looking more and more like last year's combined results in late July/early August. 

Don’t you put that curse on me, Ricky Bobby😉


What will happen tomorrow night?


Guest Superburkett

Actually the RC board adjourned early on June 1st.

Guest CarlHill
9 minutes ago, Superburkett said:

Actually the RC board adjourned early on June 1st.

Well isn't that nice. So, does anyone know the logic behind sitting on the results for what is now a month later?

Guest CarlHill

In the meantime, I was delighted to learn on here that the Rocky S2V boots now come in black and are authorized with the Type III's. Now I'll be able to walk again normally with my plantar fasciitis not flaring up so bad in these gov't issue Belleville's, LOL !!! Plus waiting 6 days for them to arrive will kill time waiting on the Select Results. Hopefully by drill weekend on 7-14/7-15, I will have comfortable shoes and the results! Probably won't make it as a year early EP, but it's better to know one way or another.

19 minutes ago, CarlHill said:

In the meantime, I was delighted to learn on here that the Rocky S2V boots now come in black and are authorized with the Type III's. Now I'll be able to walk again normally with my plantar fasciitis not flaring up so bad in these gov't issue Belleville's, LOL !!! Plus waiting 6 days for them to arrive will kill time waiting on the Select Results. Hopefully by drill weekend on 7-14/7-15, I will have comfortable shoes and the results! Probably won't make it as a year early EP, but it's better to know one way or another.


My wife always complains about that too and I don't have a clue what it is except some foot thingy! 

Guest CarlHill
5 minutes ago, Tony said:


My wife always complains about that too and I don't have a clue what it is except some foot thingy! 

Inflammation and contraction of the achilles tendon that feels like a blowtorch deep inside your heel when you walk. It sucks. I think mine is from Karma since I was not to compassionate when my wife had it for nearly two years.

1 minute ago, CarlHill said:

Inflammation and contraction of the achilles tendon that feels like a blowtorch deep inside your heel when you walk. It sucks. I think mine is from Karma since I was not to compassionate when my wife had it for nearly two years.

Ouch! Okay then, I will be nice to my wife when she complains about her plantar so I won't get hexed too! I will also refrain from laughing if she has an incident,thanks!!


Guest Superburkett

Let's get to 18 pages!!!!

5 minutes ago, GMFCC said:

What if I were a six star admiral? 🤔

So we got briefed that it’s just done a little more like the officer boards, where it isn’t a yes or no, but a confidence factor. Who knows though. Has the selection board member/recorder training been updated?

 So we had a Master Chief, Who sat on the board last year talk to us during our CPO 365. He informed us that the board will be set up like the officers board, due to what happened a year ago with their master chief’s board. He wa Who sat on the board last year talk to us during our CPO 365. He informed us that the board will be set up like the officers board, due to what happened a year ago with their master chief board. he said that in years past where they looked at the last five years of evals, that they’re not doing that anymore. PRT failures and NJP’s, are not looked at like it was in the past. They’re looking at where you at now and where they see you in years to come. If you made every effort to better yourself and you sailors then you have a chance. CPO 365 involment, command involment, community involment is things they are looking for now. Getting you checks in the block...


GMFCC you are completely correct, they are look at 30-38 he went  through that PowerPoint that’s on NPC, and broke it down so that an AO can understand... I’m just hoping I made the cut 🤞🏾

Guest Aw/exw

Is there any word on when selres results will be out?  I keep hearing different things.  

Guest osiris0107

Well, I might have had a better shot in the past if they conducted boards the way they do now. There is little to no talk about any programs in the precepts about 365 our Sailor 360. Admiral Richardson wants people proficient at their rate and that can lead. I am ecstatic that they are not focused on silly collaterals any longer. This Navy is moving in the right direction and can't wait to see the new eval system and I can't wait to here the grumbles about how the old one was better. #Dinosaursgottadie

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