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Guest TRON828

Nice man.. great place.. Last of Mohicans and Dirty Dancing filmed there.

Guest TRON828

That's home for me. Carolina born and Carolina til I die.. HAHHA.. I'm a Duke fan though :D

5 hours ago, brownshoe said:

I see a lot of anxiety right now and not a lot of "what should I do in the first hour"........................ Oh MY... "FIRST HOUR"... IS THAT A THING?.......OHMMM (AT joke). Yes, your first hour IS very important, so is this weekend with your family.

Ok I'll do it

whats to be expected the first hour?

Guest kontogsl
13 hours ago, NavyChic said:

I agree, last year I found out I didn't make it because my Chief went to take a nap in his office. So I figured that was a sign I didn't make it and sure enough it was. No, in my COC from my Chief, Senior, or MC said anything the day of results. 

I'm AD, shore duty, still at the same command, different work  center so we'll see. 

I like the fact our CO goes around face-to-face to let ppl know they made it, but for the ones that don't we're left in the dark until we figure it out. 

All commands are totally different for notifications based on the CoCs. I have some pretty extreme ranges. From one CO and CMC walking around talking to every board eligible at the command whether they made it or not, to my last ship mustering all eligible, 20-25 of us, in the Chiefs mess promptly at 0800 in black and tans and then the CMC reading off 5 names and saying "if I didn't just read your name get the (insert colorful language here) out". Obviously I don't prefer the latter. We have good and bad leadership and I think we take those examples and make our own style out of them. So don't be the leader you don't want. If you have to approach someone and tell them they didn't advance then do the hard job and face it. Pretending it doesn't exist isn't helping anyone.

Guest navyordie123
7 hours ago, TRON828 said:

That's home for me. Carolina born and Carolina til I die.. HAHHA.. I'm a Duke fan though :D

I'm from Gastonia . Like you born and raised in Carolina, but I pull for the only blue that matters and that's Tarheel Blue! Go Tarheels!

30 minutes ago, papasmurf said:

Morning everyone.. hope you all have a great weekend... 

You too, brother! 

Time to go on a hike with my family and then come home and relax a bit.

Guest Riverine Rat

Yep been busy packing up the house trying to get as much done so all I will have to do when I close on my new house is load up and move in

Guest SeaBeeDoc
13 hours ago, Tony said:

And then there was those few commands where no one was notified at all. Mainly reserve but they had to wait for the public release. Was kinda' sad reading those stories. Don't know if it's still happening but it was mainly when this Triad method was new.

That was exactly what happened to me two years ago, needless to say I was a little ticked one of the Master Chiefs apologize and said he didn't even realize that I was FTS. 

Guest PSC2B

Good Morning all.   I got the duty today. I am on  DDG.   I love going back and reading all the comments.  Good to know I am not the only one losing my mind trying not to think about the results and losing that battle.  LOL


I yelled at my Chief this morning.  I had a dream last night that he called me and said I made Chief...when I woke up and realized it was a dream, I was FURIOUS.  Needless to say he was a bit confused this morning when I chewed him out via text for "leading me on!" 

Hopefully it turns out to be prophetic!

Guest ALRECatCapt.

Good day brothers and Sisters,

I decided to make an account, just wanted to know are there any AB's on here? on another note I wish you all good luck whenever the results come out. I truly hope my name is on that list.

Guest SeaBeeDoc
20 hours ago, Tony said:

25 votes! Aug 2 has taken the lead! Vote, and feel liberated!! (right sidebar)
(I'm prone to the melodramatic)


Just to keep it interesting and let's keep the tradition in tack FTS/ Reserves get notified on the 2nd and our active component on the 3rd . At least our season will at least have at least a 24 hr jump on rest. Just kidding I am actually glad we are getting the news at same time, I can either celebrate or cry in the company of others this year.

Guest brownshoe
6 hours ago, LSHARP said:

Ok I'll do it

whats to be expected the first hour?

You will need to call every Chief that you know and introduce yourself. Sounds easy.......

1 minute ago, brownshoe said:

You will need to call every Chief that you know and introduce yourself. Sounds easy.......

Sounds easy enough lol 

what's the catch lol

1 minute ago, brownshoe said:

You will need to call every Chief that you know and introduce yourself. Sounds easy.......

Introduce yourself how?

Guest brownshoe

The catch? When you get to your season, don't spend it looking for the "catch"

Introduce yourself and share your news. It's not a trick and there's no script (yet).

Guest Riverine Rat
1 hour ago, brownshoe said:

The catch? When you get to your season, don't spend it looking for the "catch"

Introduce yourself and share your news. It's not a trick and there's no script (yet).

I have been paying attention through 365 this year as my Chief's Mess has dropped little clues  as what to do during the season. 

As in when PT and counting cadence what to say at the number 7,8,9,10. Little things like that. But I must admit I'm still in the dark as to what to expect when the season starts. My Father and Grandfather where Chief's back in there day Father went on to be CWO. But they have kept me in the dark as what to expect. Said they would tell me there stories once "I" join the Mess. 

They have admitted to me that much has changed since they went through but the concept is still sound. 

Heres to finally hearing their sea stories.

Guest Chief Guns
2 hours ago, SeaBeeDoc said:

I am actually glad we are getting the news at same time, I can either celebrate or cry in the company of others this year.

In 2013 when i picked up, that was the last year of Sailors finding out any kind of way they made Chief, 2014 was when the Navy went to Triad notification. Anyhow i was with my entire First Class Mess when i found out i got selected. Since everyone was trying to get on BOL to see the results, we all just decided to go to lunch and then come back and check the results. So all the FCPOs at the command went to Nikki Rottens restaurant, down the street from Naval Base Coronado. As soon as we ordered our drinks, i got the phone call that i made it. I remember standing outside the restaurant just balling my eyes out in uniform as i called my wife, mom, mentors etc, FCPOs jumping all over me and hugging me lol. Not gonna lie, i was crying like a baby cause it meant that much to me to achieve the goal that i set for myself. There was four of us in all that made it at lunch. It was cool that we was together, but there was the other 16 FCPOs at the table that wasn't selected. And to top it off i carpooled to work with one of the FCPOs that wasn't selected. I wanted to be be excited and happy on the way home, i wanted to roll down the window and scream to the world i was gonna be a Chief. But i had to contain myself and show respect for the FCPO who unfortunately wasn't selected. That was really tough and long car ride home. But he ended up getting selected last summer so that was awesome to be part of his season and initiate him into the Mess.

Guest Riverine Rat

Another reason I want to be Selected so bad is my Grandfather is aging and it would mean a great deal to me to have him pin on one of my Anchors. 

Also my Father swore me into the Navy and even did my second re-enlistment. He played a big part in me joining the Navy. I have always wanted to do him and my Grandfather proud in my service. So it would be a big homer for me to have my Grandfather pin me and my Father Cap me. With my wife and 5 kids by my side as they have helped me achieve so much just by standing beside me throughout my career.

Ok I'm done now going to dry my eyes as I do get emotional thinking about how I got here and those who have paved the way before us all.

Guest Chief Guns
1 minute ago, Riverine Rat said:

Another reason I want to be Selected so bad is my Grandfather is aging and it would mean a great deal to me to have him pin on one of my Anchors. 

Also my Father swore me into the Navy and even did my second re-enlistment. He played a big part in me joining the Navy. I have always wanted to do him and my Grandfather proud in my service. So it would be a big homer for me to have my Grandfather pin me and my Father Cap me. With my wife and 5 kids by my side as they have helped me achieve so much just by standing beside me throughout my career.

Ok I'm done now going to dry my eyes as I do get emotional thinking about how I got here and those who have paved the way before us all.

Powerful stuff and thank you for sharing. That's what it's all about right there. I will keep you in my prayers. Just know that no matter what happens next week, you have already made your family proud. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

Guest ABGrape
4 hours ago, ALRECatCapt. said:

Good day brothers and Sisters,

I decided to make an account, just wanted to know are there any AB's on here? on another note I wish you all good luck whenever the results come out. I truly hope my name is on that list.

Good luck to you from a brother AB !!  Purple people here !


My money is on wednesday

Guest Riverine Rat
1 hour ago, papasmurf said:

Dude im literally in the same boat, he was navy corpsman back in korea and I told him when I joined he would pin anchors on me one day, well hes 89 had a bad stroke a few years ago, hes holding his own. but i know i dont have a ton of time left with him. 

I know it's something special and I know it would mean the world to both of the just as much as it would to me.

Guest Riverine Rat
2 hours ago, Chief Guns said:

Powerful stuff and thank you for sharing. That's what it's all about right there. I will keep you in my prayers. Just know that no matter what happens next week, you have already made your family proud. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks a lot Chief and I know I have made them proud they have let me know that. I just know that when I am selected it will be a special day for more than just myself. 

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