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Guest DirtSailorMAC
6 hours ago, PSC2B said:

Did anyone send a Career Summary with your package?  I did.  I was told that it helps. 

16 years in, 3rd time up (I was an MA2 for a minute), tried something different and submitted a summary... hope it helped.

Guest DirtSailorMAC

Speaking of fast track, anyone else hear the board only selects a small percentage of the EP waiver candidates? I'm by far one of them just curious if they do that for other year groups as well...

Guest HI_IT
11 hours ago, PSC2B said:

Did anyone send a Career Summary with your package?  I did.  I was told that it helps. 

I've heard mixed guidance on this but I've also had several Chiefs tell me they sent one.


Guest Christyl
5 hours ago, DirtSailorMA1 said:

Speaking of fast track, anyone else hear the board only selects a small percentage of the EP waiver candidates? I'm by far one of them just curious if they do that for other year groups as well...

Nope. I haven't heard it. They don't factor things like that it. It's your performance. That is like believing they will advance a certain number of women... this is just not the case!  

But... My Master Diver stood the board. I can ask him after results are out. Not sure what he will say if he will say anything. I am not talking to him right now, haha. I doubt he knows anything about the FC board but I also know he can't say anything. I don't want to mistake a look or comment for something that it's not. 

Guest Christyl
3 hours ago, HI_IT said:

I've heard mixed guidance on this but I've also had several Chiefs tell me they sent one.


Last year HT1 Hanke submitted one and he was selected and is now HTC. 

None of the combat systems chief's where I am stationed have ever turned one in. Here is the brief from Bupers and their answer! 


36 minutes ago, Christyl said:

Nope. I haven't heard it. They don't factor things like that it. It's your performance. That is like believing they will advance a certain number of women... this is just not the case!  

But... My Master Diver stood the board. I can ask him after results are out. Not sure what he will say if he will say anything. I am not talking to him right now, haha. I doubt he knows anything about the FC board but I also know he can't say anything. I don't want to mistake a look or comment for something that it's not. 

It's called TAFMS not sure if it's still around but it's the minimum time in service to make rank which for E7 is 11 years. It would go that the Navy can only recommend 10% total of sailors across all rates with less then the minimum time. 

Guest HI_IT
56 minutes ago, Christyl said:

Last year HT1 Hanke submitted one and he was selected and is now HTC. 

None of the combat systems chief's where I am stationed have ever turned one in. Here is the brief from Bupers and their answer! 


Yeah, I've seen this.  It's exactly why more transparency is needed. The career summary question is the only one that's left to interpretation. What the candidate deems important.  Of the Chiefs I've  asked, more did than didn't.  One even responded "What?  Why wouldn't you"?


For the fts/selres I just got word of why there's a holdup on the release. Apparently someone from selres ended up on the fts list. I was discovered by legal during the screening.

7 minutes ago, BOATSNUGGYD said:

For the fts/selres I just got word of why there's a holdup on the release. Apparently someone from selres ended up on the fts list. I was discovered by legal during the screening.

Whoa that's a big uh oh 

Guest Christyl
13 minutes ago, BOATSNUGGYD said:

For the fts/selres I just got word of why there's a holdup on the release. Apparently someone from selres ended up on the fts list. I was discovered by legal during the screening.


Guest Christyl
1 hour ago, LSHARP said:

It's called TAFMS not sure if it's still around but it's the minimum time in service to make rank which for E7 is 11 years. It would go that the Navy can only recommend 10% total of sailors across all rates with less then the minimum time. 


7 hours ago, DirtSailorMA1 said:

Speaking of fast track, anyone else hear the board only selects a small percentage of the EP waiver candidates? I'm by far one of them just curious if they do that for other year groups as well...

I was wrong!! Thanks LSHARP!

I did some digging and it led to the advancement manual BUPERS 1430.16. Chapter 12 covers Navy Enlisted Selection Board. This is directly from that chapter!! 

"1202.  EARLY SELECTEE QUOTA.  Department of Defense (DOD) has
established the Total Active Federal Military Service (TAFMS)
requirement which is to be met prior to a member’s advancement
to a given paygrade.  TAFMS requirements are as follows:
                         E7 – 11 years
                         E8 – 16 years
                         E9 – 19 years
DOD has made provisions for early advancements.  An “early”
candidate is one who does not meet the TAFMS minimum service
requirements.  No more than 10 percent of the total number of
Sailors in the E7/8/9 paygrades may have less than the
prescribed TAFMS.  The number of “early” selectee quotas
available to the selection board is limited to a percentage of
the total selectee quota.  CNO (N13) monitors this and informs
the board of what percentage can be early selectees.  The
percentage is an overall board figure, not a quota by rate.
Some panels may recommend fewer early selectees and others more
because the average time in service of candidates varies from
rating to rating.  This percentage changes yearly."
Guest NavySAR
2 hours ago, Christyl said:


I was wrong!! Thanks LSHARP!

I did some digging and it led to the advancement manual BUPERS 1430.16. Chapter 12 covers Navy Enlisted Selection Board. This is directly from that chapter!! 

"1202.  EARLY SELECTEE QUOTA.  Department of Defense (DOD) has
established the Total Active Federal Military Service (TAFMS)
requirement which is to be met prior to a member’s advancement
to a given paygrade.  TAFMS requirements are as follows:

                         E7 – 11 years
                         E8 – 16 years
                         E9 – 19 years

DOD has made provisions for early advancements.  An “early”
candidate is one who does not meet the TAFMS minimum service
requirements.  No more than 10 percent of the total number of
Sailors in the E7/8/9 paygrades may have less than the
prescribed TAFMS.  The number of “early” selectee quotas
available to the selection board is limited to a percentage of
the total selectee quota.  CNO (N13) monitors this and informs
the board of what percentage can be early selectees.  The
percentage is an overall board figure, not a quota by rate.

Some panels may recommend fewer early selectees and others more
because the average time in service of candidates varies from
rating to rating.  This percentage changes yearly."

I thought that was outdated.. what's the year on that pub?


It is a little known standard. I am one that actually believes year group weighs in on advancement. I've had ppl tell me no no way but it makes sense everything else is done by year group

Guest Redsnoopy414
51 minutes ago, LSHARP said:

It is a little known standard. I am one that actually believes year group weighs in on advancement. I've had ppl tell me no no way but it makes sense everything else is done by year group

I have always thought this and have been told no so many times.

Guest Christyl
29 minutes ago, iamthewalrus016 said:

I thought DOD directive 1304.20 removed all limitations on time in service for promotion to E7 and above. 

No. That DOD directive was published in 2005, our advance manual was posted 2007. The directive was to all military services saying they have to define promotion timing.

DOD Directive 1304.20

"4.1.4. The Military Services shall define desired promotion timing objectives for grades E-5 through E-7. In normal years the average experience at promotion shall be within 1 year (above or below) the desired promotion timing. The desired promotion timing shall not change unless the Service institutes a major shift in enlisted personnel management. "

Here is the link:




Come on we are almost at page 50

Guest TRON828
2 hours ago, LSHARP said:

It is a little known standard. I am one that actually believes year group weighs in on advancement. I've had ppl tell me no no way but it makes sense everything else is done by year group

Gonna agree with this too. I believe they give those guys with longer TIR a harder look since the light at end of tunnel is coming closer. I've seen it within my rate. 

Guest TRON828

Hey Tony.. make it the TOP 10 contributors list.. I wanna see my name back up there :P

16 minutes ago, TRON828 said:

Hey Tony.. make it the TOP 10 contributors list.. I wanna see my name back up there :P

Me too

39 minutes ago, TRON828 said:

Hey Tony.. make it the TOP 10 contributors list.. I wanna see my name back up there :P

I don't think we have that option but I am going to dig around. If I find something I'll add it!

6 minutes ago, OSC (SW/AW) said:

Yesterday was my son's second birthday. Fifteen days after he was born the results came out and I became a Chief Select. While I admit it was a very blessed 2 weeks for my family, I quickly realized I had a wife at home that was recovering from a C-section and having to wrangle up a newborn and a 1 year old. My intentions aren't to drag anyone down my memory lane but to hopefully instill upon each and every one of you awaiting to see the coveted "S" besides their name, the importance of using these next 2 weeks to tend to your family. I could go into a few examples but I am sure each and every one of you have done a deployment already so treat this the very same. Give your wife/husband/significant other/parents/etc. a break of watching the kids because you won't be around much for the following 6 weeks. Don't forget that the season is designed to make you work as a team but that doesn't mean just the selects. If you have projects away from base and outside of working hours invite your family to spend time and help out. I won't go into much more, but please don't forget your families.




Thanx for tb e advice chief. I know a lot of people who get in that same mindset

51 minutes ago, TRON828 said:

Gonna agree with this too. I believe they give those guys with longer TIR a harder look since the light at end of tunnel is coming closer. I've seen it within my rate. 

Finally a believer lol

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