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Guest NavyLawLN

First off congrats to all the SBE's! I was curious to know, possibly if anyone has been in my type of situation or may know the answer to my question. I took the exam late (18 FEB) underway due to missing the actual exam because I was on emergency leave during that time. I am currently on leave in between commands (xfering) and do not have access to a cac reader to verify my profile sheet. My question is, are the results out for ALL personnel who took late exams?


Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated

I too took the late exam and the results are posted for all.  You can check the full list on navy.mil  As far as viewing your profile sheet...you may try contacting your previous command's YN's or CCC to see if they can send you a copy.  Hope this helps brother.

Guest BMC FY14

as the summary letter goes its your opinion... Some will say it works some will say it doesn't if you've never submitted one before it won't hurt to try something different I did submit one it was one sheet and only highlighted my last 5 years and as soon as I get back to San Diego hopefully this weekend I will email you a copy.

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Guest Msduval2u

Hello all, it's been a while since I was on here but, I'm back. Starting from scratch...me and my hubby got a ticket to the dance, just hoping they let us on the floor to cut a rug...last look for me. Good luck to everyone!

Guest itdominance

If I look through all my records and feel like everything is in there (degrees, evals, awards, etc etc etc) do I really need to submit anything at all? 


What is the percentage of people sending stuff in every year to the CPO board?

if your record is correct you do not have to submit a package. My AA degree is not showing up in my ompf but is on my eval(shows up in nsips as well). I am sending a copy of the degree in to make sure. I am also sending in the admissions letter for my Masters Degree program that starts in August(get my Bachelor of Science in July). Hopefully that helps you. Can someone send me a copy of the summary letter?


First off congrats to all the SBE's! I was curious to know, possibly if anyone has been in my type of situation or may know the answer to my question. I took the exam late (18 FEB) underway due to missing the actual exam because I was on emergency leave during that time. I am currently on leave in between commands (xfering) and do not have access to a cac reader to verify my profile sheet. My question is, are the results out for ALL personnel who took late exams?


Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated

Fisherx2, I have two shipmates still awaiting there results as well. They took the late exam right before the deadline and have yet to recieve their updated profile sheet, in turn they did not show up on the published list of SBE candidates. Hope you made the cut. 


I never sent in a summary letter for CPO or SCPO.  They can only see 5 years back....so, I'd imagine if you have achievements beyond that at the E5/E6 level, a summary letter may be beneficial.  On the other side of the coin, I understand they only get about 20 min to review one record...so, the more enclosures in your package the more time consuming it would be to grade your record.  Either way, good luck!

Senior, thanks for the info. I've heard the same as far as the 20 mins to review entire record/package for each individual candidate. I'm going to give the summary letter a shot. I figure it can't get any worse than the last two "N"s.


BMC FY14, please do! Thanks brother!

I closed the Mentor section for now due to lack of interest. Butt (and that's a big but :o ), if enough people are interested we can fire that one back up. Also, at a later time after I talk with trusted members, we can choose another time period where there may be more interest. 
Additionally we can try other things that may enhance your career. For example one night we had a roundtable, can't remember the topic though but it proved very popular. Just remember that the forum is here to help give you an edge in pursuing your career goals; that’s my main function here…  BBb)
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Guest 688_EM1

Do you have a template for the FCPOA letter?

Guest 688_EM1

If it is in your EVAL don't worry about a letter. (Which would be a good bullet, to show leadership amongst your peers as well as with juniors).

If not just get a letter from command on letter head (written to you, which avoids the third party correspondence) stating that you are designated as FCPOA President. I did similar year or so back when I took over as LPO after EVAL came out.

Guest HM8404

I just came from a PME earlier this week when a CMDCM who has sat a the 2012 and 2014 board described the Summary letter. She said that it is completely your package (which we all know) but it doesn't hurt or help. She said she personally liked them because it made it quicker, there is a grading sheet. So she can look for things on your letter and then verify it via OMPF documents. She said it would not help anyone get over the curve because everything you say you did on your letter better be documented in evals or some could perceive you as a liar.


Bottom line, we all know people who got selected with and without it. I don't think it matters. Having a squared away record and well written evals is what's is going to get us selected. Not the package, but if you submit package remember the correspondence manual.

Guest HM8404

I submitted one last year and I am submitting one again this year. I have several examples of them, each are different, if you would like to see a few message me your email and Ill send what I have to you. Its all about helping each other get to where each of us want to go!


If you guys could send the summary template my way it would be appreciated


I could use some help. I have one document in my OMPF which I cannot verify to be correctly filed. My initial Questionare for National Security Clearance (SF-86) is listed under field code 34 (Record of Miltary Processing). Looking at the OMPF review slide from NPC and BUPERSINST 1070.27, the only document listed for being filed in Field Code 34 is DD 1966.


The only place I see where the SF-86 could possibly go is Field Code 42 (Security Miscellaneous), but I'm not sure. If anyone has any information on this, I would apperciate the help. Thanks.


I sent a summary letter last year, and concur with the consensus that it provides a snapshot of our career for the board members. For those who have previously sent one or contemplating sending it, are you just listing your last five years or providing info for your whole Navy career? The one I sent last year showed my whole career, but am thinking that once they see past five years, their curiosity will lead them to verify all info within the summary. If anyone would like a template, please let me know. Standing by for feedback...

Guest HM8404

In box me you email address and Ill send it.

Guest HM8404

Also I have been told to include your 1070/880, it can be printed on your esr.  A lot of us have been in since the paper service records, and when they did the merger to ESR a lot of Sailors stuff was done incorrectly or just didn't merge right. The only time you can update it is when you reenlist at least that's what my PSD is telling me. My 1070/880 is all jacked its on my old school page for but not in ESR and PSD says that they cant correct that.


So if you are going to reenlist before the board convenes, it would be a good time to update it.


Its the only thing wrong that's in my OMPF, from what people say is "there are MCPOs whose stuff is messed up" the board doesn't care about SSDRs, Campaign ribbons" as long as all NAMS and above are in your OMPF your good.


Just a thought.

Guest BMC FY14

I also submitted my 1070 make sure it's initialed and signed by PS's.


I don't understand what your concern is with the SF-86? Your clearance information (date/security level) is on your ESR....don't think they're gonna go looking for your SF-86.

My only concern is the SF-86 not being filed in the proper field code in my OMPF, not so much that it is there for the board to see. Just tryin to make sure everything is in line and filed in the correct location.


Picked up last year. If anyone needs any help or has any questions shoot me a message. I submitted 9 enclosures in my package last year to the board. It is a myth when "they" tell you that 3 or more enclosures does not look good at the selection board. Its your career, if you are in doubt of submitting a package just send it. It will only help you.

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I don't understand what your concern is with the SF-86?  Your clearance information (date/security level) is on your ESR....don't think they're gonna go looking for your SF-86.


I can understand that member's concern; they simply want to get their ducks in a row regarding their records and truly this is the platform for asking. If anyone has any insight on the “Questionnaire for National Security Clearance” (SF-86) (e.g. best place to list it. Why it would not have to be listed. Etc.), it would be much appreciated.


I could use some help. I have one document in my OMPF which I cannot verify to be correctly filed. My initial Questionare for National Security Clearance (SF-86) is listed under field code 34 (Record of Miltary Processing). Looking at the OMPF review slide from NPC and BUPERSINST 1070.27, the only document listed for being filed in Field Code 34 is DD 1966.


The only place I see where the SF-86 could possibly go is Field Code 42 (Security Miscellaneous), but I'm not sure. If anyone has any information on this, I would apperciate the help. Thanks.

Just to clear this up if anyone else runs into it while reviewing their record, field code 34 is the correct location for your SF-86.


Definately print out your quals from NSIPS and include it in your package if you notice disparities between your OMPF and NSIPs. While going through my record last year, I noticed that my all my quals that I had obtained since I left the fleet were not reflected in my OMPF. I was attached to a NECC unit and we utilized ASM as our quals tracker. For you NECC Sailors, ASM quals are not uploaded to your OMPF. In my case, OMPF only contained my page 4s from Compass and RADM.

Guest Blondie

Can somebody break down the summary group average and the reporting senior's average?  I was always under the impression that sustained superior performance primarily meant having an individual trait average above that year's summary group average.  However upon reviewing my PSR I've found a few times that my ITA was above the SGA but the SGA itself was well below the reporting senior's average.  What if the reporting senior is trying to lower their average and evaluates hard, such as when an XO becomes a CO later in their career?


I guess my question is whether or not it's bad if my ITA is below the reporting senior's average but still well above that year's SGA.  Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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