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I think for those rare ones that were contacted yesterday, it started at 9:52. If anyone gets  the public copy please post or notify. 

Guest usnkev

Got The S

Were you called or did you see a list?


My CMC made call outs to those that were selected yesterday by 1030, he then emailed the mess with those names.  Hope this helps.


It is surprisingly quiet in here! I think this new notification method is also taking users away from the site!


It is surprisingly quiet in here! I think this new notification method is also taking users away from the site!


no, bandwidth data shows that everything shifted left. and I never worry about that - I'm even happy with one or two visits a week. just want to make sure those left in the dark are given a chance to know the results and to make it easier for those with limited bandwidth or access in general get an opportunity as well.

Guest ewith1999

I was just about to post it. Thanks DENVER_CTN

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Guest GaEM1

Well congratulations for all those that made it. 


Unfortunately I did not make it for I think time number 7.  Been an EM for 17 years.


Time to change rates.

Guest cap3912


Here you there.  My fourth, would have been fifth but NOSC (NO Service Center) screwed up on my second test claiming I was not SBE, found out about that after the board.  Don't know who I pissed off either, other than taking care of my sailors and being a great first class. Which means at times you'll piss off the sandbaggers at NOSC.   BS Degree, working on MBA, two deployments, three NEC's, 4.43 PMA, EP, 1 OF 5, Etc.  WTF!   Only thing I have against me is I not in Region SE.

Guest GaEM1

A question to anyone who sits on CPO boards at Wilmington



What all does the board have access to when evaluating a prospective advancement?  I know evals and what is submitted but what else is accessible at the board level?

Guest cap3912


I got all the widgets except for the EIDWS.  I'm with a small NECC unit that does not rate it.   Awards are for officers silly, didn't you know that. 

Time to go back to big Navy Intel (yuck) and get known in the community, and find a command in Region SE.


I don't feel too bad.  Another IS in one of our small units didn't get selected for the 4th time.  He only had two deployments with the unit, earned a CAR and NavCom with "V", volunteered for two IA's, a bunch of quals, Masters Degree, EP, Etc.   If anyone deserves to be a Chief he does.


I hear the National Guard is looking for qualified IS and IT.

Guest GaEM1

I do not know if I will ever understand why feedback to at least those that are bumped from the running ( not all of us are great with records) and those that come within a few percentages of being selected without some feedback.  To come within a hairline of Chief Select, is it not a drive to know you are so close to the finish line?  Can it only make us better Sailors to tell us our failings?

Guest Blondie


Wow, yeah i don't know.. but I talked to one of the board members and they gave me some guidance, I share with you all as well...


They wrote me this:
Some things to consider to give yourself the best possible chance for promotion are:
Sustained Superior Performance = are you always the EP or at least progress to there and are you above the reporting seniors average>
Best and Fully Qualified = How qualified are you? As an IT we wanted to see you working for your EIDWS if not already obtained, if there are NECs associated with your current duties that you have them.
Professional Development = school trade courses etc.
You need to break out = awards SOQ etc.


Having SSP ranked by RSA instead of SGA really makes my blood boil.  How is it fair to compare my performance to someone's performance that could be like ten years ago (depending on who your CO is)?  It should be strictly ITA vs SGA and RSA should be used for administrative purposes for the CO only.  "How did PO1 X perform in 2013 under CO Z vs PO1 Y in 2013 under CO Z"


Just my $0.02.

Guest amcreed

Having SSP ranked by RSA instead of SGA really makes my blood boil.  How is it fair to compare my performance to someone's performance that could be like ten years ago (depending on who your CO is)?  It should be strictly ITA vs SGA and RSA should be used for administrative purposes for the CO only.  "How did PO1 X perform in 2013 under CO Z vs PO1 Y in 2013 under CO Z"


Just my $0.02.

What administrative purpose would RSA be used for if not comparing candidates for selection at a board?  That is exactly why it is there!  It gives the reporting senior the ability to show if they have a really hot runner by putting them well above his average.  If a reporting senior gives low/average marks and you have someone that is way above it.  That speaks to the board.  That is its intent.

Guest Blondie

What administrative purpose would RSA be used for if not comparing candidates for selection at a board?  That is exactly why it is there!  It gives the reporting senior the ability to show if they have a really hot runner by putting them well above his average.  If a reporting senior gives low/average marks and you have someone that is way above it.  That speaks to the board.  That is its intent.

It just seems like it would make more sense to evaluate people who served together under the same set of circumstances.  Last evaluation period the E-6 SGA at my command was, for whatever reason, significantly lower than my CO's RSA (like 0.5 lower!).  So even though I was head and shoulders above my peers  **that I served with**, I was still lower than whichever PO1s my CO had years ago and it will not look as though I have sustained superior performance.  My ITA has never been below the SGA, but there are one or two occasions in the last five years where my ITA (and the SGA as well) fall below the CO's average.  It all just seems like a ridiculous measure to me.  Heck, the RSA isn't even printed on our evals!


Re your question: "What administrative purpose would RSA be used for if not comparing candidates for selection at a board?"  It could help the CO set goals for what he wants the SGA to be for the cycle, in order to adjust his RSA accordingly.

Guest amcreed

It just seems like it would make more sense to evaluate people who served together under the same set of circumstances.  Last evaluation period the E-6 SGA at my command was, for whatever reason, significantly lower than my CO's RSA (like 0.5 lower!).  So even though I was head and shoulders above my peers  **that I served with**, I was still lower than whichever PO1s my CO had years ago and it will not look as though I have sustained superior performance.  My ITA has never been below the SGA, but there are one or two occasions in the last five years where my ITA (and the SGA as well) fall below the CO's average.  It all just seems like a ridiculous measure to me.  Heck, the RSA isn't even printed on our evals!


Re your question: "What administrative purpose would RSA be used for if not comparing candidates for selection at a board?"  It could help the CO set goals for what he wants the SGA to be for the cycle, in order to adjust his RSA accordingly.


Sounds like you just have a reporting senior or two that doesn't have a grasp of the system and how it works.  There wouldn't be any reason to have an RSA if the board didn't look at it.  Its sole purpose is to assist in comparing Sailors for selection at a board.  Just because you have a couple below doesn't mean you aren't competitive.  We all have to start somewhere at a new command, but as long as you progress and break out, that is what matters.  The SGA and RSA come more into play when you are "stuck in traffic" aka, the top Sailors don't rotate out and they keep getting those top spots.


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