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Whoever has message traffic, can you also please post MECP results when they are released as I have a Sailor who is anxiously waiting as well! Thank you!!


Hi.. Does anyone know the amount of applicants for MECP? Thanks and good luck


The exact number of applicants isn't public information. All you can do is guess based on what you've heard from command to command.

Guest Navymom2

Thanks.  This is just as bad as waiting for the chief results uuuggghhhh.

It's like deja vu.


Whoever has message traffic, can you also please post MECP results when they are released as I have a Sailor who is anxiously waiting as well! Thank you!!


as a sidebar, I accidentally deleted the MECP thread after removing a member for blatantly violating the guidelines (it's easier to do that booboo than you know). If anyone wishes to fire it back up that is cool.


Here's a thought; this whole process is delayed because of the Government shutdown.  The new deadline is 15January, That's why the Chief's exam was moved to Tuesday.  What if the results aren't out by then?  What happens?  Do the results get delayed?  Or how about processing paperwork for those selected, like getting their commissioning scroll?



Guest defeatedcreek

Fail.  I wish I could be one of those people that just shrugged and thought "either it will or it won't."  That's just not how I am though. 

Guest defeatedcreek

One more thing of note:  Our G1 here said that the results wouldn't be coming through AMHS (aka Message Traffic) but would just be on NPC.  I have NEVER heard that but the crew of Chiefs and PSs there are on point and I have no reason to disbelieve them. 


Have they thought about putting these guys in charge of safeguarding military plans, crypto data, WMD, and foreign govt intel? 


The NAVADMINS & ALNAVS I've been seeing have been through AMHS, but it still takes a while to populate on NPC.  Wouldn't individual commands need to receive a message regarding one of their Sailors/Marines?  I'm not sure on the process but I figure that's why we need to put our UIC's on the application.

Either way my F5 is getting almost as worn out as my patience.

Guest LabRat8506

Good morning all. Hopefully you guys hear some good news this week. After reading this forum I see that I'm not the only one who has had problems with kemp and jones. They sat on my package forever and when I finally got a hold of them they said that they didn't submit my package because I didn't have college algebra. When in fact I did and they looked at the wrong transcript. They said they would mail it back. It's been nearly a month. I called them back and they said they can't find my package now. Maybe it did get submitted?? Anyway, off my rant. Good luck to all


Labrat if you havent already notify your chain of command. Turn in all emails pertaining to it and show them message board here so they are more apt to act. If people just rant here then we know there is an issue but big navy needs to know hiw good sailors are getting the shaft by the great and all powerful.

Guest LabRat8506

Oh believe me I did. They didn't stop hearing from me for a couple of weeks lol. I printe out all the emails, etc and sat in my SEL office while I made the phone calls.


Tick tock...... tick tictock I guess we wait the whole week out ladies and gents.. As bad as I want the results to come out I will probably have someone else read them to me preferbly a person not experience with reading messages cause I know my name will pop out at them

Guest joy&authority

I have a mixed emotions reading all of these posts. While I agree that Ms Kemp's email/phone communication isn't the greatest, I know from my own experience that she really does a LOT of work. Like you guys keep pointing out she is a CIVILIAN. Meaning that she had been furloughed and not allowed to work overtime. One day in August I had found myself at Bethesda and was curious so I went to go see where her office was. It was well after 1700 and I happend to find her there with a pile of folders working away. I said something along the lines of "wow, I didn't expect anyone to be here" and "I guess you were on the exemption list and they let you work" only to find out that she had not been excempt, that she was infact furloughed and not allowed to work over time, but that she still did it because "it wouldn't be fair" to us. Also, I don't believe HM1 was there yet, and if she was, she wasn't fully trained up yet.


As far as the website goes... I don't know who's supposed to update that. What I do know though is that the server used to be in building 1 (the tower) which ended up flooding and then catching fire (which is why they had to move buildings in the first place).


Seeing all of the piles upon piles of 6 sided folders all I can say is that the closer your package comes to looking like the picture on the webpage (yes the one that hasn't gotten updated) the better off you are. They actually don't like it when people try to be all fancy with 3 ring binders and page protectors. Although, they do like it when you make color copies of your awards. And personally, I believe that the less "loopholes" your package uses, the more likely it is for it to not be accidently deemed unqualified (i.e. I don't have this requirement but I have this other thing in its place that will sufice). I don't think they have enough time to look through every single package with a fine tooth and do a lot of research and digging to make sure that the individual who submitted it qualifies.


PS: the wait is killing me


Good luck to those testing in the morning! Knowing my luck the results will come out while I am in the exam and far from my refresh button!


Good luck hm1smith! The message board should be here when you are done unless Russians hit it again haha. And good luck to all other 1st taking the test!


Good luck hm1smith! The message board should be here when you are done unless Russians hit it again haha. And good luck to all other 1st taking the test!


lol, busted! thought I wouldn't see that heh?  :D


Lol didn't mean it in a bad way you busted your rear getting back up! I was just saying things happen like Russian cyber attacks or me shutting down half of trauma bay computers in an er when I knocked a patient over his urinal and it got all over... Oops.


Lol didn't mean it in a bad way you busted your rear getting back up! I was just saying things happen like Russian cyber attacks or me shutting down half of trauma bay computers in an er when I knocked a patient over his urinal and it got all over... Oops.


actually it was good timing, almost spit my drink out because I was adding some extra security stuff that is greek to me and I have tighten the hatches and I saw your post and it reminded me about why I was knocking my head against the wall just now.  :lol:


Woohoo uss constitution taking applicants... awww no HMs :(

Guest defeatedcreek

Count yourself lucky.  We have an LS who did time on there.  Other than being the only person at your command with a Ceremonial Ribbon it ain't worth it.


I have no desire to be on that frigid cold ship... it was just the last navadmin to hit the board on this arduous journey :P


Much better than I expected. First time taking that one and my first one since the switch to 175 questions. Bibs were on point, but there was a ton more Pharmacy questions than I was expecting. I feel like Chief results may be out before the MSC IPP board results! 


Wow this is taking forever! I am glad this deployment is keeping me busy but it still doesn't keep my patience from dwindling away. I wonder if it will be out before MLK holiday or are we gonna wait another two weeks? Good luck to all the 1sts taking the CPO exam.

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