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This is getting ridiculous!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Guest defeatedcreek

Publish the results!  This is unsat.

Guest Shmoob

Agreed.  This is taking way too long.  When I spoke to Ms. Kemp she said something along the lines of the process taking longer since it needs to go through Legal twice now (or something along those lines).  But this is ridiculous.


- The Government shutdown was 2 weeks long, however the board was pushed back 4 weeks!

- Last year the results were released 29Nov, but that was 6 weeks ago!  So that means the process is two weeks behind this year.

- Some of us (including me) have missed out on some really great enlisted billets in the event of non-selection. Now it will be "needs of the Navy" simply due to the failure of those involved.  CMS opens up shortly and I HAVE TO pick orders this month if not selected.

- In terms of Big Navy, I am in a dwell status at my current command which is contingent upon results.  I've already extended.  My enlisted detailer will not cut me orders because if I AM selected (fingers crossed), then my enlisted orders get cancelled and that billet becomes gapped for up to nine months which messes with Big Navy manning.  So to mitigate, I have to sit and WAIT. 

- We can not see our results on BOL.  Instead, we need to rely on the NPC website which is not real-time either!  It's anywhere from an hour to a day behind.  A message came out about four hours ago (003/14) and as of right now has still not posted on NPC (totally unrelated to MSC IPP).  We should be able to see the status of our selection on BOL before anywhere else!

And the winner is....

- THE MSC IPP WEBPAGE HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED IN TWO YEARS!!  That is the biggest slap in the face to those who truly want to be a part of this program but do not know what to do.


For people who believe that those who truly want this program should find a way and figure it out using their resources, I will agree with you to an extent.  But that is not the right answer for a MAJOR Officer Accession program.  Their needs to be clear and up to date guidance.  A precedent was set with annual updates, but this year we were left high and dry; and whether it was due to laziness, neglect, or just lack of caring, it doesn't matter!  It is unacceptable under any excuse.  Do you think the LDO/CWO program is this lax?  No way!


Now on the subject of Ms. Kemp.  Has anyone received one word answers from her if she ever decided to answer emails or phone calls in the first place?  What about those who have not had packages submitted by her because SHE DIDN'T THINK the package was good enough?  I know HMCIDC had that situation, and he overcame his hurdles because he didn't take no for an answer and had some contacts in the Mess.  I say good for him and I respect him for it.  Let's consider a similar situation for an exceptionally qualified PO2 who doesn't have their package pushed forward and is afraid to ruffle some feathers due to fear of reprisal and future chances of selection because they plan on submitting again the following year. Doesn't anyone else here feel that is WAY too much power for one person (civilian no less) to have over an Active-Duty Sailor's career?  Maybe there are things that go on behind the scenes that I don't know about, but it seems that there is a lack of checks and balances or QA.


I apologize for that rant but there is no way that I am the only one who feels this way.  Let's keep this forum going because I'm tired of hitting F5 and seeing the same posts!  At least if NPC doesn't have anything new I'd like to see some new feedback here!


Thank you Tony for an awesome resource. I receive my most valuable information from here.  As long as the hackers stay away because I go into a panic every time this website goes down!


It maybe a rant shmoob but rants are good for the mind and soul haha whatever issues you have or good points also voice them. It starts with one person speaking out and from it a drone then a roar of masses crying out for a change! I have already sent the few email communications I had with the process up my chain of command and pointed them to this message board showing them that this is not just an irate po3 ( now po2) spitting and kicking, this is a process that has some serious flaws also mentioned ways to improve it and showed the work tony has done consolidating information. Also remember how this feels and set up a go by for others to use in the future. Putting the package together shouldn't be the challenge. You have already been given the challenge of getting a certain gpa getting x amount of credits and out performing other sailors. To that end I am currently going through one of the extra packages I made crossing out the pii and hopefully get I.t. To help me get it uploaded in a digital format so people can see what order information should go in... Or at least how I put in together because I am not 100% mine is correct.



Thank you Tony for an awesome resource. I receive my most valuable information from here.  As long as the hackers stay away because I go into a panic every time this website goes down!


Thank you kindly, this website is locked down tight security wise now but that other one got through because it came from behind an Navy NMCI which is a first on me - but will pursue.   BBb)


Why would it need to go through legal twice?  I was supposed to transfer from my command last summer and my PCS got approved for conversion for IT last November.  I don't know how much longer they will hold that quota for me... Hopefully I don't need it because I got selected. ;)


So at this point "Are the results out yet?"  has become a running joke at my command.  Some people ask it seriously many ask just to mess with me.  I cant count how many times Ive been in a meeting and someone will go "Hey a NAVADMIN just came out"  or "Have you seen the results? Neither have I."  Anyone else having fun like this?

ditto DocE... Followed by why are you still here. Breaks my heart every time haha On the other hand it is now time to put together my package for fy-2015

Guest ladyspouse

My husband is also waiting for the results. It's frustrating that it is taking so long.


I think I've refreshed this forum over 100 times today (I don't even bother with NPC anymore...I think I'll find out here first). I'm going crazy! I really want to know before I take the Chiefs exam on Tuesday :(

Guest jacksfailure

So at this point "Are the results out yet?"  has become a running joke at my command.  Some people ask it seriously many ask just to mess with me.  I cant count how many times Ive been in a meeting and someone will go "Hey a NAVADMIN just came out"  or "Have you seen the results? Neither have I."  Anyone else having fun like this?


I was literally asked, "have you heard anything?" five times within about a four minute period today. I can honestly say that I never expected the results to take this long to come out.


I totally agree! The built up anxiety! I just want to know which way I need to juke, so that I can move forward, whether it be keep doing what I'm doing, or celebrating selection.


It's frustrating not knowing anything let alone which direction your career is supposed to head to.


This discussion keeps me sane, realizing that I'm human and I that we share similar feelings.


This waiting blindly is ridiculous!

Guest Lord's Power

I think we can see something today. Good Luck All!


I think we can see something today. Good Luck All!


Hopefully!!!!!! This wait has been too looooooooong!!!!!!!!! 


Is this a credible source? Rumor and Credible I guess is ironic :lol:


Hopefully!!!!!! This wait has been too looooooooong!!!!!!!!! 

Especially to long if not selected that would suck


My heart just skipped a beat...I'm trying not to get my hopes up but its sooo hard. Praying this is day and we all have GREAT news!! 


It is 1300 in North Cafolina :). Come out results, wherever you are.

Guest Navymom2

Can someone please post the names if possible. Thanks.. If they ever come out I mean.


I havnt seen anything on message traffic and obviously nothing on NPC so my source was probly wrong. He was correct about the Chief results and advancement exam results so I believed him.  Im really sorry I wont post anything else that I hear from him.  :-(


scuttlebutt is always fine so no need to apologize, you came back and explained and that's good enough here...  BBb)

Guest Jace.booty

I know everyone is tense awaiting results. I my self am awaiting MECP results. Hopefully 3rd time is a charm. But im curious about MSC IPP. I haven't read through all the instructions yet, but can you apply for more than one program (ie: Social work and Environmental health)?

Guest Navymom2

Hi.. Does anyone know the amount of applicants for MECP? Thanks and good luck

Guest Jace.booty

Ms. Kemp told me a few years back that the average is about 150 a year.

Guest Navymom2

Ok Thanks.... Not encouraging at all. lol

Guest ladyspouse

Maybe its TN time. VA is an hour behind them.

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