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Guest AO1(AW/SW)
1 hour ago, EOTW said:

You nailed it on the head, again maybe it's just my rate but I have never had that kind of mentorship. It's sad because although i try to not be a negative person, i can honestly say i have learned far more of how not to be as a chief from my mentors by observing them on a daily basis. I hear great stories on this forum of people who have had chiefs that they would follow anywhere, I however have had the opposite experiences.

It really happens everywhere. I know people talk down a ton about AOs but I will tell you that we WILL take care of one another. I just happen to be in a FCPOA mess where we all work as a team and there is zero back stabbing about an eval or billet. We are all on one accord and work as such. We all help each other out. Hell it sounds crazy but most people don't care or even concern themselves with our rating LADR (in which I had to point out to several of my brothers and sisters). Point is to mentor and help each other and vice versa. I am truly sorry you've never had the right leadership to show you the way. I can say for myself I have had an handful of people to show me the way. Now with that being said, they didn't spoon feed me either. They were hard but I knew that they meant well in the regards of myself becoming a better leader. I would say to try to emulate someone that you know is good and try to base your qualities on that while also becoming your own leader in your right. That way when you pick up your anchor YOU can be that leader that everyone follows and wants to emulate.

Guest AO1(AW/SW)
On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 9:01 AM, GSE1(SW) Lukeskywalker said:

What rate is this for ?

He is FCACM and I'm an AO

Guest NavySAR

Good luck to everyone next week.  For those that make it, be excited and proud but be humble also.  Keep those ties with the Firsts that were brothers/sisters before your name got called, because those relationships need to be cultivated.  For those that don't, keep your heads up.  Congratulate those that made it and understand that no one took a spot from you.  Everyone EARNS this...including the "N"s when they become "S"s.

Guest DocEddy8404

What will be the reason you don’t get selected? 

Guest Romeo Sierra One
1 hour ago, DocEddy8404 said:

What will be the reason you don’t get selected? 

All I'm going to say is that my rate is extremely competitive and we have really low quotas. I've had chiefs and other firsts tell me if I was in a more open rate I'd be in the CPO mess already. I'm pretty sure some of you have heard this too. 

Guest IS1(IW/SW/AW)
2 hours ago, DocEddy8404 said:

What will be the reason you don’t get selected? 

I have a mast 4 years 10 months ago. I've done stellar since then, all quald up, great Sailors under me and SOY but still have that ghost of my past!

1 hour ago, Nuke1st4ever said:

If this is true it will be the first time in 7 years the results came out in July.

yup. And came out aug 1 in 2013 which was last time sept 16 was a Monday 

2 hours ago, DocEddy8404 said:

What will be the reason you don’t get selected? 

Only been in the rating for 4 years.

But my rating just selected someone for Senior that was a different rating 4 years ago so who knows. Plus I got high quotas this cycle. We shall see

Guest Joesph Naval

Got word from my base CMC confirming everyone’s talk about results on Wednesday to the TRIAD. Good luck everyone!

Guest PO1Oz
7 hours ago, IS1(IW/SW/AW) said:

I have a mast 4 years 10 months ago. I've done stellar since then, all quald up, great Sailors under me and SOY but still have that ghost of my past!

I’ve got a hiccup as well, not NJP but might as well have been. 3.0P drop from a 3.86 MP prior cycle. So i’m somewhat in the same boat as that eval has held me back for some time now. I asked my CMC that sat the board, how do they look at hiccups when they vote. He said they look for the bounce back, but also what the issue was. He said DUI is viewed somewhat differently than say you did something to another Sailor. In other words “my take on it anyways” is that the severity of the issue plays a role, but no one is beyond promoting even with issues. Prime example, had a friend get selected 2 years ago, and he had NJP 3 eval cycles prior. His charge was maintenance related (improper maintenance). Didn’t hold him back. So keep your head up and hope for the best. Best of luck next week, hopefully all of our names are on it. 

Guest Submarinecook1stclass

If I don’t make it it’s either quotas 13 out of 63 which isn’t the worst but last year I was up and they made 26 out of 61 and I didn’t get it. Also  another good reason would be eval write ups. My knowledge on write ups has improved so much in the last year compared to before. Sooo to add to my point, last year we had 3 of our 9 Master chiefs in my rate come talk to my command about the board and packages, one thing I e heard multiple time from them and other sources. Submariners suck at writing evaluations, I’ve done the research and it’s true 100%. But I have now been stationed with a surface chief who has taught me a lot and showed me better techniques, my last year eval is the best write up I have ever had. Just hoping to stand out. My last evals have what I need just doesn’t express it well is what one getting at.

Any one else’s ever hear that about submariners?

Guest DocEddy8404
9 hours ago, IS1(IW/SW/AW) said:

I have a mast 4 years 10 months ago. I've done stellar since then, all quald up, great Sailors under me and SOY but still have that ghost of my past!

When is the NJP documented in your record? 

Guest IS1(IW/SW/AW)
1 hour ago, DocEddy8404 said:

When is the NJP documented in your record? 

OCT 2014. As far as NJPs go, it was about as minor as one could be. Didnt get an SP eval, and was EP next cycle.w Weird situation. Either way though, it's still there.

Guest DevilDocB
14 hours ago, DocEddy8404 said:

What will be the reason you don’t get selected? 

HM1 IDC here, reason why I won’t be selected is not being a “well rounded sailor”. Been in 11 years and have spent 7 of which with the Marines 2 combat tours and 2 eastern block of Europe tours. Been stationed at a hospital for my first duty station, now at a SEAL training command. Never been on a ship. As well as it being my first time up. So I think that is what will hold me back.

Guest UwantMotrin?
32 minutes ago, DevilDocB said:

HM1 IDC here, reason why I won’t be selected is not being a “well rounded sailor”. Been in 11 years and have spent 7 of which with the Marines 2 combat tours and 2 eastern block of Europe tours. Been stationed at a hospital for my first duty station, now at a SEAL training command. Never been on a ship. As well as it being my first time up. So I think that is what will hold me back.

Brother, a friend of mine was only going back and forth between a hospital and with the marines.  He’s never been on a ship.  Only difference between you two is you’re an IDC and he’s quad zero.  He made Chief last year (first time up). I’m sure you have a really good chance this cycle. I don’t know if him being a SOY a year prior and his Purple Heart boosted up his package.

Guest subguy10524
3 hours ago, Submarinecook1stclass said:

If I don’t make it it’s either quotas 13 out of 63 which isn’t the worst but last year I was up and they made 26 out of 61 and I didn’t get it. Also  another good reason would be eval write ups. My knowledge on write ups has improved so much in the last year compared to before. Sooo to add to my point, last year we had 3 of our 9 Master chiefs in my rate come talk to my command about the board and packages, one thing I e heard multiple time from them and other sources. Submariners suck at writing evaluations, I’ve done the research and it’s true 100%. But I have now been stationed with a surface chief who has taught me a lot and showed me better techniques, my last year eval is the best write up I have ever had. Just hoping to stand out. My last evals have what I need just doesn’t express it well is what one getting at.

Any one else’s ever hear that about submariners?

Are you able to be more specific? What stuff was missing from the evals? What made it better?

Guest AO1(AW/SW)
16 hours ago, DocEddy8404 said:

What will be the reason you don’t get selected? 

I would say the reason for me not getting selected is only having 1 E6 eval. I heard the board likes sailors to have at least almost 3-4 years TIR as an E6.

Guest Submarinecook1stclass
12 minutes ago, subguy10524 said:

Are you able to be more specific? What stuff was missing from the evals? What made it better?

Well to start, with position evals from my boat and other CS I’ve checked with just says CS division followed by LPO.. my evals now actually say LPO. The write ups from the past had a basic, I did this job and resulted in these guys getting trained or I got this qual or did this collateral which ended with what ever result. Not bad but my eval now just has a way more in depth write up for the impact I was giving. My last command I had a great impact and was number 2 EP before I left but it just wasn’t express as good as it could have been but I didn’t know it until I got here and saw how it could have been written to really show the impact.. hope that is a little more detailed.

16 hours ago, DocEddy8404 said:

What will be the reason you don’t get selected? 

A couple master chiefs told me my Evals could have stronger command impact statements, but that my evals are very good otherwise 🤷🏻‍♂️ So who knows

16 hours ago, DocEddy8404 said:

What will be the reason you don’t get selected? 

Talking with my husband, his guess as to why he wouldn't get selected is he has no degree and not enough collateral duties. 

Guest degenerateJEFF

Why hasn't membership been released? Supposed to be posted when the board adjorns.

Guest subguy10524

I won’t get selected because I had straight P evals from 2010-2014 including a 1 of 1 MP special eval. Also missing my 14-1 PFA 

Following 2014 they got better, but not sure if i have enough sustained superior performance. 

6 minutes ago, degenerateJEFF said:

Why hasn't membership been released? Supposed to be posted when the board adjorns.

Board membership will no longer be released until after the results of the board are released

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