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Guest OS1(SW/EXW)

I have been working on mine too, but is at 19 pages...

I was SOY and want to include the write up, as well as the writeup for the NAM that went along with it.

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Guest osiris0107

Well... I am trying to see how well it goes for the Master Chief selection in my rate. I have done some research and think that it will be a good year all around for advancement within my community. You are right though, this forum is dead and we need to get it up to speed. Has everyone got the new "laying of the keel pamphlet" and all the changes to CPO 365 which is now Sailor 360?

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Guest Doc (FMF) E

Long time lurker, first time posting on here. Looking for some advice. I apologize now, this might be somewhat lengthy.

First off, I am an HM1 and an FTS Sailor. I have been an HM1 since Dec 2015, so I am junior in rate but I have been in since Nov 2006 (11 years) so I wouldn’t be an early quota. I made board for my first time this year. Last year I took the test early and missed board by 2 points. I came in as an AE FTS but I have been an FTS Corpsman since Nov 2011 when I got PTS’d.

My first command was a squadron (Nov 2007-Jun 2010) and I failed to get my EAWS. Command SOP stated you had to have certain quals before you could enroll in EAWS and on top of that I didn’t realize how important it as an E-3. Plus, in the interest of full disclosure I was kind of a dirtbag my first 3 years in the Navy (just lazy and late a lot- no NJP) and then had shoulder surgery in June 2010 so I got sent to TPU and had to turn in my EAWS PQS. I never went over the EAWS time limit so I wasnt DIN’Q but I just never got it and now it’s a little embarrassing when people ask about my career history. I also had three P’s in a row. I got sent to FRC Mid Atlantic for a year to recover from surgery and that’s when I got PTS’d. I did well there as an AE3 got all my quals and got a transfer MP, not great but not a P. By God’s grace I survived the big wave of PTS. I overcame my past to become a good Sailor. 

When I converted to Corpsman in 2011, it was a fresh start for me and I have never looked back. I was sent to a large NOSC and did very well there. I was promoted to HM2 after about 6 months onboard. As an HM2 I served as ALPO, Command CFL, MWR President, helped start the SCPOA and was active (never held a position), started CSADD, and won JSOQ multiple times. I was ranked as #3 of 7 #1 MP and my eval states would be EP if not for quota limitations. My transfer eval was a 1 of 1 EP but the write up was really good and I was above my CO’s average. I was awarded my MOVSM at this command. I also got my one and only NAM upon transfer from the NOSC to the Greenside. All my HM2 evals are within the last 5 years so this stuff will be read and reviewed by the Board.

I transfered to a Marine Reserve “Inspector-Instructor” Company billet and made HM1 in Dec 2015...my first time up. Im still at this billet now but I transfer soon. In this billet I have been the only sailor at my command (independent duty but I’m not an IDC). I passed 2 major inspections (FRAAP and CGRI) with 100% during my time here. I redeemed myself for not getting my AW pin and got my FMF pin. I have been the Watchbill Coordinator, Command Financial Specialist and have given 300 Marines all across the Battalion the new Blended Retirement System training, and Command Career Counselor an have provided career counseling to 3 sailors which resulted in a Sailor receiving orders to the greenside. I went to the NEC earning active duty CCC Course last year. 

My evals mention that I took over the Medical Dept Head position after it was gapped for 12 months and it had major problems (obviously) and I turned it around quickly, into one of the top performing departments in the Company.  This resulted in me getting the Division SOQ against like 70 other HM’s and a CERTCOM from the Division Commanding General (FLOC). I have been 1 of 1 EP on all my evals here and I am hoping that the strong write up makes up for it.

I have tried to show that I am still leading Marines and Reserve HM’s even though none are assigned to me. I have provided training on the FRAAP inspection to other HM’s in the Battalion. I am a TCCC/CLS Instructor and have trained 14 Marines and have mentored 2 specifically as my main medical assistants in the field. I also saved the Marine Corps $30,000 by doing a medical standdown using military providers instead of civilian. I was also selected to be the Battalion Assistant Medical Chief (over another HM1 and even and HMC) when they had a gapped billet (which is like my ISIC since I’m at the Company level) and maintained the medical work center with no drop off. I trained 3 HM’s in FMF Pin PQS which resulted in 1 HMC getting their pin. I won SSOQ in 2nd Qtr 2017. I know I am 1 of 1 but we compete against the other FCPO’s in the Battalion for SOQ. I just wish they would have just ranked us for eval purposes too. 

I went to CACO school recently. I am finishing my Bachelors of Arts Degree on 12 May 2018 with a 3.6 GPA and sent the transcripts with my LTB (FTS LTB is due 30 Apr). I also recently finished USMAP in Medical Secretary, SEJPME I and PPME before I found out I made board. I heard that timing mattered in years past. I have documented Volunteerism every year going back like 6 years of 50 hours or more a year. My EOT award and 2nd MOVSM won’t make in time for the board either, but that’s being routed and completed now.

I recently went TAD to DAPA and CMEO school and I will be taking over those collaterals at my next command. I’m transferring to a Medium sized NOSC soon to be the Medical LPO with room to grow into the NOSC LPO. I am also starting my Masters of Divinity this Fall so that will be good for next eval. 

My biggest concerns are this:

#1 My missed EAWS way back when but rectified somewhat by earning my FMF pin in  Jan of 2017

#2 No CPO 365 or FCPOA involvement.. I was heavily involved with CPO 365 last year but it didn’t make it on last years eval and no FCPOA exists since I’m the only Sailor at my command. My Chief and 1stSgt have said CPO 365 will be on my EOT and I will ensure it makes it on my transfer eval but again that won’t be seen by the Board. Or can I mention something in an LTB? 

#3 No LPO on my eval; just ALPO as an HM2 and SMDR as a first class since there’s no junior sailors under me now. This will be rectified at my NOSC but that won’t impact this years selection board. My next command I will have an HM2 to lead and mentor and other junior Sailors in the Command. It will only have a staff of 13 including CO and SEL. Does SMDR or Dept Head = LPO?

#4 I wasn’t really a mentor per se to anyone but I tried to show mentorship with the CLS Marines 

#5 My last 4/5 evals is 1/1 EP and the other is a strong ranked MP. But I’m above the RS Average on my last 5 evals. Are my evals going to kill me?

#6 I only have 1 NAM but I also have the CERTCOM from the General (comparable to a FLOC) and a LOC from my CO (Navy Capt) for earning JSOQ in 2014. I also have the MOVSM but I know this doesn’t look great for an 11 year Sailor to only have 1 NAM when my peers have 3+ minimum and some have as much as 10 that I know that are HM1 FTS. I do have several SOQ and JSOQ as I previously mentioned.

I have a chance to fix these deficiencies at my next command before my next eval, but do I have a legit shot this year? What can I fix going forward? 

Also, our FORCM recently mentioned in a Force-wide video that we should send a Career Summary Letter in the LTB that explains things that are vague in evals and/or to explain things that you did that didn’t make it into evals that you want to explain more in detail. Like CPO 365 for me. He said it’s because not everything on a brag sheet makes it on an eval and you want to get points for what you did. My question is this: how can the board verify this? My mentor thought this advice was unclear and confusing since what I write in a Word document letter can’t be verified by the Board. Whatever you send needs now verified by the board somehow, right? I don’t want to make unverifiable claims and look bad, even if they’re true. 

I have only been an HM1 for 2.5 years so I might need more seasoning I’m hoping the good things I have done will be enough to make HMC this year. 🙏🏼 

Thanks for any and all inputs, 

HM1 (FMF) “Doc E”


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Guest Riverine Rat

Reaching out to any Chiefs, Senior Chiefs, Master Chiefs in the room to look over my package for advice. Had my Master Chief look it over and he said everything I am submitting looks good and he would submit it if it was his package so that makes me feel good.

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Guest PO14Life

I think everyone is just staying busy. I keep hearing the "This is your year" bit, and trying not to be cynical. I tell them I'm a realist and don't want to get my hopes up.

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Guest AME1
On 4/29/2018 at 8:06 PM, CTN1(IW/FMF) said:

Dang we haven’t made 10 pages yet...quiet year

Yeah, unless it picks up soon, not sure it'll make it over 100 pages.  Hit my birthday beginning of June.  I'll be at 20 when the board convenes.  I'll have just 2 more years to go for the second time.  If they adjust HYT again I don't think I'd take it (I know 99% sure that ain't happening).  Kinda curious about the quotas.  Looks like Senior Chief went up a little.  So will have to see if that changes AME, or just AM.

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Guest Submarinecook1stclass

Hey best of luck this year everyone.

First time on ever. I made board. I in submarines. Fully qualified up to Chief of that watch. Three EPs 4 NAMs 1 Army achievement medal. PPMEs SJPMEs, Yellow Belt Certified. I was a MAP promotion. I was up for it last year due to EP purposes and got a lot of nudges from the chief quarters saying they were certain I was going to make it and had me believe it.. until the name wasn't called. I didn't really submit a package last year. So this year is different. I sent a lot more this year and had my package look over my multiple people, including the master chief who is most likely sitting the board and got the ok. The only down side, is that I keep hearing that submarine Eval write ups compared to surface are not as good. Just hoping that the guys I'm competing with are written similar. Best of luck guys.

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Guest AME1
18 hours ago, Submarinecook1stclass said:

Hey best of luck this year everyone.

First time on ever. I made board. I in submarines. Fully qualified up to Chief of that watch. Three EPs 4 NAMs 1 Army achievement medal. PPMEs SJPMEs, Yellow Belt Certified. I was a MAP promotion. I was up for it last year due to EP purposes and got a lot of nudges from the chief quarters saying they were certain I was going to make it and had me believe it.. until the name wasn't called. I didn't really submit a package last year. So this year is different. I sent a lot more this year and had my package look over my multiple people, including the master chief who is most likely sitting the board and got the ok. The only down side, is that I keep hearing that submarine Eval write ups compared to surface are not as good. Just hoping that the guys I'm competing with are written similar. Best of luck guys.

Well unless you just switched to surface, you should only be competing against other sub guys/gals (for the eval write-up).  I only say that based on the splits rates I've seen have sub and surface exam results.  As an airdale I'm not to in the know on that, so take it with a couple grains of salt.

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Guest ABGrape

Reading this years guidance in the precepts it says prefered method is encryption. The concern i have is my ships network 50 % of the time encryption don't work. I noticed there is nothing said about Armour Deck or Safe site this year.  Some of my Chiefs said to mail it off and still use the encryption as well. Is that frowned about by NPC ? Thanks in Advance 


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Guest I R Gunners Mate
On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 1:37 AM, Doc (FMF) E said:

My biggest concerns are this:

#1 My missed EAWS way back when but rectified somewhat by earning my FMF pin in  Jan of 2017

#2 No CPO 365 or FCPOA involvement.. I was heavily involved with CPO 365 last year but it didn’t make it on last years eval and no FCPOA exists since I’m the only Sailor at my command. My Chief and 1stSgt have said CPO 365 will be on my EOT and I will ensure it makes it on my transfer eval but again that won’t be seen by the Board. Or can I mention something in an LTB? 

#3 No LPO on my eval; just ALPO as an HM2 and SMDR as a first class since there’s no junior sailors under me now. This will be rectified at my NOSC but that won’t impact this years selection board. My next command I will have an HM2 to lead and mentor and other junior Sailors in the Command. It will only have a staff of 13 including CO and SEL. Does SMDR or Dept Head = LPO?

#4 I wasn’t really a mentor per se to anyone but I tried to show mentorship with the CLS Marines 

#5 My last 4/5 evals is 1/1 EP and the other is a strong ranked MP. But I’m above the RS Average on my last 5 evals. Are my evals going to kill me?

#6 I only have 1 NAM but I also have the CERTCOM from the General (comparable to a FLOC) and a LOC from my CO (Navy Capt) for earning JSOQ in 2014. I also have the MOVSM but I know this doesn’t look great for an 11 year Sailor to only have 1 NAM when my peers have 3+ minimum and some have as much as 10 that I know that are HM1 FTS. I do have several SOQ and JSOQ as I previously mentioned.

I have a chance to fix these deficiencies at my next command before my next eval, but do I have a legit shot this year? What can I fix going forward? 

Also, our FORCM recently mentioned in a Force-wide video that we should send a Career Summary Letter in the LTB that explains things that are vague in evals and/or to explain things that you did that didn’t make it into evals that you want to explain more in detail. Like CPO 365 for me. He said it’s because not everything on a brag sheet makes it on an eval and you want to get points for what you did. My question is this: how can the board verify this? My mentor thought this advice was unclear and confusing since what I write in a Word document letter can’t be verified by the Board. Whatever you send needs now verified by the board somehow, right? I don’t want to make unverifiable claims and look bad, even if they’re true. 

I have only been an HM1 for 2.5 years so I might need more seasoning I’m hoping the good things I have done will be enough to make HMC this year. 🙏🏼 

Thanks for any and all inputs, 

HM1 (FMF) “Doc E”


#1 Missed EAWS is not a concern. If you had failed to get it as a 1st or even a 2nd, that certainly would be an issue. I wouldn't sweat it.

#2 I made Chief without any CPO 365 involvement. Take that for what it's worth.

#3 I had a mediocre LPO at sea eval, then shore duty, then made it off my next eval back at sea without LPO. They are not only selecting LPOs.

#4 What do you mean you tried to show mentorship? Did you put it in your eval that you were a mentor to these Marines?

#5 1/1 evals are not great, but they aren't necessarily a killer. It is in the precepts that the board must consider that applicants are not always in control over where they go, so they should be considering what's in your eval rather than just how many people you lead.

#6 Awards will give you a certain amount of points, typically the board will not even read the awards unless it's a COM or a spot NAM. Your MOVSM will actually be more helpful in maxing out your volunteer service points.

If you write a letter to the board, they will dig through your record in order to verify everything you say. If it can't be verified, then they won't take points away, but you may end up pissing off your inspector. If you make them do extra work trying to verify what you're saying, then they may not view your record as favorably as they might have just letting your evals speak for themselves.

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Guest osiris0107
5 hours ago, subguy10524 said:

Hey all. With the E9 and E8 quotas/results out, what are everyone’s thoughts on where the chief quotas may fall?

Looking at EMN subs, 4 made E9 and 11 made E8. Those are some pretty high numbers, so we will see what happens come June. 

Well, I have be informed that in my community there are a great deal of E-7 and above that are retirement eligible and close to HYT, so it tells me that it should be good this year and in the coming years as well. for my rate my guess is 22 with about 100 eligible.  I always wondered why they stop advertising who made board? Maybe to make people not feel hurt?

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Guest OS1(SW/EXW)
On 4/29/2018 at 8:26 PM, PO14Life said:

I think everyone is just staying busy. I keep hearing the "This is your year" bit, and trying not to be cynical. I tell them I'm a realist and don't want to get my hopes up.

yeah...I hear that EVERY year...must be something they teach them at INDOC...and I AM cynical of it after being up 4 or 5 times now

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Guest Submarinecook1stclass
6 hours ago, osiris0107 said:

Well, I have be informed that in my community there are a great deal of E-7 and above that are retirement eligible and close to HYT, so it tells me that it should be good this year and in the coming years as well. for my rate my guess is 22 with about 100 eligible.  I always wondered why they stop advertising who made board? Maybe to make people not feel hurt?

You can see who all made board or not with FLTMPS but you have to know others UICs to see

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Guest Casey Rybak

Does anyone know why the minimum multiple on some profile sheets is listed as 20?  It would be impossible to score below a 20.

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Guest AME1
9 hours ago, Casey Rybak said:

Does anyone know why the minimum multiple on some profile sheets is listed as 20?  It would be impossible to score below a 20.

Were they automatic board eligible?  I'd have to go back and look at my profile sheet from when I was in Afghanistan.  I only remeber it said I cut a 80 on the test.

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Guest osiris0107
22 hours ago, BOATSNUGGYD said:

Well it's that time of the year again the fts/selres cpo board convenes on Monday

gOOD LUCK. Need to submit my package for the active board.

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Guest Boats101

First time up for board here.  Need some guidance.  I've been checking my Continuity Report daily on BOL to see when the Selection Board status will change from "No Selection Boards to display" to I'm assuming the board # and dates.  I've also read online that it usually happens around 30 days prior to the board convening.   Has anyone checked recently to see if theirs has updated or does it say "No Selection Boards to display" still?  Any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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Guest Submarinecook1stclass
14 hours ago, subguy10524 said:

For me it is too early to start worrying about results. I still gotta get LTB off. Planning on doing that today and this week getting the command letterhead for my LPO time here. 

Once the board convenes I will start guessing results myself. I am just weird like that. 

I’m with you in that I try not to think about it to much.. at least till quotas come out 

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