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1 hour ago, HawkISback said:

Good insight Tony.  All we can do is keep grinding until they tap us on the shoulder and tell us its time to move on to our new life`s work.

Thanks @HawkISback, there's been some awesome folks here that put out some good info and I pick it up to re-share. BBb)

Guest NAVYGUY209
12 hours ago, HawkISback said:

I am almost done with the JKO Senior Enlisted, start that one ASAP.  It is taking forever.  I wish I had thought of the 365 piece last year for evals after reading in the convening order.  Oh well.  I will have added some wood to the fire this eval season.  I hopefully will get another look at SOY, however I am not sure.  We only have 11 FCPOs in our command, I know I am not a 5.0 sailor but i am filling some huge roles. However, if they do the timeshare piece on SOY its going to make me angry.  I worked hard the last two years. 

Yeah man that SEJPME is a 40 hour course and you can skip through it. It's not a bad course just takes a long time to doo


Welllllll, let me put it like this. The day I let someone stop me from doing my thing, like fishing, just to argue the guidelines with me, is the day this forum ceases to exit... 

Ain't gonna' happen



Guest HawkISback
On 8/4/2016 at 6:33 PM, Tony said:

Has anyone outlined a plan of attack as far as what they are going to do to make Chief?

E.g Studying, college, records review, Sailorization etc.

Tony, I will have several added cannon balls to fire at H.M.S Select.  Now if only the Ordies load them.  lolz

Guest HawkISback
4 hours ago, Tony said:

Welllllll, let me put it like this. The day I let someone stop me from doing my thing, like fishing, just to argue the guidelines with me, is the day this forum ceases to exit... 

Ain't gonna' happen



I wanna hear the back story to this.

Guest HawkISback
23 hours ago, HawkISback said:

I am almost done with the JKO Senior Enlisted, start that one ASAP.  It is taking forever.  I wish I had thought of the 365 piece last year for evals after reading in the convening order.  Oh well.  I will have added some wood to the fire this eval season.  I hopefully will get another look at SOY, however I am not sure.  We only have 11 FCPOs in our command, I know I am not a 5.0 sailor but i am filling some huge roles. However, if they do the timeshare piece on SOY its going to make me angry.  I worked hard the last two years. 

I also really want a redemption look at my that high level.  I did not acquit myself how I wanted to during the board. 

Guest HawkISback
On 8/9/2016 at 8:08 AM, NAVYGUY209 said:

Nice, I did the same thing. The Master Chief I talked to brought up CPO365 and said it was looked at hard this year.  Another thing that got brought up was I got my SEJPME, PPME & MTS after I made board. Sucks but that's how it fell. He said the board will give you points but can still look negatively because it looks like I only did it because I made board. So if anyone in here is working on that, I would have it done prior too board results, just to take that suspicion away from the board.  For you @NavyChic we have 2 FCPO and 2 CPO's that run CPO365 so it can be done and I would push for it for sure.

Another thing we talked about was USMAP and college which he said were looked hard this year too, USMAP is super easy and only take a couple minutes to account for your 40 hour work week in port/shore duty and if you are out to sea.

I have heard several people quote that, it seems illogical to me.  I mean so its negative this year, but next board it will turn positive or will it stay negative?  

Guest HawkISback
5 hours ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

I am glad to hear someone is actually taking the course and not just looking to get a check in the box. The purpose of JPME is to help us as leaders when we go into the joint arena which is becoming more and more common. Don't just complete a course , get a degree, volunteer, or do anything just to because it is something that is required for a certain paygrade. Do it because you want to do it, because it is something that is beneficial, and most importantly, because it is going to make your Sailors better because of it. Don't just be a volunteer, lead your command in volunteer events. Don't just do JPME and PPME, tell your Sailors and peers why knowing the lessons and material is important to our success as a Navy. Don't just take college because you want points on a board, do it because you want to learn something and help others learn the same things. Taking college seriously will also make you a better writer. Getting my Master's Degree benefited me as a writer and speaker in more ways than I would have ever imagined. It also benefited my peers and junior Sailors because I help them with EVALs, papers, and emails. Make sure everything you set out to accomplish has value and brings value to yourself and others. Thanks @NAVYGUY209 for seeking out the benefits!

I wonder if I am the only one getting anxious.


Here is a sample of an outline I mentioned that may help keep track of what you need to do. This can easily be done in a word doc and you can tape it to your closet door or someplace to remind you of your progress. You can also outline it any way you wish, choose any strategy you wish,  and it can be as detailed or generic as you want as well.

1. Education

  • Study weakest areas for exam
  • Take advanced basket weaving course OR
  • Expect to finish degree this year (make sure it is added to records)
  • Start my USMAP

2. Volunteer

  • Put myself in for MOVSM OR
  • Start volunteer coach for advanced basket weaving for teens

3. Sailorization

  • Review training jackets in shop and get applicable local schools started
  • Review members quals and get them going
  • See if I can get mentors for those wanting mentorship (I'll ask Chief)
  • Get to know my troops better

4. Records

  • Review my records as if my life depended on it THEN...
  • Ask in rate Chief at my command to review my records THEN
  • Ask a Chief outside my command to review my records. (got these ideas from a CPO_Pride post)
  • Contact prior board member for advise/ record review

5. Etc.


What do you need to do to become Chief?
<points to the audience>


Guest HawkISback

I asked some Nimitz combat systems guys to look at. It's my Limdu evals hurting me. But I'll have my USMAP, associates, all those PPMEs, 100% prt pas rate as CFL, 100% inspection grade on CCC, I'm starting volunteering at YMCA, leading volunteer effort on my base, 365 bullets.  If I don't get it next year I'm hoping getting my bachelors next will put me over. I try to be the guy junior sailors ask questions. If nothing else I want them to make informed life choices. 

12 hours ago, HawkISback said:

I asked some Nimitz combat systems guys to look at. It's my Limdu evals hurting me. But I'll have my USMAP, associates, all those PPMEs, 100% prt pas rate as CFL, 100% inspection grade on CCC, I'm starting volunteering at YMCA, leading volunteer effort on my base, 365 bullets.  If I don't get it next year I'm hoping getting my bachelors next will put me over. I try to be the guy junior sailors ask questions. If nothing else I want them to make informed life choices. 

maybe a letter to the board next year regarding the limdu? :huh:

Guest HawkISback

I'm thinking about that, I really almost did it last board. However, I was wondering on how to address the issue. 

46 minutes ago, HawkISback said:

I'm thinking about that, I really almost did it last board. However, I was wondering on how to address the issue. 

You have time to strategize that one. Maybe write something up and let a Chief you trust look/ work it? Either way I think it would be worth it.

Guest HawkISback

I finished my JKO SEJPME.  WOOT. Besides documenting in evaluations how do we get them in our record? Thanks. 

Guest Admin_warrior

Question for the chiefs in the forum. I was told that because i didnt deploy while at my last command(not a ship but marine comand) it probably hurt me on the selection board. Now that i am on shore,  should i look for a deployment or do the best i can on shore duty? I haven't sailorization, awards, associate degree,  all the ppme,jpme, movsm, etc. 

Guest AWFChief

Reposting this from one of my previous post in another thread.

For those who want to scrub their record early, go the NPC website, select the Career Info tab, then select Career Toolbox, and on that page there is a Personnel Records Review checklist and many other tools that can help you review your record.

On 8/17/2016 at 10:52 PM, AWFChief said:

Reposting this from one of my previous post in another thread.

For those who want to scrub their record early, go the NPC website, select the Career Info tab, then select Career Toolbox, and on that page there is a Personnel Records Review checklist and many other tools that can help you review your record.

I also have the Personnel Record Review link located on the "Chiefs Selection Board Preparation" page of this website. If anyone has any additions, deletions or changes for that page please let me know. 

Guest Admin_warrior
8 hours ago, Donkey Racer said:

It is true that arrguous duty and deployments have been valued in the past. The precepts are a great tool to use in order to recognize what the board is looking for in your record.

However, the board can not see that you had the opportunity to deploy and did not unless it is obvious in your evals. Leadership remains the key piece in the puzzle. But of course leadership comes in all manner of forms, be it direct or indirect. Find your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Reading leadership style books helps tremendously. 21 irrefutable laws of leadership is a good start. Easy read and great insite for all leaders.

Look for trends within your rate and contact those who selected to find the differences and what you didnt have that they did.

Thank you, i will definitely look at 21 irrefutable laws of leadership. I plan to contact those that made it and masterchiefs that sat the board after my house hunting leave is over.

Guest Admin_warrior
8 minutes ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

As was stated above there really is no way to truly know if you deployed or not other than if it is written specifically in your EVAL. I will say that from last year to this year all that is written up here is what you have earned such as PPME, JPME, USMAP, Degrees, and so on. Sailorization and what Sailors under the FPCO have accomplished is what matters the most. All of my E5's for example have already completed PPME for E7-E9 and JPME because I feel that once they put on first they should be ready to help other Sailors excel and focus their energy and strengths on leadership. @Donkey Racer made a great reading recommendation in the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. That book changed how I viewed leadership instantly. Another great book to keep you focused is The Unbeatable Mind.

Thank you chief, sailorization definitely stands out in my evals. Here at my new command there isnt much opportunity for sailorization,  only 10 first classes total and one junior PS under me at a joint command. CPO 365 is held weekly so i can take advantage of that and any other sailorization opportunities i will jump on when they come available. I plan on reading the Unbeatable Mind as well thank you for the read!

Guest HawkISback
18 minutes ago, Vape83 said:

I just sent mine in with my package. Good question though. However I will still send in my cert next year as well because I want to make sure its seen and not missed. Here is my question, is PPME and SE JPME a one time thing or should it be done each year?

I had a mental nightmare about redoing them.  If the date matters, only once is good. 

Guest HawkISback

I emailed all three ITCMs who sat the board, I ain't going to lie I was nervous hitting the send button. 

On 8/19/2016 at 9:30 AM, HawkISback said:

I emailed all three ITCMs who sat the board, I ain't going to lie I was nervous hitting the send button. 

Did you get responds from the Master Chief? I contacted all three ITCMs myself, but I didn't get any response back from them. If you got the response, how did you contacted them?

23 minutes ago, Trying to be ITC said:

Did you get responds from the Master Chief? I contacted all three ITCMs myself, but I didn't get any response back from them. If you got the response, how did you contacted them?

Just a heads up, if you are not doing so, try emailing them individually and not as a group. Group emails appear more impersonal. 

Guest HawkISback
8 hours ago, Trying to be ITC said:

Did you get responds from the Master Chief? I contacted all three ITCMs myself, but I didn't get any response back from them. If you got the response, how did you contacted them?

I emailed them as individuals like tony said, so far only one responded. But less than 24 hours later. Now I'm nervous to see what she says. 


What at she did say before I sent my file was; strive to beat COs average, documented 365 participation, PPME and  SEJPME. 

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