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Guest TRON828
15 hours ago, Mestizo68 said:

10 is quite a bit. What are you sending?

Got it down to 7. Sending LTB off tomorrow :D

Guest TRON828

Down to 4.. sending in am;)..

Guest navyordie123

I only have to send in 2 this year, just waiting on my MOVSM to get to me so I can send in my LTB.

Guest HAZEGREY1775


On 3/30/2017 at 9:59 AM, navyordie123 said:

no you don't have to because your PRT score is on your eval and plus I believe that they look at your PRIMS data anyways.  anything that is on your eval or that is already in your record you should not have to submit because the board will see that already. now if you know if you have completed something recently and if you have doubts about it making it to you record on time, then definitely send it in. I hope that this helps you out.

Not true.... 1. Your PRT score is not automaitcally entered unless it is specifically anootated on your eval. 

2.  The board does NOT view PRIMS....this is a myth. They only view your OMPF, PSR/ESR/PDS, and your package.. that is it.

Guest navyordie123
4 hours ago, HAZEGREY1775 said:


Not true.... 1. Your PRT score is not automaitcally entered unless it is specifically anootated on your eval. 

2.  The board does NOT view PRIMS....this is a myth. They only view your OMPF, PSR/ESR/PDS, and your package.. that is it.

i was corrected on that before and I was wrong. I now know that they only review your PRIMS if it comes down to the wire at least that's what I was told anyways, thanks for the info.

Guest TRON828

Now the count down begins for FTS.. tick tock

Guest CM1(AW)

need some CPO help here. I am currently awaiting to hear if I made CPO from last year as I was granted a SSB through some unfortunate circumstances, made board this year and from what I hear I have to wait on quotas for this year to gain a quota for last year if I was selected. Board convened in Feb 2017 with no start or end date listed in the email. the SSB info I can obtain is all for officers and nothing is noted for CPO or enlisted portions of the board. Have any of you Chiefs been through this process or have insight? My Command is in the dark, as well as myself.  I have a great record, completely up to date, and I hear catching this failure itself shows the board I continually screen my record. I have my AS, BS, MS and am currently a PhD candidate. Leadership, Mess involvement, CPO365 involvement all documented. MOVSM on the way. Guess I am just wondering what to think about this board issue and if it goes bad or otherwise how am I looking for this year. the way its going I may get both results at the same time. Thoughts on a weird issue no one in the entire reserves has to deal with but myself apparently.  Any insight or advice is appreciated.

Guest Butter Star
22 hours ago, CM1(AW) said:

need some CPO help here. I am currently awaiting to hear if I made CPO from last year as I was granted a SSB through some unfortunate circumstances, made board this year and from what I hear I have to wait on quotas for this year to gain a quota for last year if I was selected. Board convened in Feb 2017 with no start or end date listed in the email. the SSB info I can obtain is all for officers and nothing is noted for CPO or enlisted portions of the board. Have any of you Chiefs been through this process or have insight? My Command is in the dark, as well as myself.  I have a great record, completely up to date, and I hear catching this failure itself shows the board I continually screen my record. I have my AS, BS, MS and am currently a PhD candidate. Leadership, Mess involvement, CPO365 involvement all documented. MOVSM on the way. Guess I am just wondering what to think about this board issue and if it goes bad or otherwise how am I looking for this year. the way its going I may get both results at the same time. Thoughts on a weird issue no one in the entire reserves has to deal with but myself apparently.  Any insight or advice is appreciated.

The outcome of the SSB will have no impact of this year's board for you if you are not selected.  It will take a quota away from this year's board if you are. But if whatever problem with you have with your record didn't exist last year and you would have made the cut you would have taken a quota from that board.

If you want information on the process you should npc if you haven't already. 

Guest Butter Star
On 3/30/2017 at 11:16 AM, ITJuan(IW/SW/AW) 009 said:

Question to all of the CPO's, SCPO's, and MCPO's in this forum. Should I submit a most updated NAVPERS 1070/880 Awards Records as an enclosure in my LTB?  My NAVPERS 1070/880 Awards Record that's currently in my OMPF is when I reenlisted in 2013.  Since then, I've received awards and added awards that weren't in my 2013 NAVPERS 1070/880 Awards Record. Not sure if I should submit a most recent one. Thank you.


The master chief that has to present your record has between 15 and 60 seconds to present your record.  He has to brief them on your ltb.  Do you really want him to spend time on your unit awards?  They will already see your personal awards (the number not the write ups) while he is briefing them.

It won't matter one way or another or than wasting the recorders and the briefers time.  If your personal awards are missing send in the award, the unit awards don't matter.


Guest ¡Viva!

Question:   Could somebody please provide the instruction saying that the CPO365 Phase 1 PQS has been tailored to specific commands?  My ship has its own, but the current command I transferred to still uses the 2013 one.  For the life of me I could not find the instruction.  Is it mandatory or not?

On 5/5/2017 at 8:19 AM, ¡Viva! said:

Question:   Could somebody please provide the instruction saying that the CPO365 Phase 1 PQS has been tailored to specific commands?  My ship has its own, but the current command I transferred to still uses the 2013 one.  For the life of me I could not find the instruction.  Is it mandatory or not?

Google search MCPON CPO FY 14 guidance. The bottom page 7 of 14 states:

"You may utilize (but not required) the CPO 365 Development Guide as a resource in compiling your local Personnel Qualification Standards."

Guest ¡Viva!

So with that, once you completed CPO 365 Phase 1 PQS in one command, you don't have to redo it if you transfer to a new command?

Guest TRON828

10 days left until FTS board convenes...hoping for at least 10 quotas(AT)..:)

Guest ¡Viva!

For AC brothers and sisters who have not submitted their package yet, this is the link to find out if NPC has received your package.  As per their page, allow 10 working days from submission date before asking if they received it or not.



If this is your first time accessing this page, you must make an account either by calling them or chatting.  For me, it was a 1 day turn around to get access.  I was used to sending my package through the army website, but NA 278/16 removed it.  Either encrypted e-mail or mail in is authorized as per NA.

Guest Yamzi-USN
52 minutes ago, ¡Viva! said:

 I was used to sending my package through the army website, but NA 278/16 removed it.  Either encrypted e-mail or mail in is authorized as per NA.

Do you mean to say that safe.amrdec.army.mil website doesn't work anymore?

Guest ¡Viva!


12 minutes ago, Yamzi-USN said:

Do you mean to say that safe.amrdec.army.mil website doesn't work anymore?

That's not what I meant. I was giving the link that let's the service member know if the package has been received.

The current navadmin 278/16 does not say anything about the safe army website anymore.  The previous navadmins regarding chief selection does.

On the link, you will find out when it was received, and how many pages they received.


Guest Yamzi-USN
39 minutes ago, ¡Viva! said:


That's not what I meant. I was giving the link that let's the service member know if the package has been received.

The current navadmin 278/16 does not say anything about the safe army website anymore.  The previous navadmins regarding chief selection does.

On the link, you will find out when it was received, and how many pages they received.


I get it now. Thanks for clarification. I will be sending my package this week using safe.amrdec. 

Guest Mestizo68

Should find out the quotas for FTS E-7 next week.

Guest NavyPride34

If anyone needs to send their LTB but are not on an NMCI Network, please utilize the following steps.

Complete the following steps below to send a board package from a non-NMCI network:

    a.  Go to https://dod411.gds.disa.mil to download the required mailbox certificate (Please note – Use Microsoft Outlook with a CAC reader along with Internet Explorer or Netscape 7)

    b.  Type  CSCSELBOARD@NAVY.MIL in the ”E-mail address" field

    c.  Click “Search”

    d.  Click the “CSC” link under “Last Name”

    e.  Click on the link “Download Certificate(s) as vCard”

    f.  Click “Software Certificate for CSCSELBOARD@NAVY.MIL”

    g.  Click the “Open” button for the File Download popup

    h.  Once the certificate opens, click “Save and Close” (the Certificate is then saved to the profile and can be used to send encrypted e-mail)

Guest CM1(AW)

need some CPO help here. I am currently awaiting to hear if I made CPO from last year as I was granted a SSB through some unfortunate circumstances, made board this year and from what I hear I have to wait on quotas for this year to gain a quota for last year if I was selected. Board convened in Feb 2017 with no start or end date listed in the email. the SSB info I can obtain is all for officers and nothing is noted for CPO or enlisted portions of the board. Have any of you Chiefs been through this process or have insight? My Command is in the dark, as well as myself.  I have a great record, completely up to date, and I hear catching this failure itself shows the board I continually screen my record. I have my AS, BS, MS and am currently a PhD candidate. Leadership, Mess involvement, CPO365 involvement all documented. MOVSM on the way. Guess I am just wondering what to think about this board issue and if it goes bad or otherwise how am I looking for this year. the way its going I may get both results at the same time. Thoughts on a weird issue no one in the entire reserves has to deal with but myself apparently.  Any insight or advice is appreciated.

The outcome of the SSB will have no impact of this year's board for you if you are not selected.  It will take a quota away from this year's board if you are. But if whatever problem with you have with your record didn't exist last year and you would have made the cut you would have taken a quota from that board.

If you want information on the process you should npc if you haven't already.


The problem wasnt with my record but with NEAOS and getting my results to the board showing me as board eligible.  I came out on the list as eligible but my test results were never forwarded. i caught it when i didnt receive an S or an N and started looking into it. To further aggregate the issue no one at NPC is talking to me including the Masterchief about it. I was informed all along about the process but only that i had a board in Feb 2017 and results would follow. running thought is that if it was an N i would know by now. Quotas come out next week so heres hoping something shows up. if not i have this board and everything is square as far as i can tell, along with 5 MCPO's who screened me.

Guest SeaBeeDoc

Board convenes Monday so the quotas should be out next week, any guesses on when the results will be out ? Last year it was 30 Jun, the year before it was out 8 Jul, and the previous year 2014 on 27 Jun.  I am thinking it will be close to the 4th of July .  Anyway best wishes!

Guest TRON828

Ready and anxious. :D

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