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Everything posted by HMtoCTN

  1. From what I’ve been told is all packages get reviewed and everyone gets briefed in the tank, the scattergram filters out the weak packages quickly.
  2. @DirtSailor either emailed or snail mailed. Link to instructions on how to download certificates to email from non navy.mil domain is in screenshot and on NAVADMIN 040/19
  3. Well, I sent my LTB off last week and got the confirmation all was received. Now just the long wait till August-ish. My rating (CTN) quotas are the same number for MCPOs and 5 more SCPOS this year so hoping to have a good number for CPO again. Here is to the wait everyone
  4. @BOATSNUGGYD that should be able to be pulled from NAC. I will look tonight when I go in and post it if it’s there. Has to be access for a .mil domain
  5. Reservist Selection Board Eligibility profile sheets will be posted 1000EST tomorrow.
  6. I was told that for evals/eval related documents had to be snail mailed to pers Submitting the statements and eval with LTB just to make sure. I know they won’t actually read it, but probably be more of a “he found an issue with his record and fixed it. Cool, moving on” thing i actually had a real good talk with my mentor today about how it all just depends on how they take everything because what it comes down to is the confidence vote. SOQ/evals all that jazz comes down to a point system, but CPO selection is a vote of confidence which is completely subjective to each voting individual. Hopefully, me identifying and fixing an issue with my record boosts that confidence
  7. So I’m a little ashamed to admit that I finally noticed that my OMPF is missing my first 4 evals. What’s worse is I only have one of them. And the former command def does not have record of them anymore. But I have my 3 Statements in Lieu of Missing Evaluations typed up and cover letter for the eval I do have and will get those mailed out to PERS today. Any idea how long it takes that stuff to get into the record and show in OMPF? I don’t want to draw attention to it in my LTB if I don’t have to.
  8. I am still undecided about a career summary. They still have to go verify everything you put on it. What I would love to hear someone put some clarification on is things in block 44 like PPME/SEJPME cert. I hear equally “if it’s in your record, don’t send it” or “send it so it doesn’t get overlooked”. He mentioned all documents of winning SOQ or JSOQ. Even though it’s on an eval, should I send my cookie cutter LOC that I got for winning JSOQ from 2012? Wish I could actually sit down with someone who has sat a recent board to go through my I love me book and recommend things to send in
  9. So there is a social media site that has a page by the name of “navy reserve careercompass” that has a video today by CMDCM Heisler that is about 12-13 mins long, that gives some good advice and info in regards to presenting your package to the selection board. Also gives what insight he can on the board process as he was the SEA for last years FTS and SELRES E7 selection board. Could be worth a look for those interested.
  10. I don’t think the triad gets them like the actual results. I believe only person that can pull the profile sheet besides the individual is the ESO and that’s still at the same time as everyone else.
  11. For the record it wasn’t directed at you, but the situation in general. I’ve heard too many people suggest it.
  12. Looking forward to this new eval system ranking everyone against a standard instead of against a group. It is crazy seeing that people are trying to do extra to jump through hoops to align evals. If your evaluations don’t speak for themselves before you transfer, is that ONE eval really going to make a difference. If your performance is where it should be, you should be above the RSCA, which is the most important thing right? Just my humble opinion.
  13. Hearing Selection Board Eligibility results should be out Tuesday March 12th at 0800 CST. Good luck everyone
  14. So each rating career path should have been updates with a section they use for the board now with things that are taken into account for consideration for advancement. As you can see on mine FCPOA leadership or strong involvement is one of those considerations. I think it was removed from the conviening order because it was added to this career path.
  15. It has always been explained to me that the RSCA is more important than the SGA. It’s good to be over the SGA obviously but when your trait average is compared to a RSCA it’s comparing to every E6 that reporting senior has evaluated, not just the group for that eval cycle. So above RSCA is saying you are top tier of everyone they’ve ever evaluated which is a much bigger statement then just being above SGA
  16. I’d say late June (board convenes June 24) to early July when the rumor mills start grinding again. Pending any board compromises. By August I’d expect the FY-21 to start up.
  17. Now that the test is over I expect the conversations will pick up some, but probably still slow until SBE results
  18. Now the wait for Selection Board eligibility results. Felt good about the exam, hopefully that doesn’t translate into the standard navy thinking
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