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Everything posted by HMtoCTN

  1. And results didn’t come out till Aug 11 that year. Scuttlebutt I am hearing is a sep-oct time frame season for a condensed season this year.
  2. Looking at possibly 4. A designation letter, 2 FLOCs and an award if I get it in time.
  3. Review the attached enlisted selection board brief. It says exactly what the board is able to see and no the exam score is not part of it. ENL_ADVANCEMENT_BOARD_BRIEF_FOR_PERS-803_WEBPAGE_(10Apr18).pptx
  4. “all promotion, advancement, milestone and other selection boards scheduled to convene on or after 24 March 2020 at Navy Personnel Command (NPC) are postponed until further notice.” https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/messages/Documents/NAVADMINS/NAV2020/NAV20072.txt
  5. Well seeing as the E9 and E8 AC board were scheduled to convene in the next 60 days, but travel ban. Plus all the officer boards that are suppose to go down, plus the E7 boards. Yeah I would probably def say it’s gonna be late. Super short season if there is one at all
  6. Here is the article about it. https://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=108475
  7. I think here is the answer https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releases/Release/Article/2112213/statement-by-the-department-of-defense-on-domestic-travel-restrictions/
  8. So the RC E8/9 board was scheduled to adjourn today. The AC E9 board is suppose to convene on 30 March, but with all the stuff about Covid-19, I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets shifted to the right. And if it gets shifted, likely so will the E8 board. Which could cascade through all of board season. I wonder if COVID-19 will last long enough to affect the E7 boards?
  9. So as you all either know or will see from NAVADMIN 031/20, LTB submission is either through the new electronic submission of selection board documents (ESSBD) through my navy portal or snail mail. Attached is the ESSBD User Guide that walks you step by step through submission of your LTB. ESSBD USER GUIDE_v4.pdf
  10. Got my dance ticket. Hopefully third times the charm! Get underway! In the offing knoweth ye that hand over fist I will fight hard & fast! So batten down the hatches because between the devil and the deep blue sea I will deliver more than a shot across the bow! (You big dummy) near every department but mine knew at 1130L but my Chief decided to wait till 1400L when our evening shift arrived to let us know. Anxiety was through the roof! Congrats to all SBE!
  11. Yes its bad for the individual, but holistically It’s better for the larger group. A carrier for example, much better.
  12. So I’ve had thoughts on this since they announced this new way of notification. Since making SBE is a direct result on my test performance, I would rather not be notified I didn’t make it. Especially if I am in the middle of something. I’d rather look for myself when I am ready to. But I think the PROS outweigh the CONS on this. You no longer have to try to figure out how to get everyone to log into their profile sheets on limited computers. If you have a Sailor on leave, TAD, or IA/deployed you can get their status. If internet on the ship sucks and no one can log in.
  13. Cause people have to wait for their leadership to come let them down. I think it’s more just the buzz of the board season starting. The different quotas and such have/will be coming out soon. Posts in here will pick up some for those that are starting on their package. good luck to everyone in making the top 60% of your respective ratings
  14. We can’t all transfer right after a reporting period and the board is obviously aware of it. IMO, a transfer eval would carry as much weight for how strongly it was written. Does it have the action and impact? Another way for it to carry weight is to have a soft breakout.
  15. A good DVIDS article about preparing your record for the board. Especially since it goes over and provides info for the new Electronic Submission of Selection Board Documents. https://www.dvidshub.net/news/362076/get-your-records-ready-upcoming-cpo-selection-boards
  16. Two weeks till test day. Keep grinding for those that actually study. Good luck to all.
  17. right there with you man. Only third time up but hope it’s my last!
  18. Hope everyone has a happy holidays. Keeps the studying going. Just over 30 days left. Hows everyone breaking out with this new RSCA PMA?
  19. Well here is to another eval cycle completed. Hope you all break out well and we’re able to accomplish/complete needed milestones. Best of luck to you all.
  20. For those eligible for CPO this year, make sure you get your PMK-EE completed. Has to be done by 1 Jan 2020 to be eligible
  21. So make sure you have a PDF of your PMK-EE certificate saved. Especially if you do it through the mobile app. A friend of mine had a Sailor who didn’t save it and it needed to be uploaded for the new electronic worksheet. FYI
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