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Guest Yamzi-USN

Just curious, if you get selected, I know you need to do a close out evals.

Do you use eval report or fitness report?



Give the rank the respect commensurate with it.

Give the person the respect they deserve.

Who cares if they have an anchor or bars or chevrons or stripes? 

To me, it doesn't matter if you're an 8 year Chief, a 6 year LT, a 19 year PO1, or a 6 month SN. I will refer to you by your rank and by the level of responsibility expected of your position. I will look at you as a leader because I think you're a leader.



Mine wss amazing everyday I get to work hand by hand with sailor from 2nd to seaman proving no matter what the job is we can get it done together. Plus it's shows I won't ask them to do anything I wouldn't do myself. Hard work and a sound mind is all i ask for. Along with showing up on time and in a squared away uniform.

16 minutes ago, BOATSNUGGYD said:

Mine wss amazing everyday I get to work hand by hand with sailor from 2nd to seaman proving no matter what the job is we can get it done together. Plus it's shows I won't ask them to do anything I wouldn't do myself. Hard work and a sound mind is all i ask for. Along with showing up on time and in a squared away uniform.

This post resonates with me! Once by my mentor many years ago. Told me to live by the 5R's to success. Right time, Right place, Right uniform, Right attitude, Ready to work! But their are many other factors that contribute to success. Teaching our sailors day in and day out holding to the most highest standards for them to succeed. When those who you lead succeed you will succeed. I'm like those who learn from mistakes and take action when those mistakes happened. A leader is in my aspect is to make those you lead better and more active in leading those who come after all of all of us. Their will always be some body to take our place in the Navy leadership. Wouldn't you want someone better then you? So as we are all awaiting these results take time to reflect on those we have trained and put countless hours in make  our leadership count in making the Navy the greatest Navy in the world!! 

Guest HawkISback

Well everyone has expressed their views, freedom is great.  BUT if people lack leadership skills, or integrity our sailors will see that and they won't respect them. As much as we all want to be respected, and yes our paygrade affords us enough that they will not likely confront you to your face, behind your back is an all together different situation. One of the greatest units of the greatest generation talked about that. Everyone of those guys would follow Major Winters to hell and back, LT Dyke and CPT Sobel not so much.  We earn our respect more then what are rank gets us.  

Guest Yamzi-USN
28 minutes ago, NDC(DSW/EXW/SW) said:

you use an eval because its your last one as an E-6

NDC, thank you for clarifying.

Guest Surf AT

I think I know what papasmurf is trying to say. It gets very frustrating to us First Classes that have been a First for a long time and we are getting close to retirement. I am tired of seeing my airman pick up Chief, Senior Chief, LDO, or Warrant. I have been an LPO consistently over my last three tours. I have my B.S. degree, PPME, all kinds of awards, all kinds of quals. All my people that worked for me, I have done my job pushing them on the quals, education, and etc... And I will continue to train my junior personnel to go further in their careers than I have in mine. Training my people and watching them grow is what makes it all worth it. But it is really, really frustrating when you get a Chief that you seem to giving more training to than receiving training from and your Senior and Master Chief come to you for answers or to get things done and not the Chief.  I am sure it is made known in the mess and I don't see it happening. But when you have more "checks in the box" and more leadership listed in your evals than the person that made it you have to ask. I have been told over and over. I don't know. the same thing with why I haven't picked up. Every Master Chief and Senior Chief that has looked at my stuff all have said the same thing that they have no idea why I haven't picked up. When I have talked to those that were board members they have stated that they remember seeing my evals on final selections. But do not know why I didn't get selected. When asked what I need to work on to make me more competitive I have gotten the reply keep doing what you have been doing. It is not a matter of if just a matter of when you get picked up.

Guest marcezj10

Been reading the comments all day and I feel sad that one opinion can sour a person's demeanor.   I have been in the navy 18 years and have been up for chief multiple times.   I always had a "great package" been have not been selected.  I seen guys who exemplify what a chief should be on paper and on the deck plate and not be selected.  I seen guys who did not even resemble a FCPO make chief. I have learned to not be bitter towards those guys because they had no hand in their selection.  But I do get angry and frustrated when I see guys who have no leadership experience get selected.  Over the last few years I have seen it a lot.  Not just in my rate.  My advice is to keep charging and be proud of your career.  If you can't then you are not even a chief in your own mind(generally and not pointing fingers at anybody speaking).

Guest Christyl

Talking about close out evals... 

What will your closing statements be once you make Cheif? Haha

no more must select to CPO and ready for Chief! 




Guest navyordie123

I was on earlier this morning and we were below 40 pages, come back just not long ago and we are at 44. It is getting busy on here now. Been staying busy at work with AMI prep 

Guest Christyl
33 minutes ago, Tony said:

What was the one post sometime back? 

An asset to the Navy when under direct supervision!!


Yikes. That's a bad evaluation closing statement. 

Guest HI_IT

There really needs to be some transparency with the boards.  I understand that boards are "sacred" and want to maintain integrity but no one who hasn't sat one knows what goes on. Even the Air Force gets their scores after a board ajorns. I'm about 75% convinced that if a MCPO in the board says "I don't like this guy (or girl), toss his package" it will get tossed.  Or, if they want someone in they get selected regardless of how qualified they are.  Without any transparency, we'll never know.  A board is a club that only a select few get to join and they're above having to give any type of feedback.

6 hours ago, Christyl said:

Yikes. That's a bad evaluation closing statement. 

I've seen some zingers that members have posted and I hope someone remembers a few of them. They are funny.

Guest Mestizo68

Believe me, the rumors  that I hear that goes on in the selection board would make you angry. As much as everyone tries to make me believe that  the board is being conducted accordingly, my suspicions leads me to believe otherwise. I'll just put it at that. :excl: 

Guest Butter Star

It has gotten bitter on here pretty fast.  I'm a prior SCPO turned LDO with 15 years in.  Yes it can be frustrating to watch people in open rates leap frog you because yours is locked up.  I experienced that as an E-4 and people in open rates were putting on E-5 with less time in then me.  That being said if people in your rate are advancing faster than you it's your fault.  That might sound mean, but it's true.  They are doing something you aren't.  If you are happy in your current paygrade there is no shame in it.  I've known people that didn't want to make CPO because they wanted to stay with the gear.  The Navy likes to force people into leadership positions whether or not they want to be leaders.  Not everyone is a leader and it causes problems when people who have no desire to be leaders have it forced on them.

Making rank, especially CPO, is about getting good evals and checking boxes.  Theoretically you get a good eval by being a good leader and doing your job as LPO, sometimes it's by kissing butt.  It's the real world your supervisors have to like you more than your competition for you to get a better eval it's the way it is.  If you have a good supervisor that means it's by you doing better work, but you know who you work for and what you have to do to get the eval.  If your pride prevents you from doing what you have to do to get a good eval that is a decision you are making.  It might be the right one because you are sticking up for your Sailors, but it might hurt your career.  That's a judgement call you have to make.  I never understood the aversion to checking boxes.  The Navy tells you what boxes to check you only have to check them.  Checking boxes doesn't mean you aren't doing the other stuff.  Now if you only check the boxes and kiss butt that's where there is an issue.  Do people get advanced who only did those two things?  Of course.  But we all know this.  Making your Chief or department head happy is not kissing butt by the way, it's doing your job.  Working for people isn't always easy, but we get paid to do what our supervisors tell us to do.  If you have a conflictual relationship with your supervisor your going to have problems come eval time.

If you are getting people advanced and awards (that they deserve), your divisions do well on inspections and in operations, and you do everything you need to to advance your career (check the boxes) you will advance.  If you aren't advancing it's because you aren't doing something and someone else is, at least on paper.  It's easy to look at someone and say they don't deserve the rank they wear, but it's a lot harder to say they made it because to a board they look more qualified than me.  So what am I going to do to fix the situation?  There is always something more you can do to make yourself look better to the board.

Ok jumping off the soap box.


12 minutes ago, Butter Star said:

Making rank, especially CPO, is about getting good evals and checking boxes.


I agree that the forum has taken a dark turn (thanks for the extended delay CNP!), and I hate to add fuel to the fire, but that's only true until it isn't.  I've only been bitter once in the 11 times I haven't made Chief, and it was two years ago.  When I was at my CDB after receiving my "N" I asked what more I could possibly do to advance, as I had every conceivable box checked.  I was told to shift my focus to the "intangibles." 

That was incredibly frustrating for me, because the Navy lays out a roadmap for success, and says "check these boxes and you'll succeed."  Luckily for me I'm the LPO, so I didn't have time for a pity party, as I had to turn to and take care of my people.

I finally had to accept that I might never make Chief, but I'll be damned if that stops me from acting like one. 

Guest OS1(SW/EXW)
9 minutes ago, IS1(IW/SW/AW/EXW) said:

I was told to shift my focus to the "intangibles." 

That was incredibly frustrating for me, because the Navy lays out a roadmap for success, and says "check these boxes and you'll succeed."  Luckily for me I'm the LPO, so I didn't have time for a pity party, as I had to turn to and take care of my people.

I finally had to accept that I might never make Chief, but I'll be damned if that stops me from acting like one. 

Unfortunately I agree with much of this, I have seen plenty of people make Chief that had me wondering how they tied their own shoes in the morning, let alone become a CPO.

One that beat me out for OSC two cycles ago came to me and apologized for beating me, he said "I don't know how I beat you, and I am sorry." Nice guy, but was better as a second class than as a Chief. He made board automatically that cycle, no warfare pins, first mob, and no other quals. Right place, right time I think is a factor each year at the board. I thought this would be a really good year for me, coasting in with an EP and SEL as my collateral...then the quotas came out, making 4 of 98. As I stated before, I am not as optimistic now.


Ok I know everyone has been anxious about the results; here's a statement from the Chief of Naval Personnel.


Results Soon.JPG

4 minutes ago, papasmurf said:

This whole process is very personal to me and like someone mentioned we all have different reasons and mine hits very close to home. And I'm running out of time. So the stress amplifies every year . 

I feel like we all made it, and the delay is the start of Phase Two.  Suffer worms!


Guest Riverine Rat
1 hour ago, Butter Star said:

It has gotten bitter on here pretty fast.  I'm a prior SCPO turned LDO with 15 years in.  Yes it can be frustrating to watch people in open rates leap frog you because yours is locked up.  I experienced that as an E-4 and people in open rates were putting on E-5 with less time in then me.  That being said if people in your rate are advancing faster than you it's your fault.  That might sound mean, but it's true.  They are doing something you aren't.  If you are happy in your current paygrade there is no shame in it.  I've known people that didn't want to make CPO because they wanted to stay with the gear.  The Navy likes to force people into leadership positions whether or not they want to be leaders.  Not everyone is a leader and it causes problems when people who have no desire to be leaders have it forced on them.

Making rank, especially CPO, is about getting good evals and checking boxes.  Theoretically you get a good eval by being a good leader and doing your job as LPO, sometimes it's by kissing butt.  It's the real world your supervisors have to like you more than your competition for you to get a better eval it's the way it is.  If you have a good supervisor that means it's by you doing better work, but you know who you work for and what you have to do to get the eval.  If your pride prevents you from doing what you have to do to get a good eval that is a decision you are making.  It might be the right one because you are sticking up for your Sailors, but it might hurt your career.  That's a judgement call you have to make.  I never understood the aversion to checking boxes.  The Navy tells you what boxes to check you only have to check them.  Checking boxes doesn't mean you aren't doing the other stuff.  Now if you only check the boxes and kiss butt that's where there is an issue.  Do people get advanced who only did those two things?  Of course.  But we all know this.  Making your Chief or department head happy is not kissing butt by the way, it's doing your job.  Working for people isn't always easy, but we get paid to do what our supervisors tell us to do.  If you have a conflictual relationship with your supervisor your going to have problems come eval time.

If you are getting people advanced and awards (that they deserve), your divisions do well on inspections and in operations, and you do everything you need to to advance your career (check the boxes) you will advance.  If you aren't advancing it's because you aren't doing something and someone else is, at least on paper.  It's easy to look at someone and say they don't deserve the rank they wear, but it's a lot harder to say they made it because to a board they look more qualified than me.  So what am I going to do to fix the situation?  There is always something more you can do to make yourself look better to the board.

Ok jumping off the soap box.


I think the problem everyone is trying to make and why they are getting so upset is the fact that they may have checked those blocks, taken the tough assignments, kissed butt, get the great eval, quals, awards, ect. only not to get selected and see someone come up behind them with less time in rank, and in the navy who has not checked blocks or have half to none of the quals, awards, leadership get selected. It can be frustrating when we all want to get promoted and move up and work really hard to do that only to not get selected and you see the people who work for you and ask you questions and you have to lead be the ones to get selected. I under stand and have been there. I am not a Chief, never sat any boards so I don't know what goes on during the process but my last 3 CMC's, 2 DLCPO, and a number of Chiefs, Senior, Master Chiefs have all told me the same thing keep doing what I am doing. I have checked all the blocks so its just a matter of time. or this just was not your year. Someone please tell me what makes it a FCPO with 8-10 years in the Navy, Never been LPO, or anything more than a shop sup. how can it be their year, but when it comes to a 12+ year FCPO LPO at sea, Great evals, Quals, Leadership ect. not be that FCPO's year. That is what frustrates everyone. Not saying that young FCPO did not deserve to be selected I have known great Chiefs with less time in then me. Im just saying you can start to lose faith in the system when you have done what everyone has told you  what you need to do to advance only to be passed over year after year.  

Guest Riverine Rat
14 minutes ago, papasmurf said:

This! Just this, I'm sorry if my eloquence has escaped me... I'm tired frustrated and stressed out. I've tried everything and continue to try even more. I am at a loss at this point. I worked for a commodore directly for 4 years at a echelon 3 command doing operations and logistics planning for rimpac 3 times. I've had Capt's look to me for guidance ... to say the least I'm well respected by the mess I work for and the officers I serve under. I have the exact same isssues as discussed in this post and it is truly disheartening to be passed over so many times when you strive to take care of your sailors, fellow firsts and upper chain to get absolutely 0 in return. It gets to a point it's like banging your head against the wall. It hurts every time, not sure why you do it. And frankly one of these days you just might knock your self right out.... 

appologies to all, I have taken my frustrations out on a few of you all. Deff not right and appologies to you all. This whole process is very personal to me and like someone mentioned we all have different reasons and mine hits very close to home. And I'm running out of time. So the stress amplifies every year . 

No need to apologize. Everyone gets tired and we all need a hand sometime. I know your frustration as I have been there asking myself and chain what do I need to be better and get the just keep doing what your doing speech, or it wasn't your year. It can be enough to make you say F It all!!! But I have my wife and kids who look to me and I am not going to quit. Everyone can say I do it for my sailors, or its the right thing to do, ect... me I do it for my family. I keep going so my kids can look at me and see someone who keeps going when times get tough. I seen my father push through and it made him my hero and I want my kids to see me as their hero. So find what it take to keep you going and hold on to that for nothing else but yourself. If you get selected Congrats. If not "IT IS NOT YOU FAULT!!!" as some say. Its just the way life played out.

Guest Surf AT

I concur with Riverine Rat and it seems we have moved back to a discussion. It is better to talk about what frustrates you than to start the bitter finger pointing back and forth. Every year I get more and more disinterested in making Chief. I still do my job, still get the EP's, and continue training my fellow Firsts and junior personnel. I still take precautions for in case if it does happen, like why I am on leave now instead of taking transfer leave next month.

Guest AlphaMaleOne

I have not seen any recent predictions for AD results release date lately.  I am going to guess they will be out on the 1st.  As for the FTS SELRES I have no clue.

45 minutes ago, papasmurf said:

This! Just this, I'm sorry if my eloquence has escaped me... I'm tired frustrated and stressed out. I've tried everything and continue to try even more. I am at a loss at this point. I worked for a commodore directly for 4 years at a echelon 3 command doing operations and logistics planning for rimpac 3 times. I've had Capt's look to me for guidance ... to say the least I'm well respected by the mess I work for and the officers I serve under. I have the exact same isssues as discussed in this post and it is truly disheartening to be passed over so many times when you strive to take care of your sailors, fellow firsts and upper chain to get absolutely 0 in return. It gets to a point it's like banging your head against the wall. It hurts every time, not sure why you do it. And frankly one of these days you just might knock your self right out.... 

appologies to all, I have taken my frustrations out on a few of you all. Deff not right and appologies to you all. This whole process is very personal to me and like someone mentioned we all have different reasons and mine hits very close to home. And I'm running out of time. So the stress amplifies every year . 

Yeah this didn't matched your usual happy mood from the past here on this forum but there is no need to apologize. One of the purpose here is to vent, in addition to the learning, meeting friends and whatnot. For my part, I'm always happy when you swing by for the wait, if anything because of your username, but most definitely because of your contributions to this forum. and hope you continue to visit after you make it. 


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