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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Your XO and CMC should also have access.


Ditto...It has been posted previously, but log into BOL, and click the link to check command access UICs...enter your UIC to see who has access for your command...My CO is TAD and our XOs are doing turnover, so the only real point on continuity is my SEA.  Luckily I spoke with him earlier and he is tracking to check the results tomorrow and give me a phone call either way....

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Guest Blondie

All right folks, I'm heading out for the night.  I'll be back tomorrow and I look forward to seeing all of you posting that you made the grade.  If you aren't selected, all I can say is keep pressing hard; your time will come eventually, and your sailors will need you long before then.

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Guest Papitai

Good luck everyone!!! I won't hear anything until 1600 our time (5th fleet), so I'll try to be productive until then... Don't think so, but I'll try!



Again, good luck! I hope everyone here gets the elusive "S"!!!

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Guest CTNuke

I just checked out of my command and start driving cross country tomorrow. I'm expecting a phone call just as I am leaving.

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Guest amcreed

I just checked out of my command and start driving cross country tomorrow. I'm expecting a phone call just as I am leaving.

That means you are going to have to make good time to your next command a start the "training" a little late!

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That means you are going to have to make good time to your next command a start the "training" a little late



But not too good of time. Remember, selected or not, the important part is to arrive alive and safe.

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Guest amcreed

But not too good of time. Remember, selected or not, the important part is to arrive alive and safe.

Safety is paramount! 

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Good luck to all those eligible!! Tony will there be a spouse section for spouses to help selectee spouses as there had been in the past ?

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Good luck to all those eligible!! Tony will there be a spouse section for spouses to help selectee spouses as there had been in the past ?

Yes it's already up :)

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Before we left I had to remember to bring a couple sets with me. My fiance was actually the one to stop me from driving away without them.


And that is why the saying goes "Behind every good man is a great woman!" I swear I think my wife is more anxious for the results to come out than I am!

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Guest amcreed

I wonder how many stalkers will be on here when I wake up in the morning :)

I am going to go out on a limb and say there are going to be a lot!!!!

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Guest cali_gmwife

And that is why the saying goes "Behind every good man is a great woman!" I swear I think my wife is more anxious for the results to come out than I am!

  Oh, I am totally more anxious.. well I won't say "More" but just a different crazy anxious than he is...   I have a lot of stuff on my plate that is pending till we know if he makes the cut this time or not so we are both "feeling" the weight of these ticking hours...    at least we have a plan for the what if and what if it doesn't but it still isn't helping make time go faster.  :)  Good luck to you. 

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Good luck to all tomorrow and sorry to hear about the few of you that your CoC doesn't have access. I hope your extra day of waiting isn't to hard.

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Going on another 3 mile run at mt. Trashmore. My stress level is at a all time high.


Good ole Mt. Trashmore!

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Guest CM1_SKI

Knowing the time is great and all but it does not make the wait any easier!  Now the question is, how long will it take the triad to release it to us once they find out.

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I was a stalker for the majority of the day, man bad habits die hard! I'm way more anxious than my husband, it's all the if this then this playing out in my mind that's getting me. I'm a big planner by nature.

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Guest theET

I think the sad part like many have said is how long will it take to release it to all of us SBE's. The results come out to TRIAD at 0600 Local and work doesnt start until 0630 does that mean announcement ASAP or wait until who knows when. 


I just want to know I am hoping I am selected but more than anything I WANNA KNOW!!!

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Do you know what sucks thinking back to back ep's same command, recruiting RINC all evals-First e6 P, 6 month e6 P. Meritously promoted Ep, Precom, acfl, command PQS coordinator, founder of FCPOA mess, Vice President. Dept LPO of 2 departments 8 advancements and 2 jsoq. JPPME. 4 pages of quals. STT. Command training coordinator. Command sponsor coordinator. Dept 3MA. Non lethal weapons instructor. 6 NAMS. Tons of awards. 33% advancement. And still deck department LPO enjoying my days. What more can I do? Really? Any reccomendations?

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Guest tamarpak77

This is the hubby's first time up and I am very anxious for him, but, proud either way it goes.  I hope he makes it, but, he is gone right now, so I hate not being with him when he gets the news either way.  Good luck to all of you.  I hope to see many "S" tomorrow :-)

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Guest FT1G0396

The waiting is the worst part if i make it great if not well keep charging but i just want to know waiting in limbo is the worst. i hope with #1/EP, #1EP,# 1MP, #3EP, #2EP, MTS, sailor of the year, and chief of the watch hope i can be competitive.

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