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I've asked twice in the past for seniors to take a look at my evals and have been turned down both times.  The first refused because they felt that people shouldn't be eligible for board until they've been in for a certain amount of time.  That was pretty disheartening, and I can only hope that the leaders who sit the board won't base a selection on something like that.

That should have never happened. Don't let it slow you down though the board definitely doesn't show any prejudice to Sailors that haven't been in that long. I know a lot of 7/8/9 year chiefs. You record speaks for you continue to do well and when you have good mentors keep in touch with them throughout your naval career. They will always be there for you.


Hello again! Its that time of year..... First of all good luck to everyone eligible. If anyone has any inputs, please chime in. As per FY15 Precepts. The JPME PMEs is that suppose to be done annually or is it if you done it the previous cycle. Then it will suffice? I am curious if it would be done every cycle... Cheers!

It does not have to be done every cycle.


Thank you for your input. How would board members know that you completed it, i know it shows in the 1070/881 but with all the course listed in it. I do not think they will have enough time to find it. Would printing out the actual certificate and submitting it along with the letter to the board br a good idea? I predict 13march as well for test results!

To avoid it being lost in traffic, I sent the certs with my package last year.

Good luck to all awaiting the SBE results. I am standing by to offer any help. Where are my PSs at?. Hopefully you are already getting your packages squared away. FTS and SELRES board convene in May!


Thank you for your input. How would board members know that you completed it, i know it shows in the 1070/881 but with all the course listed in it. I do not think they will have enough time to find it. Would printing out the actual certificate and submitting it along with the letter to the board br a good idea? I predict 13march as well for test results!

If you send it in then they will definitely see it. You can also send in a summary letter there are some mixed opinions about them though. I know people who was selected for chief, SC and MC using them.


Thanks,I agree i think it would make it easier for them to see it included in the package. dogg , did you do both JPME and ppme?

Yes, I did. JPME is huge, I was told. A lot of folks concentrate on the click-through ones. It takes commitment to complete the JPME and the Master Chiefs know that.
Guest Blondie

Jenkballs, would you recommend completing both the PPME and JPME courses? What kind of time investment is required?


Yet another looong time lurker jumping into the fray here. I just finished the PPME and JPME. Working on them off and on when I had spare moments in between taking care of my Sailors it took me almost a year to do both. I could see someone being able to knock them out in a few weeks if you were able to dedicate a significant amount of time to them.

Guest HM8404

Just to chime in on the PMEs everyone is trying to complete. Last year the SEJPE was available to E6 Navy, this year it isn't. It took me about a week to do it. Tried to help a few shipmates get it done and they wouldn't let them register. The NKO one is still long but a lot of the same information.

Guest Blondie

Do they release a list of board eligibles or is our profile sheet the only way to find out? I always forget.


Just finishing correcting my OMPF. How many of you send designation letters? My eval was great at making sure my collateral duties were listed in block 29 and described in block 43, but I have fellow firsts and some who are now CPOs who insisted on either including designation letters and/or a career summary in my package.

I'm trying to keep my package to an absolute minimum, and am letting my evals, ESR and OMPF do the talking.

You can send anything you think is worth considering to the board. The job you were designated to do should be well documented in your evals to get credit for it. A designation letter alone means nothing without documentation in your eval or award. Don't bloat your package with stuff that are already documented. I had 6 designation letters but did not send a single one.


when you think about a selection board you have to realize its mainly your record.  BOL, NSIPS, NDAWS is what should be perfect.  Evals should be the main focus with qualifications, and this should all be in your record.  When submitting to the board a package it is stuff that most likely don't make it to your record ie designation letters and stuff missing.  Don't lose focus on working for evals and ensuring they are written with production numbers that led to mission accomplishment with leadership.  You are submitting yourself as a leader, that's why its important your chain of command supports your evals and that you ensure there isn't fluff.  The precepts is there for you to understand best and fully qualified criteria for various sailors that do not have traditional career paths for equal opportunity purposes.  Lastly, your next advancement is leadership and development for your sailors, you have proven you are proficient in your rate.  now they want to know what type of leader you are. 

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Surprisingly quiet here with the release of selection board eligible candidates upon us!...Has anyone actually received their new ESR under the new process?  We can no longer download directly from BOL.  We have to submit a request for them via an encrypted email now.  Interested in responses.

I ordered a CD copy of my OMPF  a few months ago, it is easy and comes in about 3-5weeks on CD, but read the "Readme text" because everything is PW protected and the PW is kinda tricky.  The summary reports are very fast I sent the request around 1500, the next day I had (what looked like spam) a reply. After you send the e-mail, you will receive an email with a link on the return, but you will only get to access it once so make sure you save it as a PDF someplace, if you mess up you can resend the request.    ***FYSA*** NSIPS had a problem and deleted about 60K accounts today, if you are logging in and your CAC cert does not work the first time, close all windows and re-launch NSIPS, when asked what cert to use, select the second one on your list; if it still does not work you have to reregister your account. Not everyones account has been lost and if it is lost all you have to do is select the "register new account" all your info is still in the data base, it is only the access portion that has been lost. THey are working to fix it but if you need to get in you will have to remake your account access.

Guest Blondie

Which is not entirely a bad thing may I add.

What makes you say that?  Not saying you're wrong, that's just contrary to everything I've ever been taught about writing evals.

Guest Wifey

I forget, for board eligible do they publish a list or is that something you have to log in to see? Hubby is gone again and I would love to know if he made it to the next phase. Not that I'm worried, he's never not made board (third time's a charm!) but it's reassuring!

Guest Blondie

Has anyone gone through the process of requesting JPME and PPME course completion certificates? How long does it take?


As far as the JPME and PPME is concerned I requested the one on NKO and it took about 2 weeks.  The one from the Naval War College I had within a couple of hours. 


18 March 2014 @ 1145!

That's your guess?

Guest BMC FY14

Hopefully a beginning of an incredible journey come Monday...This forum definitely helped me 100%!

Guest shooter mcgavin

As far as the JPME and PPME is concerned I requested the one on NKO and it took about 2 weeks.  The one from the Naval War College I had within a couple of hours. 


I have completed both courses through NKO and have received my PPME cert from the NWC. I have yet to figure out how to get an actual cert for the JPME. All i have is the standard NKO cert. Can you tell me how did you go about getting an official JPME cert? I would rather not submit an NKO cert with my package. 


Thanks and best of luck to all! I say the board eligible results will be out next week!

Guest shooter mcgavin

I did not know you can also send JPME Nko course cert to NWC.

How do you send it in ? Thanks in advance

The  NWC won't send you a cert for the JPME. I was on NKO Friday and there is a separate course you can register for; something along the lines of how to receive your certificate from the NWC...it isn't a course it is just directions. But in any case on the bottom of the page it states that the NWC does not issue certificates for JPME. I have asked around and work and no one seems to know. 


If someone knows the answer please share!

Guest BMC FY14

I think u just announced revelie for a lot of first classes....

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