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FY16 SCPO Selection Board Results

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Guest FMFman

:( did your chain of command tell you or did you see it on BOL?

I am a Triad at the command, so I told myself.  Giving a pep talk in the mirror does a world of good.  HAHA!

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Guest tomahawker1332

So... Chief of Staff pulled the results. Waiting for ADM to see how she wants them disseminated... WTF?????

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Guest FMFman

For everyone that did make it a heart felt congratulations; and to those that missed it by one, drive on, Anchor Up and continue to be The Chief!

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Guest tomahawker1332

Talked to my XO this morning. Didn't get selected. Congratulations to those of you that did.


Talked to my XO this morning. Didn't get selected. Congratulations to those of you that did.

sorry brother. keep your fingers crossed for me though...

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Guest YNSS

sorry brother. keep your fingers crossed for me though...

Will do! I still have my birthday this weekend so I am in good spirits.

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Just got off the phone with the CO/CMC, kinda awkward "ITC Shepherd, how may I help you Sir or Ma'am?"  "This is the Skipper, you referred to yourself incorrectly Senior Chief Select!" lol

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Guest mrhpsn

Got my "S" !! as always I really appreciate this board for helping me sweat out the agony of yes or no every time I'm up for something.

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