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  1. -----OFFICIAL INFORMATION DISPATCH FOLLOWS----- RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0017 2511950-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 082022Z SEP 21 MID200001110845U FM COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA TO NAVRESFOR INFO ASSTSECNAV MRA WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC COMNAVRESFORCOM NORFOLK VA COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN COMNAVAIRFORES SAN DIEGO CA COMNAVIFORES FORT WORTH TX COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA BT UNCLAS ALNAVRESFOR 010/21 // MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA/N9/SEP// SUBJ/MANDATORY VACCINATION CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 FOR NAVY RESERVE FORCE PERSONNEL// REF/A/DOC/SECDEF/24AUG21// REF/B/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/319113Z21// REF/C/DOC/DODINST 6205.02/23JUL19// REF/D/DOC/BUMEDINST 6230.15B/7OCT13// REF/E/LTR/CNRF/24AUG21// REF/F/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/042044MAY21// REF/G/MSG/MMQC/MMQC 21-1463/24AUG21// REF/H/DOC/BUPERSINST 1730.11A/16MAR20// REF/I/DOC/MILPERSMAN 1730-020/15AUG20// REF/J/ALNAV/SECNAV/30AUG21// REF/K/DOC/BUMED 6300/03SEP21// REF/L/DOC/BUMED 6300/03SEP21// NARR/REF A is SECDEF Memorandum for Senior Pentagon Leadership, Commanders of the Combatant Commands and Defense Agency and DOD Field Activity Directors, Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Department of Defense Service Members. REF B is NAVADMIN 190-21, 2021-2022 Navy Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination and Reporting Policy. REF C is DoD Instruction 6205.02, DoD Immunization Program. REF D is BUMEDINST 6230.15B, Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis for the Prevention of Infectious Disease. REF E is CNRF DON Tracker-165, COVID Vaccination that outline actions necessary for NRAs/NOSCs to ensure timely and accurate ordering, receipt, storage and administration of vaccinations. REF F is NAVADMIN 088/21, SARS-COV-2 Vaccination and Reporting Policy Update. REF G is Medical Material Quality Control Message, FDA Approves Licensure of Pfizer-BioNTech and Shelf Life Extension and EUA Fact Sheet Update. REF H is BUPERS Instruction 1730.11A, Standards and Procedures Governing the Accommodation of Religious Practices. REF I is the MILPERSMAN 1730-020, Immunization Exemptions for Religious Beliefs. REF J is ALNAV 062/21, 2021-2022 Department of the Navy mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy. REF K is BUMEDNOTE 6300, Navy Coronavirus Disease 2019 vaccine medical temporary, and medical permanent exemption for medical contraindication approval process. REF L is BUMED Memo 6300, Interchangeability of food and drug administration-approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Comirnaty and Food and DrugAdministration-authorized Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under emergency use authorization.// POC/BOWES, BRIAN/CAPT/COMNAVRESFORCOM/TEL (757) 322-5645/E-MAIL: BRIAN.N.BOWES(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Per ref (a) the Secretary of Defense determined that mandatory vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is necessary to protect the Force and defend the American people. Refs (b), (j) and (l) describe the Navy policy and process for executing the mandatory vaccinations and shall be read in their entirety. Navy Reserve Commands and leadership shall immediately begin full vaccination of all Navy Reserve military personnel who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Commanders will be creative and aggressively develop plans to get Sailors vaccinated using all available civilian and military resources. Commanders will notify their Sailors on the requirement to vaccinate against COVID-19 and the availability of the COVID-19 vaccinations from local commercial sources IAW ref (f); have 100% of eligible Sailors fully vaccinated NLT 24 December 2021; and per ref (e) order, receive, store and administer COVID-19 vaccinations as needed to ensure all Sailors are vaccinated. 2. IDT/Active Duty Policy. 2.A Beginning October 2021, reschedules, authorized absences, and virtual/telework drills are not authorized until fully vaccinated. Only exceptions are for extenuating circumstances such as family death, serious injury/illness, or hospitalization. NRA/NOSC Commanders can direct non-fully vaccinated Sailors who drill at off-site locations to report to their assigned NRA/NOSC in order to complete required notifications, counseling, and vaccine administration. 2.B. The use of paid or non-paid IDT drills are authorized in order to maximize opportunities to receive the vaccination at civilian or military sites. Every effort will be made to support drilling reservists who are willing to receive the vaccine through a civilian or local program. 2.C. Active Duty commands may have immunization requirements. Non-fully vaccinated Sailors should coordinate with unit leadership and Reserve Program Director prior to executing orders. 3. COVID vaccination. Per ref (g) the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Pfizer-BioNTech as the first fully licensed COVID-19 vaccine. Per ref (l), the FDA-approved Comirnaty vaccine, and the FDA-Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, have the same formulation, and can be used interchangeably to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. Navy medical providers can use Pfizer-BioNTech doses distributed under the EUA to administer mandatory vaccinations. Per ref (a) licensed vaccines are mandatory, however, individuals may elect to receive an FDA-EUA COVID vaccine in lieu of the mandatory vaccine. A complete course of COVID-19 vaccines under FDA licensure or FDA EUA or Expanded Availability (EA), including 2 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, or 1 dose of Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines are required to be considered fully vaccinated. 4. Implementation. Mandatory vaccination requirements for Navy Reserve personnel will be implemented consistent with refs (a) through (d). Navy Reserve personnel are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after completing the second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or two weeks after receiving a single dose of a one-dose vaccine. Navy reserve personnel with previous COVID-19 infection are not considered fully vaccinated. 5. Exemptions/Waivers. The following guidance regarding mandatory vaccination exemptions/waivers is provided IAW refs (b) and (k). 5.A. The process for obtaining medical and administrative exemptions/waivers for mandatory vaccinations is provided in ref (d) and in refs (h) and (i) for religious accommodations and exemptions. Specifically for the COVID-19 vaccination, in addition to the processes in refs (d), (h), and (i), per reference (b) the authority to grant approval of permanent medical exemption/waiver is the first medical Flag Officer. All exemption/waiver requests must be submitted by the conclusion of a Sailors regularly scheduled October drill. 5.B. A history of COVID-19 disease and/or positive serology does not exempt a Navy Reserve member from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Navy Reserve personnel who previously received a medical exemption from COVID-19 vaccine while the vaccines were authorized under an Emergency Use Authorization will be reevaluated per paragraph 5.A to determine whether the medical exemption remains valid. 5.C. Navy Reserve personnel who are actively participating in COVID-19 clinical trials are exempted from mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 until the trial is complete in order to avoid invalidating clinical trial results. 6. COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting. Per ref (b) the following COVID-19 reporting is required. 6.A. Navy Reserve vaccination compliance will be monitored via the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS). 6.B. Vaccine administration errors, serious adverse vaccine reactions or clinically significant adverse events will be reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, (https://vaers.hhs.gov/resources/infoproviders.html). 6.C. Vaccine administrators will ensure COVID-19 vaccine administration is accurately coded to reflect the type of vaccine given. 6.D. To ensure vaccination is appropriately recorded in MRRS, FTS/AC must provide documentation of any COVID-19 vaccination to their medical department the next duty day. Drilling reservists who receive the vaccination from a retail network pharmacy or other non-DoD vaccine administrator must provide documentation of any COVID-19 vaccination to their NRA/NOSC within 7 days of receipt. 6.E. For Navy Reserve service members without a pending exemption request or whose exemption request was denied, commands will provide counseling regarding refusal to take the COVID-19 vaccine. This counseling will include access to a healthcare professional to answer questions regarding the risks of COVID-19 and the benefits of COVID-19 vaccinations. Commands will then issue a uniform NAVPERS 1070/613 (Page 13) ordering initiation of the COVID-19 vaccine series, to be completed within the time requirements of paragraph 6.E.1 below. The NAVPERS 1070/613 can be found at: https://portal.secnav.navy.mil/cop/crc/COVID/Documentationand PDFTraining/Forms/Allitems.aspx. 6.E.1 Vaccination will be initiated within 7 days for FTS/AC and no later than the next drill weekend for drilling reservists. 6.E.2 FTS/AC counseling and Page 13 issuance shall occur NLT 15 September 2021 for members without a pending exemption request. FTS/AC whose exemption request was denied will be counseled and issued the Page 13 within 7 days of the denial. 6.E.3 For drilling reservist counseling and Page 13 issuance shall occur prior to conclusion of the October drill weekend for members without a pending exemption request. Drilling reservists whose exemption request was denied will be counseled and issued the Page 13 no later than the drill weekend after denial. The administrative NRA/NOSC is responsible for the counseling and Page 13. 6.E.4 The Strategic Sealift Officer Program Office will provide guidance sepcor for the Strategic Sealift Officers in the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). 7. Legal. IAW Ref (b) any Navy Reserve personnel who refuse to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, absent an approved exemption/waiver, will constitute a failure to obey a lawful order and may be punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and/or result in administrative action. 7.A. IAW ref(b), Navy Service Members who remain unvaccinated, and who have or are expected to exceed the time requirements of ref(b), their ultimate disposition will be determined by the designated COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority (CCDA). The CCDA will serve as the central authority for adjudication and will have at his or her disposal the full range of administrative and disciplinary actions. Until further notice, authority is withheld for non-judicial punishment, courts-martial, administrative separation or administrative unsatisfactory drill participation in cases of Navy Service Members refusing vaccination. The assigned CCDA and specific required reporting procedures and information will be promulgated via separate message. 8. Points of contact. A. For medical questions commands should contact CAPT Brian N. Bowes, Force Surgeon, (757) 322-5645 or e-mail at brian.n.bowes(AT)navy.mil B. For legal questions command and members should contact CAPT Bill Bailey, Force Judge Advocate, (757-322-5649) or e-mail at william.j.bailey(AT)navy.mil. 9. Released by RADM J.A. Schommer, Deputy Commander, Navy Reserve Force.// BT #0017 NNNN <DmdsSecurity>UNCLASSIFIED//</DmdsSecurity> <DmdsReleaser>BIERLEY.JOHN.FITZGERALD.JR.1276268542</DmdsReleaser> CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//
  2. UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 091856Z SEP 21 MID200001113972U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 202/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// SUBJ/MASTER CHIEF AND SENIOR CHIEF PETTY OFFICER ASSIGNMENT OPTIMIZATION// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/071453ZAUG17// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/022009ZDEC19// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/111604ZDEC02// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 192/17, OPTIMIZING SENIOR ENLISTED (E7-E9) ASSIGNMENTS. REF B IS NAVADMIN 274/19, SEA SHORE FLOW ENLISTED CAREER PATHS UPDATE. REF C IS NAVADMIN 395/02, TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION OF RESERVE SEA SHORE ROTATION TOUR LENGTH REVISION.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN supports references (a) through (c) and announces the assignment optimization plan for active and full time support component master chief petty officers (MCPOs) and senior chief petty officers (SCPOs). Commander, Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM) (PERS-40) will work with the fleet readiness integrators (FRI), type commanders (TYCOM) and budget submitting office (BSO) N1 staffs to evaluate all MCPOs and SCPOs assigned to billets with incorrect paygrades or those who are not aligned to funded billet requirements. The goal of this optimization plan is to ensure our most experienced enlisted Sailors are aligned to billets which specifically need their training, leadership and experience. This plan will lead to the realignment of MCPOs and SCPOs into billets appropriate to their skills. 2. COMNAVPERSCOM will host a virtual senior enlisted manning summit in Millington, TN from 13 to 17 September 2021. Summit attendance will be governed by the applicable health protection condition restrictions, see local guidance for specifics. During registration for the summit, attendees have and will be provided with specific risk mitigation instructions. The aim of this summit will be to review all MCPO and SCPO assignments, with the goal of aligning the maximum number of master chiefs to master chief billets and senior chiefs to senior chief billets. This summit will allow Fleets and TYCOMs to work with NPC to fill their most impactful gapped billets. a. PERS-4013 has provided a list of misaligned MCPOs and SCPOs to the FRIs on 3 September 2021. The FRIs have distributed the list of misaligned Sailors to the TYCOM and BSO N1s. Prior to the enlisted manning summit, PERS-4013 will evaluate MCPO and SCPO billet requirements in MyNavy Assignment (MNA), and if the billets are filled by Sailors outside of the billet paygrade, the incumbent may be realigned to an in-paygrade requirement or placed in excess onboard the current command. This will ensure that personnel assignment stakeholders have a clear demand signal of valid MCPO and SCPO requirements. After the completion of the summit, if MCPOs and SCPOs are identified for movement, PERS-4013 will submit personnel manning action request (PMAR) in MNA. If there are no near term movements required, Sailors may have their projected rotation date (PRD) adjusted to enter the order negotiation window earlier than their current PRD. (1) MCPOs and SCPOs who have their PRD adjusted will be considered a sea or shore roller based on a ratio of sea and shore duty billets available within their paygrade. (2) MCPOs and SCPOs should expect to negotiate for orders to fill an in-paygrade requirement in all follow on assignments. b. Enlisted manning stakeholders identified in paragraph 1 shall review misaligned personnel, as well as fleet billet vacancies, and provide their recommendations for action at the manning summit. c. Fleet readiness concerns will guide all decisions and actions, but each move will be considered on a case by case basis to minimize impacts to our Sailors and families. d. The movement of realigned personnel will begin in early fiscal year 2022. 3. The summit precept requires participants to maintain integrity without prejudice or partiality for all Sailors evaluated. Each participant must pay particular attention to each Sailor and billet to ensure that they are meeting the intention of senior enlisted optimization. During deliberations, participants may discuss any negative impacts a realignment may have on the command or the Sailor. Before any decisions are made, TYCOM/BSO and FRIs will provide their input. If the requested actions are within one FRI, the FRI will make final decisions. If the requested action involves more than one FRI and there is a disagreement, the Manning Control Authority will make the final decision. A copy of the precept will be provided to the participants by the summit coordinators. 4. Fleet activities shall continue evaluating MNA alignments to ensure that Sailors are accurately aligned onboard the current activity. Master and senior chief petty officers should be aligned to billets for their specific paygrades. If Sailors of any paygrade need to be realigned to another billet, the command activity manning manager (AMM) should submit a member realignment request (MRR) in MNA. If the MRR is approved, PERS-4013 will update the alignment. AMMs should reach out to their command placement coordinator in PERS-4013 with any issues, questions or concerns. 5. Key messages: a. Sailors. We are working to better align our enlisted supervisors to billets which require their skills. The emphasis on operational readiness and unit prioritization reflect our identity as a sea service. We must preserve the readiness of the Fleet and ensure that senior enlisted leaders are optimally assigned to meet mission readiness. We will take each Sailors personal considerations into account, but I know that this may induce additional hardship for some Sailors and their families, and I thank you and them for your service and sacrifice. b. Commands. Commanders, commanding officers, executive officers and command master chiefs must ensure their Sailors understand the intent of this message. 6. Anyone still needing to register for the senior enlisted manning summit should contact one of the following summit coordinators: YNSCM Chris Reed at christopher.m.reed10.mil(at)us.navy.mil or (901) 874- 4242, PSCM Clyde Adams at clyde.n.adams2.mil(at)us.navy.mil or (901) 874-4584 or CBCM Scott Weisenburg at timothy.weisenburg1(at)navy.mil or (901) 874-4183. 7. Points of Contact. For specific questions, please contact your PERS-4013 placement coordinator, rating detailer or the MyNavy Career Center at askmncc(at)navy.mil or 1-833-330-MNCC(6622). 8. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  3. Do you have questions about the Exceptional Family Member Program? Would you like help navigating the services available to you? If you answered yes, this workshop is for you! Details: When: Sept. 15, 12-1:30 p.m. Where: Zoom
  4. As Russia and China bolster their own submarine fleets and capabilities, the U.S. Navy has renewed its focus on undersea threats and has labeled anti-submarine warfare a priority for all sailors — and perhaps some Marines, too.
  5. A 34-year-old chief petty officer at Naval Air Station Pensacola is accused of locking her husband in their garage and fatally shooting him as he spoke to a 911 dispatcher, officials said. Bree Kuhn of Gulf Breeze was arrested Wednesday night and charged with first-degree premeditated murder in the death of Collin James Turner, 34. The couple's children were inside the house during the shooting.
  6. A top Navy official and the editor of a Chinese state-run newspaper traded digital quips Thursday, a day after a Navy destroyer cruised past a disputed reef in the South China Sea. Navy Chief of Information Rear Adm. Charlie Brown and Global Times editor-in-chief Hu Xijin got into the back-and-forth on Twitter over the USS Benfold’s pass within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands. “Hopefully when Chinese warships pass through the Caribbean Sea or show up near Hawaii and Guam one day, the US will uphold the same standard of freedom of navigation,” Hu tweeted. “That day will come soon.”
  7. UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 081242Z SEP 21 MID200001109521U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC NAVY INSIDER THREAT HUB ELEMENT WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 201/21 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/SEP// SUBJ/2021 NAVY INSIDER THREAT AWARENESS MONTH// REF/A/DOC/NDAA/23DEC16// AMPN/REF A IS NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017, SECTION 922, ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FOR MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES AND SPECIAL OPERATIONS.// RMKS/1. Purpose. To announce the Department of the Navy observance of Insider Threat Awareness Month in September 2021. 2. Protecting Sailors, Marines, civilians, contractors and their families from insider threat(s) is a Navy priority. The Navy Insider Threat Program will use the month of September 2021 to promote insider threat awareness. The Navy intent is to assist commanders and provide commands with early intervention and assistance for individuals that may be in need or facing hardship in their lives. 3. Insider Threat Definition. As defined in reference (a), a threat presented by a person who: a. Has, or once had, authorized access to information, a facility, network, person, or resource of the Department; and b. Wittingly, or unwittingly, commits: (1) An act in contravention of law or policy that resulted in, or might result in, harm through the loss or degradation of government or company information, resources, or capabilities; or (2) A destructive act, which may include physical harm to another in the workplace. 4. The Navy Insider Threat Program is designed to prevent, detect, deter, and mitigate insider threat risks. The program focuses on measures aimed at preventing unauthorized disclosure of classified information as well as deterring future workplace violence or harm to Navy personnel or resources. 5. This year’s Government-wide theme for Insider Threat Awareness Month is Cultural Intelligence. Cultural Intelligence refers to the skill of relating and working effectively in culturally diverse situations. It is the ability to cross boundaries and excel in a multi-cultural workforce environment. As the Navy continues to build an inclusive culture that encourages, supports and celebrates diversity, it allows for the workforce to become unified in order to better identify and assist individuals that may be in crisis. 6. The Navy Insider Threat Program encourages everyone to be observant and recognize concerning behaviors. Early identification of individuals in need of assistance is key. Recognize the signs and report insider threat concerns to the Navy Service Analysis Section of the Department of Navy Analytic Hub at 703-695-7700, insiderthreat.fct(at)navy.mil, or https://www.secnav.navy.mil/itp/Pages/default.aspx. 7. Counter-Insider Threat educational and training resources can be found at the following: https://www.cdse.edu/resources/posters-insider- threat.html and can be posted in common areas. 8. The Navy will continue to support the national and Department of Defense effort to counter insider threats. Keeping the workforce safe requires your vigilance and timely reporting of any suspicious activity or potentially threatening behaviors observed. This partnership is essential to our nation’s ability to counter the threat from within. 9. Released by VADM Jeffrey E. Trussler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  8. A military appeals court has upheld the conviction of a petty officer who went drinking, missed a pre-deployment class the next morning, asked a shipmate to “bruise her up” and then falsely reported a sexual assault to cover her tracks. Assigned to the dock landing ship Fort McHenry, then-Machinist’s Mate 3rd Class Micole A. Daugherty went drinking at a nightclub near Jacksonville, Florida, in December 2018 with another sailor, referred to by the pseudonym “Seaman Recruit Warren” in the August Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals ruling.
  9. It will likely be more than a decade until the USS Doris Miller (CVN-81), the fourth Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier is commissioned into the US Navy, but recently the first significant milestone occurred when the First Cut of Steel ceremony was held in Newport News. The event signaled the formal start of construction for the new warship, with six members of Messman Second Class Doris Miller were in attendance. Miller, the ship's namesake, became the first African-American to receive the Navy Cross, which he earned for his actions during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
  10. A Navy narrative of a fatal helicopter crash off Southern California last week says the aircraft experienced side-to-side vibrations that caused the main rotor to hit the deck of an aircraft carrier while landing
  11. UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 071551Z SEP 21 MID200001107035U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 199/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// SUBJ/NAVY COUNSELOR (FLEET) RATING CONVERSION OPPORTUNITIES// REF/A/DOC/MILPERSMAN/8NOV18// REF/B/DOC/MILPERSMAN/24APR18// NARR/REF A IS MILPERSMAN 1440-020, CONVERSION TO THE NAVY COUNSELOR (NC) (FLEET) RATING. REF B IS MILPERSMAN 1440-010, CONVERSION AUTHORIZATION.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the adjustment of the eligibility criteria for applicants to the Navy Counselor (NC) (Fleet) rating and solicits applications from qualified Sailors as outlined in references (a) and (b). 2. The NC (Fleet) community is seeking hard-charging, motivated applicants from all communities. The NC (Fleet) rating requires a thorough knowledge of the Navy organization, including personnel and administrative procedures, programs and policies. Applicants must be prepared for assignment to independent duty where they will assist commands in organization, implementation and management of an enlisted career development program. 3. The duties and responsibilities of the NC (Fleet) are contained in reference (a). Reference (a) will be updated to reflect new eligibility requirements and all other policy contained therein remains in force. To maximize talent management and allow eligible Sailors to convert at the earliest opportunity, the eligibility requirements for the NC (Fleet) rating are updated as indicated below. Sailors must have: a. A minimum of 5 years but no more than 16 years of service. b. 12 cumulative months of experience as a departmental or divisional career counselor, or hold the command career counselor Navy enlisted classification (806R). c. No history of nonjudicial punishment in the previous 24 months. d. No documented Physical Fitness Assessment failures within the previous 24 months. e. ASVAB requirement VE + MK + GS equal to or greater than 156. 4. Sailors should contact their command career counselor (CCC) for additional guidance in order to apply for conversion. Applications are reviewed upon submission after endorsement from immediate supervisor in command and type commander career counselors. Sailors who do not currently meet eligibility criteria established in references (a) and (b) should request a career development board and work with their CCC to establish a path towards eligibility. 5. Points of contacts a. NCCM Elissa Cook, Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS), NC Technical Advisor (BUPERS 326H), at (901) 874-2978/DSN 882 or e-mail at elissa.cook(at)navy.mil. b. NCCM(SW/AW) Latonya Luter, Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education, Fleet Career Counselor, at (703) 604-5353/DSN 664 or e- mail at latonya.luter(at)navy.mil. c. MyNavy HR website at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career- Management/Career-Counseling/Resources/. 6. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 7. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED
  12. WASHINGTON - As a result of his brave actions in support of fellow service members, the Navy posthumously advanced Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak to the rank of Hospital Corpsman Third Class. He was also awarded the Purple Heart and Fleet Marine Force Corpsman warfare badge.
  13. SAN DIEGO (AP) — The U.S. Navy on Sunday identified five sailors who died when a helicopter crashed in the Pacific Ocean off of Southern California. They were Lt. Bradley A. Foster, 29, a pilot from Oakhurst, California; Lt. Paul R. Fridley, 28, a pilot from Annandale, Virginia; Naval Air Crewman (Helicopter) 2nd Class James P. Buriak, 31, from Salem, Virginia; Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Sarah F. Burns, 31, from Severna Park, Maryland and Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Bailey J. Tucker, 21, from St. Louis, Missouri.
  14. (CNN) Five US Navy sailors were declared dead after they disappeared following a helicopter crash off the California coast, the US 3rd fleet said in a news release on Saturday. The MH-60S helicopter the sailors were in crashed about 60 miles off the coast of San Diego, California, while conducting routine flight operations on Tuesday. One crew member was rescued. The Navy on Saturday shifted operations from search and rescue to recovery, following more than 72 hours of coordinated rescue efforts.
  15. The American military’s involvement in Afghanistan could soon become largely the Navy’s responsibility, an ironic twist for a counterterrorism mission in a landlocked country. Although the Navy has long privately bristled at the requirement to deploy one or even two aircraft carriers at a time to the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf to support the ground fights in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, the lack of U.S.-controlled airfields near Afghanistan could mean more planes taking off from decks at sea.
  16. WASHINGTON — One of the most visible participants in the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol is set to plead guilty Friday, as a federal judge scheduled a plea hearing for Jacob Anthony Chansley, often referred to as the "QAnon Shaman." Chansley, 33, of Phoenix was photographed shirtless and wearing horns, a fur-lined headdress and red, white and blue face paint while carrying a flag-draped spear in the Capitol, where prosecutors said he sat in the vice president's chair and left Mike Pence a note after the Senate chamber was evacuated. Chansley served in the Navy as a supply clerk from September 2005 to October 2007, leaving the service as a seaman apprentice, according to his personnel record.
  17. ODESA, Ukraine — A port of vital interest to the U.S. military is bombed and destroyed in a future great-power battle, with sunken ships and piers in the water blocking access for ships trying to resupply American forces. Navy Seabee divers and salvage divers are scattered across the theater conducting smaller missions, but the fight can’t continue until this major job is done — the underwater wreckage cleared and the port infrastructure rebuilt so resupply at this hub can resume. In this worst-case scenario for the U.S., the only way to get the port operating again may be to integrate the usually-separate divers — underwater construction and salvage — into a single unit unlike anything the Navy has fielded in the past.
  18. U.S. Navy operations in the South China Sea won’t be affected by a new Chinese law requiring foreign vessels to give notice before entering waters claimed by Beijing, according to the Defense Department. An amendment to China’s 1983 Maritime Traffic Safety Law that took effect Wednesday requires certain vessels to provide a checklist of information, including call signs, positions, estimated time of arrival and the next port of call, the Chinese state-run Global Times reported Sunday.
  19. UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 011818Z SEP 21 MID200001094153U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN COMMARFORCOM COMMARCORSYSCOM LCES QUANTICO VA INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 197/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: CNO WASHINGTON DC/N8B/ COMMARCORSYSCOM LCES QUANTICO VA/PFM LCES/PM SMS/SECINFO/U/-// MSGID/GENADMIN, USMTF, 2008/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N8// SUBJ/CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS 1ST QTR FY 21 GOLD DISK AWARDEES// REF/A/MSGID: DOC/COMUSFLTFORCOMINST 4790.3/DMY:15012021// AMPN/REF A IS THE JOINT FLEET MAINTENANCE MANUAL VOLUME VI, CHAPTER 8, MINIATURE/MICROMINIATURE (2M), MODULE TEST AND REPAIR (MTR), AND FIBER OPTIC TEST AND REPAIR (FOTR) PROGRAMS. // RMKS1. In 1997 the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (logistics) implemented a CNO Gold Disk Awards Program. This program was designed to encourage fleet personnel in the maritime community to develop gold disk test routines and repair circuit card assemblies and electronic modules. The resulting benefits have resulted in improved operational readiness of a wide range of C5I and HM&E systems in addition to significantly improved OPTAR cost avoidance. The award consists of a letter of commendation signed by OPNAV N8, Deputy CNO for Integration of Capabilities and Resources and a military cash award of up to five thousand dollars. 2. The cash award criteria is a graduated dollar value dependent upon cost avoidance thresholds. The award program not only rewards the top repair technician, but every technician that meets the following quarterly cost avoidance thresholds: $150K to $199K of cost avoidance yields a $2K award $200K to $249K of cost avoidance yields a $3K award $250K to $299K of cost avoidance yields a $4K award $300K and over of cost avoidance yields a $5K award 3. The CNO Gold Disk Awards Program is administered by the NAVSEA Miniature Microminiature Module Test and Repair (2M MTR) program manager. Fleet 2M MTR policy and responsibilities are contained in reference (a). Gold Disk Awardees are selected by an awards board at NUWC detachment field engineering office in Norfolk. The MTR engineering agents selection is based on 2M repair metrics submitted in the Module Test and Repair Tracking System or verification of recently submitted gold disk test routines. 4. I am proud to announce the 1st Quarter FY21 awardees: (read in two columns) ET1 ELIJAH ABDULLAH SWRMC SAN DIEGO ET2 CALEB BUMGARNER USS NIMITZ (CVN 68) ET2 PAUL KIM USS BULKELEY (DDG 84) ET2 JONATHAN KREHER USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG 58) ET2 TYLER PARENT SWRMC SAN DIEGO ET2 KWAYON SCONIERS USS COLE (DDG 67) ET3 ALEXANDER MACKENZIE USS DWIGHT D EISENHOWER (CVN 69) ET3 KAITLYN REAGAN USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN 76) ET3 COLLIN STRANGE NAS KINGSVILLE TX 5. NUWC DET FEO Norfolk POC is Mr. Scott Doherty, MTR and Gold Disk Fleet Coordinator, 757-396-0800 Ext 5308, DSN 386-5308 or via e-mail, scott.p.doherty2.civ(at)us.navy.mil. The NAVSEA 2M MTR FOTR PM, is Mr. Richard Stark, Comm 202 781-1491 or via E-mail richard.r.stark.civ(at)us.navy.mil. 6. Released by direction, Mr. Neil W. T. Hogg, SES, Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, N8B.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  20. After investigators determined that one of the Navy’s senior-most recruiters likely violated military sexual assault laws when he touched a female chief’s breast in 2019, leadership declined to charge Master Chief Navy Counselor Franklin Tiongco and instead disciplined him for sexual harassment and assault, according to a Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigation obtained by Navy Times.
  21. The Navy has authorized new hairstyles for men and women in a just-released uniform policy and grooming standards update. Also announced are changes to wear rules for watches, prescription glasses and sunglasses while in uniform, medically prescribed head coverings and earrings for men in civvies and changes to name tape policies, just to name a few. The Navy has authorized new hairstyles for men and women in a just-released uniform policy and grooming standards update. Also announced are changes to wear rules for watches, prescription glasses and sunglasses while in uniform, medically prescribed head coverings and earrings for men in civvies and changes to name tape policies, just to name a few. The complete list of what’s new in uniform policy comes in NAVADMIN 183/21 released on Aug. 31. Effective date of changes vary pending the policy change, so please read NAVADMIN 183/21. “Navy uniform policy updates are the result of Fleet feedback, uniform working group discussions, command sponsored requests and direction from Navy leadership,” wrote Vice Adm. John B. Nowell, Jr., chief of naval personnel, in the message. “Navy uniform policy updates directly support Sailor 2025 objectives to attract and retain the very best Sailors by finding greater flexibility in our policies and practices, including uniforms.” What all Sailors need to know is that if something isn’t spelled out in the uniform regulations, it’s not authorized, said Rob Carroll, head of uniform matters on the staff of the chief of naval personnel. This applies to everything from uniforms and grooming standards to rules on appropriate civilian attire. “These changes are aligned with the efforts to eliminate inconsistency in the application of policy standards and provide clearer guidance that will facilitate compliance and enforcement,” Carroll added. “Also, they will expand options for our Sailors in grooming standards while eliminating policies considered by most as outdated.” Many of the changes came from Sailor feedback during uniform and grooming standards focus and working groups held in the fleet. According to Carroll, some came up during Task Force One Navy listening sessions held in 2020 and 21. “We review commonly asked questions submitted by Sailors from around the fleet, we look at trends, and discuss policy considerations,” Carroll said. “TF1N did not drive the policy changes, but it can be noted that some of the changes align with the Navy’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives.” Here are some highlights of what’s new; consult the NAVADMIN for even more changes. Hairstyles Navy Uniform Regulations spell out how all Sailors can and cannot wear their hair, but periodically the Navy updates these rules as practices become mainstream. “These changes recognize hairstyles that are now pretty standard in society and is also aligned with presenting a professional military appearance while in uniform,” Carroll said. For men, this means officially sanctioned styles now include bald, flat tops, faded and high and tight hairstyles. All styles include allowing squared or rounded gradual tapers in the back of the head. Sideburns are authorized but cannot exceed the hair length of the haircut where the sideburns and side of the head intersect. Sideburns with bald hairstyles are not allowed. For women, the rules now allow very short hair styles to include showing the scalp. This includes tapered back and sides of the head. Razor-cut bald styles are not authorized except when prescribed for treating medical conditions. When wearing very short hairstyles, female Sailors are allowed one hard part that may be cut, shaved, clipped or naturally placed into the scalp. The hard part must be above the temple and no higher than the crown, where the side and top of the head meet. One hard part can be on either the right or left side of the head and must run straight “fore and aft,” the rules say. They can be no longer than four inches nor broader than one-eighth of an inch. “This gives women more options for greater ease on hair care, especially while on deployment when longer styles can be tougher to maintain,” Carroll said. “Female Sailors have been asking for this flexibility.” Earrings for Men Earrings still can’t be worn by male Sailors in uniform but now are authorized while wearing civilian clothes in a leave or liberty status both on and off military installations or while using government transportation. Earrings are not allowed when performing official duties in civilian attire, the rules say. Accented Names For Sailors whose legal names contain accents, punctuation marks can now be used in name tags, name patches, or name tapes on Navy uniforms. Higher Heels for Women For female Sailors wanting a bit more lift in their high-heels, uniform pumps up to 3-inches in height are now authorized, up from the previously approved height of two and 5/8 inches. Carroll said this is now considered the standard heel height for females in civilian business attire. Sailors can wear commercially procured shoes if they also comply with all other rules for uniform shoes (color, design and fabric). Sun and Prescription Eyeglass Options and rules Prescription glasses and sunglasses frames worn in uniform must now conform to new rules. Frame colors can only be silver, gray, black, navy blue, brown or gold. They can, however, be transparent or translucent. Sunglasses can also be green and sport small logos. “There are just so many options available today for glasses and we needed to get some standardization of appearance in uniform,” Carroll said. “This change allows for a wide variety of options, ease of compliance and enforcement as well as maintaining a professional military appearance.” Retainer straps can be worn only for foreign object debris prevention and safety. Only black straps are authorized and must be worn snugly against the head. When not in use, eyeglasses cannot be worn on top of the head or hanging around the neck. More details and the rest of the uniform changes are available in NAVADMIN 183/21. More uniform information is available on the Navy Uniform Matters Website at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/US-Navy-Uniforms/
  22. UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 311853Z AUG 21 MID200001090891U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 183/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/AUG// SUBJ/NAVY UNIFORM POLICY UPDATE// REF/A/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/01JAN03// NARR/REF A IS NAVPERS 15665I, U.S. NAVY UNIFORM REGULATIONS. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the update of several uniform and grooming standards and the issuance of NAVPERS 15665J, Navy Uniform Regulations, which will replace reference (a) in order to incorporate these changes, previous policy changes, correct noted policy discrepancies and provide updated policy guidance and verbiage to clarify uniform and grooming standards. Navy Uniform Regulations are issued by the direction of the Chief of Naval Operations and carry the force of a general order. Navy Uniform Regulations apply to all Sailors equally, regardless of their rank, grade, positions held, ethnicity or community assigned. Any difference between male and female grooming policies recognizes the differences between the genders. 2. Navy Uniform Regulations are continuously reviewed for policy applicability, accuracy, clarity and comprehension. Navy uniform policy updates directly support Sailor 2025 objectives to attract and retain the very best Sailors by finding greater flexibility in our policies and practices, including uniforms. Navy uniform policy updates are the result of Fleet feedback, uniform working group discussions, command sponsored requests and direction from Navy leadership. 3. The following uniform and grooming policy changes are effective as stated: a. Earrings. Effective immediately. Male Sailors are authorized to wear earrings while in a leave or liberty status when wearing civilian clothes on and off military installations and when using government transportation, unless prohibited by proper authority. Earrings are not authorized when wearing civilian clothing while performing official duties. b. Male Hair Grooming. Effective immediately. Male Sailors hair grooming standards are expanded to include bald, flat tops, faded and high and tight hairstyles. Hairstyles may also have squared or rounded gradual tapers in the back of the head. When sideburns are worn, the hair length of the sideburns will not exceed the hair length where it intersects with the haircut. Overall sideburn length limits remain unchanged and sideburns are not authorized with bald hairstyles. c. Medical and Religious Waivered Beards. Effective immediately. Male Sailors with an approved modified shaving regimen in line with BUPERSINST 1000.22 or an approved religious accommodation to wear a beard in line with BUPERSINST 1730.11 are authorized to optionally edge (outline or shape) the outer edges of their beards on the face and neck. Edging, outlining or shaping of beards is defined as the light clipping or trimming of hair at the very outer edges of the beard to give a shaped appearance. If irritation, discomfort or skin outbreak occurs, immediately discontinue edging/outlining the beard. d. Female Hair Grooming. Effective immediately. Female hair grooming standards are expanded to authorize very short length hairstyles that show the scalp. Overall, very short length hairstyles will not exceed two inches in bulk and four inches in length anywhere on the head. Very short length hairstyles may also include a taper at the back and side of the head and one straight fore and aft hard part. The lower edge of tapers may be rounded, squared or shapeless. Tapers will extend from the lower hairline at the back and side of the head upward to facilitate gradual blending with longer hair lengths. Hard parts are optional and will not exceed four inches in length and one-eighth of an inch in width. One hard part may be edged, shaved or clipped on the left or right side of the head, positioned above the temple, but no higher than the approximate area where the top and side of the head meet. Bald hairstyles (razor cut or shaved short) remain unauthorized except in the case of medically prescribed treatments and required care. e. Medically-Prescribed Head Coverings. Effective 30 days from the release of this message. Male and female Sailors undergoing medically- prescribed health treatment or care that results in a drastic loss of hair, or the scalp becomes too sensitive to wear wigs/hair pieces, military covers, protective head gear or equipment are authorized to wear fabric head coverings (solid colors of black, khaki/tan, navy blue or white). Medically prescribed head coverings will match the color of the military cover prescribed for wear with the uniform being worn. The need to wear fabric head coverings must be medically documented and prescribed by appropriate military healthcare providers. f. Accented Names. Effective immediately. Sailors whose legal names contain accents are authorized to include and display those accents in the name tags, name patches or name tapes while wearing a uniform. g. Navy Working Uniform Type II and III (NWU II/III) Manner and Occasion of Wear. Effective immediately. Sailors may optionally wear one or two shoulder patches when wearing the NWU Type II/III. When wearing one or two shoulder patches, the Reverse U.S. Flag patch will be worn on the right shoulder pocket flap. Patches worn on the left pocket flap will be an authorized shoulder patch (Command/Unit Logos or Don't Tread on Me). Shoulder patches remain optional for personal purchase and wear with the NWU Type II/III. Command mandated shoulder patches will be procured and issued by the command directing its wear. NWU shoulder patches may be either laser cut or of embroidered construction. h. Military Covers Worn in Privately Owned Vehicles (POV). Effective immediately. The requirement to wear a cover while in uniform when entering, exiting and driving on military installations in a POV is rescinded. As a military courtesy, covers should be worn by the driver of a POV when entering a military installation if required to return a salute. Covers will remain worn when in uniform while transiting in military or government vehicles unless impractical for safety or security reasons. i. Female Dress Shoes (Pumps). Effective immediately. The authorized maximum heel height for female dress shoes (pumps) is increased from two and 5/8 inches to three inches. Three inch heels are considered the maximum heel height worn in professional work or business environments. Commercially procured shoes are authorized provided they conform to the guidelines specified in reference (a) for authorized shoe wear in uniform. j. Male Swimwear. Effective immediately. Authorized male swimwear when conducting physical training or the semi-annual Physical Readiness Test is expanded to include performance/ competition swimwear. k. Command Insignia. Effective immediately. Authorization to wear the incumbent Command Insignia has been extended to include all eligible officers. This policy change authorizes eligible flag officers to wear the appropriate Command Insignia in the incumbent position on Navy uniforms. Only one incumbent Command Insignia may be worn on the uniform. l. Dual ID Badge Optional Wear (e.g. Joint Staff, OSD, etc.). Effective 30 days from the release of this message. The optional wear of two ID badges is approved for all eligible Sailors. Dual ID badge wear is authorized on all Service, Service Dress, Full Dress and Dinner/Formal Dress uniforms. (1) Manner of wear for men. On uniforms with pocket flaps, center one badge on each pocket between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the pocket, midway between the sides. On pockets without flaps, center one badge on each pocket. On Full Dress Uniforms, center the ID badge on the right in a position corresponding to the level of the ID badge on the left. On Dinner/Formal Dress Uniforms, Sailors may place two ID badges on the right breast area of the uniform, so that the badges are upright and the bottom of the badges are aligned with the top of the lowest row of miniature medals, place a one-eighth to one-fourth of an inch gap between the badges. (2) Manner of wear for women. To provide equal visibility of ID badges worn on female uniforms, ID badges will be worn on the right side of the uniform. On pockets with flaps, center ID badges next to each other, horizontally, one-fourth of an inch above the right pocket or one-fourth of an inch above the name tag or ribbons (for Full Dress). For uniforms without pockets or pocket flaps, place the ID badges in the same relative location as in the manner of wear of uniforms with pocket flaps. If maximum visibility is not achieved when placing the ID badges above the pocket, female Sailors may optionally wear two ID badges one-fourth inch below the top of the pocket or same relative area corresponding to uniforms without pockets. On Dinner/Formal Dress Uniforms, Sailors may place two ID badges on the right breast area of the uniform, so that the badges are upright and the bottom of the badges are aligned with the top of the lowest row of miniature medals, place a one-eighth to one-fourth of an inch gap between the badges. m. Prescription Eyeglasses. Effective 60 days from the release of this message. Authorized prescription eyeglasses and frames worn in uniform must be silver/gray, black, brown, navy blue, gold or clear/translucent. The frame around the lens can be of a different but authorized color. Frame color can also consist of a combination of two authorized colors. Prescription glasses with transitional lenses are authorized except in military formations. When medically prescribed, other tints are authorized when documented and medically prescribed by the proper military medical care provider. Retainer straps may also be worn for foreign object debris (FOD) prevention only and will be black in color and worn snugly against the head. When not in use, eyeglasses will not be worn on top of the head or hanging around or off the neck. Sailors on deployment on the date of this message will have up to 60 days upon returning to homeport to comply with this policy. n. Sunglasses. Effective 60 days from the release of this message. Authorized sunglasses worn with the uniform must have solid color frames that may be silver/gray, black, navy blue, brown, tan, gold or green. The frame around the lens can be of a different but authorized color. Lenses will be non-mirrored, black, brown, dark green or dark grey. Sunglasses may have small logos on the frame and/or lens. Retainer straps may also be worn for FOD prevention only and will be black in color and worn snugly against the head. When not in use, sunglasses will not be worn on top of the head or hanging around or off the neck. Sailors on deployment on the date of this message will have up to 60 days upon returning to homeport to comply with this policy. o. Bracelets, Wristwatches, Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers. Effective 60 days from the release of this message. Wristwatch wear in uniform is expanded to include smartwatches and fitness trackers. Only one wristwatch/smartwatch and one fitness tracker can be worn simultaneously and each on a different wrist. When wearing a bracelet, a wristwatch/smartwatch or fitness tracker is not authorized on the same wrist as the bracelet. Authorized wristwatches/smartwatches and fitness tracker colors when wearing a Navy uniform include solid black, brown, dark green, grey, navy blue, tan, white, copper, gold (metal), silver (metal) and gold/silver combination (metal) only. Smartwatches and fitness trackers are subject to applicable security regulations. Bracelets worn while in uniform may consist of natural metals or fabricated materials (e.g., plastic, wood, silicone or stone) and may be solid black, brown, dark green, grey, navy blue, tan, white, copper, gold and silver only. 4. All policy updates will be incorporated in the appropriate chapters and sections of NAVPERS 15665J as part of the new issuance of Navy Uniform Regulations. 5. Questions regarding this NAVADMIN should be addressed to Mr. Robert B. Carroll, Navy Uniform Matters and Emerging Issues Branch (OPNAV N13X), robert.b.carroll(at)navy.mil, ETCM(SW/AW/EXW) Richard Baumert, Deputy Branch Head, richard.baumert(at)navy.mil or ETC(SW) Ryan P. Cameron at ryan.p.cameron(at)navy.mil. 6. Feedback and recommendations regarding uniform policy, uniform components and uniform availability are welcomed and can be provided via MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/, select Professional Resources, U.S. Navy Uniforms and *Ask The Chiefs.* Feedback can also be provided via the MyNavy UNIFORMS App. 7. Retain this NAVADMIN until policy changes are incorporated in Navy Uniform Regulations, superseded or cancelled, whichever occurs first. 8. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//
  23. CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WJZY) — A U.S. Navy service member who was parked in a veteran’s parking spot at a retail store over the weekend returned to her car to find a note telling her she didn’t belong there. Gina Danals said she first thought, “Well maybe it says thank you for your service; I’m in a veterans spot!” Then she got a closer look. “So when I got up there, I was like, ‘No, that’s a note.’ It was a quick read, and at first, I was like, ‘Huh?” she said. “No, it says you shouldn’t be parking here.”
  24. A U.S. Navy helicopter crashed Tuesday afternoon off the coast of San Diego. "An MH-60S helicopter embarked aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) crashed into the sea while conducting routine flight operations approximately 60 nautical miles off the coast of San Diego at 4:30 p.m. PST, Aug. 31," the Navy's 3rd Fleet said in a statement. A U.S. Coast Guard spokesman said that preliminary information indicates one person has been rescued and five people are unaccounted for.
  25. SAN DIEGO -- A retired Naval officer admitted in federal court in San Diego to sending a Malaysian defense contractor classified ship schedules for the Navy’s Seventh Fleet in exchange for more than $45,000 in bribes, including stays at luxury hotels. Retired Chief Warrant Officer Robert Gorsuch also admitted Tuesday in court that he set up a secret email account to help the ship servicing business of Leonard Francis.
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