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7 points
6 points
Schrodingers’s Chief. At this moment the board has adjourned and everyone eligible is both selected and non selected lol. Best of luck to everyone eligible. To the MN in the crowd keep your heads up. Navy advancement is ebb and flow. I just wanted to leave a few helpful tips here I learned as a Chief Select and in the 7 years since. 1. Your Season will last from 9/06-10/21. If you have any appointments at all during this time that aren’t critical try and reschedule. 2. Most commands have done their PFA but there is always the risk of someone’s PHA expiring in Sep/Oct. If your PHA expires you will not be allowed to participate in the PT portion until it gets fixed. 3. When your season starts, don’t leave anything on the table. Give it 100%. You will regret it if you don’t. 4. Formation runs are one of the most powerful events for building Esprit de Corps in a unit. With roughly 36 days left, try and learn a unique cadence now. 5. HAVE FUN! This may not make any sense to you during the hard times but this is YOUR season! 6. Good Luck!! -Senior5 points
I got the call! CSC(Sel). I hope each of you got the call as well, if you didn't keep your head held high, take care of our Sailors and lead on. Congratulations to those selected!5 points
I'm in Japan now. My captain just called me in the middle of the night and said there is no reason to call you unless you made chief. I got the S.5 points
For those hopeful PO1s eagerly awaiting what Tuesday may bring, ENJOY your weekend. Whatever Tuesday brings, it was already settled awhile ago. If you do find yourself on “the list”, you’ll wish you had spent this weekend with your friends and family because it’s a grind. You WILL be challenged. You WILL be tested. The Chiefs’ Mess has no choice but to ensure you are ready to uphold and be the standard, wear the uniform proudly, take care of our Sailors, and one day replace us. If you don’t find yourself on the list, it’s ok to be upset. Take some time to reflect. But then remember you still have Sailors to take care of, and a job to do and get back to it. Reach out to those that sat the board, or even last years members, and request a review. You may know you’ve got “all the checks”, but does your record truly or properly reflect that? Get an objective review. Still, in the end, we have Sailors and our Navy to take care of.4 points
For those who get the N, myself more than likely included, it is important how you conduct yourself in front your guys when it comes to failure. Get the N, do the job, care for your guys, love your family, and realize in the grand scheme it's not that important compared to your health, faith, family, and your men. How can we teach our sailors about recovering from failure and disappointment if we act like we just got a death sentence? They pick up on that real quick! Be a man, wear those PO1 crows with pride, and lead your men. Anything less is unacceptable.4 points
This is important. Self care is paramount when getting that N. I made Chief first time up and during our INDOC the late CMDCM Snaza asked “who here made Chief their first time up?”. A bunch of us proudly raised our hands and were met with “so you have no idea what it feels like to not make Chief”. It really resonated with me and helped me get through getting the N for Senior the first 2 times. It hurt especially having great evals, ranked at the ISIC level, and 25% advancement to E8. There isn’t any right answer to this but for me I found solace in congratulating those who made it. Being proud for and with my shipmates knowing, while the extra pay would be amazing, I didn’t need a star to lead, train and develop Chiefs, Sailors and Officers.4 points
4 points
MCPON's letter states Active Duty results will be release 6 September, so my best guess would be Mid August4 points
4 points
Very well said. Family still #1. Its my 4th time but also on the edge of hitting 20, so if its meant to be, it will be. If not, its okay. Might be grumpy for few days but Navy ain’t the life. Goodluck to all!!3 points
It looks like I made it after 2 tries in Active, an invalidation due to switching to the Reserves, and a cycle where my exam was shredded accidentally. There has been rumbling from my current command stating that I made it in 2020 despite my profile sheet stating otherwise, so that might be a fun rabbit hole to go down and figure out what happened.3 points
Still need to submit LTB for award and eval. More excited about planning my retirement in a few years than doing stuff for a board that I won't make rank. To much politics and high school drama in the mess.3 points
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3 points
Anyone noticed the qoutas were posted on MyNavyHR? https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Boards/Active Duty Enlisted/Documents/FY-23 AD/FY23_AE7_QUOTAS_CY254.pdf?ver=ffMs7N1CfpnEyUUj4ajQlQ%3d%3d3 points
Selection boards don't have to fill vacant quotas. All selectees must be fully qualified.3 points
Same, congratulations to all those who will be entering Chief season and for those that did not, don't feel down - review your record, reach out to a Master Chief or two, and make this your best year yet!3 points
Computer issues with recent software upgrades at NETPDC have delayed the release of the SELRES E7 SBE results. Per current planning, Cycle 110 E7 SELRES Selection Board Eligible (SBE) results will be published via BOL for Command Triad Notification on Thursday, 28 April, 2022 at 1100 EST. The Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) will release individual Sailor profile sheets via NEAS Web on Friday, 29 April, 2022 at 1100 EST. The link to profile sheets can be found at MNP>Career Life Events>Advancements & Promotions>Navy Advancement Center>My Advancement>My Profiles.3 points
For those who were not selected, keep your heads up and keep trying. I know the feeling of being told No and it hurts. It made me question if I were even good enough. However, this was my 4th try for LDO/CWO and I was finally Selected. Don’t give up on your dreams if this is what you want. It took a lot of hard work, and mentorship from those in the community for which I applied for, and I recommend you continue along that path. I truly hope this message finds you all well and the small advice I have to give resonates with you.3 points
If you all want to get REALLY obsessive, I've collected and charted data going all the way back to the FY-01 board. Although some data is missing from FY-01 and FY-02. See the attached spreadsheet. I think you can see that its pretty clear the administrative process has changed a lot over the course of 20 or so years, and a lot of that old data really isn't helpful in predicting anything about the more recent boards, but numbers are fun! LDO_CWO.xlsx3 points
Below are the days that the LDO/CWO NAVADMINs were released. 2015: Weds 2016: Thurs 2017: Weds 2018: Thurs 2019: Fri 2020: Fri 2021: Fri Based on the stats that GSEM1 provided us, it’s safe to say that the NAVADMIN may drop this week or next week sometime between Weds-Fri.3 points
The board convened from what the board schedule had, but if you count out the days like last year that date (Feb 18) lines up with the same timeframe from last year. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Boards/Selection/FY23 WEB.pdf?ver=SrMhVuytZl2T_EpePuZsGQ%3d%3d3 points
3 points
I’m ready for Monday to come and go already lol I just wanna know either way at this point either I pick up or I move back on to another stressful LPO spot for another year3 points
I got the S! After 5 tries, I finally made the cut. Thanks to everyone here who has shared conversations, support, and advice.3 points
Never mind. Just found it. Another member posted already. Cycles 262/114 - TAR/SELRES E-7 Results Timeline: Triad release: July 29, 2024 on BOL Public release: July 30, 2024 via NAVADMIN2 points
2 points
Latest and Greatest: RC Timeline 30 April 2024: Rating change deadline. 14 May 2024, 2359 CST, letter to the board (LTB) deadline. 28 May 2024: Board convenes. 08 June 2024: Board adjourns. AC Timeline 31 May 2024: Rating change deadline. 10 June 2024, 2359 CST: LTB deadline. 24 June 2024: Board convenes. 20 July 2023: Board adjourns.2 points
Time waits for no one. The exam is around the corner, time to dust off the these books and do our part and get SBE.2 points
Anyone else hear of results coming out this week? Just a rumor mill that's spinning.2 points
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2 points
This was my second time applying and got the 'N' again. Last year I wasn't too shocked, but this year I put a lot of work into my package, and really strengthened my resume so it was a punch to the gut for sure. Your encouragement really does mean a lot. For the other non-selects, I hope to see you all in here again next year.2 points
Mine just cleared as well. I'm Reserves, and I know this is the active duty thread, but the results usually come out pretty close to each other.2 points
2 points
3rd time up for me Why S: Documented SSP, above RSCA for the past 6 years on all but 1 welcome aboard P, fixed my OMPF from duplicates, finally received my EoT NAM and missing eval. #1 out of 6 at new command. Sec+ and PenTest+, couple of NECs on my LaDR. SEJPME 1, JPME, B.S. Why N: Eval only shows 2 months of LPO duty (I'm LPO and CCC now, but board won't see any documentation). No FCPOA involvement. No IW pin. Was with Seabees for a bulk of my career, not sure if that looks bad in terms of billet variation. Didn't receive an EoT from a command (not sure where paperwork went, everyone rotated out so probably a lost cause).2 points
2 points
Not today, but maybe tomorrow. The Selection Board did convene roughly 3 weeks later than usual though. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen tomorrow either. Although, we’ve never seen the Results released NLT the first week of March of each year (only checking as far back as 2015).2 points
I feel like trash, I know I shouldn’t but seeing the guys I ran neck and neck with make it hurts man2 points
2 points
So this a rough question. So I was in Pensacola last year and the results were read over the PA system in the building. Great for the people that made it, but obviously you can see the look on some people’s faces when they weren’t called. I think non selection should be private because you could be telling someone who loves being in the navy that was on their last shot they didn’t get selected. But at the same time I think public announcement of advancements are also good.2 points
Got my dance ticket. Hopefully third times the charm! Get underway! In the offing knoweth ye that hand over fist I will fight hard & fast! So batten down the hatches because between the devil and the deep blue sea I will deliver more than a shot across the bow! (You big dummy) near every department but mine knew at 1130L but my Chief decided to wait till 1400L when our evening shift arrived to let us know. Anxiety was through the roof! Congrats to all SBE!2 points
Lol I’ve been throwing my two cents in here and there. It was a very quiet year leading up to today compared to last year. I’m sure we’ll start seeing the names dropped here soon.2 points
Thanks Tony! Ok...I have posted this year's USS Constitution CPO Heritage Training message in the Career forum. I myself would truly like to be involved in this kind of training!2 points
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