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Guest Blondie

Sounds like you just have a reporting senior or two that doesn't have a grasp of the system and how it works.  There wouldn't be any reason to have an RSA if the board didn't look at it.  Its sole purpose is to assist in comparing Sailors for selection at a board.  Just because you have a couple below doesn't mean you aren't competitive.  We all have to start somewhere at a new command, but as long as you progress and break out, that is what matters.  The SGA and RSA come more into play when you are "stuck in traffic" aka, the top Sailors don't rotate out and they keep getting those top spots.


The only thing I'm still not clear on is what function the RSA provides in a selection board environment that is not also provided by the SGA.  Thank you for being patient with me.

Guest amcreed

The only thing I'm still not clear on is what function the RSA provides in a selection board environment that is not also provided by the SGA.  Thank you for being patient with me.

Basically, what it is showing is how that reporting senior ranks that paygrade.  Does he give them high ITAs and have high SGAs, are they low, or in the middle.  It gives them the ability to show the board, hey, I typically have an average of about 3.5 for this group and they give an individual a 4.57.  That is huge.  They are showing that Sailor is 1.07 ahead of his typical average.  Where as a reporting senior with a RSA of 4.14 and gives out a 4.57 is saying less to the board.  Both still good, but the first one is better because that reporting senior kept his RSA low.  If they are trying to correct/lower their RSA, they should be putting it in each Sailors eval.  Something like, "Grades lowered to fix high RSA, most competitive group of PO1s I've commanded to date."

Guest PSjg78

I'm completely disappointed with the Navy with these results! I just looked at every single one the selects in FTLMPS and what I see is not good at all.  Out of the 15 selects only 3 of them are competitive with me .. there are 6 with no degrees at all (I have a bachelors almost done with my masters) at least 5 no USMAP ( I have 2 of them completed)  and 2 with only 1 USMAP done and 5 of them with no PPME (I have PPME and the JPME) !!!! INow how the hell they get selected and I didn't is beyond me ... looks like 4 of them were last looks before retirement... I'm just disgusted with these results.. I can't wait til they hold a CDB and try and tell me what I need to do in order to get selected.. I have gone above and beyond and obviously it doesn't matter not even when there are 2 MC looking at your package..

Either way everything happens for a reason, I will be submitting my LDO package this year.. Im just shocked that they preach all these points, lay it on on the precepts and then when results come out seems like those board members had a different plan.... How demotivating is that??  Ok vent over..  back to the regular schedule program.. :graphics-3d-smileys-313328: 

Guest AM1P-3LetsGo


Reading your post I can relate to the frustration when dealing with sizing up your competition. But maybe it's not about the quals but how the Evals were written.

You have the check marks but maybe your Evals didn't tell the story of what your Sailors did under your leadership.

What were the advancement numbers?

Retention numbers?

How many BJOQs/JSOQs

How many junior CAPS.

I'm not saying this stuff wasn't in there just something to think about. I for one try to use one paragraph on my accomplishments and two paragraphs on my peoples accomplishment.

Who knows though I haven't picked up chief yet either

Guest PSjg78


Reading your post I can relate to the frustration when dealing with sizing up your competition. But maybe it's not about the quals but how the Evals were written.

You have the check marks but maybe your Evals didn't tell the story of what your Sailors did under your leadership.

What were the advancement numbers?

Retention numbers?

How many BJOQs/JSOQs

How many junior CAPS.

I'm not saying this stuff wasn't in there just something to think about. I for one try to use one paragraph on my accomplishments and two paragraphs on my peoples accomplishment.

Who knows though I haven't picked up chief yet either



I agree its all around, not to toot my own horn but my evals are great lol.. written very well.  Every single one of my juniors has either been nominated or selected as JSOQ and JSOY, I had 2 peers( I was LPO with 3 FCPOA under my charge) get selected to CPO within the last 2 years, My collaterals are all documented, I myself have earned SOY/SOQ ... Either way guess it wasnt my time or maybe God just has other plans for me.  I have been hesitating on dropping my OCS package because I didnt want to give up my FTS designation but now I have an opportunity to get selected for LDO so why not give it a try, last year quotas for ADMIN LDO were 23 so if they remain the same or even drop a couple I still probably have a better chance at getting selected as an officer then a CPO... Since my evals are written and geared towards my leasership I see that weighing more on a LDO board then a CPO board.  Thanks for your support.. you keep pressing hard and keep your Sailors first and Im sure you will get selected.. When its our time its our time.. :)  

Guest AM1P-3LetsGo

I agree its all around, not to toot my own horn but my evals are great lol.. written very well.  Every single one of my juniors has either been nominated or selected as JSOQ and JSOY, I had 2 peers( I was LPO with 3 FCPOA under my charge) get selected to CPO within the last 2 years, My collaterals are all documented, I myself have earned SOY/SOQ ... Either way guess it wasnt my time or maybe God just has other plans for me.  I have been hesitating on dropping my OCS package because I didnt want to give up my FTS designation but now I have an opportunity to get selected for LDO so why not give it a try, last year quotas for ADMIN LDO were 23 so if they remain the same or even drop a couple I still probably have a better chance at getting selected as an officer then a CPO... Since my evals are written and geared towards my leasership I see that weighing more on a LDO board then a CPO board.  Thanks for your support.. you keep pressing hard and keep your Sailors first and Im sure you will get selected.. When its our time its our time.. :)  


I hear ya!


My Question to you is: if you don't personally know these Sailors, how are you so sure they are not competitive with you? There is a reason that things are submitted to the board. There is a possibility all of thing things you mentioned could have been submitted by the members to the board. The selection process looks at the whole Sailor concept, and you will not be able to get that just looking at FLTMPS.

I was thinking the same thoughts you have mentioned. The selection board selects the best and fully qualified candidates. FLTMPS for sure doesn't tell the story of a sailors career. Only the evals and such documentation sent to the board can fully tell the story of a sailors career.

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Guest cap3912

PS78.  I feel your pain.  But I know of others more qualified who didn't make it.   Personally it looks like a popularity contest know, rather than an impartial look at qualification.

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