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Sadly there are no reassurances. I had the same question as ms. Kemp lost paperwork I sent her. So she failed to send off my transcripts for review and never bothered to send a courtesy email or call. 


HMCIDC mentions something about the poor support on the first page and that he (or she?) was going to mention the poor support. I hope we get updated on that too. This program serves the needs of the Navy. It isn't as if you all are asking for a freebie or something.  ^_^


HMCIDC mentions something about the poor support on the first page and that he (or she?) was going to mention the poor support. I hope we get updated on that too. This program serves the needs of the Navy. It isn't as if you all are asking for a freebie or something.  ^_^

He :) Ok so let me briefly tell my story. Like most of you here, I have been preparing for this PA application for years. Every college class, and most career moves were made with the ultimate goal of PA in mind. As I was nearing the final stages of my package I gave it to as many MSC Officers, and PA's as I could find, taking all of their recommendations in the hopes that I would have a solid package. I was the only applicant from my command and the process up to and including mailing my package was flawless. That's when things started going south. I never received any confirmation that my package was received. I had to call and was told "oh yeah, it's here". Then also like most of you I waited for the transcript review that seemed to never come. I called Ms. Kemp as little as I could because I figured she was being called daily by all of us. Finally by the second week of October I still had not heard anything so I called. She said mine was due the next day. The next morning when I got to work I had an e-mail with the attached transcript review that said I was not qualified to apply. How could this be? I followed the OPNAV to the letter, and I had many eyes on my package, all saying it was good to go. I called her and said there must be some mistake, she said "nope, no mistake. Give me your address so I can send your package back." The issue was with my IDC transcripts. She didn't give me the full credit I was due for completion of IDC school. When I pointed this out she said that she gave me what I was supposed to have. I further pointed out that what she was saying was not IAW the OPNAV. She acknowledged that and told me "the OPNAV is wrong". I asked if she knew of a higher instruction, or new version of the OPNAV and she said "no, but I know the OPNAV is wrong and I'm not sending your package." Well by now the Chief in me started to come out and I explained that I could not take her as the final word. She next said "call who ever you want, but do it fast because I'm mailing the packages to BUPERS tomorrow and yours won't be one of them". My next few calls were to the CMC of Bethesda/Walter Reed and the FORCM at BUMED. A few hours after those calls I received word back that my package would in fact be sent and that they had taken care of the issue, I was most definitely qualified to apply. It was also stated that this happens every year. She picks people out who she decides are not qualified, calls are made on their behalf, their packages are sent and some are ultimately selected by the board.


In my opinion the support staff and the support process are broken. Not only does the process not work, it may actually be keeping qualified Sailors and Marines from realizing their professional goals. I'm lucky to be a Chief and have resources available. If I had been a junior Sailor, I may have taken her word as law and would not be considered this year. So thats why I say no matter the outcome for me, I'm going to do what good Chiefs and Petty Officers do, take care of Sailors and make sure this broken process is addressed.  I'm considering several options, letters to Navy Surgeon General or IG. The bottom line is that it needs attention and I intend to make sure it's received.


I enjoy talking with you all and thank you Tony for this forum. I've been relying on it for years for all of my results and information.

Guest aactabreu

Where's the NAVADMIN with the results? Good luck everyone!


The NAVADMIN hasn't come out yet.  I hope we can know the results before Christmas!!!!!! When I talked to Mrs. Kemp she said that there is nothing I could do at this point. I don't know if to take it as good or bad.  On the other hand when I spoke to Petty Officer Jones and asked her if my package was reviewed she said yes almost immediately after I told her my last name.  From this forum I know of at least two other applicants for pharmacy and Mrs. Kemp said that the board only picked up two. 

I have a BS in Chemistry with a GPA of 3.9, scored in the 85th percentile on the PCAT and got accepted into two PharmD programs but because I've only been in for 4 years (2 years of school and 2 and a half in a shore duty command) I don't have many awards (just a FLOC for BJOTQ and Good Conduct) and my eval is a P because it was my first regular eval as a Second Class.  The appraisals were superb partly because I have been volunteering in the NAS JAX Pharmacy.  I really hope the good outweitghts whatever  I don't have in comparisson with the other applicants and that my name is on that upcoming NAVADMIN.


He :) Ok so let me briefly tell my story. 


I enjoy talking with you all and thank you Tony for this forum. I've been relying on it for years for all of my results and information.


He - got it...  :lol:


wow, I could see if it was a mistake and then she corrected the errors, but that is abuse of one's positions, no if, ands or buts. In those types of situations I always wonder "who is their supervisor?" As I mentioned the program fits the needs of the Navy and "best qualified" should not be determined by personal choice. Unbelievable...  :o


I agree with what you said and hope that this will be able to affect change and make the vetting more professional.

Guest Doc_Jones

Maybe the process of submitting a package builds character.... We are trying to tell the Navy we r ready to be leaders, many times leadership entails not having all the tools to get the job done. This process has it's challenges... BUT we all got it done... So that rand there is a possibility for everyone else to do the same! Granted, things could be a lot easier for this process just like the MECP and STA-21 programs, but it's not, so we have to adapt n overcome. I have realized the Ms. Kemp is the liaison for a multitude of programs, not just MSC-IPP, so I can be somewhat empathetic in regards to her response times, sometimes, but I also agree that if all the lines of communication were open , ie the website being up to date, calling and harassing them in the office would not occur as much... Just a thought...


Well Doc_Jones, let me address your points. I agree that the process should be a challenge and the applicant should have to shoulder the majority of the burden. But there is a distinct difference between not doing it for me, and being an active road block. What happened to me was an attempt to remove me from consideration. Unjustly. If I was truly not qualified she is obligated to not submit my package, but I am qualified. I did my part, she didn't do hers. I was able to overcome by working through the Mess to fix the problem, not everyone can say that. After 19 1/2 years in the Navy and serving as a Chief, I've more than proven myself as a leader. I don't need the MSC-IPP support staff to further test me. Their job is to get my package to the board. The board can decide if I'm ready for further responsibility. She does have a very important job with lots of responsibility. I'm very familiar with what she does; I've helped many Sailors submit packages through her in the past. But at the end of the day her job is SUPPORT. If she is burned out, or not able to carry out her mission any longer, turn over to someone who can. Like I said in my previous post, this isn't about me. I took care of the situation and worked around her. My concern is for all the future candidates who take what she says as the final word. How many qualified applicants has she removed in the past? That has to stop.

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Maybe the process of submitting a package builds character.... We are trying to tell the Navy we r ready to be leaders, many times leadership entails not having all the tools to get the job done. This process has it's challenges... BUT we all got it done... So that rand there is a possibility for everyone else to do the same! Granted, things could be a lot easier for this process just like the MECP and STA-21 programs, but it's not, so we have to adapt n overcome. I have realized the Ms. Kemp is the liaison for a multitude of programs, not just MSC-IPP, so I can be somewhat empathetic in regards to her response times, sometimes, but I also agree that if all the lines of communication were open , ie the website being up to date, calling and harassing them in the office would not occur as much... Just a thought...


Dang it HMCIDC you beat me to the post , but will also give my two cents worth (and everyone here is welcome and encouraged to do that too)  BBb)




I can always empathize with someone who works hard or has a stressful position but someone abusing their position is a complete turn off for me going way back - especially when it involves the Navy and the impact on Sailors. One of my things that throws everything else out the window...


And if she is a liaison she should not be involved in the vetting process.


HMCIDC's post is better with the response but wanted to add my two cents that that is not acceptable in the Navy  ;)

Guest Doc_Jones

HMC, I absolutely agree with you. In regards to your particular situation ( and those in the same situation) I can understand the need to desire change in regards to the process. That aspect of the process can definitely use some help. The lack of updates on the website and long response times, however, are just obstacles that have to be overcome with research and ambition. I do think many of the other situations discussed on here could relive some headaches if they (whomever they are) would just out information out like the MECP AND STA-21 programs. But since they do not, it is up to is as prospective leaders to find the answers as opposed to waiting on a particular individual to give it to us ( regardless of it being their responsibility or not) smiley based upon the fact that it is our careers and goals, and for one, I refuse to allow one or two people keep me from it. I understand that the PA process is a lot more complicated than the HCA one, I also understand that getting help from the office may not be the simplest thing, all I am saying is that regardless the situation, it is up to us to "get er done" ! Ur circumstance is one of muchore complexity than just adapting and overcoming, urs involved more thank just ur desires and ambition to get involved, which I completely understand. Was not a shot at u or those in that situation, just a shot of "adapt and overcome" from myself.

Guest Doc_Jones

Navy news, Ur right, HMCIDC had a better post! Haha! JK! I get what ur both saying, and I completely agree! I was speaking more to the post about just simply not getting "enough" info from the office...

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Guest jacksfailure

All things considered, I'm just praying these results come out this week so I won't have to be stressed out during my leave. I'm praying even more that my name is on the primary list of selectees so I can have the greatest Christmas of my life! 


Wow this forum is active tonight. As far as not getting enough info that is their job their mission to collect information ( our packages) and disseminate information whether it be information is missing and needed or even something as simple as replying to an email saying your package did or did not go to the board. Nobody here has said anything about trying to get results early. The trials for the program are stated in the navadmin and should not be held secret such as the original transcript review paperwork I turned in was typed and sent in PDF format and she deleted them because she only likes them in word nowhere on the site or admin is this stated and if you do not repeatedly call and ask she will let your package sit and I have no doubt that mine would not have gone to UN for review. She clearly is dropping the ball. I do remember you saying before (before last forum was hacked by Russians) that we should take it easy on her and someone else said she reviews all and she gets back to you and maybe in the past that maybe true but not this year and not in a previous year when a friend of put in for and he had issues along the same line (no feedback the package arrived and after the board he was told that it was misplaced) That is months of work down the drain and is unacceptable and could be prevented with proper feedback.

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All things considered, I'm just praying these results come out this week so I won't have to be stressed out during my leave. I'm praying even more that my name is on the primary list of selectees so I can have the greatest Christmas of my life!

Amen jacksfailure! I think that is something we can all get behind and agree with!

She does have a very important job with lots of responsibility. I'm very familiar with what she does; I've helped many Sailors submit packages through her in the past. But at the end of the day her job is SUPPORT. If she is burned out, or not able to carry out her mission any longer, turn over to someone who can. Like I said in my previous post, this isn't about me. I took care of the situation and worked around her. My concern is for all the future candidates who take what she says as the final word. How many qualified applicants has she removed in the past? That has to stop.


If anything comes out of this please let us know. I'm curious to see if there is a positive outcome and hopeful that that type of behavior does not continue. Thanks for the posts.

Guest aactabreu

If results don't come out tomorrow or Friday, it will probably be after New Year's then. What does everyone think?


Im glad to finally find some information on this topic. I applied this year for the PA program as well. I have had similar mixed results with the assistance received. In addition, I was told that my science classes from 2003 (which I got Cs and Bs in) were not valid and would not be counted against my GPA. So I retook them and when receiving my transcripts back from Nebraska they were docked. I went from a 3.96 to a 3.00. Im hoping my interview appraisal sheets and COs recommendation outweighs that.


Looking at some of the board trends, it has been around 6 weeks for results to post so I am not expecting them until the last week of December either.


I wish everyone the best of luck. I applied from Camp Pendleton.


Another day down another day of know results. Think anybody would mind if I made my own admin with are names on it saying we got it? Haha


I think a sample package index would be outstanding for future applicants. I would be happy to oblige a copy of mine when I return from this deployment. Looks great and thanks!


I think a sample package index would be outstanding for future applicants. I would be happy to oblige a copy of mine when I return from this deployment. Looks great and thanks!


That would be great thanks much!  BBb)

Guest aactabreu

Friday morning and still no results. So it's either going to be next week (23rd or the 30th) or after New Year's. This waiting is killing me. I jut want to have a peaceful Christmas leave and not worry about this.


Should we start a pool when the results come out and who makes it? And if we get results before the fy-15 admin is put out?


Should we start a pool when the results come out and who makes it? And if we get results before the fy-15 admin is put out?


well, I think that would be the better option than having our shipmates going insane and calling Ms. Kemp asking "Are we there yet?"

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