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Guest navyordie123

how is everyone doing? I hope that all is well and that everyone that didn't get selected this year has gotten over the sting of not getting selected and is ready to move on. I know that I am. this is the first time that I have posted this early, so hoping to catch some more good advice than ever before so I can get over the hump and get selected next year. I did get some really good advice from a Senior Chief after the results came out and I am going to carry that with me and move on. Some people have already started looking at my record and letting me know what I can improve on as well. I am the LPO of the shop right now and getting ready to go on deployment soon as I know that i will get that LPO at Sea check in the box and get another regular eval will help me out as well. Went LIMDU in 2015 so I got a reg eval in 14 and then a xfer eval in 15 along with a P Reg eval right before I went back to sea duty along with a LOE and the "Welcome Aboard" P at the command that im at now. So hopefully with getting another Reg eval and then sending in 2 USMAP certs and whatever else i can do along the way will help me out. thank you Tony for having this forum and allowing all of us to share bits of wisdom and experience on here.

Guest Stazz

So this year was a dozen kicks to the groin. I personally worked with at least 12 of the selects that put 1st on after me. Looking at the TIR seniority rank number, I would've been just ahead of the middle. This was my 3rd year up and really felt like my year as we got closer (mainly due to identifying and correcting record deficiencies that were undetected previous years). I've been on leave since before the results, so I have not been briefed by my CoC, and my  CMC was at the board.

Here's what I'm working with:

Record is clean, nothing missing, nothing that doesn't belong.

Admin separation (medical reasons in boot camp, 2005) reentered service in 2006

E6 Evals (chronological): MP, EP (12 of 56), EP (not ranked of 76, transfer'd day after signing), P (check-in, TAD in school all year)


B.S. Degree 3.8 gpa. Working on Masters 4.0 gpa

FCC General Radiotelephone Operator's License

Led CPO 365 training and PT

MOVSM (led divisional volunteer program, documented others were granted MOVSM as result)

FCPOA Secretary-12, VP-4 (President PCSd early by detailer)

Dual Warfare (ESWS earned since last eval)


What I know I'm missing (should I have explained it in my LTB?)

Collateral Duty Inspector on current T/M/S- I did not have the NEC required until October due to school schedule. This is my 3rd T/M/S aircraft because the Navy likes to retire every aircraft I work on (and currently I'm working on F/A-18C...)

LPO tour. This is missing due to Seniority, Manning, and PRD conflicts. On my shore tour the 15+ year 1st Class missed board and kept the LPO spot for 2 years as there was no other progression available due to his PRD (training command). After that 2nd year, I didn't have enough time in the command due to my PRD to get the LPO spot (the Sailor that did, was selected this year). My current Command has extended every 1st class they can (At one time we had 11 AM1s). Now that the results are posted, waiting to find out if the 2 year TIR guy that was extended to get a full cycle eval next year will get the LPO spot based on T/M/S experience.

Big part of why I have these 2 short-comings was due to a last minute order mod that canceled all my school in route to my current command, forcing me to go to school for most of my first year attached to the command. I was 45 days from PCSing when my house burned down from a lightning strike. The order mod was to give me time to handle it.


Some new things going into next year:

Dual Warfare on an eval (with decent numbers of qualifying others)

TAD during deployment but was Dog UI (FDC that sits in Flight Deck Control) Night shift, in theater.


I would love to hear some input from those that have sat the board. I know it's a numbers game but tired of the rejection (3x CPO, 2x STA-21, 3x LDO, 1x OCS).

8 minutes ago, Stazz said:

Here's what I'm working with:

Record is clean, nothing missing, nothing that doesn't belong.

Has anyone scrubbed your records? :huh: 

Preferably a Chief that sat the board. 

Guest Stazz
10 minutes ago, Tony said:

Has anyone scrubbed your records? :huh: 

Preferably a Chief that sat the board. 

Yes, my YNC went through my record and found items that were missing. These were corrected when I reenlisted in May. I also sent copies to the board just in case my OMPF didn't update in time. My package was reviewed by my CMC and 2 AVCMs.

Guest BXPS1

This year was rough. A lot of great FTS PSs were selected, so there is no beef there. I just feel like I should have been there with them. Working on this Warfare Pin and this Master's...we'll see.

Guest Presise

Its hard to not to be discouraged and every year it gets harder and harder to not to feel slighted.  I am frustrated, as I am sure many others are.  I made 1st class in 5 years as a Yeoman, because frankly, I am smart, I had some great mentors, and I gave a 110%.  That was 12 years ago.  In that time, I gathered numerous awards, been selected Sailor of the Year 2 times, been a LPO for the past 4 commands, achieved a Master Degree, and numerous professional certifications and have always taken the most difficult assignments and collateral duties.  I have great evaluations, and two years ago I volunteered to mobilize to Afghanistan in hopes I would be competitive.  Yes, my rating is tight, but I give everything I have.  I have never been in trouble, and I have no medical issues. Not even a single grey hair at 40.

At my command, I am relied upon for my knowledge and experience.  Officers come to me for guidance, as do Chief's.  I act like a Chief, I feel like a Chief, and every year, I hear the same thing from the Mess, "Oh, you definitely made it." followed by the same admission, "Oh, we will make sure you make it next year."  They are meant to be assuring, but now they just make me angry.

Yes, I know I should be happy for those that are selected, but every year of being passed by, I wonder if I have earned the right to be upset?  I see people in other ratings being selected. People with far less knowledge and experience, I now defer to.  One of my shipmates, who I do like, and is very smart, was a newly promoted 2nd class when I met him, and is now a Chief, while I remain the same rank.   Should this not upset me?  Yes his rating is less competitive than mine, but we are taught, rating does not make the Chief but it seems like it does.

The worst is those who hate the Navy.  I see those being selected who frankly hate their job, and only wanted to make Chief so they could enjoy the perks of not doing the manual labor that I still do.

Its even harder to admit to my achievements.  During an LDO board, I was asked why I should be an Officer when I can't even make Chief?  I honestly had no answer.  I didn't know if I was more angry than ashamed by the question.  For all the things I have to be proud of when I went into that board, that Officer pointed out an undeniable fact.  Do I even deserve to be a Chief?  Is my failure my own burden that I cannot see?  Is it my fault that I am not worthy to put on the anchor?  Is it the system's fault? My wife asks me why I don't have more pride in my service.  I have pride in my job, but I honestly don't know if I can still have pride in my service.

In 2 years I reach HYT and will be forced out of the Navy.  I would gladly serve longer, but I will not get that opportunity.  I pretend it doesn't matter.  I tell myself that I have earned the respect of a Chief, even if I don't wear the anchors, but I know I am not a Chief and everyone who sees me knows I am not, nor would I ever presume I am a Chief when I do not wear the uniform, but then if I have not earned it, then shouldn't I be angry if I am treated as one?

I am proud of what I have done, but having nothing to show for it, will make it all the more difficult to accept those retirement papers.  I have been reading these posts a while now, and I see frustration as well and I also see hopefulness for the following year. I had that too.  There is only a couple more chances for me and then I sadly I have to give up the one thing I love most in my life.  I have to accept the reality that I will probably never be selected, no matter what I do.  This is the hardest part for me and the most frustrating.

Guest DeepseaSeabee
21 hours ago, Presise said:

Its hard to not to be discouraged and every year it gets harder and harder to not to feel slighted.  I am frustrated, as I am sure many others are.  I made 1st class in 5 years as a Yeoman, because frankly, I am smart, I had some great mentors, and I gave a 110%.  That was 12 years ago.  In that time, I gathered numerous awards, been selected Sailor of the Year 2 times, been a LPO for the past 4 commands, achieved a Master Degree, and numerous professional certifications and have always taken the most difficult assignments and collateral duties.  I have great evaluations, and two years ago I volunteered to mobilize to Afghanistan in hopes I would be competitive.  Yes, my rating is tight, but I give everything I have.  I have never been in trouble, and I have no medical issues. Not even a single grey hair at 40.

At my command, I am relied upon for my knowledge and experience.  Officers come to me for guidance, as do Chief's.  I act like a Chief, I feel like a Chief, and every year, I hear the same thing from the Mess, "Oh, you definitely made it." followed by the same admission, "Oh, we will make sure you make it next year."  They are meant to be assuring, but now they just make me angry.

Yes, I know I should be happy for those that are selected, but every year of being passed by, I wonder if I have earned the right to be upset?  I see people in other ratings being selected. People with far less knowledge and experience, I now defer to.  One of my shipmates, who I do like, and is very smart, was a newly promoted 2nd class when I met him, and is now a Chief, while I remain the same rank.   Should this not upset me?  Yes his rating is less competitive than mine, but we are taught, rating does not make the Chief but it seems like it does.

The worst is those who hate the Navy.  I see those being selected who frankly hate their job, and only wanted to make Chief so they could enjoy the perks of not doing the manual labor that I still do.

Its even harder to admit to my achievements.  During an LDO board, I was asked why I should be an Officer when I can't even make Chief?  I honestly had no answer.  I didn't know if I was more angry than ashamed by the question.  For all the things I have to be proud of when I went into that board, that Officer pointed out an undeniable fact.  Do I even deserve to be a Chief?  Is my failure my own burden that I cannot see?  Is it my fault that I am not worthy to put on the anchor?  Is it the system's fault? My wife asks me why I don't have more pride in my service.  I have pride in my job, but I honestly don't know if I can still have pride in my service.

In 2 years I reach HYT and will be forced out of the Navy.  I would gladly serve longer, but I will not get that opportunity.  I pretend it doesn't matter.  I tell myself that I have earned the respect of a Chief, even if I don't wear the anchors, but I know I am not a Chief and everyone who sees me knows I am not, nor would I ever presume I am a Chief when I do not wear the uniform, but then if I have not earned it, then shouldn't I be angry if I am treated as one?

I am proud of what I have done, but having nothing to show for it, will make it all the more difficult to accept those retirement papers.  I have been reading these posts a while now, and I see frustration as well and I also see hopefulness for the following year. I had that too.  There is only a couple more chances for me and then I sadly I have to give up the one thing I love most in my life.  I have to accept the reality that I will probably never be selected, no matter what I do.  This is the hardest part for me and the most frustrating.

I'm definitely in the same boat. It stings doesn't it? I've been a First since 2007. I didn't even know what a precept was until 2011 because I just kept my head down, worked hard and took care of my people. Since then I've tried to embody the precepts as much as possible and help other First classes I led and worked with do the same. Last year and this year all my peers and a handful of junior guys I led  got the S. I'm approaching 18 years and I've loved what I've done for the Navy and for the people that have worked with and for me. But the pill of never getting selected is becoming easier to swallow. I'm still going 100% just for personal satisfaction. The idea of getting promoted is slowly beginning to fade away. It's ok and there is more to life than getting upset from not getting selected. I'm setting myself up for when I retire because this Navy life will be coming to a halt in less than 3 years. @Presise Continue to do what you can for yourself and your people so at the end you can at least say you left no stone unturned and you left it a better place. That's how I'm doing it. I will be proud to be able to say I did everything I could.

Guest HI_IT
On 8/5/2017 at 0:15 AM, HawkISback said:

It can be, I had LIMDU drama my last command, they also tried to give me the kiss of death 1/1 MP. But I am still standing.  IMO the EP helps for the test, but the write up is the most critical piece.  

Did they actually give you the 1/1 MP?  I had that as a transfer in 2013, it's the only potentially negative thing  in the past 5 years.

Guest HI_IT
On 8/5/2017 at 5:40 AM, AS1(AW/SW/IW) said:

Question, how can someone with back to back P evals and a PRT failure make it but I cant. Had number 7 EP last cycle, got a MP my first eval at my new command, but when I left the Truman I had P, MP, MP. No PRT failures, all PPME courses completed, 2 US MAPS, Associates Degree, Airspeed Green Belt qualified, OOD qualified, and 365 involvement on my eval leading first classes.?? Any advice on what I can do??

This is why there needs to be more transparency with the boards.  I'm sure most are selected based on their merits but I also believe that if the right person wants you to be selected, you will be, regardless of how you break out during the board.  If the right person doesn't want you to be selected, you won't be.   

Guest HawkISback
4 hours ago, HI_IT said:

Did they actually give you the 1/1 MP?  I had that as a transfer in 2013, it's the only potentially negative thing  in the past 5 years.

Oh they most certainly did, I countered it with my most recent command but only because I tried to do EVERYTHING to show self improvement and command impact. 

Guest HI_IT
6 hours ago, HawkISback said:

Oh they most certainly did, I countered it with my most recent command but only because I tried to do EVERYTHING to show self improvement and command impact. 

Good for you.  I thought I had done the same but I guess not.

18 minutes ago, SeniorSnipe92545 said:

You are misinformed.  That does not how the board works. 

Just my perception.  Unfortunately, I can't prove or be proved right or wrong.

Guest HawkISback
On 8/5/2017 at 8:40 AM, AS1(AW/SW/IW) said:

Question, how can someone with back to back P evals and a PRT failure make it but I cant. Had number 7 EP last cycle, got a MP my first eval at my new command, but when I left the Truman I had P, MP, MP. No PRT failures, all PPME courses completed, 2 US MAPS, Associates Degree, Airspeed Green Belt qualified, OOD qualified, and 365 involvement on my eval leading first classes.?? Any advice on what I can do??

Was the failure there while you were onboard, if so what did they do to overcome it.  On the 365 peice, was your involvement leading training or attending? Are you sure the board had the opportunity to see that in your record?  

Guest HawkISback
On 8/8/2017 at 11:01 PM, HI_IT said:

This is why there needs to be more transparency with the boards.  I'm sure most are selected based on their merits but I also believe that if the right person wants you to be selected, you will be, regardless of how you break out during the board.  If the right person doesn't want you to be selected, you won't be.   

It can feel like that, but if anyone was going to be blackballed it would have been me.  Have you had a CDB with your CMC yet?  How many years do you have in?

Guest HawkISback

Another thing for everyone, you have to be ready physically for the initiation.  I am a CFL and this has some challenges for me.  Start now or be prepared to be called out. 

Guest OSCinthemaking

@HawkISback I definitely did not prepare myself for this high level of exercise I am regretting that decision everyday but hey I don't give up. 

A note on how some people make it that you wouldn't expect while others believe they are deserving of being advanced bit getting the N; IMO titles mean nothing without the results to back them up.  

You can have zero titles and still be able to show leadership. It truly is about what your junior sailors produce that make you advance. I have a Bachelors Degree, did it help in getting me advance yes however, it was not a deciding factor but merely a filler. 

Don't get hung up on EP,MP, and Ps. The board knows that not everyone can have an EP. They see beyond the cookie cutter sailors they want who have shown  Sustain Superior Performance consistently. 

Guest HawkISback
On 8/12/2017 at 5:47 PM, OSCinthemaking said:

@HawkISback I definitely did not prepare myself for this high level of exercise I am regretting that decision everyday but hey I don't give up. 

A note on how some people make it that you wouldn't expect while others believe they are deserving of being advanced bit getting the N; IMO titles mean nothing without the results to back them up.  

You can have zero titles and still be able to show leadership. It truly is about what your junior sailors produce that make you advance. I have a Bachelors Degree, did it help in getting me advance yes however, it was not a deciding factor but merely a filler. 

Don't get hung up on EP,MP, and Ps. The board knows that not everyone can have an EP. They see beyond the cookie cutter sailors they want who have shown  Sustain Superior Performance consistently. 

What region are you at, the only thing they are kicking my butt in is pushups.  Oh well and if I am honest my memory.  

Guest OSCinthemaking
On 8/13/2017 at 11:30 PM, HawkISback said:

What region are you at, the only thing they are kicking my butt in is pushups.  Oh well and if I am honest my memory.  

I'm in Norfolk Virginia 

Guest kontogsl
On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 7:04 PM, Iam32 said:

 PRT failure is just a distractor. I know a guy that had 2 P's in a row then MP then EP that got selected. I've seen one guy get selected that got a MP on his last eval. Push for next year that's all we can do. 

I made it with two MPs in a row. anything is possible.

Guest HawkISback
On 8/15/2017 at 2:28 PM, OSCinthemaking said:

I'm in Norfolk Virginia 

I thought we might have passed by each other in the SoY contest, but I went through Pacific 

Guest HawkISback
16 hours ago, kontogsl said:

I made it with two MPs in a row. anything is possible.

Yeah, with my Death Star eval 1of1 MP I didn't think I had a chance. 

On ‎8‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 11:54 AM, HawkISback said:

Was the failure there while you were onboard, if so what did they do to overcome it.  On the 365 peice, was your involvement leading training or attending? Are you sure the board had the opportunity to see that in your record?  

No I learned that, the failure dropped off this year for that person so that is probably why. I actually have a bullet on my eval for 365, it reads exactly like this :

Leader Among Peers. As CPO 365 Phase 1 Boat Team Leader, led 18 FCPO's in the execution of classroom training on naval history and heritage increasing knowledge on CPO history in preparation of CPO Phase II.


I am slowly moving on and already started working on my eval and EOT award. Started studying the for exam so I can get my ticket next year.


On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 4:48 AM, IS Uno said:

Ok ladies and gents. Unfortunately I received the dreaded "N" as well. I honestly thought I had a pretty good shot of making it considering the amount of ISCs that were made. I "thought" my resume was strong enough to warrant a selection but I was wrong. 

We have roughly 3 months and some change to add to our evals and make them stronger that they are now. What are you guys doing to accomplish this goal? I am currently deployed but will be returning soon and will be on post deployment leave for 30 days. That isn't stopping me from getting some great bragsheet material done while I can. I am currently working on my Non-Resident Training Course (NRTC) Petty officer 1st class, Chief, and BMR. Maybe I should have completed them years ago but they should be good for the education wickets (Completed AA and BA already). And I am looking for more good-to-haves to add.

I finished last half of 2016 year as the departmental LPO (of 32), and am currently the 2nd platoon LPO (of 16). My eval was due to my Chief on the 21st of July but will continue to feed inputs as the deployment rolls on. I went through the progression of P, MP, EP and am hoping to have a ranked EP this next iteration. I will have LPO-12, AA/BA, MOVSM, SEJPME, PPME, BPME, and a COM for deployment award. Unfortunately, since I was deployed, I couldn't attend any CPO365 events but hopefully the board will understand.

I have also enrolled in the US Map program, although there isn't much for the IS rate. I think my goal for next year is to make SOY. That would be awesome. I know it wouldn't count for FY19 Chiefs board, but it would be a big accomplishment. 

What about you guys? I think we'd all love to hear your plans or if you have any gouge to help become more competitive. 

Well I can do you one better, I will just copy and paste some of the stuff I put on my eval this year. Maybe it can give you ideas, but don't run with it, I am in the same boat as you and I didn't get selected yet. But you never know what can help people...


SAILOR DRIVEN.  His personal dedication to the professional development and retention of his Sailors fostered a productive working and training environment which resulted in 18 advancements, the selection of one JSOQ, two BJOQ's, 100% divisional EAWS and 13 ESWS qualifications, 27 departmental EIWS qualifications, and three re-enlistments.
-DECKPLATE LEADER.  As Command Duty Section Leader, led 147 FCPO's and 331 Junior Sailors across 11 departments in 236 qualifications and manning of 2,592 watch stations, to safeguard the physical integrity of the ship abroad and homeport.
-LEADER AMONG PEERS.  As CPO 365 Phase 1 Boat Team Leader, led 18 FCPO's in the execution of classroom training on naval history and heritage increasing knowledge on CPO history in preparation of CPO Phase II.

On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 4:48 AM, IS Uno said:



On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 8:40 PM, Presise said:

Its hard to not to be discouraged and every year it gets harder and harder to not to feel slighted.  I am frustrated, as I am sure many others are.  I made 1st class in 5 years as a Yeoman, because frankly, I am smart, I had some great mentors, and I gave a 110%.  That was 12 years ago.  In that time, I gathered numerous awards, been selected Sailor of the Year 2 times, been a LPO for the past 4 commands, achieved a Master Degree, and numerous professional certifications and have always taken the most difficult assignments and collateral duties.  I have great evaluations, and two years ago I volunteered to mobilize to Afghanistan in hopes I would be competitive.  Yes, my rating is tight, but I give everything I have.  I have never been in trouble, and I have no medical issues. Not even a single grey hair at 40.

At my command, I am relied upon for my knowledge and experience.  Officers come to me for guidance, as do Chief's.  I act like a Chief, I feel like a Chief, and every year, I hear the same thing from the Mess, "Oh, you definitely made it." followed by the same admission, "Oh, we will make sure you make it next year."  They are meant to be assuring, but now they just make me angry.

Yes, I know I should be happy for those that are selected, but every year of being passed by, I wonder if I have earned the right to be upset?  I see people in other ratings being selected. People with far less knowledge and experience, I now defer to.  One of my shipmates, who I do like, and is very smart, was a newly promoted 2nd class when I met him, and is now a Chief, while I remain the same rank.   Should this not upset me?  Yes his rating is less competitive than mine, but we are taught, rating does not make the Chief but it seems like it does.

The worst is those who hate the Navy.  I see those being selected who frankly hate their job, and only wanted to make Chief so they could enjoy the perks of not doing the manual labor that I still do.

Its even harder to admit to my achievements.  During an LDO board, I was asked why I should be an Officer when I can't even make Chief?  I honestly had no answer.  I didn't know if I was more angry than ashamed by the question.  For all the things I have to be proud of when I went into that board, that Officer pointed out an undeniable fact.  Do I even deserve to be a Chief?  Is my failure my own burden that I cannot see?  Is it my fault that I am not worthy to put on the anchor?  Is it the system's fault? My wife asks me why I don't have more pride in my service.  I have pride in my job, but I honestly don't know if I can still have pride in my service.

In 2 years I reach HYT and will be forced out of the Navy.  I would gladly serve longer, but I will not get that opportunity.  I pretend it doesn't matter.  I tell myself that I have earned the respect of a Chief, even if I don't wear the anchors, but I know I am not a Chief and everyone who sees me knows I am not, nor would I ever presume I am a Chief when I do not wear the uniform, but then if I have not earned it, then shouldn't I be angry if I am treated as one?

I am proud of what I have done, but having nothing to show for it, will make it all the more difficult to accept those retirement papers.  I have been reading these posts a while now, and I see frustration as well and I also see hopefulness for the following year. I had that too.  There is only a couple more chances for me and then I sadly I have to give up the one thing I love most in my life.  I have to accept the reality that I will probably never be selected, no matter what I do.  This is the hardest part for me and the most frustrating.

I know exactly how you feel man. I just know you feel it more because you been trying longer than me. I have 5 years left to retirement. People say the same things to me. Why didn't he make it?  Junior sailors making it before me, people who don't care to make chief still making it. I did back to back sea duty, have everything the precepts and convening order said. Had the highest advancement rate to chief my rate has ever seen this year and still got the N. I have looked at my record and the only thing I can see is my overlapping evals from when I made first. That was corrected by sending a memo to PERS, its in my actual record. So I don't know what else I need to do. I have MP, EP from this new command I am at, my last command was P, MP, MP. I have seen people make it with back to back Ps and back to back MPs. IMO the selection process is flawed...

Guest HawkISback
On 8/4/2017 at 9:03 PM, RjIDC8425 said:

Hopefully number 6 will be my lucky number next year. It was by far the worst selection year for me since I happened to be PCSing and had to put everything on hold to wait to find out if I was staying for second phase or not. Now I am in a mad dash to checkout then head out to my next command by mid September. It seems that it's hard to get a good read on what the FTS board is looking for. Yes there are precepts but it doesn't seem to really cover anything but the basics. It seems to boil down to what those board members of the convening year are wanting in potential selectees. With each near year it is always something different, one year it might be collateral duties where another year it might be volunteerism. Each year I have talked with multiple khakis at different ranks, many who stood on boards, and it's always been something different.

This year felt like year. Selected both 2016 SOY at my unit and my ISIC, received an EP, EXW Command Coordinator, prior FCPOA president/active CPO365, IDC and Medical Department Head, awarded a NAM for assisting in and processing 400 service members at ECRC. Service record is tight, completed all required courses like PPME/JPME, have an associate degree and will be completed with my bachelors next year. The chief mess and rest of the command thought for sure I was a shoe in this year but were floored that I did not get selected. Some of them were more pissed off than me..crazy.  My CMC was dumbfounded after seeing the "N" next to my name, didn't really say much afterwards except that a CDB will be held soon but not sure what to recommend to help next year. 

    So I been running through my head on what else I can do. I thought double SOY would be highly regarded but it felt like this year it didn't mean anything for my case. It's funny when people list all these recommendations on what they feel will help out in getting selected but talking with prior selectees, a lot of them didn't have half of the accomplishments. Handful never did PPME/JPME or USMAPS or have big command collaterals or MOVSM. I know numerous FTS khakis who don't hold any NECs or have deployments or any warfare devices. I even been told in the past by a few master chiefs that I don't fit the typical FTS model because I never been to a NOSC or RCC and that might be a factor of not being selected yet...I think it is absurd but...you don't know what the board thinks. It's just feels like it's a matter on time and if your lucky. Not trying to sound disillusioned but it's a difficult after so many years working hard and feeling that all your accomplishments should be culminating to this year being the year...but being past again.

I support all those who get selected and hold no ill will against any of them and wish them the best of luck.  Just frustrated that we are never given any clue on why we didn't make the selection for that year. So here's to another year in the hopes of being selected. For those who didn't get selected, only words of advice I have comes an unexpected source. It might me silly but it's from a kids movie that I watch with my daughter recently and it seems to hold true. A little blue fish quoted, "When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming." 

Sorry for the long rant but just needed to vent a bit. Thanks and take care.

I think when people haven't accomplished a lot of the external goals to rate stuff they have strong evaluations.  I didn't, but I had command impact collateral duties for three years on shore duty.  I had SoY for two years at ISIC leve, associates, USMAP, all the PME's 95PT, I got 9 people 9595 without any cost for planning and executing online class enrollment. CPR instructor, regional SAPR VA watch, 365 leader, but these three years offset my first five where I didn't have much direction to success. 

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      Trump Officials Downplay the Signal Leak. Some Military Members See a Double Standard

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