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I look at it as I'll be able to serve my Sailors and the Navy as Chief with the Mess behind me for at least 10 years. I'll take that. 

Guest TRON828

16 years in myself.. Firm believer .. the ones who got there and aren't

humble.. will get put on front street ... I've seen it..then they see the light...whether is 5 1/2 or 19 years in and get it on last look.. give credit to those guys.. I believe in the next man up ..gotta always be ready. No matter what..:D:D. so FIRST CLASSES...LETS GET IT!!!!! RED GOLD CHEVRONS AND HASH MARKS

Guest AlphaMaleOne
Just now, LSHARP said:

Well that escalated quickly

yeah no kidding! I was just catching up on posts and thought to myself....wow this waiting may be starting to get to some people.

Guest SeaBeeDoc

This is my 8th time being board eligible, I currently am wearing 7 gold stripes, yes I have had a few hiccups along the way and I would be lying if I said it did not bother me a little seeing a Young chief pick up first time around. But I don't hold that against them as they obviously was doing something right. MCPO Brashear said" It is not a sin to fall down, It is a sin to stay down " so I will continue to do want I do, wear my uniform proudly and keep on keeping on until it is my time to leave this crazy canoe club with or without those anchors. I never stop learning something new each season and to me that speaks volumes.  

Guest Mestizo68

WTF??!! I had 3M inspections all day today and I come home to this??!! Where the love??!! :D Hahaha.

Guest HawkISback
6 minutes ago, Mestizo68 said:

WTF??!! I had 3M inspections all day today and I come home to this??!! Where the love??!! :D Hahaha.

We are code red, this is why a jello rigid timeline would be better than RUMINT.  

Guest Mestizo68
2 minutes ago, HawkISback said:

We are code red, this is why a jello rigid timeline would be better than RUMINT.  

Point taken. 

Guest Christyl
9 minutes ago, Mestizo68 said:

WTF??!! I had 3M inspections all day today and I come home to this??!! Where the love??!! :D Hahaha.

I think this is my fault.... my post was about humility driven by a comment a jr sailor said to me about purchasing my gold chevrons. Not at all aimed to bashing anyone. 

Guest HawkISback

I think everyone has valid points, putting a uniform item on, either a rank or time in service does not make them an angel.  Otherwise senior people would never be in the monthly court martial list.  I see wayyyy too many leaders in there. 

Guest Mestizo68
2 minutes ago, Christyl said:

I think this is my fault.... my post was about humility driven by a comment a jr sailor said to me about purchasing my gold chevrons. Not at all aimed to bashing anyone. 

Don't sweat it. 

2 minutes ago, Christyl said:

I think this is my fault.... my post was about humility driven by a comment a jr sailor said to me about purchasing my gold chevrons. Not at all aimed to bashing anyone. 

Not your fault. I think there was a misunderstanding on how someone read a post. Topic worthy of discussion. On a sidebar, I deleted someone's posts because of a picture they posted and not the discussion. I think things are being civil, and we are are learning from that discussion.


It doesn't matter what your uniform looks like as long as your sailors are trained properly and you keep them driven to replace you on day after our ti.e is done in the amazing organization we serve in.

1 hour ago, BethSta said:

I know this is kind of irrelevant -- but I want to say thank you to all of you.  I"m *just* a Navy wife (a new one at that, we got married 1 Apr), and I'm also an Air Force brat (dad is retired).

Never, in all the years of dealing with Champus (well lamenting the woes), Tricare (you know things to bond over LOL), my dad's retirement stuff etc etc have I ever seen so much camaraderie and genuine caring as I have over the last few months in this waiting period for results.  I'm in awe.  I'm also right there beside you waiting to see if my husband made it!!  LOL!

Anyway -- I'm also posting to contribute to getting this to 100 pages since that seems to be the magic number or something.

Post of the week BBb)

Guest ChiefDevilDoc

Completely off-topic, but...


Chester from Linkin Park???? Super bummer!!

Guest ¡Viva!
56 minutes ago, SeaBeeDoc said:

This is my 8th time being board eligible, I currently am wearing 7 gold stripes, yes I have had a few hiccups along the way and I would be lying if I said it did not bother me a little seeing a Young chief pick up first time around. But I don't hold that against them as they obviously was doing something right. MCPO Brashear said" It is not a sin to fall down, It is a sin to stay down " so I will continue to do want I do, wear my uniform proudly and keep on keeping on until it is my time to leave this crazy canoe club with or without those anchors. I never stop learning something new each season and to me that speaks volumes.  

How are you wearing 7 gold stripes? Isn't that like 28 years? Respectfully asking.

Guest ¡Viva!
4 minutes ago, NDC(DSW/EXW/SW) said:

It's the attitude like this that will make for a VERY difficult season. 

So in my division, there is a Chief, Senior Chief, Master Chief, and a Division Officer.  During one of the counseling sessions where the Master Chief was not present, I told everybody why not get rid of Master Chief so that our Senior Chief could have the billet of MAster Chief in the command, thus he is filling a very set of shoes.  

DivO told me that he heard me wrong and rephrase.  Senior Chief gave a did I just hear you correctly look.  Chief explained to me that MC do have big shoes and bigger pull when it comes to the OIC and we need him.  All told me that we are not getting rid of him and I will have an interesting season if selected hahahahah

Guest NavyChic
3 hours ago, papasmurf said:

Im right there with you, i wear my gold and stripes proud.. and to be honest, Red Chiefs (under 12 yrs) are not someone i look up to.. .while they may be a great sailor... you have not in my opinion been around long enough to develop the real leadership skills and knowledge to be the chiefs I want to be mentored by

I respect your opinion because as you stated it is your opinion, but I would have to disagree and I'll leave it at that.

They might not have to mentor you but you can learn from all paygrades.

Those that make Chief with less than 12 years clearly did something right! While every Chief with 12 years or more, are not always good or better leaders. 

Guest NavyChic


4 minutes ago, papasmurf said:

you mean like be in Rates that have 50-75% advancement and just meet the "wickets" and right place right time.. 

yeah sorry but your not selling me on it... 

I'm not trying to sell you on it, that was not my intentions at all. Just stated my opinion to your opinion.



So how was everyone work day today?

Guest AlphaMaleOne
Just now, BOATSNUGGYD said:

So how was everyone work day today?

working 12s with a couple weeks before C2X, id rather be at home with my wife and daughter.

Guest HawkISback

Boats it was interesting, since CO is tad I get to park in his spot as SoY.  Soooo nice walking ten feet to door. :wacko:

11 minutes ago, papasmurf said:

you mean like be in Rates that have 50-75% advancement and just meet the "wickets" and right place right time.. 

yeah sorry but your not selling me on it... 

Observation point is all you seem to be taking this personal and you also seem to be downgrading ppls accomplishments 

like I said before second time up and if I make it I have 10 years in from E1 to now never saw advancement opportunity above 26%. No one is taking away from your service just like you shouldn't take away from someone who did it faster than you. 

If someone is selected in one way or another they deserved it 

I saw one year LS sub was at 100% 28 out of 28 guess what all28 didn't make it only 13 

these boards do the hard job even if we don't like it

Guest HawkISback

I think blueshirts in general are just stressed, if it's not the work getting us worked up enough we are dealing with the "what ifs". I just wanna turn the page, If we can roll out a uniform change in regards to a hair bun in a weeks time how hard is it for CNP to get on Facebook live and post an update saying to effect he had the message for such and such group and plans to release all them Thursday.  They just need to throw us a bone.  

Guest SandcrabCTT
5 hours ago, Christyl said:

To change the subject a little I would like to talk about humility.  

Recently I purchased my gold chevron's with pride.  A shipmate who saw me with them said they never want to go "gold" and that by 12 years that you should be a chief.  

 I think it is important to remember this year whether we are selected or not that everyone has a career that is different.  If you make it your first time up with less than 12 years  I'm happy for you,  however it does not make me a bad sailor because I haven't made it.  No two careers are alike,  please show others respect and dignity as results come out.  Others have fought for years for this chance. To the ones that are lucky that never have to know what it's like to be not selected Im happy for you, please stay humble.  Take time to celebrate with fellow selects and take time to recognize the disappointment others might be having.

It's important to change the culture of thinking that if you're not selected that you're a bad sailor or that you "suck".  There's always a need to improve whether are you selected or not.  Stay humble stay hungry and most importantly continue doing what you're doing, not to make chief  but because you have pride in your work and you want to see other sailors succeeding. 

 Lastly,  I take pride in my gold chevron's . I am seasoned and I've been through a lot.  My  career is unlike any others but I think it's experience that helps build a leader.  I love the dynamic and diverse group of people that make up the Navy,  and that will one day make up the Chiefs' mess.

Hey Christyl GREAT post!  I'm one of those First Classes that just retired two months ago on May 1st (22 years AD/SELRES side of both houses) with my GOLD chevrons, never selected (board eligible 6 times).  As you said humility goes a long way and if you were to talk to my sailors in my unit they would let you know who there "go to" was.  Good luck to you all those that get the coveted "S" and for those that do not always remain loyal to your subordinates and support your leadership. In all accounts this is what it is all about!

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