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Guest AZ4Ever
4 minutes ago, CTN(IW/SW) said:

Since I crossrated in 2008, I've noticed that things are a lot more visible in the CTN community due to how quickly people can advance.  More often than not, you don't get to see people developed or exposed to a lot things in the middle enlisted period.

The Navy in general, we see sailors advance very quick! When I first came in the navy, making first was like 10 percent or something like that. I was like , I'm never going to make first but that wasn't the case. We have to develop our sailors from the get go. My first was very hard on me coming up. She put me in some real situations and watched me. Let me make the mistakes and I learned from it. I was willing to listen and watch. Today sailors come in thinking they know everything, but that's the fun in watching them grow and mature.

12 hours ago, Vape83 said:

I am also on Instructor Duty. The main thing is that if you have a 9502 NEC, you need your MTS. Now I have heard time and time again that its pretty much a career ender if you don't get it, however we have also been told that the board understands time frames. If you have been at your command for a year or so its probably not going to look bad. For us, we HAVE to wait 6 months after our initial qualification in our first class (if you teach more than one) to go for your Instructor Evaluator and then MTS. Bottom line it takes nearly a year depending on when you do your sit through and when you can do your teach back and other items. But study study study! I have my MTS and I spent many nights going over notes mean while my wife was quizzing me. Use Quizlet (it's an APP on the iPhone and Android phones store). It's free and you can make your own study cards. In fact, if you search for MTS you will find many who have already built theirs and utilize them. I built a set to study with (very effective) and passed it to my coworkers. Next thing I know its going through all of the command and everyone is using it (the set I created). Not trying to brag just offering another very effective tool to accomplish your next task. If you need any help feel free to contact me! :)

I have the 9502 NEC, but my command does not have a MTS program. There was  mix up as to what my role was, is, will be. Should I  put that information out to board....my command does not have an MTS program. Also do you have a link to those flash cards?

Guest Squidly
1 hour ago, CPO_Pride247 said:

That is a part of the maturing process. I used to think I had I all figured out! Even now when I think I have it all figured out, I reevaluate and realize I have a lot more to learn about everything. What is the saying? The greater my area of knowledge, the greater my  border of ignorance becomes.

I think responsibility was the word you were looking for.  When our AOR increases in size we realize we don't really know as much as we thought we did.

If my Navy truly does go to a points based system like the Army, it won't do any justice to the already flawed advancement system. We'll have folks in actual leadership positions who are responsible for the sailors under their charge, without a clue or any experience with real-world, non-CBT or BNCO/ANCO poo-pump training pipelines. 

Since I crossed from the sub community into the Intel ratings where we have people with 3 years military experience testing for PO1, my eyes were ripped wide open. It's all fine and good if you only interact with others in your rating, but when you have to step outside and wear your 3 chevrons or more importantly anchors - bad things usually follow because you don't have the experience of being responsible for others.

All of that will have a compounding trickle down effect as those who were selected by the traditional means leave the service. I am not a CPO, but I dang sure respect every single one wearing khakis currently because of the system we have in place. I trust that those selected wouldn't be there unless someone with more experience than I thought they should be there and could function properly. 

As a parting thought, I'm reminded of my trips down range as a "junior NCO" (by Navy standards) interacting with the Army "senior NCO" cadre.  My mind was blown on a daily basis regarding their interactions with those they were responsible for.  


Had a great mentor, in fact almost all of us that could make it made it to his retirement. Can't wait to pickup Chief and have the same photo one day myself. 

OSA Shop.jpg

Guest Eric Davis
2 hours ago, MoeW said:

I have the 9502 NEC, but my command does not have a MTS program. There was  mix up as to what my role was, is, will be. Should I  put that information out to board....my command does not have an MTS program. Also do you have a link to those flash cards?

My recommendation is to find a command that does have one established and go there and get your PQS signed off. Use your resources at your level and get it finished. There is also another app called CRAM. Search MTS or EWTGLANT MTS. Also download the MTS answer sheet and get into all the navedtra 100-113. But that answer sheet will help out dramatically.  

Guest CryptoSquid
4 hours ago, MA_TT said:

Would you mind messaging me what your verbage looked like for that? I had been on the fence about addressing it, if I'm not selected this year I'm definitely going to bring it up in my LTB next year.

For sure brother, it's on my work computer I'll get it to you on Monday

Guest CryptoSquid
16 hours ago, Vape83 said:

I am also on Instructor Duty. The main thing is that if you have a 9502 NEC, you need your MTS. Now I have heard time and time again that its pretty much a career ender if you don't get it, however we have also been told that the board understands time frames. If you have been at your command for a year or so its probably not going to look bad. For us, we HAVE to wait 6 months after our initial qualification in our first class (if you teach more than one) to go for your Instructor Evaluator and then MTS. Bottom line it takes nearly a year depending on when you do your sit through and when you can do your teach back and other items. But study study study! I have my MTS and I spent many nights going over notes mean while my wife was quizzing me. Use Quizlet (it's an APP on the iPhone and Android phones store). It's free and you can make your own study cards. In fact, if you search for MTS you will find many who have already built theirs and utilize them. I built a set to study with (very effective) and passed it to my coworkers. Next thing I know its going through all of the command and everyone is using it (the set I created). Not trying to brag just offering another very effective tool to accomplish your next task. If you need any help feel free to contact me! :)

I would have to disagree on one must have the other, granted they do usually go hand in hand, but like me, I was sent because they were no cost orders and I was a new e-5 with the daunting responsibility of tel senior level leadership what was jacked up with their OPS. So it was to help me with public speaking and being comfortable in front of people. There was never an MTS program at the command, now this is something I've talked to many Master Chiefd about and they've all said as long as you adress it in your LTB, it is fine. It's all about transparency and leaving norh My let for them to guess or assume about your record and  reasonings.

Guest CryptoSquid
1 hour ago, Eric Davis said:

My recommendation is to find a command that does have one established and go there and get your PQS signed off. Use your resources at your level and get it finished. There is also another app called CRAM. Search MTS or EWTGLANT MTS. Also download the MTS answer sheet and get into all the navedtra 100-113. But that answer sheet will help out dramatically.  

Only thing with this is I'd say be cautious. A command wouldn't likely enroll you into their program and if they did, I would imagine yu would be very hard pressed to qual given the podium requirements. also, depending on where you go if they have an MTS program, they may very well make you redo your books. So while I'm all about using resources and getting things done, I would ensure that it wouldn't all be for not once you get to a command with MTS

37 minutes ago, CryptoSquid said:

A command wouldn't likely enroll you into their program

I'm not sure about that. 

That is contrary to what I have heard for years and don't want to get the wrong gouge out. Has anyone enrolled or been denied enrollment to a program at another command?

Guest FCC_Thawk
2 minutes ago, Tony said:

I'm not sure about that. 

That is contrary to what I have heard for years and don't want to get the wrong gouge out. Has anyone enrolled or been denied enrollment to a program at another command?

I'm the MTS coordinator at my command and I currently have three people enrolled from a different command. Enrolling Sailors from commands that don't have a program is all dependent on the command that does have one. 

Just now, FC1THawk said:

I'm the MTS coordinator at my command and I currently have three people enrolled from a different command. Enrolling Sailors from commands that don't have a program is all dependent on the command that does have one. 

Any other experiences? :huh:

Guest CryptoSquid
4 minutes ago, Tony said:

Any other experiences? :huh:

I stand corrected, I've come across two that wouldn't enroll outside of the command, but seemingly it's more the opposite, my apologies

32 minutes ago, CryptoSquid said:

I stand corrected, I've come across two that wouldn't enroll outside of the command, but seemingly it's more the opposite, my apologies

That's cool. The advise passed on this forum for years is to seek the assistance of another command in that situation. No worries...

Guest FCC_Thawk
7 minutes ago, Tony said:

I think the question posed was if the MTS qual is permanent. 

(the one I accidently deleted)

if you go to another training command, you have to requal. Similar to going to a different platform and requalling ESWS. 

Guest FCC_Thawk

The requal process isn't the whole PQS though, only a portion and no board is required, at least at my command. 

Guest Admin_warrior

Question for the chiefs. I'm checked out of my command. Results presumably come out this week. My NLT date is August 15 but I fly out August 10 to Hawaii from San Diego. If I get the coveted S, would I wait till I get to my next command or come back to my old command for phase II?

Guest navyordie123

That's what my question was @Tony if MTS was a permanent qual or not. Hopefully I'll be able to go back to another training command one day. I loved being an instructor.

On July 29, 2016 at 0:32 PM, ET1SS said:

Friday afternoon at 12:30.  It was an early day, and I was on my way home.  The phone rings, and when I try to answer, it cuts off.  I call the number back.  It's a voicemail of a Master Chief.  My hopes soar through the ceiling.  They call back.  They were looking for someone else who hadn't mustered for the day.  And the hopes come crashing back down.

We had awards quarters on Thursday and our MO came out and said, I love giving out awards!  What I love more than giving out awards is promoting people.  Speaking of promoting people... Chief Results... (He turns and faces the First Classes) ... are not out yet.  Freaking Troll!


Good evening everyone, First time poster. I followed all of the posts last year and created an account earlier this year to try and chime in and deployment pretty much prevented that from happening. I have been trying to catch up on the forum which I did today while on duty. This is my second time up and kind of on the edge about it. I wanted to add in on the LTB and Career Summary topic. I submitted a Career Summary Letter because it was suggested by my CMC as well as a lot of the Chief's on board because I am all over the place in my 13 year career. My first ship I was on board for 2 and a half years (decom), finished my next three years on another ship, then took GSA orders to Iraq, from there I took shore duty orders where I did two IA's in a 3 year period (one for 6 months the other for a year), I then left shore duty for school and arrived to my current command prior to deploying. My Evals over the last 5 years were comprised of 5 NOB, 3 CC, 1 Frocked, and 1 regular. Although within all my Evals I show SSP, leadership, CPO 365, Volunteer, etc...it was told to me that I wasn't competing with my peers and that would hurt me this year the same way it hurt me last year. My CMC said that I needed to submit a Career Summary to help the board members see where I had been in an order vs. trying to put it together with just my Evals because it confused him as well as others when they would see my Evals. Along with my Career Summary Letter I submitted my transfer NAM (4th) that I tried getting into my record about 5 times, SUWC desig, CICWO desig, Assistant Safety Officer desig, ASTAC LVL-4 desig, CPO 365 Community relations Coordinator Desig, CSTT, STT, NATO Secret, Piloting Officer, USMAP, and Officer PPME. I completed and was assigned all the collateralls while deployed and the only way the board was going to see this is if I submitted it in my letter.

Guest navyordie123
2 minutes ago, Ordy said:

We had awards quarters on Thursday and our MO came out and said, I love giving out awards!  What I love more than giving out awards is promoting people.  Speaking of promoting people... Chief Results... (He turns and faces the First Classes) ... are not out yet.  Freaking Troll!

Our skipper did something similar to us on Thursday too. He told us if we make it or not that we are gonna get a phone call from him. There are 14 of us SBE at my command, we had 16 but two transferred.   I'm gonna get crazy nervous whenever my phone rings and I see that govt number

Guest CTN(IW/SW)
4 minutes ago, Ordy said:

We had awards quarters on Thursday and our MO came out and said, I love giving out awards!  What I love more than giving out awards is promoting people.  Speaking of promoting people... Chief Results... (He turns and faces the First Classes) ... are not out yet.  Freaking Troll!



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