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Yeah it feels pretty wrong all around.  I am looking forward to transferring next year.  This isn't the first issue... I am looking forward to the fleet.  I came to recruiting to make Chief.  It hasn't happened yet... but I hear that people tend to pick it up after recruiting, though I saw the results for NRC and there were a TON of AOC Selects, so I guess my record just wasn't up to par this year.  I'll keep on trucking and eventually, God will take care of me.


I like your positive attitude. Keep your chin up. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel, as many of us do. But don't sell yourself short by saying that you guess your record wasn't up to par. It is just as likely that there was some simple mistake or something missing than it being you not performing at the optimum level. Those mistakes and things are easy to overlook, especially when you are left on your own, which it sounds like might be the case for you.


I highly recommend breaking out a copy of the board precepts, read it, read it again, and read it again until you are well versed in it. Print out a copy so you can highlight it and make notes. Then go back through your record with a fine tooth comb to see if you missed anything or fell short in one area or another. Pay particular attention to your continuity report in BOL. That one got me one year because I didn't check it, and come to find out, it showed I had a one-day gap in between two consecutive evals. Also, I've never been a recruiter, so I don't know how it works, but I'm sure there are times when all of you from the region meet up. If so, try to arrange ahead of time to get with as many of the Chiefs as you can and have them look through your record too. It is always a good idea to have a second, third and fourth set of eyes looking through it.


Stay focused, stay positive, and keep bringing high quality recruits in to our Navy! 

Guest msteve0910

Congrats to all that were selected it is go time for all of us, to those that didn't select it you would like to see what I submitted for my package send me an email at msteve0910@yahoo.com I will give you my# for you to call me and a copy of my package evals and all... I am more than willing to share what I have with you to get you to the next level!!!

Guest CWO2 RRP 782X

First off, congrats to those who were selected today. Saw a lot of "S" on here so well done!!!!


Sadly, looking like an N this time around. 


Please dispel this if I am wrong, but I have heard from several people that an IT going to an aircraft squadron essentially rules out making Chief. Maybe it is not viewed as difficult duty because NMCI manages the network, but I beg to differ as our division averages 10-12 hours a day working handling AIS and EKMS issues for the command with limited manpower. Honestly, dont know, and since we do not get the official reason as to why we are not selected from the board, I will never know. My goal was (and STILL is) to prove to my guys that working hard, taking on the extra duties, going to school, can pay off, no matter what platform you are at.


Please don't get me wrong, I have not lost my vision and will only keep up the full court press, but it can definitely be discouraging when you work hard, make sacrifices and still come up short. But maybe victory next time will feel so much better after having tasted and experienced defeat :) :)


Nonetheless, gotta "Keep on Keeping On!!" *Positive Thoughts*

Guest CursedSwabbie

For all those Prior OSCs and OSC(Sel) would you mind giving me an idea on what your package looked like? I am just trying to see what other things i can do or what I am missing!

If it's related to the FY16 Chief Selection Board, please post in the FY16 thread.
This is for discussion of preparation, questions, etc. of the FY17 CPO Board.

How bad would the phrase ***continue to groom for CPO*** be on an eval from 4 years ago? Lets just say that the person that put it on there and I did not get along. would that be a reason for non selection? Im thinking its a big deal and if so would mean next year is not looking too promising either.

I would say that is not great. It is basically saying that four years ago you were not ready, However... If your first eval was a P and you just checked in and your command hasn't had a whole lot of time to see you shine, the recommendation matches the write up.  So as long as you saw normal progression, you should be fine.  So if the first one was groom for CPO with a P then the next one was highly recommended with an MP then highest recommendation with an EP and so on and so forth then I wouldn't stress it.  However, if that write up was a mid tour write up, you are probably going to have to keep chugging for a while...

Guest Surf AT

For those that are wondering NPC has some good info on reviewing your records. I learned some more stuff today when I looked through it like after you re-enlist within 30 to 60 days all your reports from NSIPS are suppose to be uploaded into you OMPF. This information can be found on the NPC website under career then career toolbox.

Guest TridentSeaWarrior0625

Did not get the S.  Congrats to all those who got it.  Was wondering if any of the selectees are willing to share their eval write-ups with me. 


As this is the FY-17 Thread and I do not believe in coincidences, FCPO EVAL's are right after the board for a reason (or so I believe);

  1. As you see many CPO's on this forum have reccomended reaching out to those CPO's that sat the boards (even better if they were from this cycle) to ask for guidance, support, feedback on your reccord, and REVIEW YOUR UPCOMING FCPO EVAL (understanding we all hope we will make it).
  2. Making Chief is not a putt putt course, there is no key to the maze, this is not a "Wicket" game....that being Said there ARE things you can do to better your chances. Dont walk away after a "N" and say "oh well, shucks I didnt make it" OR "ill just keep trying".  Thats like sayin im just gunna keep shootin in the dark and hope I hit something. Read the note above, tweak and peak this upcoming EVAL, change up your collateral duty, thats great youre an awesome CMEO and you have demonstrated SSP, mix it up and show the board you can accel in any position. If youre not an LPO, you can still be a leader, you should not only be leading your Sailors but your PEERS.  Days after results are released the FCPOA holds elections right?  Jump in there, get a position and again, you dont have to be an elected leader of the FCPOA to lead (but it does help to be elected by your peers to lead on an EVAL).
  3. As any other Chief will attest, when asked for guidance (right before a board) we give blunt and honest feedback.  Dont try to argue it out with them as to why you think they are wrong or how you think you know better than they do. What if you do wind up picking up Chief?  Guess what, that is a humbling experience to know that you were doing something right, pay it forward and pass the success a long. I guess the reason I am saying this is when you do that it is almost as if you have closed your eyes and ears to feedback and support, DONT.

IT_UNO asked if an IT in a squadron is a bad thing? NO, unless you are dodging bullets and avoiding assignments.  We cant all be stationed a WHCA or the Awesome assignments, there is a reason there is a billet for an IT there BUT, are you branched out to do the best you can do at everthing there is to do there? That is the key, SSP/TBFQ, Sure NMCI is a boring and mediocre job for a 3rd/2nd Class at best but there are ways to ensure that those 3rd and 2nd Class Petty Officers are doing the best job they can, maintaining rating proficiency and advancing our of a IT community billet, maybe even reaching out to other squadrons to get ALL the IT's togeather to do that?  I dunno, another key to success is thinking outside the box which is what I am trying to do here.....


To all those lurkers and members who come and hang out during the month long walkabout in search of CPO Results, pull up and ergonomic chair and stay a while, pull your heads togeather as a collective and we can work togeather to be successful.


I challenge all those CPO Selects, dont be shy.  Sure, over the next six weeks you will be busy as all hell but COME BACK when youre done, pay it forward and help out your shipmates AND CONTINUE TO TRAIN YOUR RELIEFS AS NEW CPO's.


Thank you Tony for creating and maintaining a forum for open dialogue where we can help mentor, coke and joke, and socialize year round!

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As this is the FY-17 Thread and I do not believe in coincidences, FCPO EVAL's are right after the board for a reason (or so I believe);


I really hope people take heed of this post and others. Writing your evals is that important step in documenting your Sustained Superior Performance and the Precepts your guide on what you should be looking for.


Please take a look at your evals for those cycles that you got an "N" and see what could have been done to improve them!


So far the best tips have been of this first page: Precepts, EVALS. You could almost say Qualifications, communication...


Fingers crossed in this round and thanks for the great post RMCS_1998.




Eval write-ups:  What did you do, and what was the impact for what you did?  It's not enough for the board to know you fixed 25 thingamajigs, they need to know that fixing those 25 thingamajigs led directly to an additional 500 hours of flight time, or 6 successful gun shoots, or improved quality of life for 800 Sailors.


Write your eval so it speaks directly to the precepts.  The last couple of years, I've printed off the precepts, went through and highlighted key traits that I felt I'd met, and did as much as I could to ensure I showed I was meeting those standards within the write-up.  And don't just do it for yourself, show your peers and your junior Sailors how to do that as well!  The board is going to see PO2 evals, so if you can get your junior Sailors to start looking at precepts early, they'll have a better shot of making it sooner rather than later.  (And by the way, now you can take credit for mentoring...)


Look for creative ways to break out as a leader.  Not everyone can be an LPO or WCS.  If you're in a top-heavy division and you feel there's no chance to lead, that's when collaterals play a larger role.  Led 6 Sailors on a tiger team (that refurbished ## spaces on the ship), led a team of 8 fellow PO1s in fundraising for the FCPOA (that raised $#,### for the POA), led 2 Sailors in Urinalysis Collections team (that had zero discrepancies during an inspection of the program).  These all show an ability to lead when given the chance.


Good luck to all this coming year!

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Guest Blondie

Please dispel this if I am wrong, but I have heard from several people that an IT going to an aircraft squadron essentially rules out making Chief.

You can make Chief being anything anywhere.  It isn't about the seat you sit in, it's about how well you take care of your Sailors and how well you do your job.  When in doubt, check the precepts for the advancement board.  It doesn't say anything in there about certain commands being career killers for certain ratings; besides, if that were the case then nobody would go to those commands.

Guest CWO2 RRP 782X

Thanks for the feedback. Since I joined this forum, I have learned a great deal. I have already completed the first few drafts of my eval for this year and my worst draft is far better than the Eval I received last year in terms of write up! I thank you RMCS for your guidance as well as everyone else, I wish I had joined last year in order to prepare better but lessons have been learned and will continue to be learned. Look forward to next year now that I have more tools in my toolbox! Cheers!!


I have a question for any of the Khaki leadership that are in this particular board/post. My question is I've been at the same command for four years, I will have been here long enough that by the time I'm done here I will have accumulated 5 evals, and they will go P, MP,#1 MP, EP(hopefully), and a likely transfer EP. My question is will this be enough to show progression? I am a MA and usually MAs don't get four year shore tours, as a lot of the guys that I work with have had their PRDs rolled back to three years, my was not rolled back. Will this reflect negatively on me when I'm up again? Also, next month I am in my window and will be transferring in the summer, and I will likely go to Bahrain and try my hand at mobile security, but I believe that those billets are typically one year, so the best that I can hope for is a MP and a transfer EP, will that hurt me as well, or should I extend there or go to a ship instead? I've obsessed about being a Non-Select since last Wednesday. It has gotten to the point where the disappointment of not being selected has all of the sudden outweighed every positive thing that has occurred in my life. 

I'm in the same position as you. For whatever reason, my shore duty is 4 years too. Prior to that I was on sea for six and I think that's why the detailers "hooked me up" with the different rotation. I think given the nature of our rate though, being on shore longer won't necessarily hurt us and on top of that, we didn't extend. I do hope a khaki could weigh in though because I do worry about it.

You are correct that Bahrain is typically a year, but it's easy to extend there if you wanted to improve your chances of getting better evals.

Guest Vietlai

Three time N here!  Sorry I'm late getting back to the party, I've been working on a College course that's had me preoccupied.  I looked through the list for my rate and noticed all the "S" had something in common that I didn't have (well two things in common but that other isn't likely to happen again anytime soon).  Sadly Air Crew isn't something in the stars for me so I'll just have to keep beefing my evals till I shine brighter than those wings.


It's almost time for Novemeber Eval anyone have bullets for MTS Mentor and CMEO that led focus groups.


Here is some great advice given to our CPO mess from a CMC of a high vis command, this particular CMC has sat numerous boards:


When writing your eval:


- Never use the word managed to talk about leading people, only use the word managed in reference to money/supplies, etc.


- Use past tense words to show that you've already accomplished the task you are writing about, i.e. Led a division of 23 Sailors....don't use "lead(s)", "manage(s)", etc If you use manages instead of managed, it tells the board you have not yet finished the work


- Write your eval to the board, i.e. Your opening statement should say something like, "Petty Officer Smith blah blah blah, AND IS ALREADY PERFORMING AT THE LEVEL OF A CPO". Then put something to the same effect as the closing statement, "He has earned my completed trust and has my strongest recommendation for advancement to Chief Petty Officer"--both the opening and closing statements send a picture to the board that your CO who signed your eval says you are ready to don Anchors.


- Don't simply state that you maintained equipment, put substance into what you did, i.e. conducted 1,000 hours of maintenance ensuring the squadron maintained a 97% up-flight schedule---don't use that exact line because I'm not an airdale and and I have no idea what I just said, but you get the point


- And here is a tip from your's truly---dont write your eval in 1 day and turn it on. Write it, then wait a few days, go back to it and re-read it. Ensure it makes sense, ensure you have substance to the bullets. Spell check-it.



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I will be reporting to my new command in about a month and since evals are basically due when I get there would it be better for me to receive a NOB or an actual ranked eval? I have heard that I would be best to just receive a ranked eval this way I can show progress but I don't want it to completely squash any chance I have of advancing this time up. In my entire navy career I've always been a top MP or a top EP coming off my last 2 cycles and understanding with only a few weeks at a new command I will receive a promotable. So any advice will be appreciated so I know when I end up turning in my eval write up.


I will be reporting to my new command in about a month and since evals are basically due when I get there would it be better for me to receive a NOB or an actual ranked eval? I have heard that I would be best to just receive a ranked eval this way I can show progress but I don't want it to completely squash any chance I have of advancing this time up. In my entire navy career I've always been a top MP or a top EP coming off my last 2 cycles and understanding with only a few weeks at a new command I will receive a promotable. So any advice will be appreciated so I know when I end up turning in my eval write up.

Normally a CO will give a NOB to any person they have not observed in the performance of their duties for at least 90 days. (For further guidance, read BUPERINST 1610.10D, Chapter 6; Chief's love instructions) Take the NOB, the board completely understands that you just reported to the new command. A NOB with less than 90 days onboard will not hurt your chances at Chief whatsoever. What would hurt your chances is if you don't show sustained superior performance and progress at your last command, as well as having all the quals expected of your rate. There is an exception though, if you think you have any chance of breaking out well among your peers on this eval (being that it is your first eval at this command), then go for the periodic eval. The board looks VERY--cant stress that enough) favorable upon a member breaking out in their very first eval at a new command. With that said though, you will need a strong write-up and past sustained superior performance to back that break-out eval up. One more caveat to this, if you do break out among your peers, but have only been at the command less than 90 days, you better have saved someone's life, or stopped the ship from sinking---catch my drift? Hope all this helps, it's a lot to chew on.


It is possible that you will get a ranked eval.  Due to the restrictions placed on EPs and MPs, if the addition of your eval in the ranking group will bump up the quotas for EP and/or MP, I would expect to get a ranked eval.  Neither the NOB nor the ranked eval should make a difference to the board though.


Normally a CO will give a NOB to any person they have not observed in the performance of their duties for at least 90 days. (For further guidance, read BUPERINST 1610.10D, Chapter 6; Chief's love instructions) Take the NOB, the board completely understands that you just reported to the new command. A NOB with less than 90 days onboard will not hurt your chances at Chief whatsoever. What would hurt your chances is if you don't show sustained superior performance and progress at your last command, as well as having all the quals expected of your rate. There is an exception though, if you think you have any chance of breaking out well among your peers on this eval (being that it is your first eval at this command), then go for the periodic eval. The board looks VERY--cant stress that enough) favorable upon a member breaking out in their very first eval at a new command. With that said though, you will need a strong write-up and past sustained superior performance to back that break-out eval up. One more caveat to this, if you do break out among your peers, but have only been at the command less than 90 days, you better have saved someone's life, or stopped the ship from sinking---catch my drift? Hope all this helps, it's a lot to chew on.


It will hurt your PMA on the test though.  So hopefully you get a NOB.


I think it is important to provide the feedback I received from a Master Chief who sat the last board to which I was not selected. After the umpteenth time being a nonselect I reached out the board members with the hopes that I was just missing some minor detail. Unfortunately I missed everything and was basically told that I will most likely retire as a first. My record never hit the tank...


I would talk to another MC who sat the board, I think that one overstated things.  If you have another look you have two choices you can be bitter that the selection process doesn't fit your career path or you can do the EPME and JPME courses, get the MOVSM if you already have the hours, finish up your degree and you will have those boxes checked.  If you refuse to play the game at all you can only blame yourself.  The board is supposed to select the best documented Sailors.  If you don't have the paperwork to back-up your record you won't get selected.


Recruiting duty has fallen on the totem pole.  From what I've heard it was once looked at equivilant to sea duty, but that was almost 10 years ago.  I have a hard time believing that the board ingnored the precepts though.

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