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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Have not attended one yet

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You can't out awesome me bro.

No more apples. Next time, bananas.


Meet you in the middle.


CDB's are a great tool. Like any tool, you have to know how to use it, and make preparations to use it when it comes time. We should all have a mentor that should be present if possible, and if the command can't seem to give you a warm fuzzy- that's when the mentor should step in. There are first classes out there who will help each other, though they may be sparse. As first classes, we have to go outside of our immediate surrounding because greatness is never sitting within arms reach.


I strayed away from the CDB discussion because it alone isn't a magical tool that can tell the future - more importantly is that we be willing to help each other. Everything you do represents who you are- and guess what? I'm getting some pretty (darn) good eval bullets from it that show I'm dedicating time to other first classes.


Need something? Let me know. Evals, just to talk, whatever. Does anyone here know who I am? Nope. Do I care? Nope. We are here to act as support. The junior first may not have years of attempts, but sometimes that's best because they haven't been groomed the same way.


DISCLAIMER: This is not in response to any particular post.


That's an awesome attitude to have bro. I like to think of myself as the same way.


Far too often I hear about first classes "stabbing each other in the back" and not taking care of one another.


What's everyone's thoughts on this matter?

At my command the LPO got sick and had to be taken off the ship. The next person in line to take LPO was a FCPO who has been an FCPO for 2 and a half years and currently holding a work center supervisor position. So instead of making him LPO, the chief appointed a brand new FCPO who just made it off the recent March exam, but he is getting out of the Navy in October 2015. The chief then states to the more senior PO1 that he will get a good eval in November because his WCS position is the equivalent to LPO in a CPO board? Is this chief screwing over the more senior first class?

It sounds like he is trying to sweeten the deal. That doesn't make sense to waste that billet to a guy that's getting out in October. he won't even be ranked so that billet is wasted for November. Unless he is in a different workcenter leading more people than the LPO billet would be, I'd say he's getting the run around. That's just my thoughts.
Guest HawaiiGM

I agree that he's getting the run around, it's a waste of a billet and both of FCPOs are in different work enters but leading the same amount of people. I just think for some reason that the chief is trying to give him the run around and not appoint him LPO

Guest QM1"Wheelz"

Yeah, would like a copy please

My cmc emailed it to the crew. I just checked NPC and still see 177/15 I guess it will be publicly released on Monday. Body fat percentages go up to 26% by age group. Ages 30-34 have up to 24% if you fail the BCA you can still take the PRT. And now their is co spotchecks. I have mixed feelings about this. I see no failures for cycle 2 2015.

Guest Blondie

What's everyone's thoughts on this matter?

At my command the LPO got sick and had to be taken off the ship. The next person in line to take LPO was a FCPO who has been an FCPO for 2 and a half years and currently holding a work center supervisor position. So instead of making him LPO, the chief appointed a brand new FCPO who just made it off the recent March exam, but he is getting out of the Navy in October 2015. The chief then states to the more senior PO1 that he will get a good eval in November because his WCS position is the equivalent to LPO in a CPO board? Is this chief screwing over the more senior first class?

Someone's intentions to separate from the Navy should not be a factor.

"People change their minds all the time. Everyone that got out thought that they would stay in at some point. Everyone that stayed in thought that they would get out at some point. It’s largely a matter of timing– a marriage, divorce, pregnancy, or change in the economy can shift the equation. If the command stops developing a Sailor who has expressed interest in leaving the Navy, but then the Sailor changes their mind, then the Navy will get an underdeveloped mid-level Sailor harboring feelings of betrayal. If instead the command gives them the recognition and opportunities that they deserve, it might be just the boost that puts them back over the fence to stay on for another tour."

Guest rtnardi

What's everyone's thoughts on this matter?

At my command the LPO got sick and had to be taken off the ship. The next person in line to take LPO was a FCPO who has been an FCPO for 2 and a half years and currently holding a work center supervisor position. So instead of making him LPO, the chief appointed a brand new FCPO who just made it off the recent March exam, but he is getting out of the Navy in October 2015. The chief then states to the more senior PO1 that he will get a good eval in November because his WCS position is the equivalent to LPO in a CPO board? Is this chief screwing over the more senior first class?


From my own personal experience this really isn't a bad thing at all, hopefully the senior FCPO supported the Chief's decision.  Again personal experience speaking here; last year my CoC had me step down from LPO to pass to FCPO who was not as senior as myself, instead of getting upset I actually embraced the decision and saw it as an opportunity to lead and guide my peers from the side.  To this day the LPO still comes to me for advice, the relationship amongst the FCPOs (which is seven of us) within a division of 25 is very good.  Yes I am the most senior with almost ten years but we work together to get the job done to help our Sailors.  Besides as FCPOs we each bring something unique to the table.  Lastly as for evaluaiton purposes my evaluation will not take a hit, I found other things to supplement for LPO position.  There are always opportunities for us to lead sometimes we need to go out and find them whether it is coordinating a volunteer event, working party, or being a lead on a collateral, there are always opportunities its what we do with it in order stand out is whats important.


What's everyone's thoughts on this matter?

At my command the LPO got sick and had to be taken off the ship. The next person in line to take LPO was a FCPO who has been an FCPO for 2 and a half years and currently holding a work center supervisor position. So instead of making him LPO, the chief appointed a brand new FCPO who just made it off the recent March exam, but he is getting out of the Navy in October 2015. The chief then states to the more senior PO1 that he will get a good eval in November because his WCS position is the equivalent to LPO in a CPO board? Is this chief screwing over the more senior first class?

A similar situation happened to me. When our LPO was selected, there was going to be about 3-4 months of the LPO position vacant. I should have taken it but instead it was given to a brand new Fcpo who just reported (and hadn't been to sea in a very loooong time) and I went to be mdmaa since I was transferring just after the eval period. That Fcpo was selected the next year.

Guest Finallyamember

How does everyone want to be notified about the results. I like the old school way where the CO gets on the 1MC and announces the results. I remember I was at a command and when the results came out they called all of the board eligible down to the CPO Mess and one by one they came in and were told whether they were selected or not selected.

Admiral at NPC walked around and personally did it last year.

Guest CursedSwabbie

Admiral at NPC walked around and personally did it last year.

My CAPT did that last year. No one made it, but he took his time talking to everyone and asking them what he could do to help them get to the next level! 

Guest FC1(SW/MTS)

Last years results were read over the 1MC.  Im sure that this years will be also.

Guest AlfaWiskeyRomeo

I have always found out through social media. Some times it's good to cry alone. Ha. Ha. I really don't care how I find out as long as my name is on the list.


Last years results were read over the 1MC.  Im sure that this years will be also.


Do you remember if it was done during the 24hr Triad release or after the public release?


Does anyone have an idea as to what time-frame the Triad release can be expected? I'm currently underway and am out of the releasing authorities AOR. With that being said, is it normally like the wee hours of the morning or is later in the day and depending on your location, i.e. Japan or Korea? Thanks in advance.


11:00 a.m. eastern time.




Got told last week that i have a 24 month CDB with the CMC on wednesday morning. Kind of stressing out about it. Hoping it gets cancelled due to really good information being released.

Guest CursedSwabbie

Got told last week that i have a 24 month CDB with the CMC on wednesday morning. Kind of stressing out about it. Hoping it gets cancelled due to really good information being released.

HAHA! what timing... seems that your CMC is a bit of a tease!


HAHA! what timing... seems that your CMC is a bit of a tease!

Yeah, he is!!! Great MC though. Probably one of the better CMCs that I've had.

Guest Squidly


Please delete the triple post from my bestest un-friend. My fault for leaving my phone unattended. Besides, I generally use better grammar than a 12 year old.

This nefarious character will be dealt with harshly according to the law of the sea.

Guest ET1(SS)

This being my first time up pretty nervous, I have a good multiple and feel as though I met what they want to see for chief. Hopefully everyone gets the "S". That being said my Captain is scheduled for leave starting on the 5th and CMC goes on leave Monday. This should be interesting


This being my first time up pretty nervous, I have a good multiple and feel as though I met what they want to see for chief. Hopefully everyone gets the "S". That being said my Captain is scheduled for leave starting on the 5th and CMC goes on leave Monday. This should be interesting

Pretty sure that your CMC is not going to miss the release. On leave, or not!

Guest ETWan

Im at the San Diego Zoo and still checking the forum.

Guest passionateshorty123

Im at the San Diego Zoo and still checking the forum.


I am tearing my house apart as part of an interesting project that may pay off if I get the "S". I am replacing furniture ahead of a PCS this fall, so I cleaned out my den and opened up a room that my be useful for evening selectee work outside the office as I live close to work. If I get the "S", then I am good to go, if not, then the room is open and ready to receive new furniture prior to my move overseas. I have also been fixing up a couple of spare computers for either the season or for gifts to family. Either way, the effort will not be wasted!

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