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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Have not attended one yet

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Guest itdominance

I was speaking to my wife recently about "progression" Short story long, I have been a first class for over 13 years. Reported to my last sea tour (at my 17 year point last year) and was there for the whole cycle. Requalified everything that I needed to (EWS/EDPO) and was very active in the command. In an effort to help grow the sailors that were in my division I opted not to take over LPO when the current LPO was getting ready to turnover/report to his new command. This coupled with the fact that I was picking up CCC for that command I felt I was in a reasonable position to pick up an MP with good Reporting Senior average ratio. That wasn't the case, I was ranked as a P with no detractors at all in the write up, in reality as I wrote the write up and most of it stayed the same it very much identified sailorization and a very large amount of involvement in the command. I had at the time basically 2 years left in the Navy before my HYT.


Here's the question - With regards to progression, exactly how much would the P help me to show progression when the best amount of progression the board would see would be Year One (18 years in, 11 months onboard at Eval time) - P, and Year Two (19 years in, 2 years on board - MP or EP, before I retire to the Fleet Reserve?


Anyone's thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

good morning. I am not the FCPON of the Navy as I thought you trumped me by a little. Good luck on Wednesday. I feel your frustration!

Guest itdominance

Woah woah woah lol...I hope there is a sense of sarcasm there! I would assume the Sailor received a CAP or two, and there lies some potential that the Sailor either had great EVALs and awards which contributed to his PMA for calculations in the final multiple OR this YN1 was a superstar smart guy!

In short Boats, No. I would say though, as long as you are varying you platform/duty stations and adhering to the sea shore rotations you are fine...don't keep rolling DDG's thinkin everything's hunky dory because you are a SME on DDGs and repeatedly gettin super star EP EVALs (I am not accusing you, I am just sayin, I've seen it before).

I had a young sailor that I trained go from #1 in her it a school class being automatically e-4 to e-6 at her 3 1/2 year mark and is now in Bahrain. Also when I checked in at NCTS Jaxs the SEL  was an ITCS. She reported to NCTS as an E6.

Guest itdominance

anybody else getting the 'proxy error' when going to this years profile sheet? I know NKO is due to be downed for maintenance at noon.

Guest passionateshorty123

Mine works fine!!:)

Guest itdominance

Mine works fine!! :)

guess I have a slow nmci connectivity!

Guest 60HzShuffle

guess I have a slow nmci connectivity!


Guest itdominance


as an IT I should have special voodoo skills but alas I am just a squid

Guest Haywizzie

This forum would make a killing in ads. I have never in my life stalked a forum like this before.


That being said, here's to hoping I'm one out of eleven (S)'s!!!

Guest ChiefH

If there is nothing from the selection board telling you why you didn't get selected, then why have a non-select CDB. They put out the precepts every year, most of which say the pretty much the same thing every year. A person can fulfill everyone of them every year and still not get selected. I agree people should always look to improve, but when told what they are looking for, then do that and not get selected can be frustrating. Then at the non-select CDB they just tell you to keep doing what your doing "your number/day will come". At some point you run out of numbers and days and obviously what that person is doing isn't "good" enough.

Unfortunately Sailors get feedback like "keep doing what you're doing," I would suggest seeking advice from someone in the mess that is going to be brutally honest with you. Each of us made Chief in a fairly unique way, no two careers are exactly the same and no two Sailors' evals will be exactly the same. As I stated before, if everyone is doing everything on the precepts then only the ones doing more than that will get selected; it's not enough to simply meet the standards of the precepts, you have to go above and beyond them and leave the board with no doubt that you are the one that they should select. Many of us in the mess are willing to give that honest feedback, but you have to be willing to come to us.


I was calm last week and throughout most of this week. Now I'm feeling a little anxious as the "last weekend" approaches. Im pretty sure I'll have lack of sleep until Wednesday is over.

Guest ChiefH

Well the biggest thing that struck me after a conversation with my ITCS was the saw tooth theory. He just checked in here and had reviewed the records of all the ITs currently onboard, spending a lot of time on the 3 SBE IT1s. He explained the saw tooth theory to me and stated that my record showed that and it's good. He mentioned (not by name of course) another IT1 did not have that. All of his evals were EPs. He said the problem with that is, the sailor can come across as a brown noser more concerned with his own eval than the development of his sailors. This is where the writeup comes into play. His was more "I did this, I accomplished that, me me me". Having nothing but EPs doesn't show he knows how to start at the bottom and rise up. He stated having all EPs can mislead the sailor into thinking this is SSP, but if he was never a bottom (or even middle sailor), he may not know how to handle adversity...how to rise up to a challenge. Especially since he's only been at joint commands, the EPs may be there because the navy foot print was so small. So, how well can he perform when in a large group...I.E. ship or navy command, isn't displayed.


I don't mean to come across as though I am cutting this sailor down. The ITCS was just trying to explain the misnomer of SSP.

I'd like to agree with the ITCS that helped you out when it comes to the saw tooth theory, it does show progression and is expected in most cases. However, having straight EP evals wont hurt a Sailor, it just comes down to the write up. Several of my brothers and sisters had straight EP's or maybe one MP in their records when they were selected; however, they weren't selected because of those EPs themselves, it was because the write ups truly captured how they earned those EPs. I'd say everyone should worry less about the EP/MP/P and put more time and effort into leading Sailors, then make sure your eval accurately depicts what you've accomplished as a leader.

Guest Boats_Petey

I have made plans to sit down with one of the MCPOs that sat the board next week after the results to discuss some of the things he saw tht were detractors and things that got people selected. I will take notes and share what I learned on here.

On a separate note. Does anyone know when and where the next first class symposium is being held. I found those most informative.


This forum would make a killing in ads. I have never in my life stalked a forum like this before.


That being said, here's to hoping I'm one out of eleven (S)'s!!!




Guest CursedSwabbie

ughh! this wait is killing me! I am trying to get all my personal stuff in order in the chance that I get an "S" I think the only downer for me would be if i did not get selected off of darn near 30%. I was up last year when OS was at 40% and did not make it. In all fairness i did not submit a package and I had some mistakes in my record(stupid decision I know!) I feel pretty confident this year because I have a lot of good Chief's helping me out, but the issues I see is if they are not thrilled  back to back staff duty! One was shore and the one I am in now is Sea duty,  I also did not get my CICWO (was second class on amphib and CO did not let me qual but ended up making first en route to Shore) however I did get a Watch Officer desig there. I guess I am just rambling but this time is making me think of a lot of areas I could work on or where i possibly made mistakes, I guess the thinking will help for future boards if I am not selected.

Guest itdominance

I voted no on the CDB poll. This is was in part due to previous commands cdb's. I will let ya know what happened to me last year.


My CO called me into his office along with my Chief and the SEL. He wanted my last 5 evals. He want over everything on those evals. He then told me what he looked at as a officer that sat on promotion boards. At the conclusion he gave me the usual pep talk but ended with the promise to assist in writing an eval that would show anyone that I was an exceptional leader. He did just that and went above/beyond giving me a DIVO job as an E-6 and a Navy Commendation Medal.


I am forever grateful to have met a CO that will go above and beyond to help his sailors an for my GMCM(unfortunately he transferred back to SPECOPS) that not only give you lip service but show you how to be a leader. That's the type of leader I thrive to be and each of us should also.

Guest Haywizzie

CDB's are a great tool. Like any tool, you have to know how to use it, and make preparations to use it when it comes time. We should all have a mentor that should be present if possible, and if the command can't seem to give you a warm fuzzy- that's when the mentor should step in. There are first classes out there who will help each other, though they may be sparse. As first classes, we have to go outside of our immediate surrounding because greatness is never sitting within arms reach.


I strayed away from the CDB discussion because it alone isn't a magical tool that can tell the future - more importantly is that we be willing to help each other. Everything you do represents who you are- and guess what? I'm getting some pretty (darn) good eval bullets from it that show I'm dedicating time to other first classes.


Need something? Let me know. Evals, just to talk, whatever. Does anyone here know who I am? Nope. Do I care? Nope. We are here to act as support. The junior first may not have years of attempts, but sometimes that's best because they haven't been groomed the same way.


DISCLAIMER: This is not in response to any particular post.

Guest seabee42

I think that if th CDB included a record review by a MC that sat a board would be more beneficial. This may require some networking. Might not be benificial for everyone because they may did this on their own but there could be some people that didn't know this is an option. it would cover what is lacking, what is good and next duty assignment all to help your chances. This is my third time up and last year was the first time I knew that getting with someone who sat the board was an option; from this forum of course.

Guest dorkus315

While some will applaud the new way of forecasting release dates, there are those who still long for the times when the CO would get on the 1MC and say: "The following Sailors report to the CPO Mess and stand by." The anticipation of not knowing exactly when the results will be released is the first test of uncertainty leading to your selection to Chief! I've been on this forum for a really long time and year after year I read the gripes of those who can't get work done or sleep. When you get that "S", go through season, and are standing in front of your division after pinning, you will ultimately see why the uncertainty was necessary. Any Chief will tell you every day is uncertain whether underway or on shore duty. We don't have all the answers but we sure know where to look and who to ask.


With every passing year the older Chiefs will take the traditions they had cast upon them and roll into retirement. And because someone else wants to define what "tradition" meant to THEM, these traditions are going away. This is not directed toward anyone in particular but it is Navy wide. Soon there will be an article in a widely read publication that headlines "Chiefs Season cut to one week" or "Where did the Mess go?" But when these time honored details vanish, they are gone for good. We as a Navy have pushed for this to happen. There is no blame to be placed. We are the only service that has this transition. A transition that has a sense of pride, established rules and Sailors chomping at the bit! Enjoy every minute of what's about to happen to some of you because you might be the last wave to experience it.


If I have offended any horses with my chomping at the bit comment, sorry. Thank you Tony for the forum you provide.

Guest CursedSwabbie

Do you have an Air Controller NEC?

negative! GCCS and have worked quite a bit with LINK but no NEC to show for it. I have been told that Air controllers are in high demand but every time i asked it was to no avail.

Guest CursedSwabbie

I had worked with ASW quite a bit but it was more of the TIME FREQ/BRG and plotter

Guest CursedSwabbie

I do not understand that because each of our Air Controller NEC's are undermanned.  I am not sure where you are when it comes to your PRD but, if you do not get selected this year I would try to get one of those NEC schools or when you transfer try to negotiate for one of those schools enroute to your next duty station.

Thank you Chief! Even when applying for orders I asked to be a controller and see if I could get the NEC enr and they told me no! Thank you for the helpful advice. I will not take make sure I drive that home when negotiating next time. 

Guest CursedSwabbie

At the moment I have MAJIC next year that I am trying to go to, and making myself as competitive as I can with my peers! My chain also have told me that as soon as we get the chief that is suppose to arrive here soon they are going to send me to a ship to get my shipboard quals that I missed out on.

Guest Blondie

One more day down! Register for an account now so you can post if you're selected and we can celebrate with you!


That's another thing I don't agree with about the eval process in the Navy. The "once an EP you get to stay an EP" even if you didn't actually earn the 2nd one. You stay the EP unless you either get promoted, transfer, or do something so bad they have no choice but to take it away from you. You should have to earn the EP each year, but with most commands it is a keep it till you don't "need" it any more thing.

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