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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

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Man every time i get on here i get sick to my stomach just thinking about the results !   This is my Fifth time up and my best shot so far.  Ive been in thirteen years and made first at six and half.  It has been my dream to make chief since the first day I walked aboard my ship and seen how awesome some of my AOC's were.  Ive never wanted anything so bad in my life.  Im glad to be surrounded by people on this website who feel the same way.  I wish nothing but the best to all of you.  Hopefully its this week so we can either celebrate or move on and keep pushing.  Good luck brothers and sisters !

Guest passionateshorty123

Man every time i get on here i get sick to my stomach just thinking about the results ! This is my Fifth time up and my best shot so far. Ive been in thirteen years and made first at six and half. It has been my dream to make chief since the first day I walked aboard my ship and seen how awesome some of my AOC's were. Ive never wanted anything so bad in my life. Im glad to be surrounded by people on this website who feel the same way. I wish nothing but the best to all of you. Hopefully its this week so we can either celebrate or move on and keep pushing. Good luck brothers and sisters !

Guest passionateshorty123

Same to you brother!!

Guest kaput

Isn't it just amazing how productive a person can be when trying to not think about something? I think I get more physical labor done between mid July and early August than I do the rest of the year combined. Just did a 5 hour detail on my truck, going to fire up that lawn mower!


I was never SOY or SOQ. Never was even nominated at least from what i can remember. Spent 7 years as FCPO before i picked up GMC in 2013. Besides my xfer evals, never got a EP on periodic evals. Was always MP. BUT.......my write ups was on point ,and my breakouts were good. And i was never below the CO's summary group average. Below are my breakouts as a FCPO. I am living proof you don't gotta be #1 EP to make Chief.


Nov 2006........No breakout. First eval as a FCPO.

Nov 2007........#7 of 22 MP Periodic.

Nov 2008........#6 of 24 MP Periodic.

Apr 2009.........#2 of 27 EP XFER if ranked today.

Nov 2009........No breakout. Promotable. New on board.

Nov 2010........#15 of 54 MP Periodic.

Nov 2011........#11 of 47 MP Periodic.

Apr  2012........# 3 of 42 EP XFER if ranked today.

Nov 2012........# 4 of 18 MP Periodic. Six Months on board at new command. Kicked major butt those first six months onboard.

Made GMC Summer 2013. Fifth time up.



 SSP - in a competitive rate means SOY, EP w/ a breakout, and leadership.


SSP does not mean SOY, & EP.


Sustained Superior Performance is performing above the average group consistently & continuously. I also saw one post call it Superior Performance which kills the meaning of SSP. SSP is a different measurement. Look at Chief Guns post above. "And i was never below the CO's summary group average."

Guest Thwayne

Does anyone know if being the only first class at my command that is certified CACO, actively working cases would help out at all with the selection process? I will be honest, before I got to my present command, I had no clue what CACO was.

Guest EM_UNO


Thanks! I was just asking, seeing as mine is 29% this year and i dont meet certain things like SOQ and SOY but definitely hit other areas like quals and community service and leadership...

Guest BlueDiamondSailor8425

Greetings from Northern Virginia.

I have been viewing the forum for a couple years now and always use it as my go to for quotas/gouge. Good luck to all the eligibles.

My fleet time is rather limited as I'm an FMF IDC, but I've had really good mentorship these past couple years and will contribute where I can.

Guest Squidly

Does anyone know if being the only first class at my command that is certified CACO, actively working cases would help out at all with the selection process? I will be honest, before I got to my present command, I had no clue what CACO was.

I'm sure others will say something similar. Generally speaking, it's not about what your Qual is or collateral duties are but more about what you do with them.

How do your efforts translate into an impact at the unit, group/squadron, local community, etc levels? Is that impact captured "matter of factly" in your eval?

Obversely, can a trained monkey do the same thing?

CACO is tough, I'm not trying to downplay it. It takes immense maturity and courage to deliver devastating news and guide grieving families through their darkest hours. I tip my hat to you for that.


Been on leave for almost 3 weeks and finally go back tomorrow. I havent been able to stay away from the forum to keep myself in the know. The anticipation is the hardest part of the process.

Guest AWS14%

I am not, just a PO1 hoping to be selected.

Guest Macasterj

Good luck to everyone who is board eligible this year! Relax as much as you can over the next few days and take advantage of any extra family time you can fit in. You will miss that during Phase 2.

Guest AWS14%

So I agree that leadership should set examples but at the same time how can you say the SOY and an EP with a breakout is the measuring bar? There are many, many chiefs that never got either of those. Are you saying they didnt set a good example? Different rates have different requirements for putting on anchors and each case is different. Good luck to you but imo you are showing a me first attitude that will not carry over in the chiefs mess.

Again I totally respect your opinion, but I will have to agree to disagree. I will continue to push my sailors to be there best and strive for the EP/soq/soy. I will not be the leader that says I made it by championing mediocrity.

This is good stuff I take on the criticism and enjoy the healthy discussion.

Guest Chief Guns

Again I totally respect your opinion, but I will have to agree to disagree. I will continue to push my sailors to be there best and strive for the EP/soq/soy. I will not be the leader that says I made it by championing mediocrity.

See my post #1910 on page 96. I agree to always push your Sailors to strive for the top. Absolutely do that. But also understand EP/SOQ/SOP doesn't always equate to CPO. SSP is the number one factor. 


Again I totally respect your opinion, but I will have to agree to disagree. I will continue to push my sailors to be there best and strive for the EP/soq/soy. I will not be the leader that says I made it by championing mediocrity.

This is good stuff I take on the criticism and enjoy the healthy discussion.

I get what you are saying and yes it does help to get those but be cautious on setting up your Sailors in believing they cannot make it far in the navy without them. And just because they do get them it isnt a lock for advancement. Trust me I fight for my guys as well but you gotta be able to manage expectations as well.


Is this MM1 Holliday that's was on the big nasty with me? This is HT1 Wilson!

yes it is!!!!
Guest AWS14%

I get what you are saying and yes it does help to get those but be cautious on setting up your Sailors in believing they cannot make it far in the navy without them. And just because they do get them it isnt a lock for advancement. Trust me I fight for my guys as well but you gotta be able to manage expectations as well.

You're absolutely right. Great point!

Guest eaWILSON

yes it is!!!!

Good luck to you brother! Where are you stationed?

Guest eaWILSON

The more I tell myself that I'm going to stop thinking about the week coming up, the more I open this forum and read for updates. Good luck to all of you! It's crazy that so far I have ran into two fine sailors that were in my past and have made tremendous strides to be at the point that they are hope to be in the chiefs mess with you this year. Together we will become the elite of the fleet! "Engineer by trade, SNIPE by the grace of God"

Guest BamaSailor

The more I tell myself that I'm going to stop thinking about the week coming up, the more I open this forum and read for updates. Good luck to all of you! It's crazy that so far I have ran into two fine sailors that were in my past and have made tremendous strides to be at the point that they are hope to be in the chiefs mess with you this year. Together we will become the elite of the fleet! "Engineer by trade, SNIPE by the grace of God"

Still missing be able to call myself a Snipe! The lessons I learned as a Snipe sure have help paved the way for me!

Guest SNAFUskuttlebutt52

I love the way a mom can always part the thunder clouds and sprinkle a little sunshine with a few words of encouragement. Thanks Mom!

Thank you so much! As a mom I don't want to overstep lol. This is y'all's forum & I'm "just a mom".  I just want y'all to know how proud everyone is of each of you and for y'all to hold onto that. Know you're one of the top, no matter the results. Only a few can do what y'all do every single day! I hope for all of you to see that "S" in a few days!


I definitely can appreciate the encouragement. With all do respect being a patriot is great and is the reason I joined the Navy, but in these highly competitive rates, guys / girls need to write their EVALs to the precepts. SSP - in a competitive rate means SOY, EP w/ a breakout, and leadership. I think the idea of not performing to that level and not completing things like JPME, PPME, etc. is setting a bad example. Leaders should continually strive to better themselves and others will follow. "Attitude reflects leadership."

You've misunderstood my point. I was merely trying to encourage those who believe their chances rest on a cookie cutter ESR with every qual or wicket to stand a chance. By no means was I saying to not write your eval to the precepts, (I did). By no means was I saying to not continue to make yourself competitive by completing things like the JPME AND PPME, (I am). My point is that every Sailor's career is different, so trust that the Master Chiefs and Senior Chiefs on the board recognize that. SOY and EP doesn't always equal SSP, there is always more then one way to skin a cat. Take my words as you will, but for the rest, stay positive and always fight for the next challenge.
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Guest AWS14%

You've misunderstood my point. I was merely trying to encourage those who believe their chances rest on a cookie cutter ESR with every qual or wicket to stand a chance. By no means was I saying to not write your eval to the precepts, (I did). By no means was I saying to not continue to make yourself competitive by completing things like the JPME AND PPME, (I am). My point is that every Sailor's career is different, so trust that the Master Chiefs and Senior Chiefs on the board recognize that. SOY and EP doesn't always equal SSP, there is always more then one way to skin a cat. Take my words as you will, but for the rest, stay positive and always fight for the next challenge.

Understood, point taken. I appreciate the reply and I love the feedback on the forum. Lots of motivation! The differing opinions really make it interesting.

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