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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

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Guest Chief Guns

I thought it was practically impossible to get selected unless you had those. Thats good to hear because I have never had a SOY and that was really bringing me down!

I was never SOY or SOQ. Never was even nominated at least from what i can remember. Spent 7 years as FCPO before i picked up GMC in 2013. Besides my xfer evals, never got a EP on periodic evals. Was always MP. BUT.......my write ups was on point ,and my breakouts were good. And i was never below the CO's summary group average. Below are my breakouts as a FCPO. I am living proof you don't gotta be #1 EP to make Chief.


Nov 2006........No breakout. First eval as a FCPO.

Nov 2007........#7 of 22 MP Periodic.

Nov 2008........#6 of 24 MP Periodic.

Apr 2009.........#2 of 27 EP XFER if ranked today.

Nov 2009........No breakout. Promotable. New on board.

Nov 2010........#15 of 54 MP Periodic.

Nov 2011........#11 of 47 MP Periodic.

Apr  2012........# 3 of 42 EP XFER if ranked today.

Nov 2012........# 4 of 18 MP Periodic. Six Months on board at new command. Kicked major butt those first six months onboard.

Made GMC Summer 2013. Fifth time up.


Went on a one day def to Pax River seen Selectee gear all over the NEX!  Gave me chills.  My chief was like why don't you go ahead and buy you a shirt ! lol   

Guest Riverine Rat

Don't do it!!! Yeah, you may pick up Chief quicker as a CRF, but you will miss out on being a Chief in the Fleet.  I thought about it for about 5 minutes, then decided, IYAOYAS...  Plus we had a guy make chief after the riverines and promoted to Senior first time up!  Before making the decision to go CRF, talk to some of the fleet Chief's in the NRD Mess and see what they have to say about it.  I talked to one Chief who went CRF and picked up Chief right away, but she said it sucks.  She can only do a couple of things... DLCPO, ACR, CR or training teams.  She expressed some regret that she didn't stay in rate because she could have gone anywhere in the world as a fleet Chief and is now very limited on what she can do.  If you LOVE recruiting and production, then more power to you, but if you are having doubts... Call your old CPO's in your community and talk to some fleet Chief's in your NRD before making a decision...

I am not recurring right now and not converting to make chief. My main reason for converting is to be home more with my family. My daughters are having a hard time with all my deployments. I joined the navy to travel and see the world before they where born, but now that they are in my life, they are my life. My wife was the one who talked me into converting and I did enjoy recruiting. I enjoyed being a riverine even more but that path is no more. Coastal Riverines is not Riverines (story for another time)

Guest Riverine Rat

I agree that CRF is not the way to go.  If you have ever had the chance to experience that community at work you will see that yes you can promote but, at what cost?  In my opinion the CRF community is the most cut throat community in the Navy.  I also believe that 99% of the people that convert to CRF do it for the wrong reasons, they all claim it is because they enjoy helping people but, in the end it all comes down to not wanting to do what Sailors are trained to do and that is go out on a ship and deploy when their number is called.  I agree that you need to talk to some fleet chief's before making that huge decision.  The other thing to factor in is how long you would have been on recruiting duty before retirement.

OSC, I see your point of view but not everyone is running away from sea duty for the reason you may think. I enjoy deployments and always have had a great time traveling the world and going someplace new. Part of the reason we all join I think. My choice is for my family. If I can still stay in our great Navy and make a difference shaping our future by sharing my knowledge with those future sailors and at he same time be able to come home to my family every night then why wouldn't I. I love my wife and kids more then anything and the best part of CRF is being able to be home more with them. Now I know working hours get long and time away is still going to happen, but it's not 6,7,8,9 months away or back to back deployments and I miss our on a year and half of my daughters life at one go. We all have our reasons on why we make our choices. Not all are running away from being a sailor and our obligation. With all respect Chief didn't want to sound like a rant.


Correct me if I'm wrong here guys, but your civilian degree will never make it into OMPF, except mention of it in your eval and a copy of your official transcript if you're lucky.

As far as FLTMPS is concerned, they stopped recording degree info a few years ago. Both of my entries actually disappeared from FLTMPS after this change.

The easiest way to get a new degree added (to all the places it can be) is by following the directions for updating your SMART transcript - or whatever we call it now.

Which makes me think of a question about LTBs and record review in the tank; If your degree is listed on an evaluation outside the standard timeframe being considered by the board, how will they see it? I've heard everything from include a copy of your transcript, old eval, etc - to "the board looks for degrees in your record, don't send anything."

It's too early/late here, my neurons are on a 24 spec lib.


My AS and BA are both in my OMPF. They populated there automatically after I sent my transcript to the VEC. A pdf of my transcript was then added. Make sure you get your degree to the VEC after you have graduated! Hope this helps and good luck.

Guest DeepSeaND

I thought it was practically impossible to get selected unless you had those. Thats good to hear because I have never had a SOY and that was really bringing me down!

What's up Fellow Deep Sea!! As for the SOY thing... The way it was explained to me is that it's not a must but it definitely helps. I know plenty of NDC's that never had SOY. I got lucky this year and made it as a NAVSEA SOY Finalist. And I'm 50/50 if I'll make it. A NDCM I was talking to said " congrats your a shoe in". I said whoaaaaa whoaaaaa. If there is a "high level" soy to NOT make it.. That'll be me with my luck.


I completely agree because I know many chiefs that have never been SOY or SOQ and they are wearing khaki's now.  Do not let that be a factor that gets you down.

Its true. I never been SOY or SOQ and I got picked up. It is not all about awards, it is about how you lead your sailors

Guest AZ_08

Correct me if I'm wrong here guys, but your civilian degree will never make it into OMPF, except mention of it in your eval and a copy of your official transcript if you're lucky.

As far as FLTMPS is concerned, they stopped recording degree info a few years ago. Both of my entries actually disappeared from FLTMPS after this change.

The easiest way to get a new degree added (to all the places it can be) is by following the directions for updating your SMART transcript - or whatever we call it now.

Which makes me think of a question about LTBs and record review in the tank; If your degree is listed on an evaluation outside the standard timeframe being considered by the board, how will they see it? I've heard everything from include a copy of your transcript, old eval, etc - to "the board looks for degrees in your record, don't send anything."

It's too early/late here, my neurons are on a 24 spec lib.

Guest AZ_08

It takes a while for your transcripts to make it to your OMPF, but they do. They also updated my PSR, ESR, ETJ, And JST. Here's what you have to do:


Sailor/Marine must:

1. Have OFFICIAL transcript sent from institution directly to JST OPS:


ATTN: JST Operations Center, N615

6490 Saufley Field Road

Pensacola, FL 32509

Sailor/Marine must contact the Joint Services Transcript Operations Center (JST OPS) advising them that he/she is having an official transcript mailed to JST OPS directly from the academic institution for the purpose of adding the degree/certification to JST/SMART. Sailor/Marine provides JST OPS with his/her name; Last Four of SSN and either their e-mail or phone number so that the individual can be reached should there be any questions. Sailor/Marine should fax this information to JST OPS DSN: 753-5694, Comm: (850) 473-5694, or e-mail jst@doded.mil.

Guest Squidly

My AS and BA are both in my OMPF. They populated there automatically after I sent my transcript to the VEC. A pdf of my transcript was then added. Make sure you get your degree to the VEC after you have graduated! Hope this helps and good luck.

Yeah, I was trying to say diploma vs transcript. Diploma will never be there, transcripts - yes.

AZ_08, that's the procedure I was trying to refer to. Thanks for putting it on here for others to reference.

It was a long 22 hour day yesterday, my brain was in limp mode.

Guest OneOftheCommonFolk

Been a lurker for a long time! Hoping for that coveted "s" along with so many others! Good luck to all and thanks for the add!

Guest ETV(SS)

Nuke or cone?


Guest ETV(SS)

The good thing about sub guys is their path to advancement is VERY clear cut and dry. If you have documented your in-rate quals and qualified what's expected of you (i.e. Chief of the Watch for E-7, Dive for E-8, you will make it...your evals reflect on how fast or slow you make it) I made the assumption you are not a back aft Sailor with the Chief of the Watch and Dive quals. Sub guys have the most clear cut path to advancement I've ever seen. My disclaimer is I've never worked with the "team" guys.


Only issue is, I was onboard a Virginia sub. We don't have CoW quals. Pilot and co-pilot were our senior quals, but as a 1st class I was not allowed to qualify it. So another reason I doubt I'll be seeing an "S"....

Guest kaput


Well at least you dont have EWS in your way. I was a nuke once upon a time, good luck!


Hey all! So I briefly posted yesterday a generic good luck to all and I felt it wasn’t enough. I attended a retirement ceremony yesterday for a Master Chief that I worked for that impacted me profoundly. It was at that ceremony that I had to pause for a minute when at the end I heard the chiefs mess..."NAVY CHIEFS! NAVY PRIDE! You have all heard it and it really resounded with me. I’ll give you an example, the other day I needed a dust cover made for a casualty power terminal and I called the PR1 asked if we could get it done and clear the ZIDL that we had from the zone inspection. I got "sorry man cant help you" now I understand that there are channels to go through maybe I could have put in a job and waited a week or so and then had one made but I like to stay ahead of things and something like ZIDLs can get us off the radar quick so I called my Chief. He called the PRC then called me back..."MM1 it’ll be ready in an hour." I know its a little thing but man the brotherhood, the backup, the closeness I want it all I know that as leaders we all have the same goal and that’s to get the ship underway and do our job but a lot of others ask what’s in it for me too much I feel like. Being a chief is all I have ever wanted. I will get to wear my grandfather’s anchors and he pretty much raised me and has always been the go to guy for anything I needed I have always respected and admired the chief and always will. Ideally we would all be chiefs and Get underway! In the offing knoweth ye that hand over fist I will fight hard & fast! So batten down the hatches because between the devil and the deep blue sea I will deliver more than a shot across the bow! (You big dummy) good ones but the reality is we won’t all make it right away. so in closing I will continue to post and be supportive and if I make it... ooohhhhh if I make it I will work to make the chiefs name what its always been in my eyes and that’s a no nonsense deckplate leader!


Hello everyboy, I have been lurking on this site for a good long while now and finally had to join up. I just wanted to wish everybody the best of luck and that you get the coveted "S" that we are all hoping to get once the results are released. Enjoy your free time while you still have it as soon we might all be busy transitioning to the greatest mess there is. 

Guest AWFChief

Hello everyboy, I have been lurking on this site for a good long while now and finally had to join up. I just wanted to wish everybody the best of luck and that you get the coveted "S" that we are all hoping to get once the results are released. Enjoy your free time while you still have it as soon we might all be busy transitioning to the greatest mess there is. 


Welcome! and good luck to you as well

Guest FMF 2nd Award

I’ll give you an example, the other day I needed a dust cover made for a casualty power terminal and I called the PR1 asked if we could get it done and clear the ZIDL that we had from the zone inspection. I got "sorry man cant help you" now I understand that there are channels to go through maybe I could have put in a job and waited a week or so and then had one made but I like to stay ahead of things and something like ZIDLs can get us off the radar quick so I called my Chief. He called the PRC then called me back..."MM1 it’ll be ready in an hour."

OK so I have a few issues with this and it is something I have experienced personally. Some times the FCPO community can be cut throat and brothers and sisters try to cut each other off at the knees hoping to be that #1 EP or SOY. That E6 you tried to help you out meet your mission is a lot of what's wrong with our community. Yes there are processes and procedures in place but replying "sorry man I can't help you" and leaving it at that is completely unacceptable. The way I look at it when it comes to being competitive, you are not competing against your fellow first in your command, you are competing against the rest of Navy. So instead of competing against each other, use and support each other to accomplish your mission and take care of your Sailors. Let's say we have 3 PO1s in a command. One is the CCC, the other is the ESO, and the other is an LPO. If the three build each other up and support each other in performing their duties the best possible way they can't be anything other than successful. Yes due to force distribution one is going to be EP, one MP and a P. But when your write up shows that kind of commitment to mission accomplishment, teamwork, and Sailors the board will see that. Those three can possibly end up being the top CCC, ESO and LPO in the entire Navy simply because they can depend on each other and I think that, counts more than 100 NAMs and SOY 4 years in a row. Just my rant, not putting anyone down, but when have you ever witnessed the Chief's mess compete with each other, I haven't, but they sure a heck support each other.


OK so I have a few issues with this and it is something I have experienced personally. Some times the FCPO community can be cut throat and brothers and sisters try to cut each other off at the knees hoping to be that #1 EP or SOY. That E6 you tried to help you out meet your mission is a lot of what's wrong with our community. Yes there are processes and procedures in place but replying "sorry man I can't help you" and leaving it at that is completely unacceptable. The way I look at it when it comes to being competitive, you are not competing against your fellow first in your command, you are competing against the rest of Navy. So instead of competing against each other, use and support each other to accomplish your mission and take care of your Sailors. Let's say we have 3 PO1s in a command. One is the CCC, the other is the ESO, and the other is an LPO. If the three build each other up and support each other in performing their duties the best possible way they can't be anything other than successful. Yes due to force distribution one is going to be EP, one MP and a P. But when your write up shows that kind of commitment to mission accomplishment, teamwork, and Sailors the board will see that. Those three can possibly end up being the top CCC, ESO and LPO in the entire Navy simply because they can depend on each other and I think that, counts more than 100 NAMs and SOY 4 years in a row. Just my rant, not putting anyone down, but when have you ever witnessed the Chief's mess compete with each other, I haven't, but they sure a heck support each other.

Thats what im saying Chiefs are like boxer briefs...they are all support! i try, if i have the resources, to help out a fellow first but there isnt always the reciprocity which is unfortunate.


Chiefs are like boxer briefs...they are all support!

I'm speechless, honestly at a loss for words....Chiefs=Briefs....ROFL

I'm speechless, honestly at a loss for words....Chiefs=Briefs....ROFL

it wasnt meant to be mean or anything no disrespect was intended

Guest Chief Guns

it wasnt meant to be mean or anything no disrespect was intended

I don't think Senior took it as disrespect. I sure didn't. Kinda funny. But can we Chiefs at least be the Duluth boxer briefs. I bought a pair. Super comfy LMAO.


First Post of the Season.  Good Luck Brothers and Sisters!!!


I don't think Senior took it as disrespect. I sure didn't. Kinda funny. But can we Chiefs at least be the Duluth boxer briefs. I bought a pair. Super comfy LMAO.

you aint lyin my wife bought me a few pairs...changed my life. When i read he was speechless my heart sank i was scared he thought i was being disrespectful.

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