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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

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Guest Finallyamember

what model do you have?

Eh. Can't add pic. Scr3310. We finally figured out that the MacBook has to be partitioned for windows to get it to work, but can't be bothered.


Eh. Can't add pic. Scr3310. We finally figured out that the MacBook has to be partitioned for windows to get it to work, but can't be bothered.


Agree, that is a pretty drastic step!


Good luck to the future of the mess. For those of you who earn your Anchors this year, remember that there are those who've yet to earn theirs, be respectful of them when you are in a celebratory mood upon hearing the results.

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Guest kaput

Hi everyone. This is my second time going through this process and for the life of me I can not figure out why the board still uses OMPF as the source for your records...

From what I understand, the precise reasons for which you dislike OMPF are the very reasons they use it. It is heavily scrutinized and regulated and cannot be modified outside of PERS direct control. It is slow, but there are avenues. One way that served me very well this year was connecting with records management personnel at an actual servicing PSD location.

Also, and this is just the way it is, between April (Officer board season) and July (CPO board season with MCPO and SCPO in between) that the single digit man team in Millington is way backlogged and forced to prioritize. There are also electronic submission avenues that your Admin/Personnel office has available to them for specific documents. I am at home on a cell so I don't know the instruction off of the top of my head that spells that out, but it does state which exact forms can be submitted that way.

I wish you the best of luck brother/sister... I got my record 99.9% done between Nov and March with barely any delay and using snail mail at that. Let me know if I can help come Monday.

Guest FMF 2nd Award

Also, and this is just the way it is, between April (Officer board season) and July (CPO board season with MCPO and SCPO in between) that the single digit man team in Millington is way backlogged and forced to prioritize. There are also electronic submission avenues that your Admin/Personnel office has available to them for specific documents. I am at home on a cell so I don't know the instruction off of the top of my head that spells that out, but it does state which exact forms can be submitted that way.

Makes sense I guess. Thank you for the information. Unfortunately for me, I never been stationed where there's a large/competent PSD.Mitsubishi usually one PSC with the "special cases" from a different rate working for him/her. If you are able to provide the details on how to get that done, I think fy17 might just be my time.

Guest ETV(SS)

Just checking in. Patiently waiting on results. Actually not stressing it too much as I am pretty confident I will NOT be seeing the "S" this year. Only at my 8 year mark, did not complete JPME/PPME, and last 2 evals were a P and an MP due to my transfer. I do have LPO at sea, Associates Degree, JSOY, SOY, all EPs before transfer, and a successful recruiting tour billet under my belt (still recruiting), but don't feel like that will be enough.... Good luck to everyone!

Guest kaput

Makes sense I guess. Thank you for the information. Unfortunately for me, I never been stationed where there's a large/competent PSD.Mitsubishi usually one PSC with the "special cases" from a different rate working for him/her. If you are able to provide the details on how to get that done, I think fy17 might just be my time.

Nah, I'm sure the board recognized your letter as a valid document. I am also very sure that many a FCPO put on anchors without a single college class. FY16 may very well be your year! Every year is my year, until I'm told it isn't, and that is how I have looked at the last five as I am looking at this one now! Good luck!

Guest kaput

Just checking in. Patiently waiting on results. Actually not stressing it too much as I am pretty confident I will NOT be seeing the "S" this year. Only at my 8 year mark, did not complete JPME/PPME, and last 2 evals were a P and an MP due to my transfer. I do have LPO at sea, Associates Degree, JSOY, SOY, all EPs before transfer, and a successful recruiting tour billet under my belt (still recruiting), but don't feel like that will be enough.... Good luck to everyone!

Nuke or cone?


Hi everyone. This is my second time going through this process and for the life of me I can not figure out why the board still uses OMPF as the source for your records. I have tried to update my OMPF for the last 3 years with little luck. A perfect example of why I think the board should start utilizing NSIPS to review records: I completed my degree March of this year, but because my graduation was not going to take place until June 12th I was unable to include that in my package. I did however manage to get a letter from the school saying that I have completed all the requirements and will be awarded my BA on 12 June, after the LTBS were due. I included that but I don't know if the board member would accept it and consider it. So on June 12th I requested my transcript to get sent out and by the 22nd of June my degree was reflected on FLTMPS, NSIPS, ESR, and JST no such luck with OMPF tho. Only reason I can think off why the board still us uses OMPF is because they can read your actual eval write ups, which I think can be easily done with NSIPS. Has anyone else run into this problem or is there anyone that can give a legitimate reason why the boards haven't moved away from OMPF, which never seems to be accurate?


OMPF is your official personnel file.  That is why they use the OMPF.  FLTMPS, NSIPS, etc. can be modified by a lot of different users, but your OMPF can only be modified through official channels.  I suggest that you review record briefs or contact 1866UASKNPC.  Each issue with your OMPF can be resolved with certain Pers departments and you usually have to ask Pers which way to go with each issue.  For instance, I had a duplicate award in my OMPF, all I had to do was send and email to a specific email address with the info that they requested, but NPC walked me through the whole process.  I had a gap in my eval because it had a date backward and I had to submit a letter through TOPS, which never got fixed in the OMPF, but did fix the continuity report.  Either way, whatever correspondence you send, should be included as an enclosure to your LTB until your OMPF reflects it.  

Guest kaput

OMPF is your official personnel file. That is why they use the OMPF. FLTMPS, NSIPS, etc. can be modified by a lot of different users, but your OMPF can only be modified through official channels. I suggest that you review record briefs or contact 1866UASKNPC. Each issue with your OMPF can be resolved with certain Pers departments and you usually have to ask Pers which way to go with each issue. For instance, I had a duplicate award in my OMPF, all I had to do was send and email to a specific email address with the info that they requested, but NPC walked me through the whole process. I had a gap in my eval because it had a date backward and I had to submit a letter through TOPS, which never got fixed in the OMPF, but did fix the continuity report. Either way, whatever correspondence you send, should be included as an enclosure to your LTB until your OMPF reflects it. Also, I don't think your degree is going to be added to your OMPF? I am not sure on this but, you may have to document it in your eval for the board to see it. Your LTB was what you should have used to communicate that your completed your degree. One of your enclosures should have been your transcripts from your school and you could have explained what you just did for us in your LTB. I know this is a little late, but did you talk to your CPO Mess about this?

He did, and your official transcript with completed degree is entered in OMPF and reflected on PSR. Thanks for the assist Ordy!

Do I have any other Rats out there's? Feelin kind of alone but good to see some AO's out there. Also I am currently in the process of crossing over to the dark side and go CRF. I have a lot going on right now and this forum and everyone on here helps the days go by. Praying everyone who is ready gets the "S" good luck all.

Don't do it!!! Yeah, you may pick up Chief quicker as a CRF, but you will miss out on being a Chief in the Fleet.  I thought about it for about 5 minutes, then decided, IYAOYAS...  Plus we had a guy make chief after the riverines and promoted to Senior first time up!  Before making the decision to go CRF, talk to some of the fleet Chief's in the NRD Mess and see what they have to say about it.  I talked to one Chief who went CRF and picked up Chief right away, but she said it sucks.  She can only do a couple of things... DLCPO, ACR, CR or training teams.  She expressed some regret that she didn't stay in rate because she could have gone anywhere in the world as a fleet Chief and is now very limited on what she can do.  If you LOVE recruiting and production, then more power to you, but if you are having doubts... Call your old CPO's in your community and talk to some fleet Chief's in your NRD before making a decision...


He did, and your official transcript with completed degree is entered in OMPF and reflected on PSR. Thanks for the assist Ordy!

Oh.. I misread that.  I thought I read that he didn't get the letter until after the LTB's were due.  Good stuff, thanks for clarifying the degree OMPF input.  I was wondering about that because I will be finishing my BS next year.  Thanks Kaput!


Just checking in. Patiently waiting on results. Actually not stressing it too much as I am pretty confident I will NOT be seeing the "S" this year. Only at my 8 year mark, did not complete JPME/PPME, and last 2 evals were a P and an MP due to my transfer. I do have LPO at sea, Associates Degree, JSOY, SOY, all EPs before transfer, and a successful recruiting tour billet under my belt (still recruiting), but don't feel like that will be enough.... Good luck to everyone!

The good thing about sub guys is their path to advancement is VERY clear cut and dry. If you have documented your in-rate quals and qualified what's expected of you (i.e. Chief of the Watch for E-7, Dive for E-8, you will make it...your evals reflect on how fast or slow you make it) I made the assumption you are not a back aft Sailor with the Chief of the Watch and Dive quals. Sub guys have the most clear cut path to advancement I've ever seen. My disclaimer is I've never worked with the "team" guys.

I would like to apologize for my inservitude and discombubulation yesterday. I apologize to you the member, the Pope, our CNP, the Duke of York and also the seaman I insulted too. 
Please let me explain.
I had a cow once and she was a milker. But one day I decided to trade her in. You see, I wanted chocolate milk. Well I did I tell you, I traded my champion milker so I could get one that produces chocolate milk. Now I know what you all are going to say, and yes I should have known better, so you probably know the rest of the story. Cows don't make chocolate milk!! BULLS DO!!!! Well now I know and have learned my lesson and learned it well, thank you bow.
Extronculously Yours,
Guest FCC_Thawk

I would like to apologize for my inservitude and discombubulation yesterday. I apologize to you the member, the Pope, our CNP, the Duke of York and also the seaman I insulted too.

Please let me explain.

I had a cow once and she was a milker. But one day I decided to trade her in. You see, I wanted chocolate milk. Well I did I tell you, I traded my champion milker so I could get one that produces chocolate milk. Now I know what you all are going to say, and yes I should have known better, so you probably know the rest of the story. Cows don't make chocolate milk!! BULLS DO!!!! Well now I know and have learned my lesson and learned it well, thank you bow.

Extronculously Yours,



Guest FMF 2nd Award

OMPF is your official personnel file.  That is why they use the OMPF.  FLTMPS, NSIPS, etc. can be modified by a lot of different users, but your OMPF can only be modified through official channels.  I suggest that you review record briefs or contact 1866UASKNPC.  Each issue with your OMPF can be resolved with certain Pers departments and you usually have to ask Pers which way to go with each issue.  For instance, I had a duplicate award in my OMPF, all I had to do was send and email to a specific email address with the info that they requested, but NPC walked me through the whole process.  I had a gap in my eval because it had a date backward and I had to submit a letter through TOPS, which never got fixed in the OMPF, but did fix the continuity report.  Either way, whatever correspondence you send, should be included as an enclosure to your LTB until your OMPF reflects it.

Thanks. I've been able to address Admin errors on my eval and got quite a bit fixed before the board but I guess I fell into that mad rush of submitioms for some of the stuff I identified later. I guess we'll just wit and see.

Guest AlohaChicken

Hey all!

Stalking this forum for the fourth year now, husband is AD, I am just the forum junkie! 

Fingers crossed for my husband to make it this year, but then again so is everyone else.

I am in turn passing all rumor, gossip and innuendo to my friends who also have board eligible spouses. 

Best of luck to you all!

Guest CWO2 RRP 782X

Today was my last day of work before I go on leave. Been hectic at work lately, but this vacation is long overdue and look forward to spending some quality time with the wife. Although this will still be on my mind, it is really out of my hands so what can I do but just enjoy myself right?  Don't worry I am sure I will still find myself poking around here from time to time :)

Guest Squidly

...on June 12th I requested my transcript to get sent out and by the 22nd of June my degree was reflected on FLTMPS, NSIPS, ESR, and JST no such luck with OMPF tho. Only reason I can think off why the board still us uses OMPF is because they can read your actual eval write ups...

Correct me if I'm wrong here guys, but your civilian degree will never make it into OMPF, except mention of it in your eval and a copy of your official transcript if you're lucky.

As far as FLTMPS is concerned, they stopped recording degree info a few years ago. Both of my entries actually disappeared from FLTMPS after this change.

The easiest way to get a new degree added (to all the places it can be) is by following the directions for updating your SMART transcript - or whatever we call it now.

Which makes me think of a question about LTBs and record review in the tank; If your degree is listed on an evaluation outside the standard timeframe being considered by the board, how will they see it? I've heard everything from include a copy of your transcript, old eval, etc - to "the board looks for degrees in your record, don't send anything."

It's too early/late here, my neurons are on a 24 spec lib.

Guest FC1(SW/MTS)

My degree is listed on my PSR part I, which is supposedly looked at by the board, it shows that I have 14 years of education compared to the 12 of someone that does not have their degree.




Years Cert Major


Guest AEGFC87

Correct me if I'm wrong here guys, but your civilian degree will never make it into OMPF, except mention of it in your eval and a copy of your official transcript if you're lucky.

As far as FLTMPS is concerned, they stopped recording degree info a few years ago. Both of my entries actually disappeared from FLTMPS after this change.

The easiest way to get a new degree added (to all the places it can be) is by following the directions for updating your SMART transcript - or whatever we call it now.

Which makes me think of a question about LTBs and record review in the tank; If your degree is listed on an evaluation outside the standard timeframe being considered by the board, how will they see it? I've heard everything from include a copy of your transcript, old eval, etc - to "the board looks for degrees in your record, don't send anything."

It's too early/late here, my neurons are on a 24 spec lib.

A record of my degree made it into my OMPF when I had it submitted.

Guest Squidly


Any way to setup a poll for us to vote on which date our magic 8ball predicts for release?

Would be an interesting metric for this year and going forward. Who knows, 5 years from now these polls could be the one-stop shop for predicting msg release. (Besides the vast wealth of information located here of course)

Just an idea, I have no other theories or scuttlebutt to post.


Trying my best to enjoy the weekend, and get caught up on the almighty "honey-do" list. But the release and results won't leave me alone!!!

Guest Dusten

I thought it was practically impossible to get selected unless you had those. Thats good to hear because I have never had a SOY and that was really bringing me down!

I know more chiefs who haven't been soy than those who have.



Any way to setup a poll for us to vote on which date our magic 8ball predicts for release?

Would be an interesting metric for this year and going forward. Who knows, 5 years from now these polls could be the one-stop shop for predicting msg release. (Besides the vast wealth of information located here of course)

Just an idea, I have no other theories or scuttlebutt to post.


You start a new post, then on the right where it says "Poll", click on the "Manage Poll" and follow the instructions.  :lol:

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