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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

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  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

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Hello everyone this is my first post, this is my so it is my first year up for Chief, I have been in for about 7 years. I have heard a couple people say that only about 10% of people selected for chief can be under 12 years. Is this a true statement or just rumors people are spreading. Thank you.


10 percent according to the instruction as was posted by "we do it with freqs" on page 63. It also has a lot to do with quotas. Some rates are wide open and some are locked up tighter than a drum. Don't sweat it too much, and definitely don't let it discourage you if you don't pick it up your first time up. I had a 7 year and an 8 year in my group. Of course, they were both CTNs, go figure. And then there was me with just a few months shy of 19 years.


But either way, best of luck to you and all eligible candidates. Trust me, we are every bit as excited about the results as you are... *evil grin*


Well I guess we have to wait til atleast Monday since it would be wrong for results to come out on the weekend...


I am calling for the 28th... hope everyone is ready


I lke the Triad's being notified first. If the seperation were greater than 1 day I might have my disagreements with it. If I do get selected I would prefer to be notified by my COC rather than someone outside of my command. Then I could tell those I want to outside of it, especially those who helped me get to that point in my career, as well as family and friends.  

Guest Squidly

Does everyone like the release method with Triad being notified a day prior to actual public notification?

I thought the triad always knew first, excepting underway notifications where the person trolling message traffic technically knew first. I think it's the way it should be. The CoC should be the one notifying selectees, to me it means more to get that phone call or handshake than to get an IM or read about it on social media.

Guest Squidly

While we're all waiting, here's another anecdotal observation...

I saw TDY orders for reservists late Friday to show up here, locally, on 3 Aug. Each one of the orders were for shipmates who've already been notified of their selection.

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Guest Dusten

I find it interesting that around this time last year this forum was at about page 65 and here we are again right around page 65. I think majority of the guesswork or anticipating when the results will be released has subsided with the way the results are released now. Does everyone like the release method with Triad being notified a day prior to actual public notification?


Guest Blondie

I find it interesting that around this time last year this forum was at about page 65 and here we are again right around page 65.  I think majority of the guesswork or anticipating when the results will be released has subsided with the way the results are released now.  Does everyone like the release method with Triad being notified a day prior to actual public notification?

I think if they could get it smoothed out it would be a great process.  Unfortunately last year my command was messed up.  Although the CO contacted everyone who had been selected, all us "eligibles" heard was that some people had been called.  Some departments made an effort to contact those who had not been selected so that they wouldn't have to be waiting on pins and needles until they got the bad news through social media 24 hours later; other departments did not.  Some departments made an effort to contact all of their non-selectees and failed to speak with them all.  That left those of us who had heard nothing in a lot of confusion.  And then when we finally thought it was all over, word came out that the CO was still making calls.  It was pretty agonizing to say the least.  All in all I think it is a great idea, but with the way it was executed last year I would have preferred just waiting another 24 hours and finding out for myself if I had made the grade or not.

Guest Blondie

While we're all waiting, here's another anecdotal observation...

I saw TDY orders for reservists late Friday to show up here, locally, on 3 Aug. Each one of the orders were for shipmates who've already been notified of their selection.

Now that is some good gouge.

Guest Tincan_OS

So I have a buddy on the Selres side, he got the call that he got the"S"...come to find out a little while later, the command called him back and said there had been a mistake...seems they called everyone on the list assuming they were all selected...command forgot about the "s" and the "N"'s....how messed up is that???

Guest Sardog007

I thought the triad always knew first, excepting underway notifications where the person trolling message traffic technically knew first. I think it's the way it should be. The CoC should be the one notifying selectees, to me it means more to get that phone call or handshake than to get an IM or read about it on social media.

I agree. Since they started this wholeTriad notification method, they will be the ones knowing first. (Besides Millington & any leaks).  I like it this way too and I hope the Navy sticks with it, at least you'll know what to expect. Unlike previous years, when you would find out once on BOL, then the next year your profile sheet then on ** Please read the guidelines **.  Finding out you didn't make it by any other means was an upset. So, I'm all for this method.  


Now, I'm not so sure that I will get the "S" this year due to a resent rate change, but I like to keep an open mind...

Guest Sardog007

I agree. Since they started this wholeTriad notification method, they will be the ones knowing first. (Besides Millington & any leaks).  I like it this way too and I hope the Navy sticks with it, at least you'll know what to expect. Unlike previous years, when you would find out once on BOL, then the next year your profile sheet then on ** Please read the guidelines **.  Finding out you didn't make it by any other means was an upset. So, I'm all for this method.  


Now, I'm not so sure that I will get the "S" this year due to a resent rate change, but I like to keep an open mind...

Sorry Tony! I apologize It won't happen again!


Just wondering if anyone knows exactly how the Triads are notified? NMCI email? Does that go through the squadron radio men to be disseminated? I'm just making convo at this point.


It's BOL as explained to me. When Triad logs in they are able to see the results because they have a different access level which is higher. Then, that same database is made view-able to the public 24hrs  later.

This forum has the same functions where there are other sections that are view-able to respected and trusted members but no one else can see them. Also members can enter the "Mentor" section but not lurkers (the public).


Also, there is a classified version of the admin message (has the ssn) and the public (does not have the ssn). 


Got it but what tell the COC to log into BOL that day...?


So far as I know they announce when the results will be released to Triad, then the public. I think it's a public announcement but before the public announcements, I am not sure. For the life of me I cannot remember the office and I should cuz' I got in a fight with them but that's what I know. 


I have been on leave for the past two weeks and I tell you that it has been two of the worst weeks of my life, constantly thinking about my package and the one mishap when i was a second class 4 years ago, I am probably not going to get selected which I am anticipating I just want the results to come out so I can rest easier


Don't give up hope, but also don't ignore your mishap.  The precepts state something to the effect of "avoiding zero-defect mentality".  The board doesn't mind seeing Sailors stumble...IF it means those Sailors learn something from the experience.  PRT failure leading to becoming a CFL, DUI leading to assisting Command DAPA by conducting X number of Indoc speeches, a Pg 13 for gundecking followed by becoming a 3MA/3MC; all of those reflect ownership of the mistake by the Sailor, learning from it, and helping to educate their shipmates to avoid those same errors in judgement.  If you don't get selected this year, don't just wait a couple more years for it to be outside the 5yr mark...do something about it now!


Going into my 3rd week of leave, and decided to check the status of the board.  From the couple pages I browsed looks like it's the waiting game now.  I didn't read through all the posts, but I see people predicting the 28th, and I even saw a first week of August.  One person said they didn't think they would sit on the results for over 2 weeks, but they sat on them for a while last year.  I don't remember how long, but I do know that it was at least over a week before they even came out with a release date for them.  Honestly for the chain letting you know "S" or "N" doesn't really matter to me.  For me it's 5th time board eligible on 6 attempts.  2 of them automatic eligible's for IA's missed board the first test I took.  My division chief is the only one who talked to me about not making board as he had to do a CDB for it.  My 2nd IA chiefs mess did CDB's with those who didn't pick it up.  Other than that I've heard nothing about not making it from any of my chain of commands, and to be honest I kinda prefer it that way.  I got 2 more tries after this because my last year in I'll hit HYT the same month the board convenes so not really worth taking the test.

Guest Squidly

I seem to remember reading that there will not be another CPO heritage week for selectees held aboard Old Ironsides this year, but I cannot seem to find that article. It makes sense that she won't be hosting selectees for the next couple of years because she's in dry dock.

Does anyone else remember this?


I seem to remember reading that there will not be another CPO heritage week for selectees held aboard Old Ironsides this year, but I cannot seem to find that article. It makes sense that she won't be hosting selectees for the next couple of years because she's in dry dock.

Does anyone else remember this?

CONSTITUTION is in drydock this year.


To all the FCPO's out there looking to make Chief, Take care of your Sailors!! Above all that's what's gonna get you to the next level. Cause you won't make Chief without your Sailors. Every Sailor that ever worked for me is the reason i am a Chief today. And i made sure to reach out to them and thank them when i was a SELECTEE. At least the ones i could find and track down. And don't take care of your Sailors cause you have to being in a LPO/WCS position, do it cause you WANT to. Your Sailors know the difference. My Anchors are my Sailors Anchors. Cause i wouldn't have them without the Sailors who accepted me and allowed me to Lead them as their LPO. Also try to get away from the "Check in the box" mentality. Drives me crazy to hear FCPO's say they have all the boxes checked. Chief is more than a rank. It's a way of life. Also be careful using the terms acting LCPO. I used to say that all the time when i was GM1 thinking it made me sound cool and super important. Until i made it and realized i had know idea what i was talking about or what being a LCPO is really all about lol. Good luck to each and every one of you!! I pray that all of you will have the honor of seeing your name on that exclusive list in a few short weeks. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me anytime. NAVY CHIEF NAVY PRIDE!!!!!!!!

I appreciate you saying this. this is exactly what I live by, I feel that the only way I will be successful is if lead my Sailors and they become successful. My peers joke around with me all the time because I always say I'm here for the Sailors, but I honestly believe that. The only thing that sucks is that the day to day leading and the commitment you have to your Sailors isn't always seen especially with sub par leadership. But I suck it up and keep leading them regardless. I tell them all the time I made first so that's a guaranteed retirement for me, I want you to get where I am at in a faster time, more knowledge, and without making the mistakes I did. With that being said I still strive to make Chief and possibly Warrant after that. But that only comes after I ensure my Sailors are set up for success. Its my first time up, hopefully I get selected and I'm on that list. If not the grind continues.

Guest AEGFC87

While we're all waiting, here's another anecdotal observation...

I saw TDY orders for reservists late Friday to show up here, locally, on 3 Aug. Each one of the orders were for shipmates who've already been notified of their selection.

When did they report last year compared to when Active Duty results were released?

We're having more people than usual register on this forum recently, that's a good thing. With that said, I'd like to remind new registrants, and those that have not done so, to look at the guidelines for smoother sailing while we wait for the results.
Also, feel free to join up now if you are lurking. There may be a time frame, as with past cycles, that the forum closes for new registration because things get too busy.
Guest Squidly

I believe it was two weeks or so into phase II. Definitely doesn't (hasn't) happened in conjunction with the results release.

It's all academic though, she's in the yards until 2018.

Guest osiris0107

I will keep everyone up to date about the results. My CMC said he was going to call because the Mess wanted to have BBQ with us before results and he wants it before the results are released. Good luck to everyone and hope that whether or not you make it, remember we have best job in the world!

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